Random HCs w/ the boys + Autistic MC
This is less shitposty and more I'm still working on stuff for my main fics but stress and also headcanons.
I'm basically going to discuss which characters will (probably) be the most accommodating towards an Autistic/Neurodivergent MC. These are personal headcanons, but I'm basing this off the characters' personalities. (I also might show some personal biases based on my experiences as an autistic person w/ ADHD) The first few characters I talk about are characters I have a liking towards, probably because of my personal headcanons about them and how they'd fair with a neurodivergent MC.
Please note that these are in no particular order. The RSA characters and staff are excluded because of the lack of info, especially for the RSA characters. I might make another part for this if there are RSA chapters, or more information about the NRC staff is given.
Edit: I forgot to add Kalim and Jamil
Out of all the characters, Trey will probably be the most accommodating. He's kind of mom friend, always reminding you to brush your teeth, eat food, and hydrate. He's probably one of the best people to comfort you if you're going through sensory overload or a complete shutdown. He's more of a baker than a cook, given his family's bakery business, but will try his best to cook up some of your same foods.
If you use stuff like hard candies (having them in your mouth while it slowly dissolves...this is something I do btw) for sensory reasons, he'll make some from scratch based on your favorite flavors and any food allergies (red40, nuts, dairy, etc) you have.
Cater is also a good runner-up (I might be showing bias here because he kinda reminds me of a brother I wish I had). He'll understand if you don't like certain types of food as he isn't a fan of sweets. If a lot of your same foods are sweets, he'll probably give you any sweets he recieves if it's one that you like.
If neurodivergent people exist (as in diagnosed) in Twisted Wonderland, and they post about it online, he'll use that as a base to go off of. If not, he'll probably make posts about his experiences with you, just remind him that what might work with you might not work with someone else on the spectrum, since it varies widely (especially autistics).
Deuce is also one of the best, even though he's going to mess up a bit at first. Every time he'll profusely apologize, and keep note not to do what he did in the future. Regardless, he's going to be one of your strongest allies. He's probably going to slip into delinquent mode if he hears someone saying something ableist or dehumanizing about you, especially if they're making fun of you for your stims and/or tics.
Jack might not have a full understanding of neurodivergence, but that ain't stopping him from doing his best like the good wolf boi he is. If you find scritching his ears or brushing your fingers on the fur on his tail to be soothing, he'll allow you to do so. Well, not without blushing a little. He probably enjoys squishing you (gently ofc, he's a big boye), he probably wags his tail when squishing you or you're squishing him.
Like Deuce, he won't tolerate people dehumanizing you or making fun of you for your quirks, but this time it's scarier because he's 192 cm/6'5 feet of muscle and can turn into a goddamn wolf. If they're both there and hear someone saying something demeaning towards you, the person making those comments is damn sure to regret their words.
Floyd is probably gonna be like ayyy besties (I ALSO MIGHT BE BIASED IN THIS BECAUSE HE REMINDS ME OF MY BESTIE AND THEY SHARE THE SAME BIRTHDAY). There's someone on a discord server I'm in who is neurodivergent and headcanons Floyd to be neurodivergent as well based on his behavior, so I'm rolling with that. He's gonna understand you pretty well, and you might understand him even better than Azul or Jade.
Let's just say Floyd's gonna be protective of his lil Shrimpy, and if he or Jade hear anything from a fellow student that's making fun of you, they're in danger. Azul probably knows how much you matter to Floyd, and might deal with that person with the tweels' help.
Jade will likely accommodate you through getting you things like fidget toys. Because Floyd's likely neurodivergent as well, he probably has a good idea on what to do. He'll understand if you don't want to do something you're not in the mood to do or unmotivated to do at the moment.
Azul...oh Azul. He's probably going to be a little fond of you because of Floyd. He's probably going to accommodate you by allowing you into the VIP Room of Mostro Lounge, with the price that you must communicate with him about your neurodivergence, and tell him if anyone is making any rude comments about you and your stims, tics, or about being neurodivergent in general.
If you have hyperempathy, or express empathy towards him after his Overblot, you might matter to him even more than before. He probably feels a bit of a connection, as he was made fun of in his childhood and you likely faced discrimination from peers, except he knows you were made fun of for something outside your control.
He'll be cordial and polite as always, especially if you tell him if you weren't treated with basic decency in your world. If he hears that, he's probably going to work even harder to accommodating you. Hell, Azul might even go to Crowley to help get you the accommodations you probably didn't have in your world.
Idia and Ortho are also going to be accommodating, but not exactly in a way the other students are.
Note: I (the writer) have a good feeling Idia is neurodivergent, but it's mainly a feeling I have and I'm not confident to consider it a headcanon.
Idia might make you fidget/stim toys, or help create technology that helps ease sensory input (such as quiet keyboards for typing). Ortho, on the other hand, will likely perform medical scans on you since not being in a good place mentally can negatively affect physical health. The more they learn about you, Idia might make a little robot that helps detect if you're going into sensory overload.
Ace is definitely going to mess up a lot. Sometimes, he doesn't realise it upsets you and needs to be told by Deuce or Grim that what he does or says is upsetting you. Over time, Ace will learn what not to do with or say to/around you. Eventually, he'll call out others if they do or say something that upsets you, or if they make fun of you for being neurodivergent or for your little quirks.
He might not say it out loud, but he truly cares that you feel at home here. It does require character development on his end, but after he improves on himself he'll be one of the students who accommodates you a lot.
Riddle will definetly struggle HARD. He's never been allowed to be around people his age due to a strict childhood, or anyone other than parents and servants. He already struggles with a lack of social skills, but he'll start making effort to understanding and accommodating you after his Overblot. Showing him empathy that he never experienced even from his mother, he'll feel that you're a valuable friend to learn from.
In a way, you two understand each other. Limitations from parents from Riddle's end and the pressure to be 'normal' in a neurotypical society on yours will make you sorta click to some extent. He helps you understand Twisted Wonderland as much as possible, and you help Riddle with social skills. Even if you don't have much social skills yourself, you two can always practice together.
Also, he might understand Floyd more as he eventually gets used to you as well. He might see traits you and Floyd share, and will be able to understand Floyd more than he did originally.
For Leona, how easily he accommodates will change based on your gender. If you identify as female, he'll be more accommodating more quickly. If identifying as male, he'll take longer. If nonbinary, it varies between the two based on how masculine, feminine, or androgynous you present yourself. Even then, he doesn't really care about your neurotype as long as you give him respect.
Being the prince of the Afterglow Savannah, he has a lot of power. If he finds out how much you struggle in a world rigged against the neurodivergent, he has the power to influence his kingdom as a whole by bringing it to light. He knows he lacks political power, since he's still a student, but he's the brother of King Farena. If he can figure out a way to tell his brother about these issues, maybe he can make things just a little bit easier for his neurodivergent subjects to get what they need.
Despite not being able to change much for those who are similar to you, he has power as the dorm leader of Savanaclaw. If he hears someone from his dorm making ableist comments, or making fun of your stims or tics, he'll deal with them personally or get Ruggie to take care of them for him.
Ruggie might be able to understand you. Given how he lives in the slums, he knows disabled people often suffer because they can't get what they need. He doesn't have much power in the school, but he's close with Leona. If anybody from his dorm makes less than nice comments about you or things that you do, and you have a good relationship with Leona, he can get Leona to help get that taken care of.
Rook, given how he is, probably observed you from afar. He takes notes on your behavior and little quirks, and uses that information to accommodate you to the best of his ability.
He's probably gonna be attached to you in a sort of fascination; he never seen someone act the way you do, and it's something he can't capture in an image. However, because of this, anybody who makes fun of you for those little quirks is most likely to be...hunted down.
Epel, sort of like Riddle, hasn't exactly had much contact with anyone his age. He doesn't have many expectations of you, especially if you're the only girl/nonbinary person in the school. However, you both likely have a mutual hatred of when someone treats you both like something you're not.
For Epel, it's being treated as a girl. For you, it's being treated like a child (common with autistic peeps like myself). He's probably going to go into rowdy country boy mode if he hears someone make fun of you or talk about/at you like you're a child.
You, Riddle, and Epel probably gather when you all have time to spend together to work on social skills with people your age together. It benefits everybody involved. Deuce probably joins in too, but probably once in a while.
Vil...he's probably going to be harmful at the start. Harmful enough to make you avoid him for a while. He won't understand at first why you can't seem to act like he expects, until he either is told out of pent-up frustration by you, leading to a loud fight, or Rook telling him before it gets to that point.
When he realises that he made you worse instead of better, he's going to give you space for a few days. He's likely going to figure out how to explain that he was trying to improve you yet only ended up making you even worse. When he feels ready to communicate, and when you're also ready, he'll talk things out with you.
After discussing things, he'll gain more understanding that what might work with a neurotypical person won't work on you, or have the opposite effect. He'll start encouraging you to tell him what you feel about certain things if he brings something up; if he wants to try something with you, he wants you to have a say in if you want to try it or not.
If you have sensory difficulties with eating foods that are nutritional, he'll try to find a way to get you those nutrients without causing you pain by eating those foods. Likely through a multivitamin, but he could also put a powder in water that contains those nutrients and have you drink it throughout the day.
Due to his large platform, he has the opportunity to help educate others on neurodivergent people. With the reminder that it's all individual-based, as all neurodivergent people are different from each other, he'll help grow awareness and acceptance.
If he hears someone making fun of you for what makes you, well, yourself, he has the power to destroy their futures if they're planning a career in acting or modeling. He cannot change who you are, and that's okay. It doesn't give others the opportunity to make fun of your little quirks because you're different.
Before going on to the Diasomnia dudes, they're all gonna assume you're a changeling at first. There's a theory that changelings were the original explanation of autistic children, and there are themes similar to how ableist parents of autistic people act like parents who think their child's a changeling (mourning that the child they thought they'd have was stolen and stuff like that).
Since Silver is human raised by and among fae, he likely will understand you better than other humans would. He'll accept your accommodations and strictly adhere to them, especially if Malleus is aware of said accommodations. He generally keeps to himself, only stepping in if he sees you being harassed by others for your neurodivergence. Other than that, he's relatively passive unless you're both close friends.
Malleus will likely be surprised at first, but then will be understanding. No normal human would hold a conversation with him and not be intimidated. He'll ask what he can do to help accommodate you, and will adhere to it.
He will tell Silver, Lilia, and Sebek about you and to respect your accommodations. If you have sensitive hearing, he'll make a special reminder for Sebek to keep his voice down when you're around.
He enjoys being around you, partially out of the fact you aren't intimidated by him, but also your little quirks. Things such as stims or tics, even fidgeting with your clothes, he enjoys seeing you be yourself.
Malleus won't tolerate anybody harassing or making fun of you. Since he's naturally intimidating, especially since he's one of the strongest magic users in the world, he can just look at them and make the people making derogatory comments at you quiver.
Lilia's lived for a long time, he's probably met a neurodivergent person before but couldn't put a finger on why. He doesn't talk to you much, mostly observing your behaviors (mainly during lunch hour) and hearing about you from Malleus.
However, despite mostly observing and sometimes talking to you, he's quite understanding of your neurodivergence. He finds the little quirks he doesn't see in most humans but sees in you quite cute, actually. He's the most likely to encourage you to infodump about your special interests/hyperfixations, and will ask questions about neurodivergence/disabilities in general out of curiosity.
However, he's probably the most dangerous when he notices someone making fun of you. He's thrown himself into battle after battle, and is a skilled mage in his own right, but how he acts depends on the severity of it, your current vicinity, and of course your relationship with Malleus. If they're making small, demeaning comments he'll pop behind them and remind them that making fun of someone for who they are isn't tolerable.
If they're making mean comments at you and/or shoving you around, Lilia might snap. Especially if you're close to Malleus, he won't hesitate to put the bullies in their place. After taking care of them, he'll make sure you're alright. All in all, he's an unexpected ally.
Sebek...Great Seven have mercy if you have sensitive hearing. He might not understand or register that being loud causes you physical pain unless Silver, Lilia, or Malleus tell him. It'll be a rocky road for him, but especially if Malleus considers you a friend he'll do his hardest to accommodate you.
If he hears someone making backhanded insults, he's going to yell at them. If you're there, and they're using physical force against you, he'll tell you to get back before ripping into them for insulting Lord Malleus's friend. If he gets loud and realises that you're there, he apologises profusely. In summary, he really puts effort if you're someone Malleus views as a friend.
Kalim might not understand you at first, especially since he tends to be oblivious to most things. However, he is very supportive of you. He'll first ask you, or have Jamil ask you in his place. Kalim's going to try his best to get you things that you'll need. He might ask Jamil if he can make some of your same foods, and might ask you if there are any foods that you want to try (or ask what foods you like and figure out what foods from the Scalding Sands that align best with the foods you like). He might even buy some fidgets for you.
Jamil will likely find you suspicious at first, mostly because he wants to protect Kalim from harm. When he finds out that you're harmless, and also about the sensory issues/executive dysfunction you frequently experience, he'll likely inform Kalim about it. Any help that Jamil gives you is likely because Kalim asked him to see if you need any help.
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