Did You Know??
Some things you may not know about my account and books!
1. Changing my account pictures!!
I was deciding if I wanted to change my account pictures or not to the keybros or not cause people refer to me as Hiro so I didnt want to make them change their preference of me. But the. _zaelia_ offered to make a edit for me and I accepted! Its up top! How do you guys like?? Like the old one better? Like the new one better?
Btw please follow her!! Shes so talented and show this girl some love!! I absolutely adore the edit she made cause and Collins and Devan are starting to become apart of my world and because of the key bros, ive made so many amazing friends around the world that i would never talk to if it werent for them!!
2. Knew Collins before I KNEW him
So before I liked the keybros I was OBSESSED with Brent Rivera and I remember watching one of his videos and Collins Key was featured in it and I had no idea it'd be the guy I love and adore today!! I forgot he was even in the video!! Have you ever had that happen?
3. Do I know you?
So for my Collins and Devan Key short story book I had to make a Vollins story and when I was writing it I HAD NO IDEA WHO RONI AND NESSA WERE!! Like I knew of them but I was actually not interested in watching their videos and preferred Brooklyn and Bailey more. Maybe it was because I didn't WANT to ship Vollins...now I obviously do but still!
4. Where I got the username CupcakeMarshmellow
So you guys may be wondering how I thought of the name CupcakeMarshmellow12 as a username and like..DUDE SHE DIDNT EVEN SPELL MARSHMALLOW RIGHT!! Haha well in my defense I didn't really care if it was spelled wring and I was 13 so..
Anyway the reason I chose it to be my username is it's actually based off my crushes...😳😳😳
Eheh..so Cupcake is my code name for my crush(Sam from school) when my friends and I talk about him and Marshmallow was the nickname of my old crush that everyone called him cause his last name is Marshello so it fit. And the 12 was just cause I wanted numbers in there(😂😂) And that idea is also my password for this account(I aint telling you what it is youll never figure it out!!!)
Haha anyways thats all i had to talk about! Going to bed cause its 1 am here and I have to wake up at 7 so...BYE
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