Bad Girl Online (Lyric Prank Trolls)
(Sorry i don't post much lol) (also i had to change the lyrics a bit so they didn't think that it was implying a girl ;w;)
System: Poppy is online, Val is online, Branch is online, Barb is online, Riff is online, Demo is online, Holly is online, Trollex is online, Synth is online, Laguna is online, Prince D is online, Smidge is online, DJ is online.
Branch: Hey guys :)
Val: Hi
Barb: What
Trollex: Jeez what's with u?
Barb: Nothing.
Smidge: Okay then?
Prince D: Hope everyone is well
Laguna: I was! I just finished reading 30 books
Demo: 30?!
Synth: Dang!
Riff: That's a lot!
Poppy: Woops
Barb: Huh?
Branch: What are you saying woops for?
DJ: Did something happen?
Poppy: Don't spill okay?
Demo: Is there something wrong?
Poppy: It's a custom to say even so, watch it go and spread around anyway
Laguna: Huh?
Val: Okay wth does that mean?
Riff: I'm confused o-o
Poppy: This is a story you would tell with only your best friends listening
Branch: But what about me ;w;? Does this mean i can't know because we're dating?
Holly: BFF TELL US!!!
Barb: What is happening on this day?
DJ: Um, Chile anyways so
Demo: o-o
Trollex: The fuck-
Poppy: Where do I begin?
Synth: Probably the beginning
Smidge: Wow
Laguna: Um-
Branch: Anyway continue -_-
Poppy: You were there through thick and thin thank you, I mean really cause you've made me so happy
Branch: Oh, you're welcome.
Barb: Fr, its no problem :)
Holly: We are here for you girl u-u
Val: Yeah
Prince D: They're right.
Demo: 100% u-u
Poppy: So as a reward, let me tell you the lore the hidden account history
Val: What?
Branch: I'm lost
Demo: ???
Laguna: Huh?
Prince D: this makes no sense
Poppy: Never a closer group of friends, Yet somethings a miss. Seems without bounds, somebody's playing foul.
Laguna: What's wrong..?
Trollex: This doesn't feel right...
Prince D: Poppy what are you saying?
Poppy: Yes we have what you'd call a traitor in our midst
Barb: WHAT?!
Holly: Poppy, what are you talking about?!
Branch: Are you saying there is another Creek?
Demo: Oh no..
Riff: this is bad...
DJ: Huh?!
Synth: It's not me!
Holly: Well how can we be so sure?!
Poppy: Wait a sec! Security is in check. At least, I thought so, And It's hardly soft, Y'know?
Branch: Wait we have security?!
Prince D: So you known about this Poppy?! And you never said anything?
Poppy: Despite that is seems our convo from last week is now for public eye.
Val: I'm so lost
Laguna: I'm writing all this down guys.
Poppy: Your joke's gone awry.
Synth: Are you talking about mine?!
Trollex: What did you do Synth?!
Synth: Nothing!
Riff: Sure 🙄
Demo: Dang-
Prince D: Are you sure you did nothing!?
Poppy: My oh my, could it be everybody here has equipped a mask due to some delusive fear? (btw she is implying that their fears are fake and misleading)
Branch: ...
Barb: Ouch...
Synth: Well that kinda hurt-
Demo: Wow pops-
Prince D: Didn't expect that from you tbh
DJ: Yeah...
Smidge: She's not wrong..
Poppy: Ah, for god's sake. Please don't you dare ridicule me!
Val: Oh sorry your highness 🙄
Branch: Wow Val
Demo: There ain't no need to fight you know?
Poppy: The traitor's among us, but which one could it be?
Smidge: So it's one of us...
Barb: Oh god..
Poppy: Come out, come out, Whoever u are. Divine judgments awaits, you'll never get that far.
Riff: Judgments?
Branch: I never seen you judge anyone-
Smidge: I mean we have seen you judge a contest but not a specific troll..
Poppy: 2,3,4,5 catch the mole alive, 7,8,9,10, don't let them go again
Prince D: Okay now i'm just confused-
Demo: This is starting to make no sense at all
Barb: Are you getting all this Laguna?
Laguna: Yeah but it's not making sense which one of us it is...
Val: This is so dumb
Poppy: Just a moment please. Gotta tell u something.
Val: God, what now?!
Poppy: That girl there? She only cares about bad mounthing
Val: WHAT?!
Prince D: She just called you out-
Holly: What in the world is going on o-o
Laguna: Alright our biggest suspect rn: Val Thundershock
Laguna: Yes
Val: Ugh this is so unfair!
Branch: I mean Poppy did give us this hint...
Barb: Wait, know who the traitor is?!
Demo: But she's not telling us...
Riff: I'm worried..
DJ: Hm..
Poppy: I'm your best friend, yes?
Barb: Yeah
Val: Yup
Holly: yeah?
Branch: Well dating but go off ig-
Demo: I- okay then Branch, but to answer your question Poppy, I think o-o
Riff: idk ;w;
Prince D: Tbh Idk
Smidge: Yes U-U
DJ: 100%
Trollex: I really don't know
Synth: 100% Queen ✨😌💅✨
Poppy: And so with that i suggest, you keep clear of their way
Branch: Common sense-
Barb: I mean yeah but can you explain more on this?
Poppy: See, the things about games, it's just more than raising something, much more than protecting something. So much more than standing up and protesting. So stealing and playing the thief, breaking things till only left a piece, so playing catch and release. Fickleness, the act of betraying.
Synth: Wait what-
Laguna: Found the next two suspect
Barb: HUH?! WHO?
Laguna: Synth Caamano and Demo DeWayne
Synth: Wait how!
Demo: What did i do!
Laguna: Notice how Poppy said: So stealing and playing thief, breaking things till only left a piece? Synth you stole some of Barb's food yesterday. And Demo you broke Val's back up guitar.
Synth: Oh..
Demo: I mean you didn't have to call us out ;w;
Trollex: This is so funny-
Poppy: It's all far more thrilling
Prince D: Huh?
Poppy: It's all far more thrilling
Barb: What?
Poppy: It's all far more thrilling :)
Branch: Okay i'm lost.
Trollex: Why'd you say it three times
Laguna: Maybe to state a point?
Poppy: Ain't that right?
Prince D: Okay this is getting creepy ngl
Barb: The smile on the third one is kinda werid..
Trollex: They ain't wrong
Poppy: Don't hop aboard that scheme of theirs, Wouldn't you prefer, lie ridden side full of dark secrets to hide.
Prince D: Woah we did nothing!
Barb: Yeah!
Trollex: Jeez-
Poppy: And yet revealing them is our talent and pride.
Prince D: Alright then
Poppy: Wait a sec, you don't even past the check!
Prince D: HUH?!
Laguna: Next suspect Prince D
Prince D: WHAT?!
Poppy: Yeah your treachery ain't exactly quality
Branch: o-o okay then
Trollex: Can we have a hint?
Poppy: You can smile wide and shake everyone's hands, but it'll never cover your obvious plan.
Laguna: Next suspect: Smidge Dohrn
Smidge: How?!
DJ: I think it's because you normally do that to everyone everyday for who knows what reason.
Laguna: Correct
Poppy: My oh my, could it be everybody here has equipped a mask due to some delusive fear?
Branch: Ngl it hurt the first time...
Val: They aren't wrong!
Smidge: Yeah Poppy it did hurt..
Poppy: I'm done with all of you, you're stinking up the room!
Branch: What-
Laguna: I think she means stinking up with negativity.
Demo: Well that makes more sense.
Val: This is so stupid
Barb: Fr-
Poppy: Cut it, I know your real ID.
Prince D: Huh?
Holly: I'm confused...
Val: Like i said this is so stupid Poppy.
Poppy: Everbody's against me
Barb: You know i'm starting to think the traitor is you
DJ: I mean Barb is making a valid point..
Poppy: Don't blame me, I didn't have a clue!
Branch: That's a lie
Trollex: Yeah because you knew about the whole thing!
Poppy: Well it's not my fault, I'm innocent like you!
Demo: Implying Trollex, Branch, Riff, DJ, Holly, and Barb are safe?
Poppy: Don't you know that's also what they claims?
Branch: Huh?
Riff: Can we get another hint?
Poppy: This'll ever work if we all say the same
Laguna: Next suspect: Barb Bloom
Barb: HOW!?
Branch: Isn't it because you wanted to turn everyone into rock zombies so that it's like we all think the same?
Riff: I mean that makes sense.
Holly: Tbh i still think it might be Poppy..
Poppy: What the hell's this? I'm gonna be sick!
Poppy: That's enough now.
Trollex: Weren't you just saying you were gonna be sick since they accused you?!
Poppy: I'm just saying, I'm so pissed.
Smidge: SO ARE WE!
Demo: They're right Poppy, its not that fun being accused.
Prince D: No shit Demo!
Poppy: Guys A ,B and C, I know how you much feel but you're getting so carried away it's unreal.
DJ: Okay guys, I think she's right there is an easy solution for this. She was just being accused by you guys and you guys were accused too.
Branch: Yeah, DJ is right.
Poppy: Come out, come out, Whoever u are. Divine judgments awaits, you'll never get that far.
Barb: Didn't she say that at the beginning?
Poppy: With this combo breaker on my heels, the hight score's bound to finally revealed.
Branch: So who was it?!
Laguna: Me
Barb: HUH?!
Val: I'm so lost!
Poppy: lol
Poppy: Lol as in this was a lyric prank to the song "Bad girl online" and Laguna was in on it.
Barb: Wait doesn't that mean she actually was a traitor because she pretended to not know what was going on?
Prince D: Yeah-
Laguna: That was actually fun-
Branch: Atleast i wasn't accused u-u
Val: Is he for real?!
Trollex: Sorry i just died laughing XD
Synth: How about we all just forget about this and hang out?
Prince D: Sounds good to me
Demo: yeah lets go
System: Everyone is offline
The end lol
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