Bored: 103
1. Five ways to win you're heart
-Be yourself
-Love me for me
-Be nice to me AND my friends
-Be honest
-Make me laugh
2. Something I feel strongly about
Depends... I feel strongly about quite a few things... equal rights, I'm uncomfortable with certain things, and just depends on what situation you mean...
3. A book you love
The Percy Jackson series... oh my gosh! I'm in love with it!!! I also love the Daniel X series... Maximum Ride, Shutter, the list goes on!
4. Bullet your day
-wake up
-check Wattpad and insta
-contemplate leaving bed
-leaves bed
-brushes teeth
-goes downstairs
-drinks some form of caffeine
-I usually don't nothing for the rest of the day besides talk to friendos and hang out with Dem
-goes to bed
-lays in bed and texts friendos and boyfriendo
-goes to sleep at like 2am
5. Thing you want to say to an ex
First of all... freak you! I never said that to your face, but you crossed the line with how you treated my friends! I could careless that you were a jerk to me but never mess with my friends... EVER!!!
(Sorry for the little vent...)
6. Your views on mainstream music
7. Five pet peeves
-My sister
-Writers block
-Creative block
8. What you ate today
9. How important you think education is
I do believe it's important, just some people/parents put to much pressure on students *cough* this causes stress and then standardized tests don't help. School can also be stressful due to bullying and social standing. Teachers also sometimes give to much homework which can cause stress at home... in general, getting an education is important, yet stressful!
10. Put your music player on shuffle and list the first ten songs that play
-I Bet My Life~ Imagine Dragons
-Heavydirtysoul~ Twenty Øne Piløts
-That's What You Get~ Paramore
-Nicotine~ Panic! At The Disco
-Fairly Local~ Twenty Øne Piløts
-Haven't Had Enough~ Marianas Trench
-Partners in Crime~ Set It Off
-Thick as Thieves~ Shinedown
-Human Race~ Three Days Grace
-But It's Better If You Do~ Panic! At The Disco
11. Your family
Dad, mom, sister, and two dogs, one shih tzu and one german shepherd
12. Five guys whom you find attractive
-Xeno ❤️❤️❤️
-Brendon Urie
-Dan Howell
-Evan Peters
-Maxx Danziger
13. Your opinion on your body and how comfortable you are with it
Why these questions?!?! I'm not comfortable with it at all... I try to's hard...
14. What I wore today
A turquoise t-shirt and three quarter length jeans
15. Your zodiac and do you think it fits your personality
I'm a Sagittarius on the cusp of a Capricorn, and no, it doesn't fit my personality
16. Something you always think "what if..." about gonna say for reasons
17. Something that you're proud of
Not my past report card? Idk... my softball trophy?
18. A problem you've had
Anxiety...depression...being socially awkward
19. Five things you want
-Black copic refill
-more markers
-A new sketch book for mixed media
-Concert ticket
-To see a certain someone
20. Your fears
-Being alone
-Knives (somewhat)
-My love ones getting hurt
21. How you hope your future will be
Awesome, happy, etc
22. Your academics
23. Something that you miss
A certain dog... totally not anyone I talk to... daily.... pfff... totally
24. Five words/phrases that make you laugh
-Thor and The Lightning Thief ( EnchantedDemon )
-I ship it
-Um.... idk
25. Something you're currently worrying about
To much to count...ugh...
26. Things you dislike about yourself
Everything.... Funny: I'm listening to I'm So Sorry by Imagine Dragons and right as I wrote "everything" the part where it says "Love yourself to death" played...
27. A quote you try to live by
"If worry's never helping tell me why, why, worry at all?"
28. Somewhere you'd like to move or visit
I'd like to visit England... I don't wanna move, I'm happy where I am!
29. Five weird things you like
-Video games
-Horror (minus dolls)
-PE (for friends)
30. One thing you're excited for
Um... nothing at the moment...
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