we are the danger(glacierfoid rebellious vs undead)
"You know they're coming. " ucap blackbone
"We can hold them off" ucap herobrine wyner tersebut(mode corrupt)
"My Lord, they have a dragon, blaze and ghast in their arsenal. And they have United with the end kingdom and blaze kingdom." Ucap blackbone
"Only a fool. Will fight their army. In an open field" ucap herobrine wyner (mode corrupt)
"How do you propose to stop the rebellious and them? " ucap blackbone
"What.... Have a rebellious!!!! Rrrrr The Coward Creeper who support the frostbource!!!!. " ucap Rea the void princess terkejut berat.
"Hmmm.... The one have to stop the stupid rebellious and coward frostbource. " ucap herobrine wyner (mode corrupt) " send A void to the void king.... It's time... Whoever stands in our way. We will destroy the stupid rebellious and them. "Ucap herobrine wyner (mode corrupt) lanjut
Di sisi pasukan frostbource. Ada Abigail crysteffor, abimaya crysteffor, ser Theo, and the blaze kingdom army sedang ngobrol soal rain wyner.
" sister.... I assure the people in the occupied territory that we will liberate them, do not worry my people and my nation."ucap abimaya crysteffor tersebut yg naik ghast tersebut
" I'm not sure if cowards like Herobrine ask for help from the Void Kingdom?. Isn't Herobrine supposed to be enemies with the Void Kingdom?."ucap Abigail crysteffor tersebut.
" Maybe the power of the void star has already corrupted him."ucap ser Patrick yg tiba tiba berbicara dengan Abigail crysteffor.
" Right.... Shouldn't herobrine wyner be the enemy of void kingdom?"ucap Abigail crysteffor bertanya
" Hmmm... Maybe his brother from my void kingdom I think."ucap ser Patrick tersebut
" Hey! We need to fight Herobrine! Focus!"ucap ser Theo tersebut
"I am sorry!!! " ucap ser Patrick (in my rainimator au. Ser Patrick have magic and he is the one from void kingdom. It could be that he is Rain's uncle. Because their family name is almost the same. Ser Patrick still possesses his magic. In fact, he is the long-lost void kingdom Prince. He does not want to be evil and leave his birthplace. He chooses to stay in Glacehold, witchbane to become a witchbane Knight.
In night, Where do the undead forces train to fight against the blaze kingdom, rebellious, and frostbource to free the living people from the Undead.
' Why..... Why do I have to fight my own child. I'm sorry, my dear Abigail and Abimaya...'batin herobrine wyner tersebut ( He is trying to fight his inner evil. The way to awaken is through his first wife.)
At the Glacierfoid headquarters, the rebellious. The forces that refuse to war with frostbource are human and creeperkin.
" Hopefully we win!!!!. We will fight against the rats and cowards (herobrine wyner and the undead)"ucap Commander yuna
"True!!! " ucap mereka semua.
Tomorrow days, seluruh pasukan undead bersiapp berperang. The rebellious glacierfoid forces and the independence fighters from the glacierfoid kingdom attacked the undead first. Only then did Abigail crysteffor and her ghast attack the forces on top of the glacierfoid kingdom. When the Frostbource army arrived to attack the undead army, Herobrine Wyner or Corrupt Power attacked the Frostbource army until they killed Commander Elia, the respected Frostbource commander.(ser Theo gak ku buat mati....)
Herobrine hear blackbone say.
"Herobrine let's go to void kingdom!. " ucap blackbone tersebut
"Oke!!! " ucap herobrine wyner berlari membuat Abigail crysteffor dengan ghast berusaha menyerang herobrine wyner tetapi gagal. Dia udah masuk.
" Damn you, herobrine!!!. I hope you face the end kingdom of yours."ucap Abigail crysteffor tersebut dengan kesal.
"Abi.... Your language is weird..." Ucap ser Patrick menatap tajam ke Abigail crysteffor.
"Hehe sorry... " ucap Abigail crysteffor tersebut
In void kingdom.
Terlihat ada beberapa yg berada di tempat void kingdom. Ada rain wyner yg jadi setengah undead dan setengah enderkin
" Hello void kingdom! I want an alliance with you."ucap herobrine wyner
Semua pasukan void kingdom melihat para raja dan keluarganya.
"Oke... I agree to ally with you. To fight against the blaze kingdom." Ucap Leorio tersebut.
Di sisi lain.
Abigail crysteffor membuang faksi undead ke tempat bakar. Semua penduduk frostbource, glacierfoid dan warga undead yg pro dengan frostbource hidup berdampingan dan makmur di bawah pemerintahan frostbource dan glacierfoid kingdom.
Abigail crysteffor memasang faksi frostbource di selatan, blaze kingdom di timur, glacierfoid rebellious di utara dan glacierfoid kingdom di Barat.
Pasukan blaze kingdom sambil ngobrol dengan ser Patrick. Soal keadaan tidak enak sekali.
" Sorry beforehand. This won't be the end of the battle, right? Don't you have any magic?"ucap salah satu pasukan blaze kingdom yaitu Via, dia seorang blazekin.
" Sorry about that. I'll use it when fighting against the zombies. I hope they won't be surprised by my magic."ucap ser Patrick tersebut
"Oke... " ucap via tersebut
Para warga glacierfoid yg selamat dari pembantaian ras oleh herobrine since (the struggle) datang semula ke rumah mereka dan hidup berdampingan dan hidup berdamai dengan warga undead yg sangat anti dengan herobrine. Mereka jadi warga faksi glacierfoid dan frostbource.
Gak lama lagi di serang oleh void kingdom yg bantu pasukan herobrine.
Para blaze kingdom serta pasukan lainnya melawan void kingdom. Banyak para warga frostbource, warga glacierfoid dan warga undead yg anti herobrine mengungsi ke kerajaan frostbource. Abigail crysteffor berusaha melindungi rakyat glacierfoid. Abigail crysteffor pun melihat rain wyner melawan iron man.
'Huh rain... 'Batin Abigail crysteffor tersebut dengan tatapan tersyok berat.
Rain wyner pun mengambil end thornnya dan melawan Abigail crysteffor. Langsung abimaya menyelamatkan sang kakaknya.
"Who are you.... " ucap rain wyner atau the void prince.
"Rain..... I am Abigail crysteffor! Your girlfriend!. " ucap Abigail crysteffor tersebut
"My girlfriend????. I thought my girlfriend is die..... ARE YOU JOKING ME!!! HIYA!!! " ucap rain wyner yg megang end Thorn melawan Abigail crysteffor dan abimaya crysteffor tersebut hampir saja rain wyner menusuk Abigail crysteffor tetapi dicegah oleh abimaya crysteffor dan Abimaya crysteffor pun membekukan badan rain wyner tersebut dan mereka pun lari.
"Hei don't run!!!" Ucap rain wyner berusaha mengambil end Thorn tetapi gagal.
Semua pasukan blaze kingdom dan frostbource menarik pasukan dari glacierfoid. Warga glacierfoid yg tinggal di markas Glacierfoid rebellious pun mencari cara mengalahkan void kingdom. Menyuruh Abigail crysteffor tersebut membantai pasukan dan keluarga kerajaan void di void kingdom.
Bersambung. . .
"WHAT THE HELL! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CHILD'S EYE! WHY WITH RAIN WYNER!." Ucap ceris wyner tersyok berat yg reaksi mata anaknya itu orang void kingdom.
" My child.... Forgive me.... It's because I separated you."ucap herobrine wyner minta maaf tersebut
"My husband.... Don't forget! I will make you be good guy. " ucap ceris wyner "Patrick will get guild for killing of your second wife" ucap ceris wyner tersebut
"Yes... I love you so much" ucap herobrine wyner kiss ceris wyner
"Daddy what is it? " ucap rein wyner tersebut
"Nothing.." Ucap ceris dan herobrine wyner
Will have 2 part of we are the danger itu episode untuk membebaskan wilayah Glacehold dari witchbane.(itu tugas Rein wyner dan tara Gavin)
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