Chapter 8
BB's side
Beast Boy looked for Raven as he ran out of quarters. She wasn't in the corner like before, and she wasn't by the vending machine, which is the only other place where Raven would go.
"Hey, as anyone seen Raven?" He asks the others.
"She went out the door with two boys." Raven told him. His mouth dropped.
"Boys? Left?" He questioned. Starfire nodded, then sat on the couch.
"Relax Beast Boy. Raven can handle herself." Cyborg smiled.
Beast Boy nodded, and they left the arcade. Robin looked at his watch, it was almost three.
They went to more stores to buy things like shoes, shirts etc.
After they were done, it was 6:00, and they decided to wait for Raven outside.
-Raven's side- (I do this when someone's separated from the rest of the team.)
After we went out of the arcade, we went to a music store.
Rick bought a MP3 player, then have it to me. "Thanks." Raven smiled lightly.
She tucked it into the pocket of her leather jacket that she just bought then looked at Mandy, who was waiting at the door with Matt.
We left the mall and went to the Amusement Park across the street.
"Never been to one of these." Raven said as she looked around.
"Really?" Matt asked. Raven nodded. "We come every weekend."
They got their tickets, and some wrist bands saying they could play all the games as many times as they want for free.
First, the went to a booth. It was one of those ring toss ones. They all got five each.
Raven made two in, Mandy made one, Matt made three, and Rick made two.
"Goodjob!" The guy hands us two big stuffed turtles, and a medium sized tiger.
We all high five, then go to the next booth. They were giving away goldfish, and Raven wanted to win one for Starfire. The game was darts.
"You first." Rick told Mandy.
Mandy stepped on the stepping stool they gave her, and threw a dart. It hit the outer ring, but still got her 2 points. Then she threw another, which got right next to the other one, earning two more points. Then, the final one got four spaces from the middle, earning a total of eight points. She picked out a stuffed bear holding a dart.
Matt went next, throwing each dart carefully. The first one he got was two spaces from the target. The next five away. Then the final one was one away from the middle. He earned a total of 22 points.
Rick took his turn with ease. He threw the first one and hit one away from the target. The second, two away. The third he got in the almost direct middle. He earned 27 points, and got a fish.
Finally, it was Ravens turn. She concentrated real hard, then got a bullseye. The second one was also a bullseye, but not a direct one. The final one seemed to flew out of her hand on his own. Raven cheered as she got yet again another bullseye, earning a tilt all of 30 points.
The man running the stand said Raven could either get three big stuffed animals, or a big stuffed animal and a fish.
She chose a fish and a stuffed animal. They went to a whole bunch more games, and Raven got something for each Titan.
She got Robin a stuffed bat and a Batman hat. She got Cyborg a Robot shark and a 'like a boss' hat. She got Starfire the goldfish and a giant panda. And finally, She got Beast Boy a gorilla squeak toy, and a collar. For herself, she kept the Racoon, and turtle Rick gave her, the 'Nightmare Before Christmas' poster Matt gave her, and the toy mouse Mandy gave her. She had so much stuff, she bought a cart to put it all in.
The collar she got for Beast Boy was a chain. One the front it had a coin that said 'BB', then on the back of the coin, it said 'your dearest friend, Raven.' In cursive.
Once the played all the games, it was almost eight. "I should get going."
"Here." Rick says. He hands Raven his number. "If you ever want to hang out, or if you need something."
She said goodbye then walked out. She felt something touching her from behind. She turned around to see Mandy and Matt hugging her. "Bye." They both said.
Raven smiled then walked away, with the cart of her prizes. Which way was it to the tower again? Raven pulled out her communicator and checked, only to see 127 unread messages.
20 of them were from Robin, which she knew he would send, but what surprised her was the 97 Beast Boy sent. The last ten were from Starfire.
She picked one at random of Beast Boys, then listened to it. "hey Raven, I'm so sorry about what happened earlier, please come back, I want to talk to you."
She picked another. "Hey Raven, me again. I'm so bored! I wanna hang out with you."
She went down to the very last one, and listened to it. "Raven. I love that name.-" Raven realized that he didn't mean to send this one probably. "-Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven. I" then Ravens communicator died.
Luckily, she remembered how to get back. She took out the iPod that Rick bought her, and put in the headphones.
There were only a couple songs that he put on it, so she chose one at Random.
It was 'welcome to my life by simple plan'. Raven listened to all the songs. Went the last one was over, she realized she was outside the house. She didn't want to be bombarded with questions, so she replayed the songs. When she walked in, she saw everyone trying to talk to her. She pretended to not see them, and kept walking. She got her her room and went in. Everyone followed her in, so she sighed and turned off the music.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Where were you?" Robin asked. Raven realized that Beast Boy didn't come in, he was probably in his room.
"I was hanging with some friends." Raven answered truthfully. She got up and went to the shopping cart filled with gifts. she picked up the Batman hat and the stuffed bat. "These are for you."
She also gave Cyborg and Starfire their gifts.
He took them and gave her the 'we aren't done' look. He and Cyborg left the room, but Starfire stayed. "Raven? Why did you leave the arcade?"
"Because everyone was busy playing around, and I realized that that's the way it should be. You guys play, serious I stay." Raven rhymed.
Starfire put a hand on Ravens shoulder. "Friend, you just need to do the putting of yourself out there."
At that, Starfire left. No one came in, so Raven decided to go to Beast Boy. When she got there, he was laying down. He looked at her, smiled, and jumped on her.
"Raven!" He hugged her.
"Beast Boy. I can't breath!" Raven gasped for air. He let go.
"Raven I was so bored without you." Beast Boy told her as he sat on the bed.
"Yeah, that reminds me, I have to charge my communicator. Hang on." She went to her room, plugged it in, and grabbed the stuff for Beast Boy.
Beast Boy looked at the necklace he bought for Raven. He hoped that she would like it. While she was gone, he went to her room and got a gem of Azarath, and put it where the other gem used to be. He thinks it looks way better now though.
He was planning on telling Raven that he liked her when he gave it to her.
He hides it under his pillow as Raven comes into his room.
Well, here it goes.
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