Steph POV
I tried brushing my hair to at least look moderate human. I even tried applying blush and face powder, for I seemed extremely miserable due to the unstoppable tears finding their escape from my eyes.
I knew my life wouldn't be the same because I had lost a massive part of it.
"A minute," I responded from my bedroom.
The mirror still showed a melancholy terrible-looking reflection. I wasn't ready to go downstairs. I needed some more time, only I've been asking for that, and it never helped. Time didn't heal the pain, neither did it bring back my guardian angel.
I had to accept Finn was gone; he really was gone. And moments we spent together were going to be distant memories only they won't fade, for Finn was everything in my life. Forgetting him was like forgetting who I was.
"Darling, the ice cream's gonna melt," Mom called again. She had been trying to support me through my grief and mostly that it was my birthday, and I had no glee in it.
With a deep breath, I descended the steps to where my mom and some Guardian Angel's workers were surrounding a cake.
Everyone had a smile, something that was missing on my face.
That was how it happened real fast, from blowing the candles and cutting the cake and receiving tons of hugs from everyone before opening the gifts that I wasn't a bit thrilled about. I only wanted to make my worried mom happy.
I wished I could be happy again, but I wasn't, I doubted I would ever be, so when Liam came through the door, I ran to him and held him tight.
"Happy birthday. I'm sorry I missed the blowing of candles." He said, and I shook my head. Actually, he came at the right time. I was losing it.
"Please take me somewhere far from this place," I begged him, and he obliged.
"I almost got him a dog."
"Really?" I asked Liam.
"I didn't get him a birthday present, and you know how he felt about April 20th, so I thought he would prefer it on some different occasion," Liam muttered.
"Like Fourth of July or something."
"Yes, like Fourth of July or something," Liam repeated as we strolled down my street.
"Do you think we could've stopped it?"
"I think it was meant to happen no matter what we do. We can't prevent it." He replied quietly.
Exhaling a shaky breath, I asked, "Oh... how's Sharon and Denny holding up?"
When the news broke after Finn got shot, the world picked up. I think Liam told me Sharon spent three days in the hospital.
"They're going to be okay." And then I knew they weren't.
"I missed him." I swallowed and wiped the tears that suddenly escaped.
"Come here." Liam pulled me into his side and stroked my arm as we walked back to my house.
The rest of the day, I spent it on the couch staring at nothing in particular. My eyes kept filling up with tears constantly.
Mom had taken a day off on my birthday, so she was home to give me love and moral support. She knew how hard it was for me.
When the news broke about FH's death-mom was grateful that residents could live in peace, but when I told her it was Finn, and I thought she was going to overreact and portray him in a different way, mom told me she believed him and whatever he did was for the best, I've even caught her crying several times.
The doorbell went off for almost a minute before mom yelled my name from the entranceway.
I pushed my almost dead body to where she was.
"I think it's yours." Mom told me.
There was a husky man standing by the door.
"You only have to sign here." He darts to a space on the paper, and I oblige faintly. "Okay, it's done, here." He held out a small box, and I collected.
Opening the box, I found a key, a car key, and a small note.
With trembling fingers, I opened the tiny card.
"I'm sure Brandy would be stunned... drive safe and happy birthday. Yours! Finn Hayes."
I was half paralyzed, half alive, when I slowly stepped out of my entrance door.
I exhaled a laugh between my tears at the sight of a white Acura NSX parked in my driveway.
I felt mom's arms around my shoulders when my eyes fell on Brandy by her doorway, giving me a thumbs up.
Liam POV
I never wanted to rewind time the way I wanted at that moment.
My parents broke the news to me-and even virtually a month later, I haven't discussed about Finn with them.
The thing is, the news never mentioned Finn's full name or his picture or background, it only confirmed the death of FH at the Masons when he returned to capture the detective daughter once again, but my parents were smart and quick to connect the dots.
I was grateful they respected my feelings, for I was broken, and talking about it was only going to make it worst.
Finn and I grew up together; we've been friends for the longest time. Losing him-I didn't know how to handle it.
It had been my biggest fear, yet it happened.
At first, I spent a week getting wasted until Steph threw a fit and reminded me of the reason why I should be strong.
I was trying, but it was hard when everywhere I went around campus felt like people were looking at me or pointing when the truth was no one knew FH was Finn Hayes.
Not that I'd care if I earned the eyes of the universe but watching the young people around school only reminds me how much time Finn should have had.
He was twenty, and throughout those years, he spent them in pain and distress.
He was good even though not everyone knew or saw that truth.
But I had hope in him; he was nice, kind, and polite to those that deserved it. He was a friend, a brother, and a son. I couldn't be more than grateful for having him in my life, even though it was for a short period of time.
Losing him; It was hard to socialize again, a lot had wanted to know me-make friends with me, I mean for the name of my family, but nothing was going to replace or patch the loss in my heart.
I've been hanging on my own for a month now. I've spent some time with Steph, but afterward, I hide back in my car, watching the city until midnight, that way-I could remember the memories of the boy who made my childhood beautiful.
"This project should be teamwork. You could pair yourselves in many groups, two people per one." Professor Booth announced and left the hall.
There were murmurs around as I started heading to the door, but I stopped when I spotted Hannah shoving her belonging in her backpack with her head inclined.
I shook mine and turned to the door even though something in me reminded me it was my chance to talk to her.
What was the use? I can't pretend I was happy anymore. So walking out was the best chance of letting myself feel the pain.
Only I knew Finn would've been disappointed if I told him I walked away.
"Hey?" I was down the stairs when I finally swirled to find her descending from it.
"Liam, right?" She quizzically asked, and I froze until the Finn in me kicked my belly.
"Yes." I swallowed and nodded as my nerves ignited to her beautiful smile.
I've actually pushed my hair back more than three times.
"I think everyone had a partner. I'd be screwed if you tell me you do too." She said while her dimples moved with every word.
My heart almost disconnected from its socket.
Talking to girls was something I wasn't good at; if not Steph and relatives of mine, I don't think I've ever sat and spent a good five minutes with any female, so it was hard for me doing it with Hannah even though I've been crushing on her since freshmen year.
"I am... I-I don't have a partner." I cleared my throat, and she smiled.
"So, how would we start? Let's stop by the cafe and grab some coffee before then." She suggested and jerked her head to the door, gesturing for me to follow.
It was the first day I smiled since I lost my other half.
Denny POV
Nothing hurt more than losing a child. Finn might not be my biological son, but he was my world, and when I heard the news-I knew I was never going to be the same.
I didn't only have to look after myself for I had to go through blood pressure but also Sharon, she went unconscious for days. She had been blaming and hating on me for not protecting Finn when I had the chance.
But God knew I tried; I never thought he was plotting to avenge his parents until the year he captured Mason's daughter. Finn was a good kid. He deserved so much better, I knew the world would disagree with me, but I knew him. I knew he was more concerned about saving innocent lives; he was always donating, building, and cheering the poor.
He was just like his father, and I would never be able to forgive myself for failing him.
So on the third day when Sharon didn't wake up, I went insane that when Blake told me he spoke with Justin and Samuel and Cheryl Mason was in Bolingbrook-I didn't hesitate to follow those men and head to the town.
I thought vengeance was the answer; I wanted to give Nate Mason the pain that he had caused to a lot of people.
The lake house was the same; only it lacked the enthusiasm around it. Even the birds and ducks had disappeared, and everywhere was just quiet when we all barged inside the house without a knock.
I wasn't a killer, I've never hurt anyone, but I wanted to hurt her. She was the reason for all that happened. She deserved to die too.
That was the only way I could survive.
Our unexpected arrival frightened her that she promptly began to run towards the staircase, but I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her backward until she landed hard on the floor.
She looked pale; she was corpse-like, but who cares? She was evil, daughter to the monsters.
"You did all this. You killed him." I yelled and grabbed a pistol from one of Finn's men.
"I'm sorry, I loved him." She cried, and it only stung me more, so I pointed the gun at her. I wanted to end her. How could she say she loved him?
Does she know how much I loved him too? He was the only child I ever had and would ever have. She took him away from us.
"Please don't kill me, please. I'm pregnant. Please don't kill me, not yet." She begged, curling herself up as she cried while she pleaded.
I was the monster, I realized.
The thud of the gun colliding with the floor was loud that she flinched and whimpered, but she had no idea I was also broken too.
She was pregnant? She had a Hayes with her.
I felt my whole body slacken, and I couldn't stop myself from helping her shuddering body up. She was scared; she was crying when I sat her on the couch.
I couldn't hurt her anymore because the urge to protect her and the thing in her stomach was too strong.
"I'm sorry."
And with that, I left.
That was how intense grief could be, but luckily on that day, Sharon woke up, and ever since, we've tried visiting Cheryl as much as we could until she accepted we were family and would love her unconditionally.
Cheryl POV
I've become familiar with quiet, for living alone was my new life. I was grateful to Potter and Victoria for coming around and some kind residents of Bolingbrook. Even though some kept calling me witch, some still loved me.
There was not a day I didn't cry myself to sleep, nor was there a day that I didn't smell his clothes. I was slowly dying, and I knew what kept me going was the four-month pregnancy. Because I wanted to see Rose, I want to find love again.
I left Eureka Springs the night my dad pulled the trigger; I couldn't stand the pain of watching Finn's pale and irresponsive body. I ran out of the house without looking back, I couldn't face reality, and I am sorry for being a coward.
My parents succeeded in pushing me away, and I want nothing to do with them. I hated them. I wished I never knew them.
Life was cruel. It was hell on its own. There was no justice, no fairness. It was vicious, surrounding me with remorse.
When I got back to the lake house that was filled with Finn's scent, I found the house neatly wrapped, the fridge and the bed were replaced, There was food, and the laundries were done.
And that was how I embraced my new life. A lonely melancholy life, the reality was sorrow, and I kept drowning in it.
I never thought I could survive for that long. Every day came with a chronic ache. Indeed, most people might never want to be haunted by the dead ones. But how badly must I plead for Finn to haunt me if it meant seeing him again?
I needed him, but he was no more.
It was a sunny day when I was folding my clothes from the outside, drying rope, and arranging them in a basket.
I was exhausted without so much of a reason though I knew I spent the whole morning weeping on the couch that I couldn't eat the vegetable soup Sharon brought me.
I missed him, God knew I missed Finn so much, and I didn't know how to do it on my own.
So when I saw a Lexus pulled by, I halted, expecting Denny or Liam or some of Finn's men to show up since they've been coming very often.
But instead, my stepfather showed up, more to my confusion, my mom wasn't with him, but Doctor Kimberly was.
What were they doing here?
I was about to ask when the universe answered my thought with the view I denied was real.
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