just so you know
In end kingdom.
"What happen with my son! Sire patrick!!!!. We are family! " ucap ceris wyner terkejut melihat anaknya pingsan di gendongan ser Patrick.
"I am sorry... Your son got killed by abita crysteffor or childhood friends of rain wyner. " ucap Patrick wyner minta maaf " I know you are angry.... I am the foster father and biological uncle to Rein Wyner and Rain Wyner. I will take responsibility for my actions towards Bella Crysteffor."ucap Patrick wyner tersebut
" Alright. Are you the guardian of the void star or should I say The Void Star flame. I've forgiven you, you should just go back."ucap ceris wyner
"It's sure.... We are twin.... I will replace your position as Patrick Wyner." Ucap Patrico wyner.
"Thanks. I have go to void kingdom. I have check on rain wyner and the coward void king. " ucap ser Patrick wyner tersebut pergi ke void kingdom.
" Yes! I'm going to Frostbource! Bye, cherries! "Ucap Patrico wyner tersebut
" bye"ucap ceris wyner tersebut
In the frostbource kingdom.
Lady Yuri sedang membersihkan meja tersebut.
"Abi... Are you okay? What your feelings?. What doctors say to you" ucap lady Yuri
"I am not okay, I have feelings sad and broken. Doctors say I have heartbroken. " ucap Abigail crysteffor tersebut dengan tatapan sedih dan kurang semangat
"Hmmm. You can sit, Abigail" ucap lady Yuri
"What I have doing? Without my boyfriend!!!! I not happy!. " ucap Abigail crysteffor berkata kurang semangatnya dan berduduk sambil melihat foto rain wyner dan Abigail crysteffor.
In glacierfoid.
The glacierfoid city became a void city. All glacierfoid territories were completely colonized. Many native glacierfoid residents hid in the underground headquarters to prepare a plan to reclaim their territories. (Possibly in the episode after that goodbye).
The void prince appeared trapped and was rescued by a nobleman of the void who possesses fire magic.
"Are you okay prince" One of the noble voids casts fire magic.
"I am okay. " Ucap rain wyner went to the portal to enter the Void kingdom.
"Alright! Let's go back," said the noble void possessing fire magic as they returned home.
Back to frostbource.
Abigail crysteffor see the photo of Rain wyner. Abigail crysteffor sees 2 diamond weapons, arrows and shots to eliminate the void kingdom troops and void king.
"Abi.... What you doing" ucap patrico wyner "this is a dangerous. You can't defeat the void prince and void kingdom please. Back to castle" ucap Patrico wyner melihat Abigail crysteffor bersiap siap untuk ke void kingdom pun dia menghilang hadapan Patrico wyner.
In West Virginia, void kingdom.
"Abi... What is he doing here! It's very dangerous here, my goodness. She's too careless. I think I have to see Abigail crysteffor. Is it true that she wants to kill her own brother. I will take responsibility and revive Abigail crysteffor and rain wyner." Patrick wyner said firmly. He will betray the void kingdom and he is pro with frostbource to save the lives of Abigail crysteffor and rain wyner.
Abigail crysteffor also fought against the void kingdom forces, causing the void kingdom submarine to be destroyed and its technological weapons to be damaged. She used arrows to fight the void kingdom forces, and finally used her weapon to fight the void kingdom nobility. Until void king or I said enderfire king was very surprised.
"Fight with me! " Say that to Abigail crysteffor
" Alright! I will fight you."say enderfire king fight with Abigail crysteffor. Until Abigail crysteffor conquered the head of King Enderfire.
' On the contrary, I just returned to my hometown in West Virginia.' Patrick Wyner said in his heart and returned to his hometown.
" Finally, I have defeated the void king."ucap Abigail crysteffor tersebut
"Void king..... I am sorry I am l--- VOID KING!!!!! YOU!!!!. YOU HAVE KILLED THE VOID KING." The prince of void has a bright blue crown marked by the wyner lineage.
"Rain...." Abigail crysteffor said while crying to fight her own lover. Even though they are siblings.
Rain wyner with the end thorn weapon against Abigail crysteffor seriously. Abigail crysteffor successfully blocked rain wyner's attack. But rain wyner stabbed Abigail crysteffor with end thorn.
"Rain.... Stop it!!! " ucap Abigail crysteffor tersebut
Abigail crysteffor's words were not answered by rain wyner. Rain wyner then stabbed Abigail crysteffor in the heart, and Abigail crysteffor stabbed rain wyner in the neck.
" Argh...." Abigail crysteffor and rain wyner said their last goodbyes, with rain wyner closing his eyes first. Abigail crysteffor, crying, apologized to rain wyner and passed away as well. Rain wyner's End thorn closed its light, a sign that its owner has passed away.
Noble void still alive ordered the wither army to bring rain wyner to be revived turns out it can't be revived anymore. He then revived Abigail crysteffor. One of the noble void brought rain wyner to the room where the end thorn weapon is stored. Patrick Wyner also took his Thorn weapon. He looked at his nephew who had died and felt sad because he couldn't be brought back to life.
"Rain.... I will bring the end thorn weapon to a safe place. I will hold all of this! I will go to the moon kingdom to guard the residents there." Patrick Wyner said goodbye with his weapon and thorn to the Moon Kingdom.
"We successfully revived Abigail crysteffor! My lord." One of the commanders of the Void Kingdom's Voidkin forces.
"Good... We have civil war since The death of Void king by this young girl. " say the one of the void nobles.
To be continued. . . .
1. Lady Yuri
Fullname:lady Yuri
Callname:lady, Yuri and The frostbource queen.
Weapons: Bullets and Swords.
Faction: frostbource.
Relationship:ser Theo (his husband), Fero Gavin(his son), Abigail crysteffor (his adopted daughter) and abimaya crysteffor (his adopted daughter)
Role: protagonist.
2. Patrico wyner
Fullname:patrico wyner
Callname:Lord, comander and Pat.
Age:30 years
Magic:telekinesis magic, lighting and teleport
Weapons: The same goes for Patrick Wyner. Only Patrick Wyner wants to use End Thorn to eliminate his existence and instruct Patrico Wyner to take over his position.
Faction: void kingdom (formerly) and frostbource.
Relationship:Gwen Stefani(his girlfriend), and others.
3. Patrick wyner
Fullname:patrick wyner
Callname:grandmaster, guardian of the void star and void prince.
Age:30 years
Magic:teleport, telekenisi magic and lighting
Power:void star
Weapons: 2 swords that he often uses in Frostbource (previously) and End Thorn (now used by Patrick Wyner).
Faction:witchbane(formerly), frostbource (formerly) and void kingdom(formerly)
Relationship:lady azura(his wife), Rick wyner(his biological son) and rein wyner (his adopted son)
Role:antagonist(formerly) and Deugtorist(both)
4. Abigail crysteffor
Fullname:Abigail crysteffor
Callname:ghast tamer, abi, Abigail and blaze princess.
Age:19 years
Magic:lighting and fire
Power:no one.
Weapons: Arrow and diamonds sword.
Faction:frostbource and blaze kingdom.
Relationship:bella crysteffor(his biological mother's), herobrine wyner (his biological father), and abimaya crysteffor (his biological sisters)
Role: The main characters.
Status:dead(by rain wyner with end thorn for stabbed Abigail crysteffor)
5. Rain wyner
Fullname:rain wyner
Callname:rain, the wyner family, the Master of dragon, and void prince.
Age:19 years
Magic:lighting, telekenisi magic, fire and teleport
Power:void star.
Weapons:end thorn (formerly)
Factions:void kingdom
Relationship: (Confidential)
Race:undead/enderkin (hyrib)
Status:dead(got stabbed by Abigail crysteffor On his neck)
6. Enderfire king
Fullname:endeavor wyner
Callname:the enderfire king, void king and endeavor.
Age:300 years.
Power:void star
Weapons:The big void weapons.
Relationship:rain wyner (his generation grandson)
Race:enderman with fire magic.
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