New Adventure Part 2
Continuing on with my story, I always hung out with Tomoki. We always did quests and farming to get more money and necessities in the game. I was probably getting the hang of everything. I usually died a LOT and my friend Tomoki, he made fun of me for dying so much. I had like the highest death rate. I made a lot of new friends also and they helped me with things that made my life quite easier.
Later then, I tried to navigate my stats into a decent Minstrel. With the power of a Steflys Book. It wasn't easy becoming a Minstrel in the beginning. Beginning as a Minstrel was the hardest thing in the game.
(Now that to everyone that is reading this. If you're going to become a Minstrel, change at level 150 or so or even a more higher level then you would have a skill called Dragonewt that'll help hundreds. Otherwise, you'll face the hard worships like me and work harder to become a better Minstrel.)
As I turned into Minstrel, there wasn't any Minstrels in the guild that I was in. Minstrels were quite vague. They had such little information about it and I left the current guild and I explored for guilds that had more knowledge to Minstrel because I wanted to become a pro Minstrel. Then I adventured to new parts of Iruna.
I made a good decision when I wanted to leave, I met a tons of more people. The kind of people that changed my love even more for Iruna itself and I wanted to play more of it. I couldn't get enough of it. My newer friends invited me to their guild. The one invited me was Troy he was the guild leader. We met up on this texting app called Kik. He helped me with being a Minstrel and everything because I wanted to learn more.
I learned so many things about being a Minstrel. That I had to get used of. It wasn't easy going through things I wanted how at first. But I got used to it. What's funny that Troy introduced me to a person that was named Joey. He was the best Minstrel in the whole Iruna. Like the very best. Can kill megaroches very fast. Well, I made a new dream on Iruna that I can become #2 Minstrel in the game. But I kinda messed up with my stats again.
Weeks passed then I got to know everyone a bit better, I liked everyone. It feels like I was so welcomed there. There is never a time I didn't want to leave the guild. Besides I made a promise to Troy that I would never leave. He also rewarded me with stuff. I was his apprentice Minstrel and rained me with gifts. Troy was very generous and gave me things like Ultimi, and etc.
I loved the guild so much. I made, even more, close friends and called them my waifu's. As in bæ. I have a Waifu Squad. I loved them all so much. I had so many waifu's also but having too much waifu can also destroy your laifu. My waifu's were Nick^~^, Signon, Kirito, Joey, and much more!
To be Continued.
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