Insane Kankri
InSANe! Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~
Thinks He's A Barkbeast!terminallyCapricious [TC] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~
TC: HeY BrO *He wAs cHeWiNg oN Of yOuR ShIrTs*
KANKRI: Hi! Wanna play Hide and Seek with new?
TC: On oNe*)
KANKRI: Aww, now that is adorable! I can't wait to have you forever as my little doll
TC: PlAy? aW ShIt bRo kArBrO AlWaYs tOlD Me yOu dOn't lIkE ThAt kInD Of sHi--... dO WhAt?
KANKRI: Nothing, nothing
KANKRI: I didn't say anything
KANKRI: Well, he lied, I love playin games
TC: ArE YoU SeNsItIvE LiKe hE SaId?
KANKRI: *playing
KANKRI: Only a little, but hardly ever.
KANKRI: I'll give you a little barkbeast toy
TC: :o?
KANKRI: What seems to be the matter?
KANKRI: Don't be afriad, come now my friend
KANKRI: Would you like to play?
TC: CaN We pLaY A DiFfErEnT GaMe?
KANKRI: How come?
KANKRI: *whispers* you will be an adorable little doll!
TC: 'cAuSe iT Be tOo hArD To hIdE! i mEaN LoOk aT HoW TaLl i aM AnD HoW BiG My hOrNs aRe! i cAnT EvEn aLl uP AnD FuLlY FiT In tHe hOrN PiLe! :o(
KANKRI: Awww, I can fix that. *smiles*
TC: UuHhHh
KANKRI: You see, we just need to shorten those legs and horns, then it will be easy. Wouldn't it?
TC: EeErRr..
TC: No?
KANKRI: Oh, I see.
KANKRI: You're just afraid of me
KANKRI: Everyone is
KANKRI: They all HATE me
KANKRI: It was just an experiment
KANKRI: I didn't mean to
KANKRI: I really didn't
TC: :o?
KANKRI: It was only an experiment!
TC: WhAtChA TaLkIn' 'bOuT BrO?
KANKRI: I wanted to see what Mituna would look like as a doll
KANKRI: I didn't mean to kill him, really *curls up in a ball*
KANKRI: I didn't mean to
KANKRI: STOP TALKING TO ME! *yells at the air*
TC: WoAh wOaH
KANKRI: I didn't do anything! Why do you still bother me so?! *tears run down his face*
TC: *He kNeLt dOwN* dO YoU HeAr vOiCeS ToO?
KANKRI: *nods*
TC: I KnOw a wAy tO BlOcK 'eM OuT
KANKRI: Ok....I'll try my best...I don't know if he'll like it though
KANKRI: You think so? You think that he wouldn't mind?
KANKRI: No! I'm not going to kill him! He's my pupils morail!
TC: *He wAlKeD OfF ThEn cAmE BaCk wItH A PiE AnD SoMe fAyGo* bRo c'mOn eAt tHiS *He hAnDeD HiM ThE PiE* tHeY WoNt bOtHeR YoU WiTh iT
KANKRI: *he shakes his head*
KANKRI: I- I don't want anything
KANKRI: I know that I'll suffer
TC: It'lL BlOcK ThEm oUt
KANKRI: I always do
KANKRI: They will keep bothering me
KANKRI: They are the reason why I'm like this
TC: I HeAr vOiCeS ToO KaNbRo
KANKRI: THEY are the reason I do experiments
KANKRI: THEY say it's alright, that no one will notice
KANKRI: THEY lie to me
KANKRI: ((This is getting intense and creepy XD
TC: KaNkRi! jUsT EaT ThE PiE AnD ThEy'lL LeAvE YoU AlOnE
KANKRI: Look, *he stands up*
KANKRI: *walking to a sheet covering something*
TC: *He gOt uP AnD FoLlOwEd hIm*
KANKRI: THEY are the reason I do this! *he pulls the sheet, showing a corpse stuffed and stitching marks everywhere, looking ever so elegant*
KANKRI: *he crouches on the floor* why must they do this to me.
KANKRI: Why? Why? Wh? Why?!
KANKRI: *why
TC: LoOk i aIn't wAnTiNg tO Do tHiS BuT *He kNeElEd dOwN AnD GrAbBeD KaNkRi's hEaD ThEn fOrCeD OpEn hIs mOuTh* cHiLl. *He gRaBs sOmE Of tHe sOpOr pIe aNd sTuFfS It iN HiS MoUtH* cHeW N' sWaLlOw~!
KANKRI: *spits it out*
KANKRI: I don't want to suffer-
KANKRI: *his eyes and mouth stay still*
KANKRI: Fine...I'll do it..just stop talking to me.
KANKRI: *he pushes his hands away, standing up*
TC: ((G2G SoRrY BrO, sChOoLs aN AsS :o(. mAyBe sEeYa aGaIn? hAvE A MiRaCuLoUs dAy/NiGhT BrO! :o) )
Thinks He's A Barkbeast!terminallyCapricious [TC] disconnected.
InSANe! Kankri [KANKRI]
Notice some of the references like "doll?" Now, what is that from? ^*^
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