Chapter 3
Starfire woke up with a start. She flew out of bed and put on her pink one piece.
She put on a pink robe over it, and put on some flip flops.
She went to the kitchen to make food, to see that Robin beat her to it.
He was wearing his red swim trunks, and red flip flops. He hadn't noticed her yet, so she just sat down and watched him cook.
When Robin finished, he made four plates of eggs, bacon, toast, and waffles.
He went to go sit down, but saw Starfire and jumped. "Geez, Star, you scared me!"
"Sorry friend Robin. I was just doing the watching of you cooking." Starfire chuckled. He smiled, and sat.
After a minute or two, Raven, Cyborg, and Best Boy walked out.
They were all wearing their beach cloths. Well, Raven was wearing her tropical shirt over her bikini. She had her hood on too.
They all silently sat and ate.
"So." Cyborg broke the silence. "What's up on the agenda today?"
"Well, I thought we could just swim and check out the beach." Robin answers.
They all nodded, and when they were finished they went out to the pool.
Raven sat down in a pool chair, still wearing her cloak. The rest jumped into the water. Well, Cyborg just put his new waterproof feet in.
"Raven! Come on!" Beast Boy yelled to Raven. She ignored him, and started to meditate.
Beast Boy frowned as she ignored him. He wanted her to have fun for once. So, he called Cyborg, Robin and Starfire and told them his idea.
They all nodded, and started the plan.
Cyborg snuck up to Raven, and took her cloak off. Beast Boy blushed as he saw her in just a bikini.
"Hey!" Raven yelled, running at Cyborg.
Cyborg threw the cloak to Starfire, who put it up on the roof. Robin and Cyborg picked up Raven, and headed towards the water.
Raven struggled, but they wouldn't let go. She yelled stop around four times. She was about to yell it once more, but it was to late. She was thrown into the water. And on the way, she cut her leg on the edge of the pool.
Raven didn't get enough time to take in a breath of air, so she accidentally took in a mouth full of water. She coughed and coughed, her vision getting blurry.
The other Titans waited to see Ravens head pop back out of the water, but it didn't. All the saw was a little of the water turning red.
"Maybe that wasn't a very good idea." Cyborg said.
Beast Boy dived into the water, worried about Raven drowning. He turned into a fish, and swam to her body. She wasn't moving, so that made him worry more.
He turned back human, and grabbed her body. He swam up, and put her at the edge of the pool.
"Is Raven going to do the killing out of anger?" Starfire asked.
Everyone gulped. "What do we do?" Beast Boy shouts.
"Mouth to mouth!" Robin answers. Everyone looks to Beast Boy.
"I'm not doing it, she'll kill me!" Beast Boy yelled.
"She won't be able to yell at you if she's not living!" Cyborg tells Beast Boy.
Beast Boy holds his breath, then kneels before Raven. "Don't kill me." He whispers. He puts his mouth on hers, and breaths in. He repeats the process, stoping every couple times to pump her chest.
After a minute, Raven's eyes burst open. She held her head, then tried to stand up. She hissed as she felt the pain of her leg.
"What the heck was that?!" She hissed.
"We didn't know you couldn't swim!" Robin said.
"I can swim, it's just it doesn't help that I can't breath underwater." Raven told them. They all mumbled their apologies before remembering Ravens bleeding foot.
"Cyborg, go get the first-aid kit." Robin demanded as he knelt before Raven. Cyborg ran inside, and just as quickly ran out.
"I can't heal it. It's to bad." Raven said weakly.
Cyborg put cotton like material around Raven's leg, then put on the bandaging.
"You might wanna be careful with that for a while." Cyborg said. Raven nodded, and flew into the lake house. She came back out with an umbrella.
"Let's head to the beach." Raven said. And so, they did.
Beast Boy and Ravin were in the back, while the rest of the titans were walking ahead, laughing, talking.
"Raven?" Beast Boy said. She stopped and looked at him. "I'm sorry about your leg. We-I just wanted you to have more fun for once."
Ravin smiled. She gave Beast Boy a pat on his back and said "it's ok. I would've done the same to you."
They stayed silent for the rest of the walk. When they got to the beach, Raven put up the umbrella, laid her towel down, and sat.
Beast Boy sat on his towel, which was next to Ravens. He kept glancing over at her, but she was looking the other way. He sighed and laid down.
Why does Raven always make things boring? Why does she always shut people out?
When was she going to learn that she's not alone?
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