Chapter 7
Raven and Starfire walked (well, Raven flew) into the living room, to see the boys watching TV. They didn't notice them yet, so Raven cleared her throat.
The boys looked, and all of their jaws dropped.
"Raven!" Beast Boy went up to Raven and smiled. "Wow. You look good."
"Starfire! You look amazing!" Robins face turned red.
"Thank you." Ravin and Starfire both said at the same time.
"So, me and Starfire were just gonna fly around town. Wanna come?" Raven asks. The boys nodded, still speechless.
So, the boys went to go change into some normal cloths, and the girls looked at a map to see where to go.
"Maybe we could go... here." Raven pointed to a mall. Starfire nodded, then flew away to grab the money.
Beast Boy put on a shirt he found in the closet, and some jeans.
When he walked out, he found himself alone with Raven.
"Where's Starfire?" He looked around.
"They all went ahead." Raven said. He nodded awkwardly and walked towards Raven. They walked out the door.
They were silent most of the way there. The silence was broke when Raven told Beast Boy that they were almost there.
"So, does your leg still hurt?" Beast Boy asked Ravin. Ravin tried to gently land in her foot, but it didn't work.
"I'm trying to heal myself, but it won't work, like usual." She confessed. "I guess it's just Trigons magic."
Ravin and BB arrived after that. Ravin used her communicated to track down the other Titans. They were in the makeup store.
"Oh no." Raven mumbled. Even though Starfire got Raven to wear makeup, Raven still didn't like it.
They made their way to the makeup store, only to find Starfire holding a bag of makeup. Once Starfire saw Raven, she dragged her to a stand that let's you try on makeup for free.
"Starfire!" Raven growled. Starfire let go of Ravens hand and backed away nervously.
Starfire payed for the makeup, then they all walked out. Everyone, but Starfire, was relieved to get out if there.
They stopped outside the store. "Each Titan gets 200 dollars." Starfire handed everyone money, then flew off. Everyone followed.
Next they went to the jewelry store. All the boys and Raven felt uncomfortable near all this girly stuff.
"Boys, you should all get some thing for one person." Starfire said.
When Starfire said that, Beast Boys thoughts went to Raven. He had to find something that wasn't to girly, but was still pretty.
He looked around the store, but didn't find anything Raven would like. He looked behind some necklaces, until he found the perfect necklace.
He went up to the cashier and asked how much it was. "$500." The lady behind the desk answered.
"What?!" Beast Boy asked with disbelief. He looked at the necklace, then at Raven, who was sitting at a bench waiting to leave. "How much is it without the gem?"
"$50." She answered. He nodded, then handed the lady the money. She gave him a bag with the necklace, then he walked away proudly. Of course, he would have to find something to replace the gem, but it was worth it.
Once Cyborg and Robin got their things, the Titans left the store.
Raven looked at her watch. They left at 10:00, and it's already 12:00.
"Where to next?" Cyborg asked. They walked to a hat store.
"Hat party!" The boys all yelled, and went into the store. The two girls looked at each other, then went in.
All over the walls were hats, hats, and more hats.
The boys were already trying on some. Then some more. Then some more.
Cyborg decided on a black fedora. Robin got a green captains hat. And finally, Beast Boy got a light purple beret (the things the French wear.).
Once they left that shop, it was two in the afternoon. "We were there for two hours." Raven said. "Can we go to the food court?"
They went to the food court, and went there separate ways. Beast Boy went to the tofu stand and ordered, well, yeah. Raven went to the taco stand and got a burrito. Cyborg got a burger. Robin and Starfire both decided on a hotdog.
They all met up again and sat at a table in the corner of the food court. "What's next?" Starfire asked with a mouthful of food.
"Arcade!" Beast Boy and Cyborg both yelled. They received a couple weird glances, but didn't mind.
They all ate, talking about the arcade, then the conversation shifted off to games, then if shifted off to Raven some how.
"So, Raven, why have you been acting so strange lately?" Cyborg asked. Raven felt herself start to sweat.
"Strange?" She questioned as innocently as she could.
"You know, all cheery and stuff." Robin added.
"If that's strange, then does that mean Starfire's strange too? Because she acts like that all the time." Raven reasoned.
"No, it's not strange for Starfire because she normally acts like that." Cyborg replied.
Starfire chuckled. "It is true."
"I just wanna start having more fun." She made a crooked smile, which kind of creeped out the other Titans.
"That doesn't sound like anything normal you would say." Robin gave her the 'really?' Face.
Raven was starting to panic, her hair slightly standing up on her head. She quickly got up, threw her tray away, and walked in the direction of the arcade.
Beast Boy also got up, three his tray away, then ran after her.
"We are going to question her later, are we not?" Starfire asks. Cyborg and Robin nod, then they all walk to the arcade.
Beast Boy finally caught up to Raven, only to see a tear escape her eye. "Raven?"
Raven grabbed Beast Boys arm, and dragged him the rest if the way.
When they got to the arcade, they found themselves the only ones there.
"Beast Boy, I don't want anyone to find out. not yet at least." Raven sighed.
They both paused as a little girl with blonde hair ran past them and hid under one of the games.
"Why? Why can't they know?" Beast Boy questioned more quietly.
"Because..." Raven sighed. "I want to hang out with you all before... and I don't want my last... I don't even know how many days left to be them worrying about me."
Raven walked away from Beast Boy and to the DVD player they had next to the sofa in the corner. She put in the headphones and played don't be a girl about it, by Kelly Clarkson, (a random song I was listening to.)tuning out the world.
Beast Boy put a smile on his face as the other Titans walked into the arcade.
"Where's Raven?" Robin asked. Beast Boy pointed to Raven, who was slightly tapping her foot.
Everyone shrugged, and decided to leave her be.
Cyborg and Robin went to play pool, while Starfire and Beast Boy played air hockey.
Ravin watched the other Titans as they played game after game. Titanium by... She didn't even know, cams on, and she watched as another two guys walked into arcade. They were wearing hoods, so Raven couldn't see them. The other Titans didn't notice them.
They were looking for someone, Raven could tell. One looked at Raven and walked to her. She turned off the music and took off the headphones.
The guy looked about the same age as Raven, but taller. He had black hair and dark blue eyes.
"Hey, have you seen a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, around-" he put his hand out indicating to his waste "-this tall?"
Raven nodded, recalling the little blonde girl who ran past her and Beast Boy. She took him to the game where the little girl was hiding under, which was pinball.
"Mandy!" He smiled relieved. The little girl, Mandy, frowned. "Why did you run away when we said we were going to the amusement park across the street?"
The other boy walked over, smiling at me, then turning to the little girl concerned. He had blonde hair like Mandy, but deep blue eyes like the guy. He looked in between the guys age and Mandy's.
"Because I didn't want to hang out with a bunch of boys." she stuck out her tongue, causing me to laugh silently.
Mandy turned to me. "Hey! Is she coming with us? Because I'll go if there's at least one other girl there."
The two guys and the little girl were staring at me. I looked at the other Titans, who haven't seemed to notice my disappearance.
"We do owe you for helping us find Mandy." The older guy said.
"I don't even know your names!" Raven reasoned.
"I'm Rick." The oldest said. "That's Matt. And Mandy."
Raven thought about it for a while. "Ok."
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