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I stepped out of the house, nervously pulling my bag strap over my shoulder as I stood for a bit just watching him from where he leaned on his car, head casted downwards as both his fingers worked on his phone. He looked as cool as always, with black leather jacket, ripped black jeans and a black inner shirt, and on his feet was what looked like an expensive white sneaker with black highlights. His hair was neatly combed to perfection also, and even though I couldn't see much of his face, I could tell he looked pretty much exceptional too.
I let out a nervous breath as I climbed down the small porch steps, and made my way towards him as my heels made annoying noises beneath my feet, taking his attention from his phone.
He raised his head, eyes raking my body from head to toe as he seemed to take in a breath like I knocked the previous one out of him.
I stood in front of him now, my teeth coming to press down on my lower lip, and I could taste the strawberry flavored lip gloss I had adorned.
"Literally every time I see you, I fall harder, V." He said, sounding pretty much breathless.
I gave him a coy smile, releasing my lip. "I wish I could say the same."
He chuckled. "Haha, very funny... make fun of the guy who is trying so hard to be nice to the girl... I've actually seen better dresses tonight."
I gasped. "You have? How many have you taken off with that attitude? Zero?"
He laughed, brown eyes looking brighter in the moonlight. "You make me so happy, V. And you look, amazing."
I smiled. "You don't look too bad yourself."
"Thanks, Queen."
"You're welcome, slave. Shall we proceed?" I asked.
He chuckled, stepping away from the car slightly to pull open the door for me.
I muttered a thanks, getting inside his car.
This wouldn't be the first time I rode in his car though; he had a habit of picking me up from work and sometimes dropping me off at school.
Why I never complained was because the car was very similar to my car back at the first dimension, it's a pity I never got to get it out, and I didn't have enough money to get myself a new one.
Ethan had gone through so much trouble to get it back from the Outside.
A smile touched my lips, remembering what I'd been doing before I got his call that night... It was the night Roman and I went to find Ralph at Renegades, after the Rebel-lions gang logo came out.
Thinking about that time now, it seemed like a very long time ago, then again, it was a long time ago.
The door at the other side of the car opened as he got in, closing the door beside him. "Is it too cold?" he asked, referring to the air condition in the car.
I shook my head. "No, it's perfect."
He smiled at me, starting up the engine. "Relax." He told me.
"What?" I looked at him, confused. "Your shoulders are tense." He said.
"Oh..." I swallowed, letting them down. "I'm sorry, it's just—I haven't been to a party in a year... I'm just nervous I guess."
That was half true... I was mostly nervous because I wanted to try something tonight, something I had put off for too long, but everyone seems to think it's time to let go, and that's what I'm gonna do... let go.
"Hey," he reached out to hold my cold hands on my lap. "You don't have to be nervous, I'm here... okay? The moment you feel overwhelmed, just let me know, and we'll be out of there."
I nodded. "Okay."
He smiled, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go and pulling out of my drive way.
* * * * *
It would be my first time coming to the Maddox's home, but I've heard pretty great things about the place, how it looked so expensive and huge all over... this time, the rumors were adequate, and it was indeed huge.
We'd passed through a large gate, and had driven up to the main house where it was brimming with lights and people... cars were all over the place and you could see people literally everywhere outside the house, but the music was dulled out... the place really was beautiful.
"Don't let the luxury fool you... what really matters is if the place is really a home." I heard him say from beside me.
When I looked over at him about to ask what he meant, he smiled, and asked. "Wanna go in? I'm afraid I won't be able to give you a proper tour because everywhere would be mostly blocked with well... people."
I gave him a small smile. "It's okay... are your parents okay with this though, the party."
"Ricky gets whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned." He mentions. "I'll get the door." He said, stepping out, shutting his door and coming around the car to get the door for me. He outstretched his hand which I took, stepping into the cold night air, the loud music come from inside the house, but the DJ was outside, as people danced, even outside the house. It felt like my ears were being attacked as my eyes tried to take in everywhere at once.
"Let's head in." he said, after locking his car.
We both made our way in, and yes, he was right... There would be no touring today because everywhere was filled with people.
We pushed pass the crowd of sweaty and drunk people as he led me to where ever it was he was leading me to, I couldn't see much of the house.
"Is this normal? Are people always this—much at Ricky's parties?!" I yelled, hoping he'd here me.
"No and yes... but today seems to be a bit extra..." He yelled back.
We finally reached an area close to the stairs. People didn't seem to be too much here.
"Will you wait here while I go get us drinks?" he asked.
I nodded. "Sure... be quick... I don't wanna get lost."
He smiled. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon." He said, his tall figure quickly disappearing into the crowd.
I let out a breath, hugging myself, because despite the crowd, it was still pretty cold inside.
My eyes moved around, seeing the familiar and non-familiar faces around me. I doubted the fact that I would see Fiona, Roman or Caramel... I really didn't want to get lost in this huge place.
As my eyes wandered, it zeroed on a group of people, sitting in a circle, playing truth or dare.
I swallowed, my stomach dropping to a pit in my stomach, my body felt light all over as my mind vividly took me back to a time when Janie threw a party and dared me to kiss Ethan.
"I dare you to kiss Trevor." She had said, a smile of triumph on her face, like she had won a lottery.
I still remembered how my heart stopped at that moment.
"What kind of a dare is that?" I watched Ethan say... wait...
I stopped to look around me, I wasn't in the Maddox's home anymore, I was back at the Outside, back at Janie's party, and the circle I watched held familiar faces... that of Kyle, Janie, Fiona, Roman, Caramel, me and Ethan...
He was sitting there, and it felt like I could touch him.
My heart was pounding... I didn't know what was happening, all that matters was that he was here, alive...
"It's a normal dare." Kyle spoke.
I saw myself fidgeting. "What? I- I mean- he's my boyfriend, so we kiss all the time. Why would you want to- well- see—"
Janie rolled her eyes. "You both are dating, and we all are quite aware of that... but I can't help but wonder why we have never seen the public affection. I mean- I've literally never seen you both kiss on the lips... it's almost like you both are not in a relationship, but pretending to be."
I saw myself swallow at her remark.
Ethan looked away from the circle, his eyes wandering about like he was looking for something interesting to focus on as he drank his beer. Soon after, his eyes landed right at me.
My heart jumped as those green eyes settled on my figure. On cue, I felt warm all over, and my heart swelled in my chest, I could feel tears build up in my eyes.
"Ethan." I whispered out.
With a blink of an eye, I was back at the Maddox's my eyes wandering about in rapid movements...
What the hell was that?
It felt like I was there, back in time... almost the same way it felt when I had those visions in the first dimension.
That was when I noticed it, I wasn't hugging myself any longer, because the warmth I felt from the vision was still present... the familiarity of it squeezing at my heart... I couldn't breathe, neither could, I think... I just wanted to—
"Hey, I forgot to ask what you would like to drink, I didn't know if you were big on alcohol—"
"Is there somewhere quieter we could go?" I asked Markel, stopping him mid-sentence.
He paused but nodded. "Yeah, are you okay?"
"A bit overwhelmed." I told him.
"Oh... come with me." he said, grabbing my hand as we went up the stairs. Passing people, we made our way through hallways after hallways, the music dulling out.
Soon after, he stopped in front of a door.
He pushed it open, and we both walked in.
Closing the door, the loud music from outside was dulled out completely.
I swallowed. "I'm sorry... I just it's all..."
"Hey, it's okay." He said, coming closer to me, his hand cupping my cheek. "You don't have to apologize; V. I sometimes freeze up—"
I got on my toes and pressed my lips to his, stopping him from whatever he was saying.
Come on, Ivy.... Feel something... anything.
I felt his hand on my hips as he pulled me closer to him, kissing me back softly.
I felt absolutely nothing... or maybe I did... it wasn't what I was hoping to feel, rather, it was something else... guilt...
Guilt slammed mercilessly at the pit of my stomach.
Guilt on the fact that I was using him to try to stop feeling this way... to stop feeling like Ethan was here, when he wasn't... Markel didn't deserve this...
I'm a terrible person.
I pulled away from the kiss, immediately taking a step back.
"I'm sorry."
"Ivy don't—"
"I shouldn't have kissed you like that... it was wrong, I don't know what I was thinking."
He looked hurt and confused, but mostly hurt. "Wrong?"
"I—I don't—I" there was no excuse coming, and I was almost shivering again, all the warmth I felt from the vision had long slipped away.
Markel sighed, his hand going to rub the back of his neck. "Ivy... you can't just kiss me like that, knowing how I feel about you, and then tell me that it's wrong. You're confusing me."
I felt tears gather in my eyes.
"Is this still about your Ex? Cause if it is, I don't see why you'd think this is wrong, you both aren't together anymore, I know what happened, I heard what happened, but it has been a year, V. I—"
"Stop." I told him. "I know it has been a year... but he's not my ex, we never broke up... he—he stayed behind... and he didn't have a choice... I couldn't help him... I couldn't do anything."
"It wasn't your fault." Markel said.
"That's what everyone says... it's almost like I'm being forced to forget him... to move on. I can't move on because none of this makes sense. I can't move on because it feels like all of this happened yesterday. I can't move on because I still love him, Markel. I still see him, I still feel him, and it's so frustrating because he isn't even here." I felt the tears drop. "You're a great guy, Markel, and I like you... I do, but not in the way you want me to. I still—I still need time. I'm sorry for kissing you like that; I didn't mean to hurt you." I told him, turning and walking out of the room and back down the hallways he had led me to.
I hastily climbed down the stairs, and almost immediately, I was engulfed with that warmth again, my heart squeezing at the feeling.
What is happening?
I pushed my way through the crowd in a rush, not caring to see if Markel followed after me, but I doubt that, he probably hates me now.
The most painful part was that I deserved every inch of his hatred, because I was the one who—"Oof—" I ran harshly into someone, and it took a moment before I felt the ice-cold liquid sink into my bra and quickly dance its way down my stomach, plastering my gown to my body. I gasped, the stench of beer hitting my nostrils as I looked down at my stained chest.
Can this day get any better?
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry I didn't see yo—"
I looked up almost immediately, stopping him mid-sentence.
Brilliant, bright, and familiar emerald green eyes stared back at me in shock.
And just like that, everything stopped.
My heart.
My thoughts.
My whole functioning body system, everything.
I wasn't crazy, neither was I seeing things.
Ethan was standing right in front of me.
Ethan was looking right at me.
Ethan was—Ethan was here.
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Didn't really feel your amazing love on the last chapter, please share your love by voting and commenting, I'd really love to know what you think.
What's going through your mind right now?!!
Do you think Ethan Recognizes Ivy?
I hope you aren't shipping Varkel??????????!!! Cause I'm team Ivan all the way!!! Which team are you??!
What do you think is gonna happen to Varkel now that Ethan is back, is our Ivan ship gonna keep sailing? Or does Markel have more charms up his sleeves?
And the kiss, what do you think about it?
What do you think is gonna happen next?!
What do you want, to happen next?
How bad do you need the next update? Go wild!
Till then, I'll catch ya Rebel-lions later!!!
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