Dropped books
Okay, I got bored, so I decided to think of a scenario meme with the FE:A characters. Sort of.
You: *drops books in hall*
Chrom: *drops immediately to help you as some of his pencils fall out of his bag too and his sharpener breaks*
Lissa: *smiles and helps you by picking up the papers that flew out*
Frederick: *has picked up all of your stuff and organized it before you even go to pick it up*
Sully: *laughs, then picks up the heaviest stuff and carries it the rest of the way to prove she can*
Virion: *kneels gracefully and picks it up, winking and looking at you suggestively the entire time*
Stahl: *holds apple he was eating in his mouth and helps*
Vaike: *laughs at you for twenty years then helps*
Miriel: *gives small lecture on how to hold the books better*
Sumia: *was the one that tripped and crashed into you, making you drop your books in the first place*
Kellam: *helps quietly*
Donnel: *helps, but accidentally knocks it over again, along with his stuff*
Lon'qu: *helps very quickly, without a word, then carries all your stuff*
Ricken: *gathers up your stuff and offers to carry some for the rest of the way*
Maribelle: Posture, dear. *picks some stuff up*
Panne: *quirks eyebrows at you struggling, then helps*
Gaius: *laughs at you, then helps, though he's looking through your stuff in case there's candy*
Cordelia: Oh! *picks up your stuff quickly*
Gregor: Eh? Did drop things! *picks it up*
Nowi: *giggles and holds your pencilcase*
Libra: *picks up your stuff without fuss*
Tharja: *kicks book toward you*
Anna: *offers to sell you a really good bag so it doesn't happen again*
Olivia: *Oh! *drops and collects all your stuff as if it were her fault*
Cherche: *holds half your stuff*
Henry: *laughs and makes puns as he helps you pick it up, and 'accidentally' kicks the person who nearly steps on your notes*
Say'ri: *stacks your books perfectly*
Tiki: *continues talking amiably as she helps you*
Basilio: *laughs and takes your stuff for you, making sure nobody steps on you while you're picking it up*
Flavia: *cleans up your stuff quickly and refuses your help*
Lucina: *picks up a few books to help*
Owain: *continues talking loudly as he helps*
Inigo: *smiles and talks as he helps*
Brady: *almost swears as you drop one dangerously close to his foot, then picks it up for you*
Kjelle: *picks up and carries your stuff like it was a routine*
Cynthia: *cheerfully picks it up, still holding her conversation, even as she stumbles on the way do an*
Severa: *pretends not to care, but kicks the guy who steps on your stuff*
Gerome: *picks up and carries your stuff even when you tell him you can carry it. In fact, he almost doesn't acknowledge your insistence. *
Morgan: *makes you agree to let him carry half, smiling all the way*
Yarne: *squeaks at the loud noise of your textbooks slapping against the ground*
Laurent: (incoherent wailing from Geeky, who didn't get him)
Noire: AH! A trap?! Oh... *helps pick up a few books warily*
Nah: Oh, let me help. *picks up your pencils and stuff*
Gangrel: *laughs at you, then helps carry your biggest textbook*
Walhart: *walks past*
Emmeryn: *looks more serene than people should be able to when helping pick up books*
Yen'fay: *silently helps*
Aversa: *purposefully steps on your stuff as she walks by*
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