More Fun Questions
Hehe more and more questions to know me better!
1. Nope unless if ya count scars from accidentally cutting myself shaving😂😂
2. Never and I hope I never do!
3. Posted a full chapter just of him, but his name is Sam😊😊 I also have celeb crushes but yall know who they are..
4. Nope..not one guy wants to kiss me😰
5. Neither—I don't drink soda😂😂
6. I don't really hate anyone...Satan probably
7. 5''5'most likely I'm not really sure
8. To become a elementary school teacher
9. I'm not really sure what you would describe being in love is..I have loved people tho(SOMEONE EXPLAIN THEIR DESCRIPTION OF BEING IN LOVE AND MAYBE ILL SEE IF I EVER WAS)
10. Haha probably reading RHYTHM_DIVINE 's a Clown's diary book and idk why but I cried 😂
11. Purple and Orange like I've said three times😂
12. June 11th
13. Hazel
14. Dirty blonde(I like to call it golden cause of the natural highlights of blonde in my hair with my brown under it)
15. Writing and Food😂
16. Umm...Devan and Collins Key at the moment😳😳😂😂💕💕
17. Yes I do...
18. Hug cause having someone you love in your arms is as if theyre wrapping all their love around you..and the fact I've never been kissed by anyone other than family members
19. Gracie and Gracer😂
20. Too many to decide.. they change everyday
21. Skillet
22. Getting my feelings hurt by someone I care about(IRDK)
23. Having really amazing friends like you guys!
24. My poor skin cause I break out easily
25. Never and I dont plan to
26. To face my fear and tell my crush how I really felt about him..
27. Start over my life? Not really..sure there are things I wish I could've done differently..but I love my family and the people I'm surrounded by and I'm really GRATEFUL for what I have💕💕
28. I get very obsessive over things and I tend to get really sensitive over stupid stuff..
29. least not yet DUN DUN DUNNNN😂😂😂 jk
30. My cousin..I miss her and love her to death😭😭
31. My great-aunt..I wasn't very close to her and I was 10 but other than that not really anyone
Oh also one if my friends in 5th grade died of leukemia...that was hard😰😭
32. HOW MANY LOVE QUESTIONS ARE THERE??? Haha I dont mind but yeh i believe in love💕💕
33. I dont really HATE anyone other than the Devil so yeh😂💕
34. I'm fine how are you?😂
35. The Flash and Total Drama for sure..BUT IDK I HAVE ALOT
36. I've been really sad once by a crush but none have really broken my heart
37. I don't really have one but today was pretty good🤗
38. Writing that i liked my old crush for 4 years that i liked them in a time capsule letter he'll read in Senior year AND I DONT EVEN LIKE HIM ANYMORE!!!😰😰😰😰😰
39. Nope..been single ALL MY LIFE.😑😂 HIT ME UP BOYS!😂😂😂
40. This is slightly more!
41. Single ready to mingle??😂😂😂
42. I can write and sing but idk if I do it well..😰😂💕
Wow that was alot of questions..!!! Hope you guys enjoyed and learned more about me!!💕💕
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