So, probably my all-time favorite series is Pokespe, also called Pokemon Adventures. This is the official manga for the Pokemon series, originally from Japan and was published in other languages due to popularity. The series all follow the adventures of the avatars from the Pokémon games, all esteemed holders of the Pokedex. The volumes are as follows with description.
RBG- Follows the story of Red and his rival Blue, alongside another girl named Green, as they travel Kanto and defeat Rocket.
Yellow- Follows the story of Yellow as he and Red's Pikachu go to find the mission dexholder and defeat the Elite Four.
GSC- Gold must go out and catch Silver, a boy who stole a Pokémon from Elm's lab and a greater threat is on the rise, and at the same time a girl named Crystal is out to catch all Pokemon for Professor Elm.
RS- Ruby is from Johto and has moved to Hoenn, and wants to be a Contest Superstar, whereas Sapphire is a wild girl who wants to be champion of Hoenn. The two make a past where they each have 80 days to fulfill their dreams.
FRLG- Green has found her parents, but they are then kidnapped. Red and Blue must help Green, and at the same time Silver and Yellow are investigating the revival of Team Rocket.
Emerald- A boy named Emerald is out to defeat the Battle Frontier in 7 days, and also works to catch Jirachi, with the help of Ruby and Sapphire.
DP- Diamond and Pearl are jokesters who through a messup, must be the bodyguards for the wealthy daughter of the Berlitz family, and the 3 make an unlikely friendship.
Platnium- Platinum is working with Looker to find her true bodyguards in Giratina's dimension, and is out to open a portal to this dimension.
BW- Black wants to be Unova's champion, and White wants to be the best manager of her agency. When Black ruins her work, he has to travel with White and help pay back the debt he owes.
BW2(Incomplete)- Lack-Two is a teenage prodigy, a leader of the International Police. Whi-Two is an ex-member of Team Plasma, protecting a chip for Colress, a scientist. Lack-Two needs to find out who Whi-Two really is, before Plasma revives again.
XY(Incomplete)- X, a battling master, has isolated himself from the world. But when an explosion in his home of Vaniville Town causes him to journey with Y, Shauna, Trevor, and Teirno, they find that the explosion was much more than what they thought.
ORAS(Incomplete)- Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald must stop a meteor from hitting Hoenn, seeking the power of Mega Evolution and the hope of the Last Draconid Zinnia.
The only chapter of these I haven't read is the HGSS chapter. Other than that, I've read every single manga multiple times. The BW volume is my favorite, and Green is my favorite dexholder.
Long story short, I've seen lots of people doing "Truth or Dare the _____ crew/characters!" Should I do one for the Pokespe characters? I'd need lots of help in this project with dares and truths. I would do this because it could be a nice little filler, and if I'm stumped on writing ideas, I can quick check comments and set up a few dares! Should I do it?
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