Danel, and the Water Adventure Part 1!
Kat: This is my own content. Don't steal, or copy. Not unless I give you permission. So I hope you all enjoy this! Talk to you later!
-Danel's POV-
I am running, running as fast as I can. I need to escape before I get killed. But, as soon as I got to the light I blacked out. It felt like minutes later, but my guess is that it was hours. I wake up to a bright light. As soon as I saw the bright light I bolt up. Then everything comes back to me. I was running away from my boss who was going to kill me. But, um one question, Where am I?
-Third Person-
{3 hours ago}
There was a group of kids walking around town. When they saw a girl running. She was running out of a building that was supposed to be abandoned. They all were a little curious, so they headed towards her. Then suddenly she collapsed. The group of friends ran to her. They first checked her pulse, she was alive. So they took her to the hospital. Now they are all waiting to know when she wakes up.
-Danel's POV-
Shortly after I wake up some weird white clothed people came into the room. As soon as they ask if I'm alright I dash for the door. I get passed them, luckily, I then run down the hall through doors, and then into a group of people in the lobby.
But the main person wait no, thing, that I ran into is mostly yellow. Then after I get up I get a glare from it. I can read face expressions, don't ask how, but it was saying 'What's your problem!?'. Ugh, I need to go, not stand around here just to have a staring contest with this thing.
"Sorry to run into you!~ Please forgive me!" I say helping it up.
"Are you alright?" a boy asks.
"Yeah. I'm fine." the thing replies.
"So, where did you think you were going?" one of the other girls asks.
"I, uh, I need to leave." I say.
"You look familiar." a boy says looking me up, and down. Then suddenly his fist goes into his palm.
"What do you mean? We haven't met before." I state looking him in the eyes. 'I don't know who this boy is. How would he know me. . . . wait a minute. He does look familiar.' I think.
"Danel. That's your name right?" the boy asks.
"How'd you know my name! Wait! Hold it! How are you here now!?" I ask realizing who he is.
"I left that horrible place! They didn't want me anyway." he states hatred in his voice. This made me freeze still, I couldn't believe that he hated that place so much.
"I'm sorry. But, I couldn't stay." I state looking at the ground before doing the unthinkable, I hugged him. I've never ever hugged anyone ever before. So, why now? Of all times why? Just kidding! It's not my first time hugging someone.
"Danel, come on. Don't get emotional over Skylar there." another familiar voice says.
"Hehehe." I laugh letting go of Skylar, "seems you still come in at the worst times. Oh yeah! Speaking of adventure...." I was cut off by everyone saying:
"We weren't talking about adventures!" They yell at me.
"Who wants to go on some adventures!?" I finish ignoring them.
"I'm in." A new voice says.
"Hey Alex." Skylar says.
"Hey guys! Sorry we're late!" the girl next to Alex says.
"Ok, we're in. Dorki, you in?" the first boy asks the yellow creature.
"Yeah. I'm in." Dorki says.
*Buzz* Skylar's phone buzzes.
"I wonder who that could be." he says before checking the message.
'Hey, I'll be at the hospital soon. Also, is there anything going on that I should know about? -Saku'
I snatch Skylar's phone, and message the person back. As soon as I hit send I then run outside.
'Hello, I'm Danel. We're going on an adventure soon. Would you want to join us?'
Only a few seconds later, there's a message back.
'Hello! It's nice to meet you! Sure, I'll go with you on an adventure.'
I start jumping up and down. Only thing is that a car almost hit me. Luckily I jumped up and high enough. The person in the car yelled then looked at the door of the hospital.
"We got someone else to join us with adventuring!" I yell.
"Hey Saku!" everyone else yells then runs to the car I'm on top of.
"Who's the lunatic on top of my car?" the person asks.
"I'm Danel. I'm glad you're joining our adventure." I say as I jump off the car.
"You're Danel?" the girl asks.
"I am. Nice to meet you Saku!" I say pulling her out of the car, and give her a hug.
"I need to park my car." she says pushing me away from her. Then going to park her car.
Suddenly I tense sensing danger around, and near.
"Everyone, get down. NOW!" I yell.
"But, wh-" I cut Skylar off. I then force everyone down then run.
"I knew it! Why'd you come here!? You know it's not safe. COME OUT AND FACE ME!" I yell kicking a fence. Unfortunately, they grab my leg, and start dragging me off.
"Now be quiet, or we'll have to kill your friends too!" the man carrying me yells.
I jump up, and push him face first into the cement. Then I kick all of the others unconscious. I then run back to the hospital doors immediately. I know I'm being followed due to the heavy footsteps behind me. I reach the doors, and get the other people in before me. This gave me another chance to beat up the sorry punks that work for a loser.
"So you want more of this chick?" I ask putting my right hand hand on my right hip.
"We were given orders to kill you not toy around with you punk!" one of the men says trying to grab me.
"That's too bad!" I fake pout while dodging the man.
Then the two men start whispering something that I can't hear at first until I get behind them.
"We should attack at the same time, and not one at a time. What do you think?" the first man asks.
"Well, in my opinion, I think you should watch your tongues more carefully." I say before getting rocks, out of nowhere, then throwing them at the two.
They dodge the rocks, and hit me out side the head. The next thing that surprised me, was that the people that I told to go inside were in fighting stances. What really surprised me was that I fainted.
I know this because I woke up with a massive headache. Next thing I know I'm let out of the hospital, and me, plus the others in the group, were heading to the ocean.
So we start heading to the beach to go swimming. (A/N: Start music at the top now! If you want. See you at the end!) As soon as the water reached up to my neck I remembered I couldn't swim. I somehow, miraculously, started swimming by myself. Then that's when I realize that something wrapped around my waste.
"What the heck? What's that?" I ask realizing this tentacle that's around my stomach.
"What's wrong Danel?" Skylar asks from behind me.
"Do you not see the thing that has my stomach?" I ask gritted teeth.
"What are you talking ab...." He stops immediately as he spots the tentacle around my stomach, and before he can warn anyone I'm dragged under the water.
I hold my breath for what feels like seconds before blacking out.
{4 hours later}
My eye lids feel heavy, but once I stir on the ground I find myself on cold ground. Then I jolt open my eyes to find I'm now in a cave. I look around, and notice that there's decorations in the cave to make it look like a house. 'Why would anyone want to ruin a cave as gorgeous as this one?' I think to myself.
"It's 'bout time you woke up." a voice echoes in the cave, it's like the sound is resonating with another sound, it's beautiful!
"What do you mean? Who are you?" I ask without thinking.
"You've been out for what's been hours. I'm your mother dear." the voice is lying.
"Who are you really? I don't have a mother anyway. So, why don't you just release me now before I have to beat you up?" I threaten before realizing that I don't have the strength needed to take down this woman.
"Oh? You, beat me up? I doubt that brat!" the voice yells before a person appears before me.
"How are you even able to look in the mirror without it breaking? Besides, I doubt you could ever harm me. You think I don't know who's actually talking?" I ask knowing who's really talking, and who it is.
"How is that possible? We haven't even met yet!" the voice raises in volume, and I know I struck a nerve.
"Mrs. Annabeth, so good to see you!~ It's been so long since I last saw you! How've you been?" I mimic the voice I've done many times to talk to this woman before.
"You're Elizabeth Darel!?" the voice raises into anger.
"You bet sugar pea!" I say mimicking another one of my voices that she knows.
"How are you even alive!? I thought I killed you!" she's angry now.
"You killed a dummy. Now, show your new form Annabeth Bentley!" I demand now able to stand.
"Why should you even care about me?" her voice now quiet with sadness.
"Because I still consider you my friend. I can't do harm to anyone anymore, I got fired, and now I'm trying to fend off old comrades. Why did you take me anyway?" I ask looking around the room to see if I can spot her.
But, just as I spot the octopus/squid thinning, I black out yet again.
-Third Person-
(A/N: This is just after Danel gets pulled under the water.)
"Guys! We have a problem!" Skylar yells running to the part of the beach where the rest of the group was after getting out of the water. 'It's a good thing it's only us at the beach today.' Skylar thinks to himself.
Everyone gets up meeting him half way. After they let Skylar catch his breath he starts telling them what happened with Danel. They are shocked by what they heard, and some of their faces have expressions that say 'That's not possible, she probably got free and is on her way up now.' Some weren't even surprised.
"It's the truth I'm telling you!" Skylar states.
"We didn't say anything about disagreeing." Selena states with a frown.
"Your faces said other wise! Either way, we need to find her, and fast before she gets eaten!" Skylar yells then runs into the water.
After the others picked up their stuff they got on a boat, and chased after the boy. (A/N: It is possible to get a boat out of nowhere! This is my story, don't argue! On we go!) Soon they caught up and got the boy on the boat then they found a submarine so they got in it then dived into the water.
(A/N: Ok, so it took the group 1 hour to clean up on the beach and now I'm doing another time skip, but it will be in the next part of this adventure. Also, there will be a lot of time skips, just so you know. Well that's all for now. Talk to you guys later! Bye mina!~)
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