hard pill to swallow
In Void kingdom's castle
Voidkin(anti false enderfire king) during void king's armies against false enderfire king and enderfire.
At the headquarters of the Voidkin.
"The enderfire King's fall has started this civil war. Tearing apart the unity of the end. The enderfire shun the voidkin and no good comes from this fighting. But bloodshed of our own. What now my Lord?. " Syifa Vammiay(she is half voidkin half enderkin)
"Good, let them underestimate us. They know nothing of my ties with the void prince. One shudders to imagine what power I can forge with the Void star born from her death. The enderfire are yet to see our true power when we strike when their tyranny fails. Everyone shall bow to me as their new king. And I will restore the end back. To its former glory. " Voidkin general(Eriko Vayyomua) said with hand ✋.
"Oke, my Lord. Can we throw the prince of the void into the Void?." Syifa Vammiay said
"Yes.... I will thrown him to void. The Royal void star will be born from her death! " eriko Vayyomua said
In void kingdom's castle.
The enderfire against voidkin race. See the new enderfire king. Or I say false enderfire king.
"General Luna,the enderfire general can you take the head of Enki? " false enderfire king said
"Your say, I will take the head of Enki. We will go to overworld. Goodbye, my king. " Luna, the enderfire general said
"Yes.... " false enderfire king said.
Luna and his army go to overworld to take enki's head.
In Lakes island void, void kingdom.
Eriko Vayyomua carry the dead body of rain wyner. Syifa Vammiay and voidkin army go to lakes of island void, void kingdom for Thrown the dead body of void prince (rain wyner) to void.
"Your life have been in hell. I'm just using you so I can get the power of the royal void star. Hahaha bye bye weak void prince." Eriko Vayyomua said and thrown void prince(rain wyner) to void.
Eriko Vayyomua take the Royal void star from rain wyner.
"Hahaha the power of the void star. I will absord the void star" eriko Vayyomua said
"Glory for our Lord" Syifa Vammiay said
"Glory for our new king! " voidkin people said(they're are pro eriko Vayyomua)
"Hahaha" eriko Vayyomua said "oke..... Argh.... Aaaaahhhh it's so hurt I am absord the void star" eriko Vayyomua said with hurt emotions and absord the void star. "Hehehe" eriko Vayyomua said
Meanwhile in moon kingdom.
"WHAT! WHAT HE DOING TO MY NEPHEW! " Patrick wyner said with angry emotions
"Calw down my prince. He thrown your nephew to void. It's make we're angry to the new Void king! We can blame to the false enderfire king who started civil war. " vannyniee Isao Yundama said calw down his heir of moon kingdom(patrick wyner)
"Ok.... From now I hate void kingdom! Shame on eriko Vayyomua! I see him. I will kill him right now" patrick wyner said
"Prince.... It's clients from overworld come here" fero aqilona said
"Come here.... Huh!!!! THE VOIDBANE! " patrick wyner said with shock face.
"Moon prince! I am sorry make you very shock" rona Anayata Elise said.
"Oh ok. Who make you come here" patrick wyner said with weird face
"I am the one who make him come here. " fero aqilona said
"Oh ok. " patrick wyner said
"Fero aqilona, I tell you and your comrades to take the body of the void prince from the void king." Rona Anayata Elise said
"Ok! " fero aqilona said go to his friends.
"Guys, I have go back to frostbource. I think my overprotective brother Will look for me later. I will come back to castle. " patrick wyner said
"Ok bye prince or I say frostbource knight" rona Anayata Elise, vannyniee Isao Yundama, fero aqilona and the one who with fero aqilona in Fight back episode.
"Oke! Bye!!! " Patrick wyner said go to void portal back to frostbource castle.
In Voidkin camp, Independent faction.
Luna didn't dress like a commander. She was enslaved, and always punished. Luna take enki's head.
"Ok. I am take the head of enki. I think no one see we take enki's head. " Luna said to his army.
"Yes commander! We have go back to kingdom. " enderfire1 army said
"Okey.... The trailor like patrick wyner have chosen death to void for betrayal our kingdom! " Luna said with angry emotions because patrick wyner support humans,undead, creeperkin, netherkin, enderkin and voidkin. Before ya patrick wyner got betrayed by Enderfire king.
Inside voidkin camp.
" Luna undercuts the power of prince patrick wyner any kind. Ntar again he was put on the blacklist by prince Patrick wyner? I have tell our new void king. "Voidkin1 army said
Outside voidkin camp. See voidkin2 see his family died crying because died by frostbource.
"Mama... Papa.... I promise to take revenge on the royal traitors that patrick wyner and patrico wyner have to die with our new void king." Voidkin2 said with crying face.
In the gun room. There's a ender thorn fused to his weapon.
Eriko Vayyomua take ender thorn and active his ender thorn weapons.
"Glory for king Eriko Vayyomua! "Everyone voidkin people and army said
"My king, Luna and his army take enki's head. Can we go to voidkin camp. " voidkin1
"Good! Let's go to voidkin camp! " eriko Vayyomua
In voidkin camp.
Luna and enderfire army want back to castle but... Another portal from Voidkin fighters, eriko Vayyomua and Syifa Vammiay. They see the portal and Luna puts the enki's head down.
" I think there's a VOIDKIN BASTARD!"Luna said with Face is alert and angry.
"It's true! They're are BASTRAD LIKE TRAILOR PATRICK! " enderfire army
"WHAT YOU MEAN! WE'RE ARE BASTRAD! YOU SAID! " voidkin said with angry face.
"COME HERE! HOW DARE YOU SAY TRAILOR TO MY PATTY! " Voidkin1 said with angry face.
They're are fight and Luna and enderfire army have chosen lose. But..... Eriko Vayyomua give Luna alive for give information to the false enderfire king.
In void kingdom's castle.
"Huh.... Poor mama😭" princess Tara said"I lose my boyfriend... I don't want my mother get hurt by enderfire army. I will have go to freedom fighters. "Princess tara said and go to freedom fighters.
"My king, Luna have failed take enki's head. " enderfire general
"Huh!!!! " the false enderfire king very shock and punch Luna to wall.
". . . . . . " no one Luna said
"YOU ARE WEAK PRINCESS AND GENERAL! " the false enderfire king said
"Hiks I am sorry" Luna said with cry face.
After eriko Vayyomua absord enki's power from enki's head. Eriko Vayyomua now the void leader powerfully.
"Attack the bastard voidkin" the false enderfire king said
"Oke king! " enderfire said and go to fight with voidkin army.
"ATTACK FOR THE KINGDOM! SAVE THE KINGDOM FROM THE FALSE ENDERFIRE KING! " Syifa Vammiay and voidkin army said and go to against enderfire army.
The voidkin put up the void kingdom flag.
After eriko Vayyomua kill the false enderfire king. He is the new of void king.
In frostbource castle.
"Ah aduh.... Hurt... " patrick wyner said with hurt face in his right eyes face.
"Shup up, why you back to frostbource with bleeding face. It's because you were angry. I told you not to get angry first. Watch your blood come out again in your right eye." Azura said with angry face
"Mama.... Papa is okay... Kah... " rein wyner said with sad face and hug ceris wyner
"Calw down my son. Your adopted father will be okey. " ceris wyner said and hug rein wyner.
"I am very angry because eriko Vayyomua thrown rain wyner to void. " patrick wyner said
"WHAT!!!! ERIKO VAYYOMUA HAVE CHOSEN DEATH! " ceris wyner and rein wyner said
"Calw down... " patrick wyner said
"Moon prince.... I have talk to you." Lady Yuri said
"Oke... " patrick wyner said
The following episode is an enderfire heart. This enderfire heart episode after wings of salvation.
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