Ask Snobby Answers!!!
Ok so this is a thing we do on quotev and my friend was recently deleted so I'm putting these up here for her!
One question does snobby hate Zackary
~yes he's more famous than me
Ask Snobby:
Do you think everyone is always either good or bad and never in between?
~no. There's good and bad in everyone. I just happen to be almost all good.
Ask Snobby if he can tell everyone how much Draco actually likes Hermione because J. K. Rowling said he has feelings for her.....I want to know!!!!
~erm...I don't know you'd have to ask her. But I do know that he likes her...
Aaaaassssskkkkkk Snnnnoooobbbbyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
Does Snnnnoooobbbbyyyyyyyyyy ship Heese, Spiron, and other new ships?
~sounds fun. Of course.
Does Snnnnoooobbbbyyyyyyyyyy like Wattpad?
~what's that?
Is Snobby attracted to Hermione?
What will snobby try to name Hermione's child?
~we shall call it Snobby jr
Is Snnnnoooobbbbyyyyyyyyyy in mourning for the deleted account, @.ArcticRose?
~oh a loss? I don't know this person but yes very sad indeed
Does Snnnnoooobbbbyyyyyyyyyy like @rAnderson_moonbeam?
Signing off,
Random person whose q got deleted. Bye from Rosaline 🌹🌹🌹
Are you Snobby? (Like the adjective)
~no of course I am not (snobbish voice)
Do you like apples?
~covered in chocolate
What are you going to be for Halloween? (You better give me a good answer)
~I'm going to cover myself in chocolate wrappers
Corn on the cob, or candy corn?
~ew neither
Green apples or Red apples?
Does this word sound cool to you? "Drapple"
~oohhh yes! WHAT DOES IT MEAN
How bout this. "Drade"
~ok that's interesting WHAT IS IT?
Is chocolate pie good?
~erm it's chocolate so...YES!
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
~you're playing around with me now aren't you?
How many people have you roasted in your lifetime. (Btw Snobby, us children call making a comedic rude joke about someone a 'roast')
~ I do not resort to such cruel means humph
-Creeperboom Loves Drapple
Ok I'm just going to remind you all that Snobby lives in the world of My Roommate of Silver and Green and not our world....
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