Nicole Arbour Rant
Nicole Arbour angered much of the world when she posted her video on YouTube titled "Dear fat people". Nicole Arbour has always made controversial videos by telling people not to give their kids prescribed drugs, or ranting on vegans, and even establishing her opinion on the 2016 U.S. election. Let's get the facts straight. Nicole Arbour did not make those videos because she's mean or whatever, she made those videos because she is an attention whore. Nicole Arbour used to be a stand up comedian for 10 years at one point and she did not get recognized by many people. A year later, Nicole Arbour started to make videos on YouTube, but she did not get that many views. Nicole Arbour even tried to be an artist, but she still got very little recognition, so she decided that if wanted to get views on YouTube, then she must put people down. However, the videos that Nicole Arbour made eariler in her YouTube career were the exact opposite of what she is doing today. Back then Nicole Arbour was trying to make videos about empowering people. However, Nicole Arbour has lied to her fans about a few things, such as saying she got in a car accident and saying that she was paralyzed for many years. Evidence shows that in Nicole Arbour's old Q/A videos, Nicole Arbour was asked to get up from out of her chair and out of her house, and she was able to do so. Another piece of evidence was shown that Nicole Arbour was doing choreographic fight scenes in small movie she made on YouTube. There was also a situation where a YouTuber's friend, Rob Dyke, (Matthew Santoro's friend) relased information when Nicole Arbour used to the girlfriend of another popular YouTuber, Matthew Santoro. This is the story on how Nicole Arbour and Matthew Santoro broke up. They were at a party for a newly relased, expensive cameras or something like that, and then Nicole starts to act up. Matt flips out, and he's not having that anymore, so they both go back to Nicole's house, Matt is packing up to leave the house, but Nicole blocks the front door saying that Matt is not going anywhere. Matt tells her to "move", then Nicole says "no", and then Nicole slaps Matt! Matt is in shock, he's pissed off, and then he says, "Get out of my way you blonde bitch!" Nicole gets scared, and lets Matt go. After that happened, Nicole is in her room, thinking that she might have just lost her YouTube famous boyfriend. The next that Nicole does is that she calls Matt, and threatens to kill herself, blame it on Matt, and ruin Matt's career. Several months later after that incident happened, Nicole Arbour decided to make a video that was full of lies. Nicole Arbour deleted her "Dear Matt" video that was contradicting to the video that is still up on YouTube, "Fake abuse story". Nicole Arbour has a network where her network can take down videos that expose her. Nicole Arbour is also affected by criticism. In Nicole Arbour's "Dear Matt video, she says that "I can pretend it doesn't hurt.", while in her video that is still up, she says "I really don't care what you say. I really don't." In her "Dear Matt" video, Nicole Arbour says that going out with Matthew Santoro was one of the best things to ever happen to her in her life, but in the video that is still up, she tries so hard to make Matt look like a liar. Whenever Nicole Arbour was going out with Matthew Santoro, she made a complaint to Matt, saying that she did not want her private life out on the internet, but it's a stupid complaint to make when you're going out with one of the most popular people on YouTube. If you do not know what Periscope is, Periscope is an app that lets you put out your private life out on social media and lets you post whatever you want. Not only Nicole Arbour was going out with one of the most popular people on YouTube, she was going out with the most popular Periscoper in the world! A hypocritical thing that i would like to point out is that Nicole Arbour said that she did not want her private life out on the internet, but she decides to put out Matthew Santoro's life on the internet. Another hypocritical thing is that Nicole has Periscoped her private life as well, saying this "20 million heats in counting motherfu**kers!" If Nicole did not want her private life out on the internet, then why has she Periscoped so much of it?
In conclusion, Nicole Arbour is a uncomical, hypocritical liar, that has done scummy things on YouTube, and I think that anyone can see that and I think she deserves to get the hate that she has right now, but that is up to your own opinion and I will let you decide.
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