Chapter Three: Back Abord the Hogwarts Express [edited]
The next morning, I was rudely awakened by Ginny. She had decided to shake me to death and then push and roll me until I was on the floor.
"Ginny," I whined. "What was that for?"
"Sorry, Hermione." Ginny didn't look a bit sorry. "Mum was screaming for us all to get up or we would be late." I didn't hear Mrs Weasley yelling at us to get up. In fact, now that I came to think of it, I couldn't hear anything at all other than Ginny's voice. This was a strange phenomenon because usually on the day we are supposed to go back to Hogwarts, the entire house is in an uproar and it's impossible to get from place to place without crashing into someone or dropping at least ten things. It was so quiet. I had spoken to soon.
"Ginny! Hermione! Where are you? If you two girls don't hurry up, we are going to miss the train."
"Coming!,"Ginny and I both screamed down the stairs.
"Have you ever noticed Gin," I remarked, "how we always go through the same struggle, fiasco, , and worry and yet —"
"And yet we never miss the train?" Ginny cut across. "Ya, it's quite funny actually. For years, the twins (she avoided saying Fred's name) used to try to do things to mess her up. It was quite hilarious actually. One year, they messed with all the clocks so it would look like we woke up three whole hours late. It was terrifying at the time, but in the end it was quite hilarious."
"Well," I said slowly, "don't forget the one time they did miss the train."
"Who missed the train? I don't remember — oh." Remembrance of the situation filled her face. During my second year at Hogwarts, Ron and Harry had been unable to take the Hogwarts express to school due to the fact that a house elf, Dobby, may his soul rest in peace forevermore, had sealed the entrance to platform 9 3/4. Ron and Harry, having no brains as usual, decided to take Mr Weasley's flying car and fly it to the school.
"Remember now, Ginny?"
"Yes, of course, how could I forget?" And we both launched into a fit of uncontrollable giggles just like we had done the night before.
"Are you girls coming or not? I'm about to send back your Hogwarts letters saying you do not wish to attend this year if you are not down here in this kitchen and packed within the next five minutes."
"Coming!" Ginny and I shouted at the exact same time. We then raced each other down the stairs and booked it to the kitchen.
"Took you long enough," Ron said with a wink. I just rolled my eyes and continued on to breakfast.
"Run! Grab a trolley! Let's go!" We were racing through Kings Cross Station to catch the Hogwarts express and Mrs Weasley was screaming at us again.
"Mum," Ron said,"you worry too much."
"I worry just the right amount, thank you very much. You'll be thanking me later when you're on the train, eating chocolates and drinking ice cold pumpkin juice. Ron, you're not fooling anyone. We all know how much you like to stuff your face, especially with candy." The Weasleys as well as Harry and I, did not even bother to attempt to hide our laughter. We all knew just how true it was. I loved spending time with the Weasleys.
All too soon, we were reaching the barrier between platforms nine and ten.
" Alright now, how shall we do this? Ron and Harry, you go through first. And then you two girls. Ginny and Hermione, you can go through now. Be careful with your things, Ginny. You don't want to lose anything before you get there, do you? And I will follow after you."
We passed through the barrier. It's a strange sensation. It's like you're walking through a wall — but then — you're not and you find out you are just waking through air and space. When I come out the other end, I see the giant, scarlet steam engine with smoke billowing from the smokestacks and the words 'Hogwarts Express' written on the side. That and the sign saying Platform 9 3/4 will always fill me up with excitement no matter how old I get.
We all climbed onto the train, Mrs Weasley blowing kisses and it started pulling away for the final time. I just remembered and I felt a single tear drip from my eye, down the side of my face, and into my mouth.
"Shall we find a compartment then," Ginny asked. "I think that we should all get one together without anyone else."
"That sounds all right with me Ginny," Harry immediately replied. "How about you guys?"
I responded with an, "all right then," and Ron made a noncommittal grunt which we all took to be a yes. So, we walked down the aisle until we found an empty one. It took a long time due to the fact that most compartments were full to burst. Also we had to dodge a lot of unwanted fans. I mean, come on, we were the biggest heroes in London, Wizarding London that is but still, Harry was like a king because he had defeated the dark lord as well as come back from the dead. Who wouldn't want to meet us?
When we finally found an empty compartment, we sat down with huge relief all over our faces. But sadly, we weren't alone for five minutes when the most unwanted face of all appeared at our compartment door. Draco Malfoy.
He let himself into the compartment, ignoring our glares and said, "Hello Potter, Weasley, Weasley," nodding to each of them in turn. "I was wondering — if — well —could I have a private word with you, Granger? It will only take a moment."
Before I could open my mouth to speak, Ginny stepped up for me, wand raised and at the ready.
"No you may not speak to Hermione, you foul, vile, evil death eater. Why in the world would she want to talk with you? Now leave at once or I'll hex you and you know I will do it."
Malfoy didn't say a word. He just tilted his head to the side and gave a short, forward nod. Then he walked out of the compartment, shutting the door gently and moved back along the train. I didn't care about whatever he wanted. He watched his aunt torture me in his own house.
We didn't get any visitors for the rest of the journey. It was quite lovely actually. Just talking, laughing, and snogging.
It wasn't long before we had arrived at our destination.
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