Day 2
*the next day*
Midoriya [POV]
Again I took my time getting up to the roof giving me plenty of time to think if over a note folded neatly in my pocket. As I opened the door I noticed Uraraka standing on the other side of the railing her hands shaking as she gripped the railing. She was sobbing
"Uraraka what are you doing?" I cried out knowing that once again my chances were ruined. It was irritated but my concern for my friend was greater
"Deku just go away I don't want you here" she shouted back through tears
"No Uraraka what's wrong why are you doing this?" I shouted
"I can't deal with this anymore I barely have enough money just to go to this school in the firsts place. I can't ask from my parents, I don't want to take away from them I only would be more of a burden to them it's just easier to jump" she sobbed
"It may be easier but don't you want to be a hero to help your parents to make money heroes never take the easy route, they have to work hard to win their battles" I insisted walking over to the railing
"I'm not cut out to be a hero I'm not-" she trailed off
"you know that's not true everyone believes in each other and we all want to see each other work hard and become heroes, even Aizawa believes in us" I reassured her
"But that doesn't mean anything I can't handle this pressure of being a hero and making money"
"You live in the dorms so you don't have to worry about rent like you used to and I'm sure the school could give you a loan until you can pay it back and when you become a hero it will take no time at all" I smiled looking at her. She turned around tears streaming down her face, and she too, smiled back.
"I guess you're right" she relaxed a bit "You're always right"
"Please come down from there" I held my hand out to her and she took it her hands trembling. I helped her over the railing back onto the roof. I reached into my pocket and offered her a sweet. She shook her head
"You've already saved my life I couldn't take your sweets" she insisted, I shrugged popping on in my mouth. We walked back downstairs to the dorms together in silence. Again I missed my chance because of Uraraka but, there's always tomorrow
(A.N. Sorry really really short chapter but it's almost 500 words which is my minimum for mental happiness but I guess I want to keep it to one day per chapter)
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