"Why did I ever agree to this?" I asked out loud, feeling like an imposter in my mid-thigh dark blue dress, watching the majestic event center at the Grey Zone like a vampire approaching sunlight without any magical jewelry to stop me from burning to ashes.
"Relax; I can feel the nervousness pouring off you in waves," Markel said from beside me, straightening his grey suit.
I shot him a look. "Stop feeling my feelings, you creep. It's normal to be nervous, and don't think I don't know you didn't want me to suffer with you. That's why you invited me."
"We're just gonna pop in and pop out, just to show my face and allow my parents to show me off, and then we'll join the others at the Hub." He said.
I hoped that would be the case because I could feel Ethan here. He was right inside this building, and I was sure he was by Glory's side because she and the other state heads organized the event. It was in honor of Emmitt, and a show of I don't know—strength? Even if one of the superiors had committed suicide—which was how the case was ruled to the public—the other Superiors were still going to mark a change in this dimension.
All movements remained the same, and all scheduled events retained their dates.
Emmitt's death changed absolutely nothing.
I wasn't surprised; I only waited for the other shoe to drop.
Blowing a breath, I looped my arms over Markel's elbow, giving him a determined nod. "Okay, I've got this."
He smiled, and then we began walking toward the building.
"I used to join my parents at events like this—sometimes. I used to think they were boring."
"They're still boring; nothing changed." He chuckled as we handed an usher the invitation slip before walking inside.
I took a long breath, looking around to see everyone equally dressed as they conversed with each other.
"It's all pretense," Markel told me. "Fucking fake people everywhere, it's sickening."
"Let's go find your parents so we can leave."
Mitzi Maddox was the first person to spot us as we approached, her eyes lightening immediately as she rushed towards Markel and me. "Ivy," she grinned, adding more stun to her gold dress, hugged tightly against her glowing dark skin; she was always a sight.
Engulfing me in a warm hug, she kissed my cheeks before pulling back. "You look amazing in that dress," she said as her eyes roamed around me in approval.
"You look amazing too." I complimented. "Your earrings are beautiful."
She touched the side of her face, grinning. "They are? Logan selected it. Told me they brought out the color of my eyes."
"They do; he was spot on."
"Hi, Mom, I'm here too," Markel said, going forward to place a kiss on her cheek. "You look beautiful."
She smiled at him, patting his cheek affectionately. "Thank you, baby."
"Ivy," Logan, Markel's Dad, approached with a smile, pulling me into a quick side hug. "Glad you could pull him out to the world." He said, gesturing to Markel. "You're stunning in that dress."
I chuckled, smiling at him. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself, Logan. Where's Ricky?"
"He arrived with us, but lord knows where that boy ran off. I've been waiting for Mark; we'll find him together." Logan said, pulling an unwilling Markel with him.
"Ugh, Dad, I promised not to leave Ivy—"
"Your mom's with her; now shut up; there's someone I'd like you to meet while we find your brother."
Markel shot me an apologetic look before allowing his dad to pull him away.
Mitzi Maddox looped her arm with mine as we walked. "It's been so long since we had one of those catch-ups." She said.
I smiled at her, knowing I was the one who drew the rift between Markel's parents and me. They were getting too familiar, and I didn't see Markel like that; it would be awkward if things didn't go smoothly with Markel and me, and I didn't want to add his family to the list of people I'd hurt if I didn't go out with Markel.
"Yeah, just been busy with school—and everything."
She gave me a knowing smile. "You don't have to cover it up, honestly. I've told you a thousand times that it doesn't matter if you don't want to go out with Markel. As long as you're his friend and he considers you his friend, I'm always one call away. It doesn't matter if you are not friends anymore; I would still want to sit with you and have some girls' time. I love spending time with you, Ivy."
I smiled. "I know, and I appreciate it. I'm sorry I've been purposefully absent. I just didn't want to make it more awkward."
"It could never be awkward. I was worried about you when I heard about the whole Superiors and Rebel-lions conspiracy. I know how these rumors can get."
"Yeah, they've died down now."
"Hm, yes. My team and I had a hand in that."
"I suspected."
"And how are you holding up, with Glory Curt back, and—Ethan."
I breathed out. "Not quite good, but what can a girl do against this huge dimension? I just have to sit back and hope everything goes in my favor."
Mitzi laughed. "You have many people backing you up. As huge as this dimension is, it doesn't belong entirely to the Curts. There are other bodies involved. Other bodies who want to gain more from what the New Earth brings."
I frowned. "I don't understand."
She smiled at me. "The Rebel-lions were formed as an act and show of freedom. The only mistake you made was keeping it within a small group of people. Many of us in the political seat don't necessarily want freedom, but we want the world to know of this creation. A small body of outsiders know, but imagine the world knowing." She smiled in wonder. "It would be epic. The visits, the diversity, the support. It would be forever recorded in history...our names...your name."
"Just look at it, Ivy. The only reason it seems bad is because it isn't legal. Imagine if the presidential body of the Outsiders approves of this. It would be spectacular."
"And the people who were forced?"
"They can leave if they choose to. But now, if you look at it, not everyone remembers or even cares about the system with the Inc dimension. So, it really wouldn't matter. The change wouldn't be too alarming to them."
I nodded, unsure of what this new development meant or if it was being acted upon.
"Has this been pitched to Glory herself?"
"Thousands of times. But her hatred for the Outside borders on plain stupidity; she can't see what is right in front of her. And Dean doesn't have as much say regarding the affairs of the dimension. He's merely a puppet whose strings are being pulled by Glory Curt herself."
We stopped, and she turned to me. "I and some of the state heads would like to see this change, and we would like to be kept in the loop with everything that goes on with the Rebel-lions and the Superiors."
I managed a small laugh. "Nothing is going on with us."
She touched my arm. "I know, Ivy. But the looks you've been getting from Glory's son would say otherwise."
I fought the urge to follow where her gaze had traveled behind me.
"You know we have history," I told her.
"It shows; I wonder why you're holding back, hopefully not because of my son. You shouldn't fight love."
I smiled. "Yeah, I know. We're um—working through it."
She nodded. "Remember, I'm always one call away—"
"Mitzi, over here!" someone yelled a few feet from us, gesturing for Mitzi to join their group of five."
She smiled at me. "It was good talking to you, Ivy. We should meet up later this week."
I nodded. "Of course, yes, I'll text you."
"I'll be looking forward to it." She said with a charming smile before walking away from me and towards the group.
I breathed, turning to catch Ethan's gaze on me. He was on a white dress shirt with matching white pants. His white suit rested on his arm as Silas talked to him.
Without so much of an acknowledgment, he looked away, responding to whatever Silas was talking to him about.
I sighed, feeling too sober to think about all that had happened this evening; I found my way to the bar, ordered a drink, and avoided the long distance between Ethan and me. I could still feel his warmth encircling me like it wanted to penetrate my thoughts.
I could tell his eyes were on me again. I could tell he wanted to come over, but he stopped himself for whatever reason.
The moment I grabbed my drink and took a sip, I spotted Markel, Ricky, and Logan amongst some people. And I pitied Markel because he looked like he wanted to teleport from their midst.
"Quite the intense conversation you seemed to have had with Mitzi Maddox."
I froze. The drink stopped midway from my mouth as I saw Glory Curt standing beside me, dressed in a white knee-length cooperate grown, her lips painted dark red, and her hair styled like a 90s movie star.
Her lips curved in a calculative smile. "I must say, you look stunning in that dress. But I must admit, it would have been prettier if it were white."
Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoyed the update.
A lot is happening! Please tell me what you think of Mitzi Maddox and Ivy's conversation.
Markel's parents?
What do you think Glory meant by that last comment?
Is Ivy about to find out Ethan remembers everything?
Comment your favorite emoji if you can't wait for the next update!
See you Sunday!
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