Bustling househould
The shogun was now currently escorting Douma back to his room.
"It's almost sunrise. You should get back in your room now."
Douma whined
"Aww... what a shame~ I was hoping to stay out a little longer."
"Even so, the hours of the night are limited. Any longer out here and you may die of the sunlight. That would not be a very good way to die, especially from one of the strongest demons. It would be pathetic and not a very good way to go out."
The shogun shook her head.
Douma laughed
"I suppose that's true! Wouldn't be the best way to go out! I bet it's painful."
"Perhaps. I am unaware of how it must feel to demons, as I am not a demon, and frankly, I have never died before."
"Me neither. But I bet it's not fun."
The shogun nodded before walking forward.
"I would think it's not. Now, get to your room before the sun rises."
"Oh alright."
Douma walked into his room
The shogun then began her usual patrol. But before she left douma called out to her
"Hey the shogun."
"What is it?"
The shogun asked, walking forward
"Can I expect to see you again tonight?"
"Most definitely, if I am assigned to guard you again."
Douma smiled
"Yay! Well I'll see you tonight! Oh and can you tell Lexa to get me more paper and books. I ran out and I already finished the books she gave me."
"Of course-"
"If you ran out of things to do, why not do a puzzle."
The shogun looked over and saw Nahida walking over.
"Apologies for interrupting your chat, but I couldn't help but overhear and come to the conclusion that you had nothing to do there. Here."
Nahida walked over and handed over a small but complicated-looking puzzle.
"I couldn't sleep so I designed a puzzle all night. It's quite easy to have the materials to make a puzzle when Villager and Isabelle always have the needed items to make it. Since you're cooped up in there, why not try and solve the puzzle?"
Douma took the puzzle
"Why thank you~ I can assume you're from the other household as well?"
Nahida smiled and nodded.
"I am. My name is Nahida. It's nice to meet you."
Douma smiled
"Nice to meet you! I'm douma, uppermoon two!"
"Well, I assumed you were the rank two of something based on the symbol in your eyes, since it says 'upper two'. May I ask what your rank two of?"
Douma covered his face with his fan for dramatic effect
"Well I'm ranked by my power in my master's army. I'm the second strongest demon in his army."
"Hm...I see."
Nahida nodded before humming.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you."
Douma nodded
"And it's an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance! You seem like such a sweet girl and you seem very intelligent!...you also don't seem to be human."
Nahida blinked.
"Hm...so you can see past that."
"Sure can! Demons tend to have higher senses than humans. From how you smell and what I can see. It's pretty clear you're in no way a human. From what my senses are telling me you're also much older than your body appears to be."
Nahida then giggled.
"Then I have no reason to lie to you. I am the Dendro archon, and the God of wisdom. In private, you can call me Lesser Lord Kusanali if you want, but in public please do call me Nahida."
Douma smiled more
"A god? Wow! How interesting! I've never met a god before!"
Nahida blinked.
"Huh? You haven't? But haven't you spent time with the shogun?...well, I guess I shouldn't exactly call the Shogun a God..."
Douma laughed
"Well I wouldn't be surprised if she was a god. She's very strong. she sliced my head off so quickly and with such power!"
Nahida hummed.
"...Did it hurt when your head got sliced off?"
Douma hummed
"Not really, my head grew back in a flash. Besides, I'm used to people attacking me. It's my way of bonding with others. Like my best friend lord akaza hits me a lot even though I could easily dodge him."
"I...wouldn't consider that to be bonding."
Douma titled his head with a smile
"Well everyone has a special way of bonding with others."
Nahida hummed before nodding.
"Well, I suppose that is true. Even so, I prefer the way that's less violent. Like this."
Nahida hugged Douma.
Douma chuckled
"You are just the sweetest little thing~ but I should probably get out of sight before a certain demon slayer wakes up."
Nahida nodded and let go.
"Alright then. I suppose I'll see you later. I'll be back tonight to wish you a good night."
Douma waved bye as he closed his
"Bye~! I'll see you both soon! Thanks again for the puzzle!"
He then closed his door.
Nahida hummed to herself happily before turning to the shogun.
"I'll be on my way to the kitchen now. Xiangling should already be there since we woke up around the same time. You keep patrolling, unless you want some food."
"I do not require food."
"Alright then, I thought I'd offer anyways."
Soon, everyone woke up and had breakfast.
After breakfast, Nahida and Furina went to L's room. Nahida was still trying to get Furina used to people, and since Nahida got along pretty well with L, she figured Furina might too, especially since she conversed with L the day before.
Nahida opened the door and waved at L.
"Hello L. Can me and Furina help you with your case?"
L looked at the two sitting his usual position
"Sure. I don't mind having some company. Also, I have some cake."
Nahida smiled and went in. Furina followed.
Furina looked at the computer as she sat down next to L.
"...So...um...what case are you trying to solve, great detective?"
"Well the one I'm most focused on right now is about a recent robbery at a college party that could also be a possible murder or kidnap case. You see a bunch of college students were having a party when an armed robber with a gun demanded everyone to drop all their valuables. Sounds simple enough but it being a possible murder or kidnapping case is because there are reports of a girl going missing after the party. There was a small patch of blood found in the backyard of the house where there weren't a lot of people. Now both could be unrelated, but I find it unlikely."
"Oh, are you sure it's not a coincidence-, n-not like I don't know, as the God of justice, I most definitely know and understand your perspective, just...enlighten me a little, will you?"
"Because I reread the reports. When all witnesses were asked when they last saw this girl. All testimonies mention seeing here before the robbery. Then afterwards no one else saw her for the rest of the night."
"Ahh...that makes...more sense."
Furina chuckled and nodded.
"Very much sense indeed. You are a very intelligent individual. Very impressive for a human."
L nodded while taking a bite of cake
"And recently in the investigation they updated that the patch of blood was tested and it is indeed the blood of the missing person."
Furina nodded slowly. She noticed L eating cake and got a hunger for cake...she made her little water spinning wheel appear and took a slice of cake out of it and bit into it.
"Hm...that is definite proof that something happened."
L nodded and looked at nahida
"Have any theories on this case nahida?"
Nahida giggled. She had looked at the evidence while L was explaining it to Furina. In fact, she already figured out the case.
"Hm...yes. I do indeed."
Nahida decided to only give a clue. She wanted to see what L would think of it.
"It's beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was not just a disappearance case. In case one cannot tell, some of the people claimed that a boy named 'Jason' went absent a few minutes before the two shooters came in. Not only that, it was stated that only one of the two shooters were arrested. It was also stated by the girl's Mom that thirty minutes after the party ended due to the shooters, Jason went over to see how the girl was doing. It was stated that he must've been the last to see her, but when asked, Jason said the last time he saw her was at the party as well. That doesn't match up, does it? What do you make of that?"
Nahida asked. She looked at Furina.
"Any ideas, Furina?"
Furina then turned her head away.
"I-I um...I think I should leave this to you and the detective, no?"
"You don't need to leave it to me. If you have any kind of input that might help or a simple theory I'm more than open to hear it. As a detective you can't rule out any possibilities unless proven otherwise. But I must agree with nahida's theory that Jason is indeed a suspect and accomplice in this case."
Furina sighed.
"It does make sense that Jason would be an accomplice to this case...probably the identity of the other shooter."
L then continued
"Yes and some more witness testimonies said that the victim in question was near a gate in the backyard away from the crowd, when the police investigated the backyard they discovered the fence gate lock smashed and that's where they found a patch of blood."
"Was that the place where she was killed?"
Furina asked.
L then examined the picture again
"It's possible. But a part of me thinks she wasn't killed."
Nahida chuckled.
"May I ask your reasoning for that, L?"
"Well by looking at the picture. Yes indeed she definitely lost a bit of blood but I don't think that would be enough to kill her by blood loss and if they just wanted to kill her. Why not just leave the body?"
Furina scoffed.
"Uh-because of evidence? Right?"
L hummed while taking another bite of his cake
"Normally yes. But the reports say that the shooters were wearing masks and gloves. If a body was left it would only show how she was killed, not who killed her."
Furina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"Yes, but she was alive after the party, correct? Couldn't they have just killed her after the party? When nobody was looking? Plus, it had stated that she probably saw somebody before going missing. Wouldn't that make it a possibility that the person probably killed her with a more physical weapon and just hid her body to hide evidence and such?"
"That is a good theory, let's see if there's more updates on the case. It should help us determine what happened to the victim."
Furina nodded.
"Very well then."
Nahida chuckled and paid attention to the computer.
L was clicking around on the computer looking for any more updates or clues on the case. Rereading witness testimonies, looking at pictures, events of the party, the times and dates.
Nahida continued to smile.
"So, L, tell me, does Jason have any connection with the missing girl's past? Because if you research deeper into the Mother's statement about Jason leaving the party, it may or may not be a clue about Jason and his father being related to her past, which could be a clue on the case."
L hummed as he was thinking. Then he opened another tab on his computer and looked through Jason's social media to see if he had any connection to the victim. After a bit of social media stalking he was able to find out that the victim and Jason used to be a couple before they broke up. Then L searched through the victims social media in case it had any clues or links to the case.
Nahida continued to smile before chuckling.
"So, L, what do you make of this? If you're still not sure, why not try and find something within one of the links of her main page. Maybe something regarding some sort of trial against Jason?"
At this point, it was obvious Nahida already figured it out and was just seeing if L could figure it out. L could tell nahida already figured it out but she was pretending not to know. He played along.
L then searched up the trial against Jason.
Nahida smiled and waited. The trial seemed to be against Jason for him stalking her and stealing her things. At the end of the trial, however, Jason was declared not guilty.
L then stared at the screen blankly as if he was deep in thought.
Nahida looked up at L.
"It was also stated on a post that she tried to get a restraining order against him, but failed. And that after a two month of Jason texting her, Jason convinced her that he wasn't stalking her or stealing anything of hers at all. What do you make of that, L?"
"Hmm...it seems that Jason had a grudge against the victim...but now I'm wondering what was the other robber's motive? It could very well be that he tagged along with him to also get a chance to get some money."
"Well, since that other guy was arrested and his identity is known, if you see the report on him on the website, you'll find something interesting that the victim says about him."
L searches and finds what the victim says about the apprehended accomplice.
It states; 'I remember him. We used to be friends two years ago, but one day his Mother attempted to kill me with a knife while I was over and I ran. I found a gun in a room and shot her. Although it was proven it was out of self defense, I guess he still thinks I'm to blame for all of it...'
L took a final bite of his cake
"Simple enough. He was out for revenge."
"Yes indeed."
Nahida chuckled.
"So, you understand what fully happened in this case now?"
L responded
Nahida chuckled.
"Well then, I suppose that case is solved then."
Furina nodded.
"I...suppose so. Well done, you two."
"Thank you."
L responded, before he could move onto the next case Lexa walked in
"Hey L- oh! hi nahida, hi furina."
Nahida waved.
"Hi Lexa."
"Why hello there Lexa, keeper of this household. What brings you here?"
"I just came to check on L and see what he was up to."
Lexa answered
"I'm doing well. The three of us just solved a case."
L answered
"That's great! I'm glad you three are getting along. But while I'm here, can I have one of your chocolate bars L?"
L opened his draw filled with a variety of different sweets
Furina blinked and looked at them in awe, but didn't say anything.
"Dark chocolate right?"
L handed lexa a dark chocolate bar
"Thanks L! Alright I'll see you guys around. Bye!"
Lexa then left.
Furina then cleared her throat.
"That's, uh...a lot of sweets you have at hand there."
L then grabbed a KitKat.
"Well I really do enjoy sweet things. Would you both like something? I have a lot and I don't mind sharing."
Furina's eyes lit up.
Furina then cleared her throat and tried to mask it with confidence.
"I-I mean, aha! Of course you would offer some to a God alike me! Ahaha, yes I-I would love one!"
L then rolled his chair back
"Take your pick."
Furina's eyes lit up and picked one. It took a few moments before Furina's eyes drifted away with an unsure or awkward smile on her face.
Furina blinked and looked back forward and noticed L finished his cake. She summoned her wheel full of cake and pushed it to L.
"Here, pick whichever cake you want...a-as thanks for letting me take one of your many sweets..."
L look at it with interest. Then carefully decided which one to pick. After a minute he picked on placing it on his plate
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Furina nodded and snapped, making the wheel disappear.
L then looked at nahida
"Nahida, you want something too?"
Nahida chuckled and nodded.
"That would be much appreciated. May I?"
L nodded
"Of course. Choose whatever you like."
Nahida smiled and picked a chocolate bar.
"Thank you-"
"Oh! This is really good!"
Furina said happily as she ate the one she chose. Furina hummed. Nahida giggled.
"I take it you like it?"
"Mhm! One of the tastiest treats I've ever had~!"
L knowing a little bit about Furina's backstory from watching YouTube videos and subreddits decided to do something nice for her. He grabbed the candy she picked and gave her a couple more.
"Well since you like them so much you can have more."
Furina blinked before brightening up with slight confusion in her eyes.
"...R...Really?...I-I can take those...?"
L nodded
"I don't mind. You seem to really enjoy them."
Furina hesitated before grabbing them softly from L.
"I...thank you..."
Furina blinks before putting on fake confidence.
"I-I mean, as the God of Justice, you being someone who is fond of Justice, it is no surprise that-"
"Furina, you can drop the act."
Furina blinked and looked down at Nahida.
"...Huh? Ahaha! W-What act?"
"Furina, I'm pretty sure L knows your not the actual God of Justice."
Nahida chuckled. Furina blinked before looking at L.
L nodded indicating he knew. Furina seemed a little surprised before clearing her throat. In a shy, weak voice, she nodded.
"O-Oh...well...thank you for the treats then..."
"No problem. Also you don't need to worry about me telling anyone the truth. I'm sure you have your reasons for not telling the truth. Just don't let Zack find out."
Furina nodded.
"Alright...based on our interactions before, I should be able to trust you so...thank you."
"It's nothing. Just want to keep the peace and not cause any trouble."
Furina smiled gently before taking a bite of the candy she pulled out, nodding. She didn't talk because, despite being open in her fake persona, she was actually quite introverted once you got to know her. She felt like she could trust L so she just stayed quiet.
Lucifer was in the kitchen preparing some tea. He was thinking of how to spend his day. None of his brothers were having any problems and everything seemed peaceful for the time being.
Then, someone entered. Lucifer looked over and saw Zhongli. Zhongli hummed as he saw Lucifer. He waved slightly
"Oh, greetings."
Lucifer greeted back
"Hello. I don't believe we have met. I'm Lucifer Morningstar, the avatar of pride"
"I am Zhongli, a worker of the funeral parlor. A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Morningstar."
Lucifer lightly smiled
"Just Lucifer is fine, Mr. Zhongli."
Zhongli chuckled.
"Alright then. If you insist, then I shall address you as Lucifer."
Zhongli then walked over.
"Ah, I see you are also here to get some tea."
"Yes. As of now everything is peaceful and I decided to have some tea before it's possibly ruined."
"I see. I, myself, am trying to escape Venti's annoying behavior. He's not even drunk yet, yet he still acts like a fool at times and although I often do deal with him maturely and have fun with him at times, I do not wish to deal with him as of right now. Therefore, may I enjoy the peace with you?"
Lucifer nodded
"Yes. You seem like someone who will not annoy me or disturb my peace."
Zhongli softly smiled.
"Thank you."
A few minutes passed and the water finished brewing. Before they could begin on getting it in cups, the door opened. Neuvillette came out. He looked at the two.
"...Ah. Please pay no mind to me. I am simply just getting water."
"Oh it's quite alright. We were just having some tea."
Neuvillette nodded.
"I see."
Neuvillette seemed to glare at Zhongli, but Zhongli refused to look at him. Neuvillette shook his head before walking over to the water dispenser. Neuvillette then got water before looking over. He bowed his head.
"Greetings. I am Neuvillette, the iudex of Fontaine, and the chief Justice."
Lucifer returned the gesture
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Lucifer Morningstar, the avatar of pride."
Neuvillette seemed to narrow his eyes slightly before shaking his head gently and breathing. He then looked back at Lucifer with a gentler expression and nodded.
"...A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Morningstar."
"Just Lucifer is fine."
Lucifer said with a gentle expression. Then taking a sip of his tea.
Neuvillette nodded.
"Alright then, Lucifer, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Neuvillette then took a sip of his water.
Neuvillette smiled.
"This water tastes fresh and cold. Like it's perfect for relaxing on a hot summer day."
Lucifer then hummed
"Oh yeah. Lexa recently installed a new water filter."
Neuvillette nodded.
"I see. This must be why it tastes so fresh and pure."
Neuvillette chuckled.
"I will have to compliment her on that later."
Lucifer smiled
"I'm sure she really appreciates that. Lexa tries her best to give us pure and fresh things. She values healthy habits whether that be food, drinks, or activities. It is honestly charming in its own way."
Neuvillette hummed.
"I see. She seems like a good host."
"Yes, she's very polite and kind. She tries her best to keep everyone happy even if some are rude to her."
"That is a good quality to have. I am thankful that she seems to be trying her best."
"I agree. From what I've seen. Ender seems to have the quality too."
Neuvillette hums and nods.
"Yes, she is also very kind and tries hard to please us and care for us. A little too much, I believe, though I do appreciate her caring for us."
Lucifer nods along
"It must be hard on them to take care of so many people at once. Yet they are still trying their best to make it work and keeping everyone happy even if some don't notice or appreciate it."
Neuvillette nodded. Then Zhongli joined the conversation.
"It's a shame that they do not get more time off to relax. They deserve more time off than they get."
Lucifer sighed and agreed
"That is indeed true. I can't even count how much lexa sleeps throughout the day because she's been woken up at odd hours of the night multiple times or early in the morning because of an issue. If I'm being honest I believe it's starting to take a toll on her."
Neuvillette hummed and took another sip out of his water cup.
"That is not very healthy for Lexa to continue to get less hours of sleep. If she gets more tired in the morning, she may get too tired to realize what's going on and might even fall asleep in odd places during the day. Luckily, Ender hasn't managed to loose any type of sleep...mainly because something I've learned is that she already sleeps very late and wakes up at 3 AM in the morning. I know because I once got up when I couldn't sleep to get water and I saw her in the kitchen eating blueberries. Which is also not healthy, but she says it's normal for her so according to that she technically has not lost any sleep."
Lucifer kinda chuckled, finding it funny. Zhongli nodded.
"Indeed. Although, I think she makes up for it by how many times she's passed out while eating at the table or while she's just sitting down. Which, I am supposing that is also normal for her...speaking on how she wakes up a few minutes later and is perfectly energized, even if it's just five minutes."
Zhongli sighed and shook his head.
"Lexa has started to get into the habit of taking naps throughout the day. But ever since she started she doesn't seem as tired anymore and her movements have become less sluggish."
Zhongli chuckled.
"That is good. I am glad that she is taking naps to make up for the lack of sleep."
Lucifer then got a little annoyed look while saying
"She'd probably have an easier time sleeping if doe and my brother Belphie stopped smothering her."
"Hm? Why does Doe and Belphie sleep in the same bed as her? I understand why she is in the same bed as Doe, as Ender told me Doe was obsessed with her, but why Belphie?"
Neuvillette asked.
Lucifer then went on to explain most of what happened in devildom and how lexa is important to all the brothers, and how they love her a lot.
Neuvillette smiled and chuckled.
"Ah, I see. So you are all in love with her then, huh?"
Lucifer smiled with a almost invisible blush
"You could say that. It's hard not to fall for her. She's just so lovable."
Zhongli hummed.
"Hm, so it is like that. So it's a...hm...what is that word that Venti told me it was called...a...it's a 'haram' around Lexa then, right?"
"That's one way to put it. But please don't say that around lexa. She'll get really embarrassed. Anytime dabi teases her about it she'll curl up on the floor and hide her face with her hands."
"I see. Speaking on how I've seen her and how she is, it does seem that way. Do not worry, I will not call it that around Lexa if that is the case."
Lucifer then got curious
"May I ask where you two are from?"
Zhongli then nodded.
"I am from Liyue. The city of contracts."
"I am from Fontaine, the land of Justice. We are both from the same world."
Neuvillette stated.
Lucifer nodded.
"I believe I heard Lexa talking about those lands to Zack once. She said she really liked those lands because of how beautiful she thought they were."
Neuvillette nodded
"I see. Well, it is true that Fontaine's lands have beautiful scenery and authentic underwater views."
"That sounds lovely. I think Lexa would enjoy such a beautiful land in person."
Neuvillette chuckled.
"I'm sure she would."
Zhongli hummed.
"I wonder if she would enjoy gazing upon the lands of Liyue. It is known for its astonishing beauty in its lands and the way it is organized."
Lucifer thought for a moment
"I'm sure she would. She likes learning about other places all the time and she wants to explore new places."
"Hm. If that is the case, I am sure she would love the experience of traveling all around Teyvat."
Zhongli hummed as he sipped some tea.
Lucifer sipped his tea as he contemplated on asking another question. He looked to see if anyone else was around. Nope just them three.
"...you two aren't human are you?"
Neuvillette didn't answer as he drank his cup of water. Zhongli chuckled.
"What makes you believe that?"
"You can fool humans, but you can't fool me. I can tell neither of you are human."
"Then you have caught me. I am indeed not human, I am the sovereign dragon of the element of hydro. The hydro dragon."
Neuvillette stated. Zhongli took a sip of tea but didn't respond.
"Hm. A dragon, huh? Wouldn't have expected that."
"Yes. For some odd reason, I have taken a human form rather than a dragon form when I was born."
"It was probably for your own safety or just to be able to fit in better."
"Perhaps, speaking on how all the archons have...killed my kind before this."
Neuvillette stated. He slightly glared at Zhongli before shaking his head and taking a sip of his water. Zhongli pretended like he was a little confused before taking another sip of his tea.
Lucifer noticed the tension.
Zhongli then nodded.
"Ah. So you are the hydro dragon. How interesting."
Zhongli stated, pretending like he didn't know that Neuvillette was the hydro dragon.
Lucifer then asked
"So, you said that you've taken a human form. Can you not change forms, one that seems more like a dragon or am I mistaken?"
"I cannot. Or rather, I may be able to, but the times I have tried before have failed, and I sincerely like being in a human form better."
"I can understand that. I prefer being in a more human form than my demon form."
Lucifer remarked.
Neuvillette hummed.
"Glad to see that you relate to that. Although I have never reached my dragon form, I must say that being in this form is most probably the most comfortable."
Zhongli continued to drink his tea as he listened, but still didn't say a word.
Lucifer nodded
"Yes, being in a more human form is convenient. With my demon form it can be difficult to move around and can sometimes get in the way."
"I can imagine."
Neuvillette nodded and drank some water.
Zhongli hummed a little and drank some tea.
"Sounds like nonhuman forms are quite inconvenient for the both of you."
"It can be. But luckily I have no need to be in that form too often."
Lucifer said then drinking his tea
Zhongli nods.
"Then that is good. It's nice to have a bit of relaxation now and then."
Zhongli took another sip of tea.
"I have to agree. It's nice to have a moment of peace. It's tiring to be surrounded by chaos constantly. I unfortunately had to deal with that quite often in devildom."
"Indeed. And I assume 'devildom' is what your land is called?"
Zhongli stated.
"Hm...it sounds rather unique. May I learn about this devildom?"
"Sure. I don't mind telling a bit about my home. Well to start there's no sun in devildom it's always dark but it's easy to tell from night to day. There's different levels of darkness to tell."
"I see. Please continue explaining."
Zhongli stated, interested.
"Devildom is currently ruled by the prince Lord Diavolo."
"Hm...how interesting. What is he like?"
"He's actually very kind and compassionate. But I suggest you don't take that for weakness. He is incredibly strong."
Zhongli chuckled.
"I would assume so, speaking on how he is your ruler. I doubt that I would be able to take him on."
He could, but Lucifer didn't need to know that. Zhongli hummed.
"So, what else is there to know about Devildom?"
"Well I'm devildom there is a school called Royal Academy of Diavolo but most RAD for short. Lord Diavolo made it for the purpose so devildom people can have a proper education so that devildom can become a healthy and well ordered society. At RAD there's a student council. Lord Diavolo is the president. I'm the vice president. My brother satan is the secretary, and my other brothers are representatives."
"That's very nice. Your world seems very nice, despite it being hell."
Zhongli hummed.
"Yes it's not as bad as some might imagine."
"That's nice to hear."
Zhongli nodded and drank some more tea. Neuvillette then stated.
"Yes, your world sounds very nice. Although, speaking on how it's hell, it would be very warm there. I find it very hard to stand warm temperatures, so I probably wouldn't like it there."
"We'll actually much like the human world devildom has different seasons. Though there are little differences here and there. It's not always hot and it can snow there."
"Hm, is that so? If that is the case, if I were in your world, perhaps I could stand a visit or two..."
"Well if somehow you ever come to devildom I'll show you around."
"Hm...thank you. That would be appreciated."
Neuvillette smiled before looking at Zhongli.
"Also, Mr. Zhongli, I noticed that you didn't answer the question Lucifer Morningstar asked earlier. About whether or not you're a human. Would you care to answer?"
Zhongli laughed heartily, covering for himself once more.
"Oh please. You know very well I'm a human."
Lucifer gave him a look that said "I know you're lying."
Zhongli noticed and tilted his head.
"What's with the look?"
"We both know you're lying...if you don't wish to share why you're pretending to be a human I'll respect that."
Zhongli chuckled.
"Well, it's not that I mind sharing. I just quite enjoy the tranquility of being human. It's not much of a big deal so I suppose I'll say why, since I doubt you will tell anyone. I am Morax, the God of contracts, otherwise known as the geo archon. But just keep calling me Zhongli."
Lucifer nodded
Neuvillette's eyes narrowed at Zhongli, almost threateningly, but Zhongli refused to acknowledge it and simply ignored Neuvillette's glare, taking another sip of tea.
The conversation sorta died and they all just quietly sipped their drinks.
Childe was looking for his next victim-I mean, sparring partner.
He remembered L saying that he and Hawks were alike, so he decided to go with him!
Childe ran around the house until he found him. Childe smirked as he ran up to Hawks.
"Heya! Hawks, right? I'm Childe, the 11th of the fatui harbingers, a pleasure to meet you."
Hawks smiled
"Hey, nice to meet ya. Yeah I'm hawks, no. 2 pro hero."
Childe chuckled.
"Ah! So, assuming on how your the second rank, you must be pretty strong, huh?"
Hawks put on a bit of a cocky smile
"Yeah I'd say I'm pretty tough."
"Hm...alright then. Want to put it to the test?"
"What do you have in mind?"
"Just a little sparring, nothing too much. What do you say?"
Hawks thought for a moment and shrugged
"Sure why not."
Childe chuckled.
"Alright then, come on comrade, let's go!"
Both hawks and Childe went out into the backyard.
Hawks made his feathers into swords
"Don't hold back on me now! Show me whatcha got!"
Childe chuckled and summoned both his water daggers.
"I promise this'll be an exciting battle, just don't go easy on me!"
Hawks jumped towards him his blade clashing with Childe's daggers
Childe snickered and used his strength to push Hawks off before swiftly jumped up and switching into his electro delusion to use an electro daggers before bolting down on him with speed.
Hawks retracted his blades and flew evading Childe
Childe chuckled before swiftly switching to his bow and shooting an arrow up at Hawks, aiming for a feather. When Childe would shoot an arrow, he'd spread out his feathers and then have them come back making Childe miss repeatedly.
Childe sighed before jumping up and using his electro daggers and slicing it at Hawk's left wing, nearly hitting it directly.
Hawks reacted quickly spreading his feathers and made that attack Childe at different angles to distract him. He aimed for his feet, hands, legs, arms, and around the torso. So while Childe deals with those hawks has time to land safely on the ground.
Childe groans, taking in some hits, before laughing and using his daggers to hit the feathers, managing to escape them.
Childe lands on his feet and laughs before quickly grabbing a hydro arrow and throwing it with his hand directly at Hawks.
Hawks dodges in time as he brings his feathers back to make blades and jumps at Childe. When they're blade clashed again they struggle
"Hey, you're not half bad, you know?"
Hawks said with a smirk. Childe laughed with a wink.
"Neither are you, comrade. That's what makes me all the more excited."
Childe laughed before pushing Hawks away and throwing a blade, managing to catch Hawks off guard and hitting the feather out of Hawks hands. The dagger flew and stabbed into the ground, with the feather stabbed into it.
Childe took this opportunity to run up and use his other blade to clash against Hawks wings, but was stopped by another one of Hawk's feather blades.
Hawks made one of his feathers fly and snatched onto the back of Childe's collar and sent him flying away then dropping him.
Childe groaned as he dropped down. Childe then went to his feet.
"Pretty impressive. I was sure I got you there."
Childe laughed.
Hawks chuckled as he brought his feathers back with a few circling around him
"Nah. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."
"Ah! Of course!"
Childe put his hands on his hips as he smirked.
"I should've known someone with your status would have more than that. Can't wait to see them in action."
Childe then swiped his hand over his face, placing his fatui mask on as electricity spawned below him.
"Now, why not make this more interesting. What do you say, birdie?"
Hawks smiled more
"I'm excited to see what you can do. But be careful now, I'm the number 2 hero for a reason."
"Don't worry, I won't underestimate ya."
Childe laughed before swiftly hitting the floor with an electro dagger, making electricity spike out of the floor in several areas in Hawks main area where he was at. Hawks sensed it and flew up into the air and sent some feathers his way.
Childe noticed and immediately hit them, hard enough to make them send back just as fast in the opposite direction.
Childe then threw the electro dagger at Hawks before running some way, disguising himself with his electricity bolts still coming out from the ground.
Hawks saw he was doing and pieced together quickly on what he was doing. Hawks dodged his dagger as he flew around. Trying to spot Childe.
As Hawks searched, suddenly, Childe jumped up behind him once he noticed Hawks was slightly lower to where Childe could easily jump at him, and immediately hit Hawk's with enough force so that it would hurt-however, due to Hawks swiftly turning his head to Childe when he heard something behind him, Childe missed and hit Hawk's wing with the force instead.
With a quick reaction hawks grabbed Childe's arm and spread out his feathers surrounding both of them and sent them to attack Childe. Not deeply just small cuts and scrapes.
Childe groaned of pain before looking back up.
"Not bad."
Childe then got up before immediately using his delusion dagger to shoot a lightening bolt up at Hawks, managing to hit him.
Despite how much it hurt, he still kept his composure and went back into the battle.
"Gotta say, I'm impressed. Not a lot of people can handle the strike of a delusion in the midst of battle."
Childe chuckled.
Hawks flew in the air quickly in the air as he replied
"Are you kidding? I used to fight villains who do attack harder than that on the daily. That was nothing!"
Hawks, just like a bird of prey, was swooping down quickly attacking Childe with his fierce swords wings then flying back up and doing it again.
Childe grunted before laughing.
"Gotta say, I guess I underestimated the second pro hero. Should've known better than to get cocky. Although, the battle's not done yet, so while this battle will continue, I guess I'll have to try harder!"
Childe then laughed as he then hit the ground and struck Hawks directly with another thunder bolt, except after the one landed, another one came. And another. And another. A total of four direct hits from the thunder bolts from the delusion hit Hawks.
"Keep this up and I might even have to go into foul legacy!"
Childe laughed with excitement.
Hawks decided to try harder as well curious about this foul legacy form Childe mentioned. So hawks was flying faster and dodging with skills as well as attacking Childe from different angles. Such as when he would swoop down to attack Childe, seemingly to attack him, he just to fly right past him to divert his attention so his feather can pierce him catching him off guard.
Childe blinked, as he noticed the feathers would price him, Childe then created a hydro dagger again to shield himself, which ended up succeeding.
Childe then chuckled before slicing a water slice at him, making a long water slice go up at him. Hawks flew away and up hawks started using his blades fighting Childe, hawks wanted to divert his attention straight to him so he could possibly use a feather to catch him off guard.
However, just as Hawks was about to pass him, Childe then turned around and grabbed the feather before turning back around and slicing Hawk's arm with it. Childe chuckled.
"I think I'm starting to understand your tactics a little bit more, birdie."
Hawks smiled
"I wouldn't be so sure of that."
A feather was pierced through the heel of chidle boots and hawks sent the feather up which took Childe with it which made him end up upside down in the air.*
Instead of groaning with pain, Childe laughed.
"Aha! Guess not, you still manage to pull off a move that surprises me."
Childe said, managed to use enough strength to pull it out and flipping over, landing on his feet again.
Hawks took that moment before he hit the ground to dash over to him getting a good kick in his stomach
Childe gasped and fell over, but got up again. He wiped his mouth.
"Alright then...this surprises me."
Childe laughed.
"Well then, guess I better step up my game huh?"
All the sudden, electricity began sprouting all over the place as it looked like something was happening to Childe. Thunder bolts were all over the place in the ground. Way too close and big. If Hawks were to get closer, no doubt he would get hit by at least six thunder bolts, probably more of it continued for longer, speaking on how it was so sudden.
Then, the thunder bolts stopped, revealing a completely new outfit and gear, with a fatui mask on with a blue dot in the center. Had to be at least 8 feet, going into 9 feet tall.
Childe then Laughed in a deeper voice.
"Your main ability is speed, I can try and keep up."
Then, suddenly, Childe went in quickly, faster than he had been before and punched Hawks in the stomach, sending him going backwards before immediately hitting him with an even bigger lightening bolt, far larger than the ones before.
Hawks was still able to get up and fly around. He was dodging while observing Childe trying to get as much information possible from this new form by just observing him.
There weren't any points available. Every single angle of Childe's body was covered up with that purple armor stuff.
Then, Childe chuckled and hit his electro dagger on the ground, making lightning bolts chase Hawks.
Then, a large whale came out of the ground and was about to hit Hawks. It was either getting hit by the lightning bolts or the blue whale.
Hawks was barely dodging the lighting his feathers getting slightly singed in the process.
With all the loud thunder and lighting it obviously caught some attention from inside the home. Lexa and ender went to go see what was happening. To see hawks and Childe sparring with Childe in his foul legacy form.
Ender blinked.
"Uh...should we stop this?"
Lexa thought for a moment
"What are the chances Childe might accidentally kill hawks?"
Ender thought for a bit.
"...70% if he goes too far, but 50% if he stays sane."
Lexa sighed
"Yeah...I don't like those chances. Lucifer!"
Lucifer then came out as he heard lexa call him.
"Lexa? What's wrong-"
He paused and looked at the scene in the backyard
"What is that?"
Lucifer asked
"That is Childe. In a different form."
Ender stated.
"I see and is that...hawks?"
Seeing hawks flying dodging lighting
Lexa nodded
"There's a chance that Childe might accidentally kill hawks so do you mind stopping Childe?"
Lexa asked
Ender looked at Lexa.
"Can't we just yell at him to stop? I'm pretty sure Childe at least has a 50% decency...scratch that, at least 45."
"Well we can try that first. And if that doesn't work Lucifer if you wouldn't mind would you?"
Lucifer nodded
"Yes I'll step in if needed."
Ender looked over.
Although it took a second, Childe looked over and saw Ender.
Childe sighed of slight disappointment before lowering himself to his feet, no longer floating though still in his foul legacy form.
Hawks looked over and saw lexa, Lucifer, and ender.
Lexa then yelled up to hawks
Hawks then flew down
"Don't worry chickadee, I'm just fine."
Childe looked over and walked over before changing back into his regular form.
"He did very well against my blows. He's very strong-"
Childe then began coughing very violently and dropped to the floor.
Hawks then went over to him
"Woah woah woah?! What's wrong?"
Childe looked at Hawks and held onto a smile. He chuckled before speaking in a raspy voice.
"Don't worry, comrade-*cough*, just a part-*coughs* of staying in my foul legacy form too long-*coughs*."
Ender then sighed and proceeded to explain.
"Delusions drain your life force the more you use them, and Childe's foul legacy includes heavily on using a delusion. The only reason he's probably still alive while using it is because of his vision, which somewhat counteracts the delusion."
Hawks then helps Childe up and held Childe up
"Then we should probably get you back inside and set you down somewhere."
Childe chuckled, but put most of his weight on Hawks.
"Ha...no need."
Childe coughs and shakes his head.
"I don't need much rest, and I...I can walk on my own."
Childe then lets go of Hawks to walk on his own but he stumbles along the way of walking inside, coughing as silently as he could.
Hawks concerned followed him just to make sure.
Childe seemed to notice. After a bit of walking he leaned against the wall and looked at Hawks. He then forced a smile.
"Hey, seriously, I'm fine. Nothing I can't deal with, this is normal when I use my foul legacy."
"I know, but I just want to make sure. I'm a hero after all it's my job not just to fight villains, but it's also to help others."
Childe laughed.
"Well, that's nice. But I don't need-"
Childe then coughed a little violently again.
"-help. I'm gonna go get water, and then I'll be fine."
Hawks just showed a doubtful and concerned look.
"...Hey, don't look at me like that."
Childe sighed and cleared his throat. Childe then chuckled.
"My goal is to become stronger. If doing this is gonna make me stronger, then so be it. It's not that big of a deal."
Hawks got him a cup of water since he didn't know if Childe knew where the cups were.
"I get that. Trying to go beyond plus ultra. but you should also limit yourself. It is important to not burn yourself out."
Childe laughed.
"I guess you have a point, dear comrade. However, I don't agree with it."
Hawks decided to drop the topic seeing as Childe won't agree with him no matter what he says. He hands him the cup of water.
"Well whatever the case. You were an incredible fighter! I'm sure it's one I won't forget."
Childe chuckled and took the water.
"Thanks, and you were amazing too. Not a lot of opponents back in my world could take as many blows of lightning that you did back there. I don't even think any of them managed to last that long after my whale attack. You truly are one of the strongest opponents I ever had, dear comrade."
Childe then took a sip of the water.
"Feeling a bit better now?"
"Yeah, way better...thanks, comrade."
"Oh I'm glad. You really went beyond plus ultra!"
"Hm...that reminds me. What is plus ultra?"
Childe asked.
Hawks chuckled
"It's just a motto of hero school. It's meant to encourage students and people alike to go beyond and give it their all."
"Oh! That makes sense!"
Childe then hummed.
"I wonder, when I return to my world, would the harbingers be interested in such a term? Or maybe I should tell it to my siblings to encourage them..."
Childe then shook his head and looked back at Hawks.
"So comrade, have you reached your 'plus ultra' yet?"
Hawks shrugged
"Not yet but I'm sure I'm going to have to someday."
"Huh? Wow, I was sure with how well you fought, that you must've already reached it. How amazing! You're so strong, yet you're not at your full potential yet."
Childe laughed.
"In that case, once you do reach full potential, I'm sure you'll over take the number one spot for the pro heroes."
Hawks gave a small laugh
"I'm flattered you have so much confidence in me. But I really doubt I could surpass endeavor."
"Why is that?"
"I just see how great of a hero endeavor is. You know he was originally the number 2 hero for a long time before all might retired."
Childe laughed.
"Your world sounds quite interesting. Still, I stand on my point that you may as well still have a chance to become number one."
"That is true. But I think the number one reason endeavor is number one is because he takes the job much more seriously than me. I prefer to take things easy. Of course when the occasional calls for it, I can get serious but most of the time i'm rather chill when it comes to hero work.
"I see. I can relate to you a bit on that one. I usually take it easy when taking in some side missions for the fatui. I really only become serious if it's an immediate mission from the Tsaritsa or if it's crucial to her plan."
"Who's the tsaritsa? Is she like your boss or something?"
"Oh she's much more than that!"
Childe says, chuckling a little before moving on.
"The Tsaritsa is the god of Sheznaya, the one in which I am devoted to, I swore when I was a child to always follow her orders, and I haven't disobeyed her once. She's the leader over both Sheznaya and the leader of the fatui. She may be seen as a cruel person, but when you get along with her, she is so nice, loving and delicate!"
Hawks smiled
"Wow. You are really loyal to her. She's lucky to have someone like you as a...follower?...citizen?...or whatever term you use."
Childe chuckled.
"I'm the 11th of the fatui harbingers. The fatui harbingers are her strongest members, and even though I'm the weakest of them all, it beats not being a fatui harbinger. Whatever the case, I'm glad to serve under her majesty!"
Hawks nodded. He admire Childe's devotion and saw the determination in his eyes, even if his eyes were as deep the as ocean he still saw how genuine he was
"...you know. You're a pretty cool guy. I like your attitude."
Childe chuckled.
"Thanks, comrade. I must say, I like your companionship too, from your attitude to your more caring side. And with your strength, I must say it's no surprise that you earned the title of the second pro hero."
"You're too kind."
Hawks replied
"Am I? I believe I'm simply stating facts here."
Childe chuckled.
Hawks laughed along with him
Childe hummed.
"So, comrade, tell me. What's hero work like?"
Hawks then went to tell Childe what he did as a hero back in his world. Like fighting villains, doing patrols, fans, meetings, and all kinds of other stuff.
Childe hummed in fascination.
"That's so interesting!"
"You think so?"
"Of course. You may not think it is, but from the perspective of someone who is not from your world, it's quite interesting to hear how it works. I almost want to visit it, yet, at the same time, I'm a little glad I don't exist in your world."
Hawks laughed
"Yeah I get that. It can get pretty hectic sometimes and it's honestly kinda dangerous in my world. Especially for people who don't have quirks."
"Ah, no comrade, that's not what I mean. As you know, I feed off of danger. Fighting is my life, and my only goal is to get stronger-no no no, I'm simply glad that I don't exist in your world for the mere factor that we probably wouldn't be friends in that world. Considering how you're describing heroes and villains, I think we would be enemies in this world had I existed in there."
Hawks titled his head
"Well then. I'm glad we're both not from the same world because it would suck not having you as a friend."
Childe laughed.
"Indeed. It would be a shame not to make friends with such a great comrade like you."
Before hawks could respond dabi walked in to get a snack
"Hey! Patchwork, decided to leave your room for once?"
Dabi then responded
"Shut it birdbrain. I'm just getting some food and if you ate my food again I'll turn you into fried chicken!"
Childe then laughed and looked down at Dabi.
"Oh, come now, no need to get so upset about this, dear comrade."
"You can also shut it ginger. You weren't apart this conversation."
Hawks then jumped in
"Hey. Don't talk to him like that, he's a guest."
Dabi just grabbed his food and walked off.
Childe chuckled.
"No need to defend me, comrade. I appreciate it, but I'm used to it. His personality is a lot like my co-worker, Scara, though I believe he goes by Wanderer nowadays by how many times I've heard people call him that."
"Oh you mean Zack's friend?"
Hawks said. Childe nodded
"Yeah, Wanderer. He's the sixth rank fatui harbinger."
"The sixth huh? Then he would probably take me down no problem."
Hawks said with a smile. Childe sighed.
"I don't doubt it...not that you're weak. You're very strong. But, Scara...well...the Balladeer...even I can't deny how strong he is. I still try to fight him anyways, but he never takes me seriously."
"He strikes me as the kind of guy who wouldn't."
Hawks replied. Childe chuckled.
"Honestly? The times he has accepted, I'm pretty sure it's just to feed onto his God complex or something by beating me again and again."
Hawks then hummed
"Huh. That actually makes sense. I don't know much about him but he always had this vibe about him as if he was superior to everyone around him."
Childe nodded.
"Yeah. I remember this one time, a fatui worker once talked back to him about an accident, and Scara beat him up and called him worthless while stepping on him. He also told him to know his place. Scara pretty much does that to everyone he deems 'unworthy' or 'unfit' to be in his presence if they disrespect him. He seems slightly more sane than the last time I saw him in the fatui though, so I guess he's...kinda calmed down."
"Well he must be if he hangs around Zack. He's like the definition of disrespect. The only people I think he shows a sliver of respect to is nahida and lexa. But only rarely any other time he's...well Zack."
Childe then scoffed.
"It's so unfair. I can survive enough with calling him Scara, and Zack gets the privilege of calling him 'puppet'? Scara would quite literally kill me if I even mentioned it."
Hawks shrugged
"I don't know how those two became friends. They just seem too different to have anything in common. But hey what do I know? Maybe they do."
"Eh. Maybe, I don't know everything about Zack, so maybe they do."
"I guess it's a mystery for now. I'm not going to try and figure it out. I don't feel like dealing with Zack today and I'm not close enough to wanderer to be asking him stuff like that."
"I could ask Wanderer, but there's a 50% chance of him kicking me in the face and telling me to know my place and to not ask him questions since he's my superior."
Childe sighed and shook his head.
Ei was eating some dessert in the hallway. She didn't feel the need to travel all the way to the kitchen table so she just ate in the hallway.
As she walked in the hallway leviathan decided to exit his room to get snacks and refreshments.
Ei noticed him. Since she was supposed to be polite, she waved.
"Greetings. I don't believe I have seen you before."
Leviathan just wanted to walk quickly past her but he knew that would be rude and he thought about how lexa would react if she found he was rude to a guest. So he just quickly nodded his head avoiding eye contact
"I am Raiden Ei. What is your name?"
"I'm Leviathan, the third eldest of my brothers. As well as the avatar of envy. I-it's n-nice to meet you."
Ei nodded. She examined him.
"...Is there a reason to be so nervous?"
Leviathan blushed in embarrassment seeing she noticed
"I'm sorry. I can't help it, I don't do well around new people...I should go, you'd probably shouldn't waste your time with someone like me."
"Hm? Why not?"
"B-because there are s-so many better people you could be talking to r-right now. I'm just wasting your time."
"But I am not talking to somebody else right now, I am speaking to you. There is nobody else to talk to, nor do I know anyone else within this household, so I might as well start with you."
Leviathan sighs
"What awful luck that you got stuck talking to a weeb like me."
"...What is a weeb? I do not recognize that term."
"W-well it normally means...someone who is really into video games and anime..."
Ei seemed to be in thought.
"Anime...what is this...anime? Is it a book?"
Leviathan suddenly gasped in shock
"You don't know what anime is?!"
"Apologies, I do not."
Leviathan then though hard about a decision
"W-well if you w-want I can show you...y-you don't have to I-if you don't want to! I u-understand if you'd rather-"
"No, I would be most appreciated and grateful if you showed me this 'anime'."
"U-um okay...I'll just text lexa and ask her to bring some drinks and food to my room."
Leviathan shot Lexa a quick text.
"Here, I'll show you in my room, but uh e-excuse the mess and the...stuff I have."
"It is quite fine. I quite often get messy myself, even if I don't appear to be the kind to do so."
Leviathan led ei to his room. He opened up his door.
"U-um h-here's my room..."
Ei looked around.
"Hm. I see. Well then, let's get started with the anime thing you have told me about."
"Uh r-right"
Leviathan grabbed his TV remote and switch it to Netflix to see if there's any new beginner animes that would be good.
"W-well anime comes in many genres like shogun, romance, slice of life, s-stuff like that."
"I'm fine with anything as long as it has a good plot and likable characters."
"U-um let's see I think there's an anime that h-has that. Lexa recommend some good ones to me."
Leviathan then went to Crunchyroll and went to naruto.
"Well Naruto is a great beginner anime. It has a good plot and good characters too!"
"I see. Well then, let this begin."
"R-right season one, episode one."
Leviathan sat in his bathtub.
Ei paid her attention towards the screen.
The episode instantly started off strong. Showing a giant nine-tailed fox that seemed very aggressive appears. As a narrator begins telling the story of how it went on a rampage and how a ninja called "the fourth hokage" sealed it inside a human baby. A flash of light appeared and showed Naruto as a baby with a symbol on his stomach. Then the intro came on.
Ei seemed very interested. As the intro played, she lightly smiled. Despite it's somewhat chaotic sound in her ears, she quite enjoyed the intro.
As the episode continued, she got more and more interested. Then, what had seemed to be just a very few seconds to Ei, the episode had passed.
"And that was the first episode. W-what do you think?"
Ei then slowly looked towards him. She seemed completely serious...yet...there was a glimmer in her eyes.
"...Was most definitely, the best thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Are there more episodes?"
"Oh yeah there's a lot more episodes. There's like 9 seasons of the show. Each season has like I wanna say 20 episodes..."
"I demand to see more. This is a masterpiece. I do not understand why I have not been introduced to this sooner!"
Leviathan then played the next episode.
Ei paid close attention, looking as if this was the most interesting thing she had ever seen in her life.
Halfway through the second episode. Lexa came in with some snack and drinks
"Hey Levi, I got the snack and drinks you asked for- oh, hi."
Ei didn't realize Lexa was talking to her and paid close attention to the anime, not noticing Lexa talking to her, as she had not heard her name.
Lexa look to see what she was watching and it was naruto. Lexa quietly giggled and handed Levi the drinks and snacks.
"Have fun."
She then left. Ei continued to watch the episode.
Leviathan started feeling less nervous around ei. He remembered how she was eating a cake earlier so he assumed she liked sweets
"H-hey, I h-have some snack would y-you like one?"
He said while shakily holding out a KitKat. Ei looked at it.
"Most definitely. Thank you."
Ei grabbed it and unwrapped it. She took a bite, then hummed with a small smile.
"Mm...this is delicious. Thank you for sharing such a delicious treat."
Leviathan scratched the back of his neck shyly.
"N-no problem. I-I don't mind sharing."
Ei hummed before nodding to herself.
"I see...since you have shared with me, I will share with you. Please pause the show."
Leviathan paused the show while saying
"You really don't need to give me anything, I probably don't deserve it."
"No, I shall go get it now."
Ei exited the room. After a few minutes, she arrived back with a glass bottle of milk. She handed it to Leviathan with a serious but soft expression.
"Here. It is Dango milk. It's a kind of dessert in my world. The traveler figured out how to make these and I stashed some for myself for this visit. Please, take it. I know you will like it."
Leviathan nervously took it with a small blush.
He took a sip and blinked.
"Oh wow. That's...really good!"
Ei smiled gently.
"I am glad that it is to your satisfaction."
Leviathan smiled a tiny bit
"I still feel like I don't deserve this..."
"Nonsense. You gave me something, I give you something in return. It is a logical trade."
Ei then began thinking.
"...Well, I suppose I do owe you one more favor for introducing such a masterpiece to me."
Ei stated, looking at the TV.
Leviathan then waved his head while talking quickly
"That's really not necessary! You're already being too generous to someone by giving me this! You really don't need to do anything else! I don't deserve it, don't waste your efforts on me!"
"...I...do not understand. Why would one want to not have a favor done by the God of eternity?"
Leviathan just look away
"Because why would you do something for someone so...me..."
"Why wouldn't I? You introduced me to such a fantastic show."
Ei stated.
"Back in the plain of euthymia in my world, and even here, I merely only had books and mangas. I had no idea that anime's existed in this world, and I am forever grateful that you have shown me one."
"It's really nothing. I'm glad you like it so much but you really don't need to do anything for me."
"I disagree. It's an act of disrespect to not return the favor, so whenever you need a favor done, you may always ask me. Understood? There is no arguing here. You must accept or I will force you to accept."
Leviathan sighed
"Okay. Okay. If I need something I'll ask you."
Ei smiled.
"Good. Now then, let's get back to watching the episode of Naruto."
Ei then sat down and Leviathan resumed the episode.
Leviathan then pressed play and they continued watching the show
With lexa running around keeping everything in check, doe lost track of her and he was looking around for her. He saw noticed Neuvillette and decided to ask him if he has seen her
So despite his extreme social anxiety he tapped on Neuvillette's shoulder
"E-excuse me."
Neuvillette hummed and turned to see Doe.
"Ah, hello there. Are you ok? You look lost and concerned."
Doe had his normal smile but his eyes were looking around a lot
"I-I'm fine. B-but have you seen Lexa anywhere?"
"I have. She went down that hallway to go check on Satan inside his room."
"Ah! Thank you, bye."
Doe said as he was going to walk off.
Neuvillette then waved.
Doe then barged into satan room where satan was reading a book.
"What do you want?"
Satan asked
"Is Lexa not here?"
"No, she left and went to the library."
Doe closed the door and went to the library.
Doe opened the door to the library
He shouted when he saw Lexa who was reading a book. He then tackled her into a hug.
"Hello doe."
Lexa said kinda embarrassed since he interrupted lexa talking to nahida.
Nahida chuckled.
"I see Doe has missed you. I suppose he must've lost track of you with how much you have been moving around the household."
Lexa laughed nervously
"Yeah. I just want to make sure there are no problems and everyone is getting along or at the very least tolerating each other."
Nahida chuckled.
"That makes sense. But, that goes into what I wanted to tell you. I was thinking, maybe tonight we could all gather around and play a game. Like family feud! I heard of that game while watching this tv show, that was quite literally named after the game. I think you might know about it? It's where family compete against another family and they have to answer questions and each answer, depending on how frequently they answered, the higher the points. So, I was thinking, maybe we could do our own little family feud thing tonight. Maybe we could do Ender's household vs your household, we could also just pair each other into groups of five to make things shorter and easier too. I think it's a great way of bonding."
Lexa thought about it as she played with one of doe's curls as it wrapped around her finger. She liked it.
"That's a great idea. Have you asked ender yet?"
"Mhm! She said she doesn't mind the idea and that she thinks it's a great idea as well, she just said I would have to ask you first."
"Well I personally love the idea I think it would be a lot of fun and a great way for all of us to bond."
Nahida smiled.
"Alright. I already prepared everything beforehand, and I had Ender come up with the questions and the answers so I could participate while being fair, so I just need to set it up. I'll set it up in the living room! Also, Lexa, if you have any more questions you want to add to the roster, be my guest!"
Nahida then walked away to go set the things up.
Wanderer hummed as he walked to the kitchen. He was hanging out with Zack earlier but left to go get tea. Wanderer didn't know whether or not Zack was following him to grab snacks, since Zack complained about being hungry earlier but didn't go up and get snacks at the time, so he might've been following him but Wanderer didn't care to check.
Wanderer went inside the kitchen and began making tea for himself. When Levi was already in the kitchen preparing some tea.
Wanderer hummed and just continued making tea. Since he wasn't big on starting conversations with people he didn't know, he didn't say anything.
Levi noticed him and decided to ask
"Do you want some tea?"
Wanderer looked over. He looked him up and down before nodding.
"Yeah. That's why I'm about to make some."
They both wait in silence as they waited for the tea to boil
Once it finished boiling, Wanderer poured some into his cup. He considered setting it down and leaving or handing it to Levi, and in the end he looked over and handed it to Levi.
"I'm guessing you want some too."
Wanderer gave it to Levi before stirring his own tea before drinking it, completely ignoring the fact it was burning. It didn't affect wanderer though, since he couldn't really feel the heat.
Levi waited a few seconds then he picked up his teacup by the rim of it and took a sip
Wanderer eyed Levi, a bit confused on why he held a cup like that, but Wanderer shrugged and continued drinking his tea. After he finished drinking it, he put it into the sink.
However, just then, Childe came into the room...d@mn it. Childe blinked and waved over at Wanderer.
"Hey Scara!"
"Go away, Tartaglia."
Childe chuckled at Wanderer's tone before looking at Levi.
"Oh, hey! Your Levi, right?"
"Yes. You're childe right? From what I've seen from you so far it's a rather fitting nickname."
Levi replied.
Childe crossed his arms and chuckled.
"Oh, don't be like that, comrade. I'm not that childish."
Levi just stared at him with that normal stoic look he has as he drinks his tea.
Childe chuckled before Wanderer scoffed.
"Tartaglia, get out."
Childe chuckled.
"Relax Scara, I'll just grab some snacks and then I'll be gone."
Childe then looked at Levi and winked at him.
"Although, maybe your friend here would like a little sparring once he's finished his tea?"
Levi replied bluntly. Childe sighed.
"What a shame. You look strong."
"Well in my world I am humanity's strongest soldier."
Levi responded casually, then taking a sip of his tea
"Huh. Really? I could tell you were strong, but I didn't think you were that strong. Can you blame me? With a short frame like yours, people can't help but assume you're weaker than that."
Childe chuckled. That was until levi kicked him in the shin.
Childe groaned of pain a little before smiling, though he bent down.
"Agh...hey, don't take offense so soon. I meant it as a compliment. It's kinda like Scara, small but powerful."
Wanderer narrowed his eyes at Childe and kicked him, knocking him back.
Childe groaned and sat up.
"Why do you two take great offense to the truth?"?"
"Just because you're a guest doesn't mean you can speak to me however you wish. I won't tolerate it, and I believe nothing installs discipline like pain."
Childe smirked, his eyes gleaming.
"So you'll fight me if I call you short? Or tease you? Or pretty much do anything you don't like?"
"No. Lexa said no fighting and even though I could very well ignore her. I respect her so I will respect her wishes."
"Huh? But what about outside? Me, Rengoku, and Mitsuri sparred yesterday, and earlier me and Hawks sparred. This home is far away from neighbors and not only that, it's not a big deal if a mess gets made outside so there's no need to clean."
Childe then sighed and got up.
"Well, now that I think about it, it's getting late outside. Probably not the best time for a sparring match."
Wanderer raised a brow at Childe.
"Really? That's the first I've heard from you."
"Hey, I may be head-on about training to get myself stronger, but I do have common knowledge. I don't mind fighting or sparring at night, but it's more preferable to do it during daytime. I would rather save the energy for a spar tomorrow in daylight than having to go fight out late, especially since it's not necessary to do so."
Childe said, crossing his arms.
Levi finished his cup of tea. He washed it, put it away, then walked out of the room since he wanted to clean his room before he went to bed.
Childe then looked at where Levi exited
"Hm...hey, I heard Nahida was gonna gather us around for a game soon to help us 'bond' or whatever. You're gonnanna be fond of it, Scara?"
Childe asked, looking at Wanderer. Wanderer rolled his eyes.
"Of course she did... of course I'm not gonna be fond of it."
"Are you sure things will be fine with douma around? Sanemi is going to go off when he sees him. I get the shogun will protect him but...should we just you know...avoid that unnecessary drama?"
Lexa asked ender. Yes she felt bad for wanting to leave douma out.
Ender hummed.
"Well, I think the Shogun could keep him in place. True, Sanemi will probably go off when he sees him, but the Shogun could possibly keep the peace since I already told Sanemi the Shogun is far stronger than Douma and is definitely capable of killing him if necessary. That kinda calmed him down when I told him about the uppermoon, but hopefully if I keep telling him that during the whole ordeal everything will be fine...we just have to keep an extra close eye on him. And restrain him for a while."
Lexa thought about it and sighed
"Well I guess all we can do is hope.""
"I doubt it's gonna be that big of a deal...hopefully. Plus, I already asked the Shogun to bodyguard Douma just in case."
Ender stated.
"Yeah. The shogun should be able to deal with sanemi no problem.
Lexa agreed
"And I guess I can try and have Kafka make douma behave for the time being. I just hope we all have some fun."
Lexa added. Ender nodded.
"I hope so as well."
Then, Nahida came into the room.
"Ender, Lexa, I finished setting everything up! I was hoping to ask you to gather everyone to the living room!"
Lexa got out her phone and sent message to the roommate group chat for everyone to come to the living room.
Once everyone got to the living room, Nahida smiled and walked up in the center.
"May I please have all of your attention?"
Everyone quiet down and payed attention to what nahida was going to say.
Nahida smiled.
"Now then, I have a game that I think we can all play in order to bond with each other better. It's a game called 'family feud'. In this game, there shall be teams that shall compete with each other. Ender and Lexa shall be our hosts. I was originally going to come up with the questions myself, but I...kinda wanted to play, so Ender and lexa picked out the questions. Anyways, two people at a time will go up to the podium and Ender or Lexa will be asking a question, and your goal is to answer correctly. There shall be at most a top ten answer, and your answer may be in the top ten, and if it is then your answer shall be recorded, and your opponent may have one chance to answer. If they get a higher ranked answer than yours, they get the questions on their team. If they are not, you get the questions onto your team. If you get three wrong answers when it goes to your team, then you are out and your opponent gets to answer, and depending if they get an answer or not gets to decide who gets the points. If you get all the ranks, then you win and you move onto the next round! I placed a podium right over there, you may all check it out to see which team you are on and which team you are opposing."
Nahida said, pointing to a board.
The podium:
Team: 1: Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Nahida, Furina
Team 2: Neuvillette, Wanderer, Childe, Maki, Shuichi
Team 3: Paimon, Aether, Xiangling, Bennett, Ben
Team 4: Monika, Flowey, Sanemi, Kokichi, Shogun
Team 5: Zack, Dabi, Mammon, Hawks, Levi
Team 6: Lucifer, Satan, L, Kafka, Blade
Team 7: Rengoku, Mitsuri, March, Nagito, Asmo
Team 8: Doe, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Belphie, Douma
Team 1 vs Team 6
Team 2 vs Team 8
Team 3 vs Team 5
Team 4 vs Team 7
Doe then raises his hand and asked
"Do I have to participate? I'd rather not do this."
Lexa then said
"Doe, please?"
Then he instantly changed his mind and decided to participate.
Wanderer then scoffed.
"Do I have to be on a team with Childe?"
Childe huffed and looked at Wanderer, insulted. Nahida sighed.
"Yes...and I assumed you two would fight. That's why I put Neuvillette on your team."
Neuvillette nodded.
"Then I shall make sure these two behave themselves."
He stated, glaring at Childe and wanderer. Childe sighed and Wanderer simply rolled his eyes.
Ei sighed at being put on the same team as Venti, but whatever...
Venti chuckled.
"Wow! What a surprise! Not only do I get to be on a team with Mr. Zhongli, but I also get to be on a team with three Gods of Teyvat!"
Venti chuckled, pointing to Ei, Nahida and Furina. Nahida sighed. She didn't have it in her to remind Venti that nobody here knew she was a God, hopefully nobody questioned it.
Ei scoffed at Venti's statement. Of course he and Zhongli are choosing to still pretend they are not Gods.
Luckily for Nahida, Ender spoke before anyone could question Venti's statement.
"Ok, does everyone know their team?"
Everyone said they did
Ender smiled.
"Ok. Team one and six are going against each other first."."
Both teams stepped up and were opposite of each other
"Ok, now pick one person to go up."
"Nahida go!"
Venti chuckled and pointed over. Nahida sighed.
"Well, alright...but I thought we were going to choose venti first."
"Why would we let that imbecile go first?"
Ei asked. Venti huffed, a little insulted. Nahida hummed.
"...Nevermind. I'll just go."
L then went up. The team decided that it if nahida took the stand L would go.
Nahida waved at L before Ender asked a question
"Top eight answers on the board...so, the first question is...out of all the roommates, who is Lexa most likely to get in a relationship with-"
Nahida then buzzed it.
Lucifer slightly yelled surprised
Ender then revealed it to be the number one answer.
"Nahida is correct! Team 1 gets the questions since Nahida got the number one answer immediately."
Nahida smirks and looks over at Lucifer and winks.
Lucifer blushed in embarrassment as lexa quietly giggles.
Nahida walks over to her stand with the other archons and Ender comes over to Venti and starts asking the question.
"Ok, seven answers on the board. Again, who are most likely to date Lexa of all her roommates?"
Venti blinked and looked at Nahida. Nahida winked. Venti looked back at Ender.
"...Doe. Obviously."
Ender then revealed it to be the number five answer.
Doe eyebrows furrowed as he muttered under his breath
"Seriously, number five?"
"Don't dwell on it too much doe~ afterall it's just a game."
Douma commented with his signature smile.
Ender then moved onto Zhongli. Zhongli hummed.
"...hm...I do not know many roommates, however I did talk with Satan earlier within the day so I would say him."
Zhongli stated. Ender revealed it to be the number 2 answer.
Satan actually blinked in surprise he didn't expect to be number 2.
Ender then moved onto Ei. She repeated the question. Ei hummed in wonder.
"Hm...well, I would suggest it to be Leviathan. They seem to get along well, and based on what you have told me, they have similar interests. Therefore, I would guess Leviathan."
Leviathan got a little red in the face. He doesn't expect to be up there since he really doubts he'd end up in a relationship with lexa.
Ender then revealed it to be the number 4 answer.
Leviathan blushed even more he was surprised to be up there but didn't expect to be in the top 5
Ender then looked at Nahida.
Nahida chuckled.
Ender revealed it to be the number 3 answer.
Mammom huffed a bit
"I guess I'll have to settle for top 3. Even though I'm lexa's first man."
Ender then went to Furina.
Furina gulped.
Furina cleared her throat, looked around the room before nervously answering.
"Belphagor...obviously, s-since he's been clinging to Lexa's side~"
Furina chuckled. Ender revealed it to be the number 7 answer.
Belphie was sleeping so he didn't have a comment.
It was back to Venti.
"Hmm...Asmo! That guy!"
Venti chuckled and pointed to Asmodues.
Ender revealed it to be the number 8 answer..
That was a strong hit to asmo's ego. Being dead last. But he tried to stay confident to not let it get to him even though it annoyed him greatly. He just kept reminding himself it was game.
It then went back to Zhongli. Zhongli hummed.
"...Hm...how about Beelzebub?"
Ei gave Zhongli a confused look before silently realizing he meant the other Beel and not her.
Ender revealed it to be the number six answers. Ender chuckled.
"You got all the answers."
Lexa and ender clapped for the archons
"Team 1 moves onto the next round! Better luck next time team 6."
Lexa announced.
Ender chuckled.
"Team 2 and team 8, step up! Choose the person you want to participate with."
Team 2 chose Neuvillette.
Team 8 chose douma. Or well, douma just walked up since he was the least introverted person on the team.
Neuvillette hummed as he stood at the stand, looking at Douma.
Douma just kept on his normal smile
Ender then looked at Lexa.
"Alright! It's your turn to ask the question."
"Okay okay...if anyone in either household went to jail. What would most likely be the reason?"
Neuvillette pushed the button down.
"Assault. A lot of people here are very aggressive and ultimately have violent urges. Not all people here, but some of them, as in, half, have these urges. Therefore, the most logical answer is assault."
Lexa revealed it to be the 2 answer
Neuvillette hummed.
"Douma? You want to try and answer, maybe you can get the first answer."
Douma smiled and nodded.
"Hmm...I'm gonna say. Theft!"
Lexa revealed it to be the third answer.
Ender smiled.
"Team 2 takes the lead! They get the response."
They then went to Team 2's side.
It was Wanderer's turn to answer. Wanderer scoffed.
Lexa with a nervous smile revealed it to be the number 1 answer.
Childe chuckled.
"That was going to be my answer..."
Wanderer rolled his eyes as it was now Childe's turn. Childe smiled as he thought a bit.
"Hm...let me think...most likely crime...vandalism. I'm going with vandalism."
Lexa revealed that to be the 6 answer
It was then Maki's turn. She hummed.
Lexa revealed that to be the 5 answers.
It was then Shuichi's turn. He seemed to think for about thirty seconds before answering.
Lexa revealed that to be the 4 answer
Ender then announced.
"Team 2 wins! They will be moving onto the next round! Team 3 and team 5, step up and choose your person!"
Team 3 chose Xiangling (mainly because Ben did not bother to show up for his team).
Team 5 chose Levi because to them he seemed the smartest.
Dabi then asked
"Since Ben is not here can I leave to make it even?"
Lexa answered
Ender hummed. It was her turn to ask the question.
"What is something you have thought of cooking before that you probably shouldn't cook-"
Xiangling pressed the button.
"Hawks's wings!"
Ender blinked slowly and stared at Xiangling.
"...I'm sorry?"
"Hawk's wings! His wings."
Xiangling answered, pointing to Hawks on the other side.
Hawks looked mildly uncomfortable grabbing his wings
Ender forced herself to hold in a laugh.
"They would make giant chicken wings, in my opinion. Just think about the tasty and juicy texture!"
Xiangling answered. Which made dabi chuckle.
Ender sighed, still holding in a laugh.
"That is not a correct answer. Levi, it's your turn to answer."
Levi then started thinking of what to say, he was thinking of the dumbest answer. He thought to himself
'Okay. All I have to do is think of something an idiot would think of.'
"I guess...clothes?"
Ender revealed it to be the number 3 answer.
"Alright! We're now going to team 5!"
It was now dabi's turn
Ender waited for Dabi's answer.
Dabi thought and then shrugged
"A phone?"
Ender revealed the number one answer to be electronics.
"Phones count as electronics, so good job!"
Ender then looked at the next person
The next person was Mammon and he wasted no time answering
Ender revealed it to be the number four answer.
"You sound so confident, it's like you have experience..."
Ender muttered.
Lucifer then answered with a angry voice
"Oh believe me he does."
That made Mammon a little scared, making him laugh nervously.
"H-hey isn't it hawks turn now?"
"Oh! Yeah, Hawks, it's your turn!"
Ender said, looking at Hawks. He looked nervous to answer
"Um...a squishmallow?"
Ender smiled.
"Number five answer!"
Ender then looked at Zack.
Zack had a look on his face that said he had an answer but he really didn't want to say.
"...a book."
Ender revealed it to be the number two answer.
"Good job! Team 5 wins this round! Next round, team four vs team 7!"
Team four chose the shogun.
Team 4 chose March (well she more begged to go)
Ender then looked at Lexa.
"It's your turn to ask."
Lexa nodded
"Okay, if it wasn't for the Italians we'd never know the heavenly taste of what food?"
March buzzed the button
Lexa then revealed that to be the number 2 answer.
The Raiden shogun hummed.
"...I'm afraid I do not know what Italy is, nor it's food, therefore I shall be forfeiting from this question."
The Raiden shogun then returned to her side
Lexa then looked to ender and leaned over to ask
"Is that allowed?"
"...I...don't know...uh...we'll just say it's allowed."
Ender shrugged.
"Uhhh...okay. Now we're going to team 4. Mitsuri your turn to answer-"
Mitsuri answered before Lexa could finish.
Lexa revealed it to be the 3 answer
"Okay next up is nagito!"
Nagito just thought the first thing that came into his head
"Gelato. Is that an Italian food?"
Lexa then showed it was the 4 answer
"Technically it's a dessert but it still counts as a food. Okay rengoku you're up."
Rengoku thought for a second. Then said
Lexa revealed that was the number 1 answer.
"Okay, asmo, there is one more left, can you guess what it is?"
Asmo tapped his finger thinking of what it could be. There were a bunch of things it could be.
Lexa revealed that to be number 5 answer
"Good job team 4! You got all of them!"
Lexa announced
Ender then smiled.
"Alright! We'll be moving on, which means the winning teams will now be versing each other! Team 2 and team 5 will now be versing each other. Please step up!"
Team 2 then picked Wanderer. Wanderer walked up to the stand. Team picked Zack when they saw wanderer was going up. They knew wanderer would go easy on him.
Ender then asked.
"Name a sound you might hear outside?"
Wanderer just stared at Zack, as if waiting for him to think of an answer.
Childe raised an eye as Wanderer just crossed his arms, staring up at Zack and waited.
Zack buzzed and quickly said
Ender revealed it to be the number two answer.
"You have a chance to steal it, Wanderer."
Wanderer shrugged and said something that was obviously wrong.
"Wrong. Ok, we move onto team 5!"
Wanderer went back to his place. Childe huffed.
Ender then looked to the next person on team 5 to answer.
Levi answered
Ender revealed it to be the number one answer before moving onto the next person.
Dabi thought for a minute
"I guess...rain?"
Ender then revealed it as the number four answer.
"Good job!"
Ender then looked at the next person up.
Mammon then thought
"Leaves rustling?"
Ender then revealed it to be the number five answer.
"Good job!"
Ender then looked at the next person.
Hawks then thought for a moment
"...a person?"
Ender revealed it to be the number three answer.
"Great job! Team 5 is the winner! Now we move onto Team 1 vs Team 7!"
The two team get in their places and decide who was going to go first
For their first person, team 1 chose Ei.
For their first person, team 7 choose nagito
They both got up to the podiums. Ei nodded at Nagito.
"Pleased to be versing you."
Nagito nodded at her with a bright smile
"It's an honor!"
Ei hummed.
"I will not be going easy on you. And I will see to it that you will not either."
Nagito just kept smile
"Oh please, don't hold back!"
Ei nodded and looked to Lexa, expecting a question, not wanting to hold the game back any longer than expected.
Lexa stood in between them and asked
"Okay! 5 answers on the board. The question, Name a soda people like to drink."
Ei pushed the button. Although she didn't know many 'soda's', she didn't necessarily want to give no answers.
Lexa revealed it to be number 3.
"Nagito you have a chance to answer, if you get one with a higher score your team will go."
Nagito thought for a moment.
"...I'm gonna say Coca Cola!"
Lexa revealed it to be the number one answer.
"Alright! Team 7."
Ei humbly nodded at Nagito before walking back to the other archons
Nagito walked back to his team and Lexa walked over to them.
"Okay March, can you think of a soda people drink?"
"Yeah! Dr.pepper!"
Lexa revealed it to be the fourth answer.
"Alright mitsuri can you name one?"
Mitsuri was playing with her braid as she thought.
"While that is a good answer, it's not up there. Rengoku do you have one?"
"...hmmm...I saw this one the other day. Mountain Dew?"
Lexa revealed that to be the 5th answer.
"Alright asmo can you guess number two?"
Asmo thought he let out a sigh
"I don't drink soda but my guess is sprite."
"That's another good one but nope, it's not up there. Okay nagito, can you guess number 2?"
"Alright...hmmm. Canada Dry"
Lexa shook her head
"Nope, that is not the answer. That's strike three now team 1 it's your turn can you guess number 2?"
The archons then looked at Venti. Venti was practically the only one with soda knowledge.
Venti hummed.
"Hmm...there are so many flavors to choose...however....I would have to say...Diet Coke."
Lexa revealed it to be the answer.
Venti gave a smirk in confidence. Nahida chuckled.
"Good job, Venti!"
"Heh. All in good fun~!"
Lexa clapped her hands
"Congratulations team 1, you move onto the next round. Good luck next time team 7."
Team 7 just smiled they were just happy to have fun.
Ender then looked at the teams.
"Alright! Now, team 1 versus team 5! Please, choose!"
Team 1 chose Zhongli as their first.
Team 5 chose Levi.
As they both went up, Zhongli nodded and held out his hand for Levi to shake. Levi nodded and shook his hand.
They then went to their respective sides. Ender then asked the question.
"Top four answers on the board. What is a common fear people might have?"
Levi buzzed in
Ender then revealed that to be the number 2 answer
Ender then looked to Zhongli.
"You have a chance to steal it, Mr. Zhongli."
Zhongli hummed before answering.
Ender then revealed that to be the number one answer.
"Now the question goes off to team 1!"
Zhongli looked at Levi and nodded, as if silently complimenting him on getting number two.
They then went to Team 1's side. Ei was next.
"So? What do you think are people's greatest fears?"
"...the traveler once told me they were embarrassed to be speaking in front of an audience, therefore I will guess...public speaking."
Ender revealed that to be the number three answer. They then moved onto Nahida
"So, Nahida, what's a common fear people might have?"
Nahida chuckled, knowing the answer.
Ender then revealed it to be the fourth and last answer.
"That is correct! Team 1 is the winner of the family feud games!"
Venti chuckled and ruffled Nahida's hair.
"Yesss! We win!"
Nahida chuckled.
"Well, most importantly, everyone had fun! Right?"
Some roommates agreed some just shrugged their shoulders or just didn't answer.
Furina yawned.
"Wellll~, that's enough for one night. I'm rather tired, and-uh-a-an archon needs her beauty sleep, Y'know~? Well, goodnight~"
Furina chuckled and walked away, making sure to keep up the act of being the archon in front of the traveler.
"I should get back to my cases."
L said heading up to his room and many of the roommates started heading up to their rooms to go to sleep or just wanting to be alone.
After many departed, Ender hummed.
"Well, guess we should sleep."
The Raiden shogun looked to Ender and Lexa, nodding.
"Yes. You two go to bed. I will go and watch over this one."
The Raiden shogun stated, then glared at Douma.
"Why such a harsh look~?"
He asked with a smile.
Raiden shogun narrowed her eyes at him.
"Do not question me when there is such an obvious answer. Do not play dumb."
"Oh shogun. You wound me so~ I will behave. Goodnight ender~ goodnight Lexi~"
Douma replied
"Stop calling me that."
Lexa said before leaving
"But you let Kafka-
"It's different with Kafka."
Lexa said already up the stairs.
Ender chuckled and went up the stairs as well.
Wanderer, who was still awake, decided to go make tea.
The shogun then turned her attention towards Douma, waiting for whatever he was going to do.
Douma looked at the moon.
"The moon is lovely tonight isn't it~ perhaps a nightly stroll would be nice~"
He winked at the shogun, trying to be seductive. The shogun didn't react to Douma's seductive attempt.
"Alright then. I shall accompany you while you go out."
Douma smiled and clapped his hands
"Wonderful! I didn't want to go alone, I'd feel rather lonely and who better to accompany me than you~"
The shogun nodded.
"Indeed. It would be more logical for me to follow, given I can stop you if you dare to do anything that is against the rules."
Douma just laugh
"Oh I promise to be on my best behavior."
Raiden shogun nodded.
"I hope you keep to your words. I have no respect for those who do not follow the rules, and punishment must take place if the rules are broken."
"So your a rule follower~ but don't you ever want to bend the rules just for the fun of it?"
"No. I am an extension to make sure the rules stay in place. As the Electro Archon's puppet, I am programmed to make sure rules must be followed. Breaking rules is out of the question, and most certainly wrong."
The Shogun said strictly.
"Ahh I see. A puppet hm. How interesting.you don't bleed then?"
"No, I do not....well, I assume not. I am unsure about it, if I am honest."
"Well how about you let me have a bite~?"
The shogun glared at Douma.
"...That is strange. I do not know if it is in rule's policy. Is it against the rules?"
"Well lexa never said I'm not allowed to bite humans. She didn't say anything about puppets."
Douma said finding a loophole in the rules
"...I suppose then it is okay."
Raiden shogun put her arm in front of Douma. He smirked and leaned down and bit down into her arms. She did in fact bleed he drank some when he suddenly felt a painful electric shock go through his body but it was only for a second. It felt electrical and the blood made him feel powerful.
Douma pulled back with a wide smile.
"Wow! Amazing! There was like an electric kick to it but it's so strong and powerful. I've never tasted
such blood!"
Raiden shogun tilted her head.
"Huh...perhaps it is the electricity in my body. I am gifted to have power by the God of eternity, Electro archon, hence I have electricity in my body. Do you...enjoy it? You look as if you..."
Douma seemed more cheerful in a sinister way
"It's been forever since I had any blood!"
"...I see."
Raiden shogun narrowed her eyes.
"...So you drink blood? Is it a food source?"
Douma chuckled
"It's kinda like that. But the more I consume the stronger I get, certain blood makes me stronger than others. But I've never and I mean never! Tasted blood like this before! Mind if I get seconds~?"
"...Speaking on how it does not seem to affect me, and how you have not had some in a while, indicating you may be weak because of lack of blood, of course. Take as much as you need."
Raiden shogun nodded, handing her arm to Douma. He wasted no time and took more blood getting that same small electric shock but feeling more powerful by the second. Soon he stopped thinking he might accidentally kill her.
"Delicious~ you're a good friend~"
The shogun asked, tilting her head.
"You just let me drink blood from you. I doubt you'd do that for a stranger or someone you don't consider a friend."
Douma smiled widely, despite it being fake
The shogun hummed.
"...I see...Then, I suppose by definition, we are friends."
"Yay~ now how about we go on that walk I suggested?"
Douma asked
The shogun nodded.
"Of course. Let's go."
They both walk out with douma leading the way.
After a while, the two go back to the house. The shogun didn't speak as they entered.
"Well that was delightful~ wouldn't you agree."
"It was quite peaceful, so I have no room to complain."
Douma chuckled.
"Sounds like something my superior kokushibo would respond with. Hmm...now that I think of it, your a lot like him, raiden."
"I have no idea of whom you are speaking of."
"Oh he's just someone from my world. Don't worry about it."
"I see."
The shogun nodded and looked out the window.
"It appears the sun is beginning to rise. You must go back to your room now."
"Boo...the night is too short."
Douma Said, sounding sad
The shogun nodded.
"Indeed. It is only 8-9 hours on an average day, afterall. But that is how time works. Now, let's go to your room."
"Alright alright."
They go to douma's room as the sun was about to shine
"Well goodnight or well I guess good morning~ also if you see that small little girl with the white hair and green eyes. Tell her thanks for the puzzle. Come by and visit me. I'd enjoy your company, my dear shogun~"
He finished with a wink and closing the door. Shogun hummed and nodded.
She then walked away to continue patrolling.
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