(This is literally the video that got me into both Gravity Falls and Set It Off!! Watch it!!!)
This is dedicated to Ariel_Wild dekkapaine THEToxic_PotAtO_
"I love my friends" is what I constantly chant at school. I really do love them, they are my family. But sometimes I question them *cough* Ariel, Dekka, Toni, Katy! *cough cough*
Especially today...
During PE, I was hanging out with my friends, Ariel, Nate, and someone you guys don't know, let's call him Johnny.
So the four of us were playing Bat-mitten, Johnny and I destroyed Ariel and Nate. But at the end when the whistle rang, we all sat down, like we're supposed to. Johnny and I started taunting Ariel and Nate. Then Ariel shouted
"I ship it!" While making heart signs. I started talking to her about it the locker room.
Here is the conversation... (My personal thoughts included in parentheses)
DJ: Really Ariel
Ariel: Yup
DJ: (sigh, what the heck Ariel)
Ariel: You like him, don't you
DJ: (I've been caught)
DJ: *raises hand to show little amount* little bit
Ariel: I KNEW IT!!!
DJ: (it's never gonna happen, love and I don't mix)
Ariel: I ship it! I'm gonna get him to ask you too formal! Donny! Donny!(ship name)
DJ: (she seriously won't give up until we have double dates to the formal, will she)
Ariel: *goes and asks Katy if she ships Donny*
So ya, that happened.
Next Tuesday is twin day at our school, last year Ariel and I were Italy and Germany from Hetalia. This year, Ariel, Katy, Nate, Dekka, Bri, and myself are dressing up as the characters of Gravity Falls!!!
Ariel as: Dipper Pines
DJ as: Mabel Pines
Dekka as: Wendy
Nate as: Grunkle Stan
Katy as: Bill Cipher
Bri as: Candy
Ariel and I fought for like five minutes who was going to be Mabel, I won of course!!!
Over and out! ~ DJ
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