Warning: Severe Ranting Up Ahead.. Readers be aware if this chaotic girl about to blow up(no cussing just ranting) Also...SHE IS TRIGGERED TO THE MAX
Hey guys! So these are some signs that Vollins is canon! Okay these are things that I have discovered myself...stuff I didn't see in those videos people do. And id this doesn't prove Vollins is canon, its at least that they like each other. Anyways lets get started!
1. Bad Cops
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Okay so I was watching Bad Cops which is a Merrell twin skit video which is up top if you guys wanna check it out! As I was watching it I made a crazy discovery...
It was explained in Bad Cops 2 that Collins was actually his last name and Chief was his first name (even though they still called him Collins afterwards) BUT THATS BESIDE THE POINT!
They could have had any other name...Chief Darwin, Chief Bogo(Zootopia reference), or even Chief Aaron. But NOOOOO, it HAD to be Chief COLLINSSSS! The one person they ALL know is shipped with Roni EVERYWHERE! They even go to the point where Chief Collins flirts with Roni's character Olivia!
What surprises me the most is when I went into the comments to find if anyone has commented about..NO ONE! Was it just me? Am I that much of a Vollins shipper now? I didn't even consider myself a Vollins shipper till a few weeks ago and people who have been fans of theirs FOR YEARS haven't commented about this!
Another thing...
2. Who Roni follows on Musically
Okay guys I was going through musically the other day and stumbled upon Vanessa Merrells musically account and I decided Hey I'm gonna check out Roni's musically. So I went onto her account and saw that she only had one video and I wanted to see who she followed. And I go and click on it and I see she follows COLLINS KEY!! Like sure you can say Oh but theyre friends! I bet Nessa follows Collins to!
....NOPE! She only follows her sister..and two other twin channels I don't know. You may be like Well okay cupcake you got me there..but hey that isn't the only Key Bro she must follow right? She must follow Devan too right?
...WRONG AGAIN!! Roni only follows Collins. Idk if that was to be nice and mutual but like you guys may even go as far as to say Hold up Cupcake! What makes you think she only followed him because he followed her huh?
...WELL JOKES ON YOU COLLINS DOESNT FOLLOW HER!! —Okay that may come against me with the Vollins theory but that doesnt mean Roni doesn't! She went out of her own way to go follow Collins(not because her sister followed her or that Collins followed her first) its because she WANTED to follow Collins! How does THAT sound??
3. Live Video
Okay so the Key Bros and the Merrell Twins do a live video together! I watched it last night and it was bae! Anyways people have been commenting about that one question "Which Key Bro would you date" was proof Vollins exists. IM DEBUNKING IT!
You may think what the fudge Cupcake?? You're arguing to us about Vollins appearances and now you are saying this one is wrong???
One, I'm telling yall things IVE SEEN not everyone else! Two, I-I dont know why I am...but I truthfully dont feel this is a Vollins moment.
Give me a moment to explain...
As soon as Nessa reads the dang question, Vollins flipping freaks out! Like okay, its awkward! Theyre flipping sitting next to each other! Id be awkward too if someone asked me which one of my crushes I'd date. Like,, FLIPPING NO! No one wants to be put in that situation! And sure this could mean theyre blushing cause they like each other sure Id love that, but who wouldnt when its live FOR MILLIONS and Vollins is smacked into their faces?!?!
Haha..and also when Collins tells Nessa "You had one job" , it probably meant that they discussed this kind if thing earlier they werent going to mention VOLLINS at all in case of all the fans freaking out and putting them in a uncomfortable spot. Like, Nessa may have been playing dodo bird here...the innocent victim,,,but we all know that she planned it—MAYBE WITH DEVAN HIMSELF! Did you see his face at that moment???
(Devan's ready for it...Nessa's ready for it! She knew what she was about to read!!!)
It was a mix of awkwardness and like "yeh boi go get some!" He knows wassap! Like okay yeh overall I DIDNT SEE THIS AS A VOLLINS MOMENT
Anyways...(man that wasnt even the thing I was planning on ranting about!) so when Roni had to get mummified and they were wrapping her up, Collins went right in after Devan and started wrapping the toilet paper around her face...DID ANYONE SEE HOW GENTLE AND CAUTIOUS HE WAS TO GO NEAR HER FACE?? I was like yo he wanted to be that close to her
And also when Devan AND Nessa were like "Okay Collins...thats enough toilet paper" HE CONTINUED TO WRAP HER! HE STILL WANTED TO BE THAT CLOSE TO HER LIKE BOOOIIIIIII!!!! Like for fifteen seconds he did that like geez boi stoppppp
But i just gotta say in this picture...Nessa looks so jelly... Like she wants some of that Collins SHE WANT YOUR MAGIC WRAPPED AROUND HER!! But I have to say that that they kinda had a few cute moments together
Conspiracy Theory: Nessa and Collins=Nollins(DOES ANYONE SHIP THIS??)
(what am I doing with myself?)
Okay I think I need to cut this short cause ya'll I'm at 910 words(More now cause I added stuff) right now(this is THE longest rant post I think ive done..) Anyways I'm gonna do another post after this of Devanessa moments but I gotta find some of them..I have two right now lol😂😂
Anyways guys I hope you enjoy this! Did you agree with any of these rants? Did you notice them too? IS VOLLINS CANON OR DEAD?? Please lemme know!! Love you all!!🤗💕💕
Wow this girl be all over the place..
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