I is tagged.
Yuki_the_Shadow tagged me a while ago so I'm doing it now.
Favorite animal: Pegasi
Favorite person: Willa Angelo (the question did not say it had to be a real person)
Least favorite food: that pork that tastes kinda like it's been deep fried that you get from Chinese places. I dunno, I just kinda hate that.
Favorite YouTuber: Top Ten: where they take all the weird and wonderful things from all around the world and put them into a nice little top ten list so we don't have to.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood: 6 and a shoelace
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a lollipop: I feel like I answered this already...
Favorite bug: gnats. Now before you get on me, this is only the one I hate the least. At least I ALWAYS know what this bug is and know that it will not sting, bite, or poison me. It also does not make obnoxious noise.
Least favorite bug: Literally all bugs.
Least favorite animal: Magicarps. They're kinda useless.
Least favorite color: Red
Can I fly: Yes. I can fly. It really helps with my Wilby stalking.
How I found Mark/Jack: Ma fwends were talking bout them & showed me deir videos.
And then cupcakesandcocoa tagged me as well.
Do I like someone: I like my friends as friends but I am also a Hunter of Artemis by my choice so... no.
Do they like me: Here's a good example of cause and effect. Because I said no to the question above, I have no clue what this question means.
Middle name: Louise
Single or Taken: Hunter. Of. Artemis.
Last person I texted: A group chat with Yuki, Uma, Satan-Chan, Auth-Chan, and Socks.
Last song I listened to: Brand New by Ben Rector I think.
Battery %: 75
Girl best friend: It's hard to choose... but I'm gonna have to choose Auth-Chan... don't kill me...
Guy Best Friend: Ugh, I don't really have any of those. Maybe Brock? I talk to him occasionally and he's pretty nice.
Fav OTP: Can you not figure it out? It's Wilby, you idiots.
Why I made my account: puppiesareawsome5555 wanted me to read some books she posted so I made an account and really never used it. I started using it because all of ma friends were writing stories on here and I wanted to see them.
Current lock screen:
Birthday: April 1
Now I'm gonna tag some people and they have to do BOTH.
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