Kanny and porrim.
((You guess who I am XD again, *cough cough* Kanny *cough cough* I forgot to add the names! DX it's at the end alright? -_-))
PORRIM: Oh my go+g are yo+u o+k Kankri!
KANKRI: Mm mph?
PORRIM: *she runs o+ver to+ him and undo+es the blindfo+ld*
PORRIM: Then takes the item o+ut o+f his mo+uth*
KANKRI: *he 6links a few times and starts t9 tear 9ut 9f j9* t-thank y9u s9 much P9rrim
KANKRI: *j9y
PORRIM: It's o+k just ho+ld o+n. *she tries untieing the kno+t,* Do+ yo+u have a knife o+n yo+u by chance?
KANKRI: Why w9uld I carry such a thing? *kidnapper walks in* 9h dear
KANKRI: P9rrim! Please! Hide!
PORRIM: *quickly hides in a dark area*
PORRIM: *she o+bserves the kidnapper*
KANKRI: *the kidnapper 6egins t9 laugh and slaps Kankri, making him flinch everytime he talks, he then takes a knife 9ut and rips kankris shirt, preparing t9 slice him*
PORRIM: *she tackles the man and kno+cks the knife o+ut o+f his hand. The knife lides to+ kankris fo+o+t. Po+rrim tries to+ keep him do+wn*
KANKRI: P9rrim! It's 9ver here! Please hurry!
KANKRI: I cann9t gra6 it due t9 my hands and feet
PORRIM: *She quickly runs o+ver and grabs the knife. she cuts his hands free befo+re she is grabbed by the man*
KANKRI: *he quickly untied the kn9t 9n his feet and gets up* P9rrim! *he tries his 6est t9 ply the arms 9ff 9f her, failing and 6eing pushed d9wn, causing his head t9 hit 9n the edge 9f a nightstand and l9sing c9nsci9usness*
PORRIM: *she quickly takes the knife and stabs the man thro+ugh the chest, causing him to+ die. She crawls o+ver to+ Kankri and shakes his arm* Kankri? *she sees that he hit his head so+ she picked him up and carried him ho+me with her. She rested him o+n the co+uch and began sewing his sweater*
KANKRI: ((L9l I can actually see P9rrim d9ing that
PORRIM: Same lo+l))
KANKRI: *he 6egins t9 m9ve ar9und an h9ur later and m9ans, his hand 9ver the 6ump 9n the 6ack 9f his head*
KANKRI: ((6r6
Tied up! Gagged! Blinded! Kankri's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
PORRIM: Do+nt mo+ve I have ice o+n that. *she walks o+ver and replaces the o+ld o+n with the new. Ho+ping he do+esn't mind being shirtless*
Tied up! Gagged! Blinded! Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~
KANKRI: 9h, thank y9u stranger, I'm Kankri vantas, and y9u are?
KANKRI: *he smiles*
PORRIM: My name is Po+rrim Maryam. Its nice to+ meet yo+u. What happened to+ yo+u back there?
KANKRI: Where? I d9 n9t kn9w what y9u are talking a69ut mïšš Maryam, the 9nly place I remem6er is waking up here. *mem9ry l9ss*
KANKRI: *miss Maryam
PORRIM: Oh dear, yo+u must have lo+st yo+ur memo+ry. Its o+k tho+ugh. I'll take care o+f yo+u. Yo+u can just call me Po+rrim. *she walks to+ the table* Here I sew yo+ur sweater back to+gether*she hands him his sweate*
KANKRI: Ah! Thank y9u s9 much P9rrim *puts the sweater 9n* and I have mem9ry l9ss? H9w is that s9?
PORRIM: Yo+u hit yo+ur head back there.
KANKRI: I see, *puts finger 9n chin* and where is "there" exactly?
PORRIM: Yo+u were in a run do+wn building. I do+nt kno+w why he to+o+k yo+u there tho+ugh.
KANKRI: He? *very c9nfused*
PORRIM: So+meo+ne kid napped yo+u and I do+nt kno+w who+ he was.
KANKRI: *he jumps and c9vers his m9uth* I was kidnapped?! That's really triggering! Let's see H9w *l99ks in his p9ckets* I d9 remem6er putting s9me type 9f 699klet 9f when I l99se my mem9ry, it sh9uld 6e ar9und here s9mewhere. *finds it, ah, here we are *hands it t9 y9u*
PORRIM: *starts to+ read it*
KANKRI: It sh9uld say s9mething a69ut h9w t9 6ring it 6ack
PORRIM: *she reads it* Ok, I just need to+ remember the go+o+d times that happened in the past.
PORRIM: Well sewing yo+ur swaeter was o+ne.
KANKRI: Alright! Enlighten me
PORRIM: Oh, lets go+ to+ the part and watch the senset. Yo+u find that very calming.
KANKRI: *l99ks at the 699klet* it says a69ut me, n9t t9 trigger y9u
KANKRI: Alright then.
PORRIM: *takes him to+ the bench in the park* We always co+me here when o+ne o+f us always feels do+wn o+r just want to+ hang o+ut.
PORRIM: *Sits o+n the bench*
KANKRI: I see. *sits d9wn and watches the sunset*
KANKRI: *sun sets and it is n9w night*
PORRIM: Ho+w was that? Remember anything?
KANKRI: Let's see, I remem6er lecturing s9me9ne named cr9nus yesterday...
KANKRI: And then everything went dark
KANKRI: And I heard laughing, like a kind 9f laugh cr9nus w9uld make?
KANKRI: That's all
PORRIM: Alright its a start *just remembered* Oh my I fo+rgo+t to+ feed yo+u haven't I? I'll make yo+u so+mething to+ eat. Ho+w abo+ut yo+ur favo+rite meal. *she smiles*
KANKRI: *st9mach gr9wls* 9h dear, y9u're right! What is my fav9rite meal?
PORRIM: I think it might o+f beenho+memade meals. Oh like the mac and cheese.
KANKRI: 9h yes! *claps hand t9gether* it has 6een a l9ng time hasn't it?
KANKRI: *stands up* shall we g9 eat s9me macar9ni and cheese?
PORRIM: Yep. *she takes him ho+me and co+o+ks*
PORRIM: Lo+l))
KANKRI: *sits at the ta6le, waiting patiently f9r his meal* I really d9 h9pe that I am n9t triggering y9u 6y having y9u d9 all 9f this f9r me
PORRIM: No+t at all Kankri. Its really a pleasure to+ help yo+u. *she finishes co+o+king and serves it to+ him* Eat up Kan. *she smiles*
KANKRI: *gra6s a f9rk and starts t9 eat* mmm! Y9ur c99king was always the 6est P9rrim. *smiles and jumps* I just remem6ered an9ther thing!
PORRIM: Hmm? What is it?
KANKRI: ((I feel like Kanny is a little wriggler again
PORRIM: Lo+l agreed. Its so+ cute tho+ugh*
KANKRI: *he sets the f9rk in his 69wl* that y9u always had delici9us c99king
KANKRI: ((I kn9wwwwwww!!!!!!! ^\\\\^
PORRIM: *she blushes* T-thank yo+u Kankri.
KANKRI: N9, thank y9u P9rrim f9r helping me get s9me 9f my mem9ry 6ack, it's a pleasure, n9w I'm g9ing t9 hug y9u 9k?
PORRIM: *she no+ds*
KANKRI: *he hugs her*
KANKRI: ((>~< s9 cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PORRIM: *she smiles and hugs back* I have a guest ro+o+m upstairs. Yo+u can sleep up there.
PORRIM: Yes! ))
KANKRI: Thank y9u P9rrim, I'll clean my dish. *he gra6s his dish and 6egins t9 wash it, heading upstairs and g9es int9 the guest 6edr99m*
KANKRI: *after he was d9ne*
PORRIM: *go+es to+ her ro+o+m and falls asleep*
KANKRI: *gets c9mfy and l99ks at the 699ks near6y, gra66ing 9ne and reading, sl9wly falling asleep with a 699k 9ver his head*
KANKRI: (T99 cute! Cute 9verl9ad!!!!
PORRIM: *wakes up in the mo+rning and takes a sho+wer. Humming and singing a lo+vely tune.*
PORRIM: *already made pancakes do+wnstairs fo+r him*
KANKRI: *he wakes up, gra66ing the 699k 9ff 9f his face and setting d9wn 9n the 699kshelf, heading d9wnstairs. Gra66ing tw9 pancakes and eating them with straw6erries*
PORRIM: *finishes taking her sho+wer and changes. Walks do+wnstairs* Hello+ Kankri. Ho+w are yo+u feeling. *she checks his head* At least the swelling is do+wn.
KANKRI: Ah, g99d m9rning P9rrim, yes, my head is a little painful, 6ut 9ther than that I'm fine. Als9, I'd like t9 thank y9u f9r taking care 9f me. After this, I'm g9ing 6ack t9 my hive and check 9n 6u66ler
PORRIM: Alright. Maybe a few friends wo+uld help yo+u remember to+o+. *she smiles*
KANKRI: Ah, I'm pretty sure im fine P9rrim, if y9u w9uld like t9 take a test, I c9uld p9ssi6ly name all 9f the tr9lls.
PORRIM: Alright. Start naming *she smiles*
KANKRI: Well, there is y9u, Cr9nus, Mituna, Latula, Damara, Rufi9h, H9rrus, me, Kurl9z, Meulin, Meenah, and Aranea
KANKRI: ((699 yea! Nailed it! XD
PORRIM: Yep. Thats all o+f them Go+o+d jo+b.
KANKRI: Well, thank y9u f9r the pancakes, they were delici9us, and thanks 9u als9 f9r y9ur h9spitality. I really apreciate it.
KANKRI: *smiles*
KANKRI: *washes dish and 6egins t9 leave* thanks again P9rrim.
KANKRI: ((Amazing!!!!!!
PORRIM: Yo+ur welco+me. Im go+ing to+ be o+ut so+ if yo+ur need anything just co+me by. I sho+uld be ho+me aro+und dinner time. *she walks o+ut with him. She go+es back to+ the run do+wn building. She takes a clo+ser lo+o+k at the man she killed*
KANKRI: *vi9let 6l99d stains the knife*
PORRIM: *she cant find the bo+dy she stabbed. She lo+o+ks aro+und.* Damn, where did he go+?
KANKRI: *a wild cr9nus appears* vwhats up 6a6e?
KANKRI: ((The st9ry ends here!!! DX
PORRIM: No+o+o+o+ it was so+ go+o+d lo+l))
KANKRI: ((Leaving suspense f9r my Wattpad users XD
PORRIM: Ahhh o+k. I lo+ve wattpad))
KANKRI: D9 y9u have it?))
PORRIM: No+ sadly, but I do+ read so+me o+f the sto+ries o+n there))
KANKRI: 99h!! L99k at y page when y9u have the chance!))
KANKRI: H9mestucfan))
PORRIM: Kk I will.)) *she lo+o+ks at him, fixated o+n his murdero+us glare* Why did yo+u do+ that to+ him...
KANKRI: (( 6ye 6ye!! Leaving suspense!! XD XD ))
PORRIM: Awww kk bye)))
Tied up! Gagged! Blinded! Kankri [KANKRI] disconnected.
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