Chapter 6
Drew that myself!
Beast Boy finished rapping Ravens scratch up, and put everything away.
"Wait!" Raven said, she leaped out if bed, but immediately regretted it. She was falling face first into the floor.
She closed her eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came. She opened her eyes, to find Beast Boy looking concerned.
"You might not wanna walk on that for a while." He chuckled. He put her back on her bed. He took off the Rapping for that, and saw a huge scratch. "He scratched your foot to?"
Raven sighed then nodded. Beast Boy put new Rapping on Raven, then put the stuff back.
"I just wanted to say... thank you." It hurt Raven to say thank you to Beast Boy, she never did it before.
"No problem Rave. Do it again in a heart beat." Beast Boy chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.
He walked out of the room, and Starfire flew in.
"Raven, do you want to do the painting if the nails now?" Starfire asked.
"Sure." Raven laughed.
Starfire sat Raven down, and started to brush her hair. "I've never seen your hair long."
Starfire put some hair extensions on Raven, then turned her around to so her makeup. Raven took in a breath, then let Starfire start.
Starfire put light purple eyeshadow on Raven, then some purple lipstick.
Raven looked at herself in the hand mirror, and said "I didn't hate this half as much as I thought I would've."
Starfire chuckled, and told Ravin that it was her turn. Ravin started to brush Starfire's hair. When she was done, she decided to braid it.
When she was done, she turned Starfire towards her. "Don't hate me if this sucks."
"Don't worry." Starfire chuckled. "We will still be the best of friends."
Raven lightly applied Starfire's makeup, doing as Starfire tells her to do while she holds the mirror examining Ravens work.
When Raven was done with that, she applied lipstick on Starfire's lips.
"Done." Raven cheered.
"Alright, now we are going to put on the dresses!" Starfire handed Ravin a purple dress.
"Shouldn't we eat first? I'm starving." Raven put the dress on the bed and grabbed her belly.
"Ok. I will go grab the food, then we shall eat in here." Starfire cheered. She zoomed out of Ravens room, and to the kitchen.
"Hey Star." Robin said from behind her.
She didn't want him to see her yet, so she stayed looking into the fridge and said "yes Robin?"
"I was wondering if you would want to, uh, h-hang out tonight?" He stuttered. Robin lost a bet with Cyborg, and now he had to ask Starfire out.
"Oh yes!" Starfire said, her head in the fridge.
"Are you ok?" Robin asked Starfire. She took her head out of the fridge, but looked away from Robin so he couldn't see her face. She nodded then flew away.
Raven smiled when she saw Starfire bring in the food. Starfire brought bread, cheese, and orange juice.
As soon as Starfire put the food down, Raven started to eat.
They talked while they ate, and at some point the topic of Robin asking Starfire out came into the conversation.
"He asked you out?" Raven asked. Starfire nodded, and Raven muttered "I knew it."
After they finished eating, Raven went into the bathroom to put on the dress. She came back out to find Starfire in hers.
"Time to show the others?" Raven asks. Starfire nods, and they walk out the door.
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