the struggle
In glacierfoid. This is rain wyner and the man with purple and pink hair name is Rein wyner. He is the long lost twin brother of rain wyner. Rain wyner know about this from ser Gavin from their blood(in my rainimator au)
"Hello brother Rein, see the snow" ucap rain wyner tersebut
" Yes, yes, Rein, look at the snow. By the way, are you and Abigail Crysteffor dating?"ucap Rein wyner tersebut
" Yeah, right! Hahaha. "Ucap rain wyner bertawa.
" You're enough Rein, until the rain laughs at it. "Ucap villager tersebut
" I am sorry my little brother:("ucap Rein wyner tersebut.
"Ish brother Rein....!!!! " ucap rain wyner marah.
Tiba tiba Abigail crysteffor berlari ke arah Rein wyner and rain wyner tersebut.
"Rain!!!!! Rein!!!! We are have problem!!! " ucap Abigail crysteffor tersebut
"Have problems!!! Where is it!!!! " ucap Rein wyner and rain wyner
" There are zombies!!! Follow me!!! "Ucap Abigail crysteffor menyuruh the duo r mengikuti dirinya. Rain wyner and Rein wyner pun mengikuti Abigail crysteffor.
In the place where Abigail crysteffor said there are zombies.
" This is very strange.... Why are there zombies in this season."ucap rain wyner terheran dengan yg terjadi.
"We don't know!!! " ucap abita crysteffor and his friends don't know.
"Hmmm... I can ask for mot-----" ucap rain wyner terpotong oleh Rein wyner
" Oh yeah, what happened to your hand, bro?"ucap Rein wyner bertanya salah satu dari temannya.
"My hand got bite by zombies" ucap the one friends of rain wyner is Kyoto(I don't know the man got bite by zombies. This is my rainimator au.)
"BRUH BITE BY ZOMBIES!!! " ucap Rein and rain wyner terkejutnya
"Why darling" ucap Abigail crysteffor pada rain wyner (rain wyner and Abigail crysteffor don't know about they are a siblings.)
"Nope! Nothing! " ucap rain wyner panik.
" You're weird, Rain."ucap abita crysteffor tersebut
" That's enough! Don't tease Rain, okay."ucap salah satu teman dari Abigail crysteffor yaitu Zammai.
" I'm sorry!!! Sister!!!"ucap abita crysteffor mendapatkan tatapan tajam dari Abigail crysteffor dan Abimaya crysteffor.
" ALREADY!!! DONE!!! THIS MUST BE HEROBRINE'S DOING!"ucap salah satu teman dari rain wyner yaitu Leo mionro. Membuat rain wyner tersyok berat soal tentang ayahnya.
In night time.
"I remember when I got the call, remember the day... That I lost it all" ucap herobrine wyner bernyanyi sambil mengingat apa yg terjadi pada keluarganya membuat keluarganya terpisah. "I remember the day... With tear In my eye. Remember the day... Like it was only mine. "Ucap herobrine wyner and their mobs doing something bad( Yes, attack the city of glacierfoid.)
'Rain.... My son.... I am sorry.... Was I doing... What I did was just to avenge my father. Dad didn't want to hurt you, Rain... But... Father just separates you from others... Forgive father, okay. This father is a noble from the Moon Kingdom.'ucap herobrine wyner dalam hati.
"A tragedy, tapped on my shoulder. "
"I will tell rain and other" ucap the random people is the friends of rain wyner.
"And said hello, yeah. And it took my soul"
In house.
" How is this. I'm scared!!!, Rein!!!"ucap abita crysteffor tersebut
"Don't worry abi, I will protect you, abi." Ucap Rein wyner memeluk sang kekasihnya.
"Iceh, Just because you have a boyfriend, huh?" Ucap rain wyner tersebut
" Done! And.... Argh!!!!"ucap harley kena gigit zombie dan harley jadi zombie.
" Hah!!!! Everyone run!!!"ucap rain wyner membuat dirinya dan kawannya lari. Rain wyner memilih melakukan serangan balas pada zombie. Rein wyner ingin melindungi adeknya namun disuruh rain wyner untuk melindungi abita crysteffor dan lainnya.
Herobrine melihat randow yg tadi dikejar oleh zombie sambil membawa panah. 3 zombie datang ke abita crysteffor membuat abita crysteffor melakukan serangan tersebut.
"The fire of nether star!!! Hiya!!! " ucap abita crysteffor matanya berubah jadi putih melawan 3 para zombie tersebut. Membuat 3 para zombie RIP.
Abigail crysteffor melakukan serangan panahnya ke para zombie yg mengejar dirinya dan abita crysteffor. Abigail crysteffor dan abita crysteffor berusaha kabur dari zombie.
Rain wyner, Rein wyner, dan 3 temannya melakukan perlawanan terhadap zombie membuat rein wyner menutup pintu glacierfoid (karna rein wyner yg megang kunci kerajaan glacierfoid)
"Eh wait!!! " ucap abita crysteffor dan Abigail crysteffor berlari dan dapat keluar sebelum pintu gerbang tertutup.
" Are you guys okay? "Ucap rein wyner tersebut membuat rain wyner menarik tangan sang abangnya tersebut dan lainnya mengikuti rain wyner tersebut.
Di atas pagar kerajaan glacierfoid. Ada herobrine wyner melihat sang anaknya (rein wyner, rain wyner, Abigail crysteffor dan Abimaya crysteffor)
" I'm sorry, my child. Father has to chase someone who is not part of our family... I'm sorry, rein, because I have made your feelings of hatred towards me high."ucap herobrine wyner minta maaf tetapi herobrine wyner dikuasai oleh kuasa jahat. "I will trying kill all human! " ucap herobrine wyner ketawa jahat.
Keesokan harinya. Mereka sampe di frostbource forest (I don't know this name of about this forest)
"Rain... Let's take a break first...." Ucap Abigail crysteffor tersebut membuat semua orang berehat bentar.
' I feel unwell. I FEEL LATER TONIGHT THE COWARD WILL COME HERE. LET ME FIGHT HIM.'batin rein wyner tersebut saking bencinya terhadap ayah nya.
Di malam harinya...
Banyak pasukan undead datang ke tempat dimana rain dan lainnya berehat.
' I really feel... There will be a massacre of Rain's friends in Rain's own eyes.'batin rein wyner tersebut
Yang kena panah oleh skeleton adalah....
"Nooo.... My best friend... FERO!!!!! " ucap rain wyner bersedih kehilangan kawan terbaiknya didepan matanya. Sekarang giliran leo yg akan dibunuh oleh herobrine. "LEO!!!!! " ucap rain wyner gak percaya kematian kawan terbaiknya pun mengalami trauma kehilangan kawan terbaiknya dibunuh oleh herobrine dan pasukan undead. Zombie pun mengigit leher si Kawan terbaik Abigail crysteffor dan rain wyner. Membuat rein wyner gak tahan adeknya tersakiti tersebut pun melakukan perlawanan terhadap ayahnya sendiri(herobrine wyner)
" YOU MAKE MY brother SUFFER! SO I WILL FIGHT WITH MY BLOOD OATH AGAINST YOU, HEROBRINE!!!"ucap rein wyner bersiap bertarung terhadap ayahnya.
'Rein.... I am sorry rein.... 'Batin herobrine wyner tersebut. Herobrine wyner bersiap melawan anaknya sendiri(rein wyner). Herobrine wyner duluan melakukan serangan terhadap rein wyner namun dihindar oleh rein wyner. Mata rein wyner pun berubah jadi putih. Rein wyner mampu membuat senjata herobrine wyner terjatuh dan....
" SWORD ATTACK!"ucap rein wyner berapa kali menyerang herobrine wyner membuat herobrine wyner kabur dengan senjatanya. " COWARD!!!"ucap rein wyner
" That's it rein wyner."ucap Abimaya crysteffor
Tersisa rain wyner bersama Abimaya crysteffor dan Abigail crysteffor dan rein wyner bersama abita crysteffor tanpa mereka sadari ada creeper ke arah mereka.
" Don't look!!!"ucap rain wyner tersebut namun gak direspon oleh abangnya al hasil mereka terpisah. Rain wyner sendirian di timur. Abigail crysteffor, Abimaya crysteffor dan rein wyner di selatan. Abita crysteffor di utara sendirian.
"Argh!!! " ucap mereka semua kesakitan dan mereka pun terpisah.
"Hah!!! Rein!!! Abigail!!! Abimaya!!! " ucap abita crysteffor dan rain wyner tersebut dengan panik.
"Rain wyner dan abita crysteffor go away now!!!" Ucap rein wyner dan Abigail crysteffor. Oh ya kemana si Abimaya crysteffor? Dia ke kerajaan frostbource.
"No... Brother.... /no sisters" ucap mereka berdua menangis
Abigail crysteffor dan rein wyner pun bertarung dan al hasil mereka kena gigit zombie.
"Ahhh" ucap mereka berdua(rein wyner dan Abigail crysteffor) kena gigit oleh Zombies.
Al hasil rein wyner dan Abigail crysteffor jadi zombie membuat rain wyner dan abita crysteffor tersyok berat.
Tiba tiba ada 2 skeletons menembak panah ke arah rain wyner dan abita crysteffor. Rain wyner dan Abita crysteffor menangis dan al hasil mereka hanya pingsan.
Di kerajaan frostbource.
"Grandmaster!!! Help!!! "Ucap Abimaya crysteffor minta tolong pada grandmaster
" what happened!!! "Ucap ser Theo tersebut
" my friends... My sisters got attacked by zombie in forest "ucap Abimaya crysteffor
" don't worry! We will save. What your name."ucap ser Patrick and Darlly.
"My name is a Abimaya crysteffor!. " ucap Abimaya crysteffor perkenalkan diri.
" You may bring 2 drugs to restore them to their original human form and to revive them with a special machine that turns them into zombies."ucap azura tersebut
" Okay Lady Azura."ucap Abimaya crysteffor membawa 2 obat. "Let's go save rein wyner and Abigail crysteffor!. " ucap Abimaya crysteffor tersebut
Bersambung. . .

"HEROBRINE!!!! YOU SEPARATE OUR CHILD FROM HIS FRIEND!!!. COME HERE YOU!" Ucap ceris wyner marah mengejar herobrine wyner
" Forgive me cherries!!!! Forgive me!!!."ucap herobrine wyner dikejar oleh sang istri pertamanya. Membuat anak mereka ketawa bahak-bahak.
End of bonus.
What happened in the next episode. When the kingdom of Blaze and the kingdom of End attacked Frostbource.
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