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I posted an announcement on my conversation board here on Wattpad, and a lot of you wanted this update, so here it is!
Turns out I was wrong.
Ordering a boyfriend isn't close to being as easy as brushing your teeth. I thought it was easy because all I had to do was answer a few questions and wait for my door bell to go off.
If I had known, God if I had known what would happen after, I wouldn't have taken my chances with it. I wouldn't have gone on the internet. Maybe if I had been a few minutes late, maybe if I had gone to grab that extra snack before clicking on the site, maybe I would have missed it. Maybe I would still be at the real earth with my parents, maybe they would have finally taken me with them to one of their many business trips.
But it was all just a bunch of maybes.
Nothing was going to change now. I was still going to wake up tomorrow, come to college, finish my classes, go over to the Rebel-lions Hub, work my shift, go back home and listen to Fiona drone on about Roman not paying her attention anymore, or to Caramel's endless fantasies about scenarios that would never come to reality. I was still going to go back to the boring routine my life had automatically generated.
Everything changed since the move. It was almost like everyone forgot. Almost like they lost all memories about the first dimension, about how they were once shackled in the clutches of the Inc, about the Rebel-lions massacre.
It was a good thing, I mean, seeing the faces around me every day, you would think everyone was finally free.
Some days I would wish I was one of them, one of the people who forgot. But no matter what I did... all I did, I remembered.
Every single detail.
Every night, I would battle my nightmares. They came with different scenes, different outcomes.
It was used to me, part of me, even. I've surrendered to the fact that it was now one of the things I wouldn't be able to change.
It was probably because I had already succumbed to the last stage of grieve, acceptance.
A whole year... I spent a whole year in denial, waiting for a change, believing that something was going to come up, something that would bring him back to me, something that would eventually get us all out of here.
But realization struck when the clock hit 12, signaling another year, our second year spent on the new earth. I stopped hoping, believing, and now, I've surrendered. This was the new way, the new earth, it was always going to be like this, and nothing was going to change. This was the new normal, and I might as well embrace it.
"Pencils up!" The professor yelled out, and the groans could be heard from everyone around the hall.
Mr. Ferguson announced our first impromptu quiz for the semester this morning, and it was so unfair, seeing as we weren't prepared for it. Not even one bit.
"You're all sophomores now, you should know studying shouldn't come only when you have a quiz coming, you should study all the time cause these impromptu quizzes are gonna keep coming."
"He's such a monster." Abby groaned from beside me.
I scoffed. "Tell me about it."
"This hangover didn't even help one bit." She said.
There had been a party yesterday at her house, I was invited, like I had been over the last year when we were all freshmen, but I had turned it down just like I had always done.
I wasn't ready to go out into the new world yet. I preferred to accept it, within me.
"Must have been a killer party." I said, looking over at her.
"Oh, it was. Code who never drinks, was passed out on our couch, that's saying something."
I chuckled.
After the Rebel-lions Hub opened, Abby and Code officially joined the gang. Looking around, half the students in the hall was a part of the gang, our black jackets circled around like wildfire when it was first opened.
But people didn't join for the reasons they joined in the past, they joined to become part of the family, part of something great, and cool.
But I didn't mind.
No matter whatever reasons they joined, we were all family. And we always did look out for each other, that was the most important thing.
"Ricky Maddox is gonna throw a sick birthday party today, you should come."
"It's his birthday?"
"Yup, everyone's going. You know how wild his parties are."
I actually don't.
The Maddox's ruled the state we were, more like Mr. Logan Maddox and his Wife, Mrs. Mitzi Maddox. Back at the Inc Dimension, I knew nothing about the Maddox's existence, word was out when they got appointed, that they worked with the inner circle Inc board members, and now they controlled this state, while other board members controlled other states, but they all answered to a leader board, The Curts.
They had two sons, Ricky and Markel Maddox.
I didn't know Ricky all that much, but the few times I had seen him, he was a complete jerk who didn't care about anything around him.
His brother, Markel on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Older than Ricky with just a year, he was more level headed. Quiet, extremely good looking, and an eye candy when it came to the girls. They loved him, but he paid no attention to them.
When it came to me though, he wasn't so quiet, and I can boldly say that I had all his attention.
But I had tried to make it clear to him countless times that I didn't want it, and that we would never work, because I couldn't move on. I might have moved on from other things, but when it came to him, I just couldn't bring myself to move on. There's always this feeling like I'm gonna betray him, and I knew it was stupid, and I should move on, give Markel a chance, because he's gone, and never coming back.
I should move on, it is the right thing to do, it is what I should have done all along.
"When is this party gonna start?" I asked.
"10 on the dot."
"Great, I'll think about coming." I said as soon as the bell rang.
She grinned. "Awesome." She said, getting up to her feet with her quiz paper.
I sighed, watching everyone leave their seats, taking their bags, submitting and walking out of the class.
I followed suit, grabbing my bag and quiz paper, as I shot a text to Markel.
I'm offended, Ricky is throwing a party tonight and I'm first hearing it from Abby? How cruel.
I handed my test paper to Mr. Ferguson as I walked out into the bright cheerful day, students buzzing around the side hall way, some hanging around the school grounds.
My phone buzzed in my hand. It was a reply from Markel.
Shit... Abby and her big mouth, I was gonna tell you, I swear. But I'm sorry babe, won't happen again. ;)
I smiled.
Pick me up later, I want to attend.
His reply came almost immediately.
For real? Am I reading right?
I rolled my eyes.
Yeah, don't be late... I might just change my mind.
Never, see you tonight, V.
I reread the message over and over again, guilt tearing my insides.
What am I doing?
I turned immediately to find Roman catching up to me. "Hey Stranger."
"I broke another record. Nine hundred and eighty seven most difficult calculus questions answered in just 15 minutes. All correct."
"Whoa... Be careful, Einstein might just get up to tell you, he's jealous."
He chuckled, as we walked together out of the walk way to the green field where we took our seats on our usual table under a really calm tree shielding us from the sun.
"I'm thinking the chip didn't exactly give me any super power, but enhanced what I already had."
"Yeah, it could be. You're super intelligent now. Don't rub it in."
"Now why would I do that?" he smirked.
I chuckled. "Have you spoken to Fiona today? You both were supposed to go out on a date last night, Roman... you kind of didn't show up."
He paused, as if trying to recall something, then his eyes widened. "Oh shit... that was yesterday?"
I nodded. "She's really beginning to get worried about you, Ro. And when Fiona's worried, I'm worried... hell, Caramel's worried."
He sighed. "I know... I know... I'm just trying to wrap my head around this new me... he's like a whole new person, and there's so damn much I need to figure out if I want to be able to control these... powers..."
"But your relationship—"
"I love Fiona, and she knows that." He cut me off. "We'll be fine, I just need sometime to understand this... If I don't figure this part of me out, I might never be able to... and it wouldn't be fair to Fiona if I go off my rockers every damn 5 minutes, talking about something not relating to what she wants to talk about."
I offered a small smile. "I get it, I can't even begin to understand what you're going through Roman."
"It's fine... but hey, sad topic aside... My course mates kind of organized this project back at the Maddox's... it's gonna be happening during Ricky's party... are you going?"
"Uh... I was thinking about it." I answered.
Roman's brows shot up. "Wait, really? You'll be there?" A look of confusion fell on his brows.
"I'm still pondering."
He smiled. "It'll do you good to go out... imagine how thrilled Markel would be?" he grinned, while I chuckled. "Markel's happiness aside, it's been a year, Ivy... you need to start... moving on from, Eth—"
"I'm trying." I stopped him before he could awaken that vengeful side of me.
"Are you? We barely see you in community things, except when it's just with me, You, Fi and Caramel."
I sighed. "I'm trying Roman, every time I seem to want to give Markel a chance I just—something just stops me, I—I think of him and how we parted ways, I think of how I should have known what he was planning, how I should have helped him in some way... I just—" I could feel my heart aching all over again, the pain of losing Ethan was still fresh... very fresh. "I just miss him, Roman."
Roman's eyes held a sympathetic look. "I know... everyone misses him... I had to listen to Fiona drone on about Ethan and the number of times he had helped her, and how he had been there for her, but she was never there for him when he needed her the most. Literally every time we hang out, she brings it up."
I gave a small smile. "I'm beginning to think I will never get over him, or stop... thinking about him."
"Well, you can start working on that by coming to Ricky's birthday party?" It wasn't Roman who talked.
Fiona grinned, slipping on the space next to Roman. "Hey babe." She greeted, placing a light kiss on his cheek.
He opened is mouth, to probably apologize to her about last night but she stopped him. "It's okay, I forgive you." She smiled at him before turning to me.
"So, what are you wearing to Ricky's birthday party?" she asked.
"I'm still..."
"Nah uh... you're going... you need to!"
I smiled. "I'll come... but I don't know what I'm wearing. I'll probably just throw in anything I see in my wardrobe."
"Hell no... we should go sho—"
Our heads automatically turned to the direction of the voice, Caramel was rushing towards our table, gaze trained completely on her phone, her brows pulling down in worry and anger.
That look had taken a vacation from her face since the move, but seeing it there now, brought a bunch of memories from before.
"What's wrong?" I asked when she finally reached us.
"She's back." Caramel said, gaze dropping from her phone, to the table. "Glory fucking Curt is back.
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I miss my babies so damn much you have no idea...
Okayyy, so I'm sorry, but this might just be the only moment of peace you'll see as you read on--------- ahhh, joking, joking... but, yes ponytail, we're jumping right into DRAMA VILLE! Cause I thrive when there's drama, and you know, a whole buncha heat!
Glory IS FINALLY BACK... which synonymously means....... You can take a guess...
Me to Hottie Markel: Mu' away, my ship is about to start rolling, we don't want anything in the way...
Markel to me: You'll only try...
[Follow my Instagram (my old Instagram, emelradine, is no longer active, along side the robotic series page. So all information about this story, my books and other fun bookish stuff will be on my new Instagram) so follow my new Instagram. Username: rebeccajohnpee, for info, fun stuff and spoilers]
Also, I'm brewing a robotic series contest, and more info will be posted on the official Instagram page! Also, would you want to participate? I wanna know so I'd stop my brewing when it's still warm! HAHA, but there's gonna be awesome prizes for the winners, so I'm hoping you guys decide to participate.
I'll see you guys SEPTEMBER 22 when updates are gonna start rolling in!
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