100 facts that include a lot of Doctor Who references!
Real Name: Because I'm pretty sure Star_Taker is the only one who reads this, my real first name is Sarah
Nicknames: Crimson. I had one friend try to call me Say-Say and I told her if she ever called me that again I would kill her.
Favorite Color: Black, bright purple, or (please dont laugh, it's for nostalgia reasons) hot pink. I know, I'm sad.
Male or Female: Female
Elementary: is this were I went or if I'm in? I went to an arts magnet school.
Middle School: Another arts magnet school. Currently in.
High School: Going to go to a magnet school.
Collage: No idea. Going to go to one though.
Hair: Long, board straight, kind of brown at the top and naturally fades to a lighter dirty blonde.
Tall or Short: Tallish. I'm like 5'7 or 5'6 1/2
Shorts or Jeans: Jeans
Phone or Camera: Phone if it can take pictures.
Health Freak: HA HA HA HA! That's a good one! Absolutely not. Have you seen what I eat?
Apples or oranges: Apple's. Oranges take to long to peel, although usually taste better. Great, now I'm craving oranges. I wonder if my dad has any tangerines around here...
Do you have a crush: Currently? Maybe. It's been so long I'm not entirely sure.
Do you have guy friends or girl friends: I have one male friend. One. Almost, I repeat almost, all males maybe I can't stand. So I have female friends.
Piercings: No. I had my ears pierced once. It didn't last long, sadly.
Pepsi or coke: Coke. Always. Although, I'm cool with Pepsi products.
Ever been on a Plane: I've been out of my state less than 10 times, what do you think? No.
Ever been in a relationship: A serious one? Not like love on the kindergarten playground? No.
Ever been a car accident: Never a severe one.
Ever been in a fist fight: Nope.
Best Friend: Uh, Probably Raelon, Alexis, or Athena that I know in real life. On here? No brainer, Star_Taker.
First Award: A-B honor roll I think? Something like that. I was in kindergarten making straight As in everything but behavior. I was an ADHD kindergartener without meds.
First Crush: I don't know. I think it was some guy named Matthew maybe.
Talents: Um, baton, art, acting, consecutive tv series watching, putting up with my friends (the eight in my clique at school), and putting up with my high functioning fangirl friends (which is actual pretty fun, but have you ever tried to keep up with true high functioning fangirl. Raelon, I'm talking to you.)
Last person you would talk to: Last person I did talk to, or last person I would? Last person I would would be.... This guy named Michael at my school. I really don't like him.
Last person you texted: Athena I think
Last movie you watched: Maybe, Jurassic world? Look, I'm lucky if I can remember what I ate for breakfast (speaking of which...) let alone the last movie I watched over a week ago. Oh! I think it was one of the Terminator movies! That was playing at some point in the last month at my dad's.
Last thing you Ate: Microwavable Mac and Cheese. I practically live off microwavable food. My family doesn't generally cook.
Last person you watched a Movie with: Probably my dad.
Last person you Hugged: My mom.
Okay, this part was written the next day because my kindle decided it hated me!
Food: Chocalate covered almonds or teriyaki beef jerky
Drinks: Sprite or Yellow Gatorade (I was told to drink at least one a day, then i got addicted an its almost all i drink)
Bottom: Um, jeans i guess?
Animal: Fictional or non? Dragon. If non then wolf.
Flower: Daffodil. They bloom in the season i was born!
Color: We already went through this.
Movie: For nostalgia reasons, Monsters Inc. My actual favorite? Avatar. With the blue people, not the last airbender. The animation effects they did for it were absolutely amazing, i was sincerely impressed.
Subjects: Art, drama, baton. If you mean academic, the science.
Have you ever-
Fallen in love: With tv shows, inanimate objects, and food.
Celebrated Halloween: Yep.
Been broken hearted: Sure, your broken hearted when someone dies right?
Went through every text you had: Yeah. I was really bored.
Had someone like you: Yeah.
Hated how someone changed:n I hated when my friend dyed her hair because i thought it looked better its natural color, does that count?
Got pg: What? Explain! (i just totally read that in a Daleks voice! Sorry, Doctor Who reference)
Got abortion: I'm in middle school and have never dated. What do you think? If anyone said yes, your a moron because that meant no.
Did something you regretted: Who hasn't?
Hid a secret: Duh. Once again, who hasnt?
Kept a promise: Always. Loyalty is my fatal flaw, that includes promises.
Pretended to be happy: Yep.
Met someone who change you life: Everyone we meet changes our life. You life would be different if you didnt bump into that random person 4 years ago.
Pretended to be sick: No. My mom would know. Plus, i had enough absences as it was. 10 and i would be expelled! No thanks, i don't want to go to my zone school i'll be eaten alive!
Left the country: I wish!
Did something you normally wouldn't and liked it: Yeah. Cant rember what it was, but yeah.
Cried over the silliest thing: Girls in middle school or up, does this question seem redundant? Thats a yes.
Ran a mile: I've walked 3. Does that count?
Gone to the beach with a friend: Actually no. Only with my family.
Got in a argument with a friend: Duh. This has me and Blair written all over it. If I ever go to prison for murder, you'll know who i killed.
Disliked someone: Duh.
Stayed single for a year after bf: Never had a true relationship like that. Unless the 'dating' in the summer of second grade counts.
Currently eating: A breakfast sandwich from McDonalds. Remember the health freak question?
Currently drinking: Sprite
Currently listening to: A real life crime show my mom is watching
Currently sitting or laying: Reclining
Plans for today: Watch Supernatural at my dads. Im on season 5 on Netflix. After that is Sherlock. I'ma be a Superwholock (Supernatural/Doctor Who/Sherlock I'm a major geek aren't i?"Waiting for: 9:30 so i can get my doctors appointment over and get to my dads to watch supernatural.
Wants kids: Eventually, yes.
Wants to get married: Once again, Eventually, yes.
Wants to travel: Yeah!
In a partner-
Lips or eyes: Eyes
Shorter or taller: Taller
Older or younger: Doesnt matter
Romantic or spontaneous: Both
Trouble maker or hesitant: Not a trouble maker, but a lot less hesitant than me.
Hook up or relationship: Relationship
Looks or personality: Looks attract me, Personality hooks me.
Have you ever part 2-
Killed someone: I'm my head.
Been in love: With tv shows, books, food, but not a person romantically.
Broke a bone: No.
Cried when someone died: Yes.
Believe in-
Your self: Most times
Miracles: Yes.
Love at first sigh: I believe in falling for someone at first sight, but it cant be love at first sight, sight doesn't show someones personality.
Heaven: Yes
Santa Claus: Spoilers! (I just read that in River Song's voice. Another Doctor Who reference)
Aliens: Yes, before you call me crazy, ask me why. I have a scientific reason, and its not aliens crashed and are being held in Area 51.
Have you ever really hated someone: Who hasn't?
Do you wish there was someone who was here with you right now: Yeah.
Do you know who your real friends are: Yep.
Do you believe in God: Yeah, although i'm not super religious and i don't judge anyone on religion, race, or sexuality.
Are you going to tag 20 people including the peers on who tagged you: Possibly. But later and probably not 20. Anyone reading want to be tagged? I'm feeling lazy.
See you all next chapter of weirdness! Hey, Star_Taker, do you think my real name fits my personality or not?
Allons-y! ---
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