Random Angst
People like me don't deserve happy endings. I'm just a mistake. I don't belong anywhere... that's how I've always felt. I've know I've always been different.
Even though I have friends, I always feel like I don't belong. I've always felt like I'm secretly ruining things. I guess that's just the state of my head.
"Hey Rosalee!!" My friend, Emily smiled at me as she came into our German class.
"Hey!" I fake smiled. Yet she saw through it.
"You're not worth it" Voices started taunting me. Telling me horrible things, but I guess that makes me a horrible person to believe them.
"What's wrong?" I just shrugged, brushing some dirty blonde hair out of my face. She looked at me with concern. I don't need it.
"You could end it tonight" The evil demons whispered in my ear. "No one would care"
I ignore them to the best of my ability. But I can't sometimes. They like to hit me when I'm down. I wanted to cry, yet no need for me to make a scene.
Lunch finally came around, we played Truth or Dare. It was fun, I smiled a bit, but my thoughts returned to the horrible. Some people may be wondering why all the negative thoughts? To some I may have the perfect life, I have friends, a boyfriend, and a family.
But my problem go deeper then that. I feel like I'm drowning, except I'm breathing normally. I feel like I'm on Autopilot, just watching the world roll by. Days go by, days become weeks, weeks become months. They all just roll by.
It's hard to get up out of bed sometimes. I just stare at the ceiling and think. It's a dangerous thing for me. When I'm walking down the hallways I feel like all eyes are on me.
Slowly, third block finished. We took a test, I'm pretty sure I failed. That stressed me out even more. Emily and I walked to band. I play alto saxophone. She plays the flute.
I sit there with my thoughts, my other friend, Alice looks at me worriedly. I just shrugged it off. I'm going to be ok. I'm stronger than this. Yet I don't feel like that..
The rest of school went by in a blur, I can't really tell you what happened. I was walking home, alone. I was on my usual path. It started to rain. Rain is actually not the right word... it was pouring. Thunder and lightening started as walked down the road.
"Great just what I needed," I sighed. I continued on my way, my face looking down. A heard a car horn before I looked up and saw a bright light and I felt a burst of excruciating pain before everything went dark.
"Doctor! What are the stats?" I heard a nurse call. That's all I heard besides a constant beeping.
"Her heart is barely beating! We need a defibrillator!" The Doctor called. A nurse near him charged it up, I heard that.
"1, 2, 3! NOW!" The Doctor called. I felt a shock to the chest.
"Again!" They tried two more times. Eventually all I heard was a constant long drawn out beep. Then everything went black once more.
I woke up with tear stained cheeks. I looked around, I was in my room. Not a hospital, but I don't know what is sadder. The fact that I'm crying, or the fact that I'm crying because it was just a dream...
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