Too long, no update. I know. I'm not your favorite person right now. but I've been really busy outside of Wattpad, and I jump in once in a while to actually write a few words into my WIPs. Hope you understand.
Quick question: Tell me anything.
Strangers were scattered around me.
I was uncomfortable.
Frustrated. Any fucking word you could use to describe distress, was exactly what I felt, standing just outside the kitchen, leaning on the small mini home bar that had two bartenders Silas had manipulated into coming.
He had been so excited about the opening house party, and I didn't have the spirit to kill his fire by saying I wanted to invite just the superiors. Not a bunch of random strangers that obviously knew me, but didn't care to come tell me how.
I tipped my head back, drinking in the 6th shot glass of a strong alcoholic drink I couldn't even name, as people chatted openly and freely around me. The music bounced off the speakers around the house as my eyes looked for something interesting to marvel at.
I found nothing.
My tongue went by my bottom lip as I tapped the table, asking for another shot.
The alcohol was strong, I knew that because my vision was now extraordinarily sharp, and my head felt lighter than it had been in days—ages, fuck— Since we left the real earth.
A presence beside me, had me looking to my side, eyes quickly catching the stranger who looked... suspicious.
He was wearing a black face cap. Black jean jacket with a black shirt underneath. His pants—you guessed it, Black. Boots, black. I looked at his fingernails, wondering if he topped it all off with black nail polish—at least that would have been something interesting to look at.
Then I looked at myself, adorned in the superiors 'uniform' all white.
Biting back a scoff, my eyes scanned his tanned strong feature, knowing he was probably somewhere around my age, but totally unfamiliar.
"Well... aren't you dramatic." I said, taking the filled shot glass in front of me, quickly throwing the drink down my throat, the bottom of the glass hitting the counter as I swallowed, ignoring the burn that didn't burn so much anymore.
The guy held a beer bottle in his hand, looking over at me with a subtle smirk. "I'm not supposed to be here, I can't afford to stand out."
"Oh man, the face cap is a dead giveaway that you're totally not here to mingle. My advice, take it off... take off the jacket too... looks like something a serial killer would wear to a house party. Did I mention the face cap?"
His smirk turned into an easy smile as he shook his head. "You sound so much like him." he said.
At this, I frowned. "Like who?"
"Ethan Murray. The Ethan Murray before Lacy Curt. Before the whole Lithian crap."
I blinked, looking at him.
He eyed me with what looked like concern as he spoke. "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
I shook my head. The hollow feeling slamming at my insides like it used to whenever someone I didn't know, looked at me with so much recognition that I feel guilty for not remembering them.
"She really went for the kill this time... Glory." He said my mother's name with so much venom that had me sucking in a breath of uncertainty. "Funny how you didn't see it coming."
"What are you talking about." I stated.
He shook his head, taking a swig of the beer before his gaze wandered about, as if looking for someone, or keeping an eye out for something. "Trust me, Ethan. I want nothing more than to strap you to a chair and tell you everything from scratch. But that would fuck everything up."
The hollow feeling deepened. "Who are you? Did I use to know you?"
He shrugged. "Here and there."
"What's 'here and there' supposed to mean?" my confusion only heightened, breaking a wall that allowed anger crawl all over my reserve.
He sighed. "I honestly didn't believe when they told me you were back. I just had to come see for myself. I had to see how much damage your mother has caused this time."
"She told me some of my memories are gone." I heard myself say. My resigned tone refusing to let go of my vocal cords as I started talking to the stranger. "I remember an accident... vividly, it's like a movie playing over and over in my head. But—I know there was no accident. I'm positive that it's all in my head."
His brows came up in surprise. "Does she know you know this?"
"Nope. Can't tell her."
"Because you don't trust her?"
"Because I don't trust anyone."
"Not even your new angelic buddies?"
"Not even my new angelic buddies. Everyone is hiding something from me. it's sick. It's annoying, and I want out of whatever it is. I just want to be normal—like how it was before the new earth. But that's fucked up too because it all feels like a lie. My life feels... scripted."
"Now that must suck."
"It sucks." I said, tapping the table. The bartender filled up the shot glass immediately.
"What do you wanna do about it?"
I paused for a while; my head completely void of all thoughts as I shrugged. "Nobody wants me to do anything about it. Nobody cares if I do anything about it. Whatever I'm missing must not have been much of a big deal."
"You mean your whole life."
"My whole life—the one I know shit about—must have suck too. If it was something worth remembering, I'm sure we wouldn't be having this conversation."
"You don't feel cheated at all, do you? You don't want to remember?"
"No one needs me to."
He shook his head. "How about you—what do you want out of all of this?"
I picked up the shot glass, swallowing all of its content, before looking back at the stranger. "A person has to know who they are before figuring out what they want, don't they?"
He nodded.
"Except you're kind enough to just fucking tell me who you are, and what sort of relationship we had. I'm sure that would go a long way."
"Don't think so buddy. Telling you is not the same as you remembering it."
I nodded. "Guess that settles it then? Are you gonna tell me you name at least?"
"Probably next time we meet... for now, I can't risk it." He said, his eyes looking around until it zeroed in on the entrance. "I wonder how she's dealing with this." he muttered, probably for his ears only, but I heard, and my eyes found who he had been referring to.
The Rebel-lions had walked in like they owned the place, adorned in black just like the stranger standing across from me.
Ivy Fisher's hand was hung around the curly blue-eyed friend whose name I now knew as Roman, as they both blended into the crowd, with two other girls beside them. Caramel and Fiona.
My gaze went back to Ivy, her light brown hair sleeked to the back in a way that showed every angle of her face. She was really fucking something to look at. Her smoky eyes gave off the don't mess with me vibe, but the smile she gave never reached her eyes, until Roman whispered something to her ear, and her smile grew wider, her whole face glowing as she laughed.
I didn't even realize my lips had formed their own smile by just looking at her, until the stranger cleared his throat beside me. "Ivy is something to look at." He said, standing upright.
"How do you know her?"
He gave me a long look, preparing to bail, almost like his time was up. "My ex-best friend used to date her." He said, before letting a smile slip onto his lips. "I'll be seeing you soon, Ethan." He turned to leave but stopped. "Tip: If you really want to remember, just ask Glory. If there's one thing I know, it's that Glory would bend her whole agenda, just to make you happy. It's fucking sick, but it helped out a lot in the Inc Dimension." He said, and then raised the bottle a little, before blending and disappearing into the crowd.
Leaving me, a confused mess.
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Still with this party............ see you in the NEXT chapter.
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