Chapter 1
May 6th, 2018. I'll never forget that day. I never knew it would come to this, I just intended on going to the cafe, getting a bagel and some coffee. I didn't think it would come to this.
I was driving on my way to work, I was in a rush so I didn't grab breakfast. I had enough time to just grab something quickly and rush so I wouldn't late. I turned at a light and saw something run across the street and stop in front of my car. I slammed on the breaks and heard the squeaking of my tires. I looked up and couldn't believe what I had just seen, a boy, looking to be about in the mid to late teenage years, was gripping the hood of my car. He looked dirty and skinny. I got out of the car and walked over to him. He was so scared he collapsed to the gravel in a trembling heep.
"Hey...are you okay?" I reached out a hand to him and he flinched back. "Can you stand?" He stayed there on the street. Upon closer look, he was extremely pale and malnourished. I could see his bones clearly as his skin stretched over them. "Hey...what's wrong?" He was curling up. I couldn't just leave him here...I guess I have no other choice...I grabbed my phone and dialed my office. "Yeah Armin,can you run this by Bushy Brows? I don't think I'll be at the office for a bit. I found this kid on the street, I was gonna take him to the hospital and go from there. He looks homeless...yeah I can take a week off right? I'll just be working from home. Yeah, yeah, those documents I was supposed to get turned in by noon? I'll fax them to you, can you hand them over for me? Thanks. Yeah, I'll let you know what's the deal with this kid. Mmm, okay, bye."
I scooped the kid up in my arms, he began to panic and tried to get out. He let out yelps and pushed me away frantically.
"Hey,hey! Calm down, I'm just putting you in the car... see? This car,right here?" He looked at it. When I took a look at his face it became evident. He looked lost, more confused than anything. "Do you know where you are?" He looked up at me. He had deep grey eyes, although they were wide with fear they still looked somewhat squinted. "Do you have a name?" I asked as I placed him in the back seat of my car. "Will you say yours if I say mine first?"
He continued to ignore me, I sighed and buckled him in and drove to the hospital. I glanced at him every now and then as I drove. He was looking out the window, his eyes darted back and forth. When he caught me looking he gave me a mean look and turned his attention back to the road. He could try being nice but I guess not, his fingers with fidgeting with things constantly.
We arrived at the hospital and he looked at me with suspicious eyes.
"I'm just trying to help..."
He let out a growling noise of some sort as he glared at me. I got out of the car and picked him back up. He kept his eyes down the whole time. As I walked into the hospital I saw an old friend of mine and called out to her.
"Hangi! Hey!" She saw me and walked over."
"Hey Eren! It's nice to see you. Who's this?" She looked at Levi and smiled.
"I'd tell you if I knew." I gave the kid a look. "But he ran in front of my car while I was driving to work. I stopped so I didn't do anything to him, but he looks like he hasn't eaten and he's dirty."
"Mmm,well come to my office. I'll have a look at him."
I followed her through the halls of the hospital as she went to her office. She opened her door and we walked in. I set the kid on a chair and sat in the one next to him. Hangi went around to her desk and sat down. She eyeballed the kid and seemed to be staring him down. At one point I saw the kid squirm away from Hangi's gaze and he curled up tightly.
"He submits to someone he knows he can't beat." She concluded and gave me a small smile at my puzzled look. "It's obvious he hasn't spoken a word to you, if he had, he would've clung to you in some shape or form when I walked over to you. Not even a tug at the shirt, he knows he can win against you."
"Win against.. Hangi no. That's not it, although that somewhat helps, just find out if something is wrong with him. If he's hurt or something like that."
"Okay."She stood up and looked at the kid. At first he didn't budge, then Hangi took a step towards him and he slowly got up. "That's better, this way." She waited for him to be in front of her then she stepped into her little back room. "Eren, you too."
I stood up and walked over and leaned on the wall. She gave him a general checkup and then did something a little odd.
"How old are you kid?" She smiled with her glaring eyes.
"18.."I heard him whisper.
"What's your name?"
"Levi..."He looked at his dirty, uncovered feet.
"Alright,you're 18. An adult by age. Meaning you can consent right?" I looked at her then the kid. He gave a stiff nod. "Good, take off those clothes."
He blushed and looked at me as if asking for help. I didn't respond and kept looking at him. "N-No..." He wrapped his arms around himself and took a step back.
"Levi...I said-"
"I know what you said...I don't want to..."
"Well you've got a spine, that's for sure. Levi go sit back in the chair...Eren and I need to talk."
He left and Hangi looked at me. "He's malnourished, that much is obvious. But from what I can see...he relies on you."
"As if, he refused to talk to me, you said it yourself."
"I know it sounds weird. But think about what just happened, I know you saw it. How he looked at you for some form of help. And when you didn't give it to him, what happened?"
"He curled up again."
"Exactly,he was looking at you because he thinks that you'll help him. You already took him into your car and now his brain thinks that you're going to take care of him. Whether his logic is struggling with it or not isn't the point. My point is, he already has a bond to you. He obviously thinks you're a good person. If he didn't he wouldn't have been in your car, much less this hospital. Eren, it looks like you're gonna have to take this kid in. You know that right?"
I sighed. "It doesn't look like he's that great at the whole interacting with other people thing."
"So you see my point then?"
"Sadly yes. But how am I going to get him to open up to me? You know I'm not the forceful type."
"You really only have one route to go." She looked at me. "He's basically like a new pet."
"What?"I raised an eyebrow.
"When you get a new pet you can't just be all loving with them immediately right? You have to let them adjust to the environment. Let him come to you. Show him how you operate, well..don't show him. Let him find things out for himself. He's old enough, just be slow and patient with him. I get the feeling that he's had it rough."
"Yeah...okay well, anything else?"
"Yeah,I've a diet plan he should follow. I'll pull it up and print it out for you."
"Alright. Guess that means shopping."
"And,maybe this will be good for you too... I know you've had your own things going on, but maybe having another person around can help.."
"Hang...I know you're trying to help, but I'm fine. I can function just fine."
"You say that but you've back together with that girl haven't you?" I looked away. "She's bad news Eren and you know it... And you're not eating properly. I know you aren't. How many times have you eaten cup noodles in the last week?"
"Hangi..."I heard her sigh. "Okay, I'll try."
"And if you lie to me I'll get that kid to snitch on you." She smirked.
"You're evil, you know that right?" I felt a tug on my shirt and looked at Levi "Yeah?"
"I...I need to...use the bathroom..." His voice was ragged and he kept his gaze down. "Please..."
"Alright,come on." I turned around. "Gimme a sec Hangi." She made a noise of approval and I walked to the bathroom that was close enough to her office and I showed him in. He walked in and I left to give him privacy.
I couldn't help but reflect on what Hangi said. She meant Annie. We had met a couple years ago and casually dated. But at some point the love kinda just faded away. After that we just-
"I'm done..." He stood in front of me, interrupting my thoughts. Well it doesn't matter.
"Okay."I walked back to Hangi's office and picked up the papers she had printed out. "Jeez this is thick!"
"Just like that kid will be after eating the food there." She winked and Levi hid behind me.
"Hangi, knock it off."
"Fine. Anyway, check-in with me in about...let's say 3 weeks. I'll weight him and see if anything should be changed or added. That kinda thing."
"Yeah that's fine."
"Well then, bye Eren. Bye Levi."
"Bye..."She smiled at his response.
"Later Hangi."
We left the hospital and I drove to my apartment. He was in the backseat and looking out again. When I occasionally glanced at him in my rear-view mirror he would glare at me.
"I'm sorry about Hangi...she can be a bit much sometimes." I tried to apologize, he ignored me and kept looking out. I sighed and kept driving. When we arrived home I got my things and let him out of the car. "Here, put this over you." I took off my blazer and put it over his shoulders. "I don't need the neighbors thinking I'm bringing bad people in, they already hate someone that visits."He held it over his body as I lead him into the complex.
I opened the door and stepped in. "Sorry it's a mess I wasn't expecting to be having a new roommate." He rolled his eyes."I'll let you shower, I should have food ready for you by the time you're out." I showed him where the bathroom was and how to operate the shower and the bath. "Here's a towel, I'll go find some clothes for you. After you take those off I'll throw them away,you wont need them, nor can you really use them."
I left and went to the kitchen. I looked at it, it was filthy. I'm not a neat freak, but this needs to be cleaned.
"God this sucks." I started cleaning up and washing dirty dishes.After it was clean enough I started to cook some food. After I finished I plated the food and set it on the table for him. Since there were now more dishes, I started to wash those when the bathroom door opened. I turned around. "Was the shower good?" He was half naked with a towel around his body, he was blushing slightly."Oh that's right I forgot the clothes. Come with me. Let's go to my room." He followed me as I walked and opened the door to my room. There we're clothes all over the place.
"Do you generally keep your house this dirty?" He looked at me.
"I'm not trying to impress anyone now am I?" He rolled his eyes."Anyway here." I handed him some clean clothes. "They might not fit so I guess we're going shopping soon." He went back into the bathroom and put them on. When he came out he wasn't wearing the pants.
"They keep sliding off...and the shirt goes to my knees."
"Well that should work. Anyway, lunch is on the table. Eat up. I have some obvious cleaning to do." As I started to leave he tugged on my shirt again. "What?"
"You should eat, that lady said so." He looked me in the eyes.
"Just how much of that did you hear?"
"All of it." He deadpanned.
"God,fine. I'll eat later."
He let go and started to eat. "It's good."
I smirked as I cleaned up around the apartment, when I was finally done I sat down on the couch and sighed. I'll never let this place get that dirty again. The sound of the sink being turned on caused me to turn my head. Levi was washing up his dishes. I smiled to myself and dozed off into a deep sleep.
Hello everyone! I'm sorry about removing two of my old stories off of my page, I just thought they weren't well written enough. If you want me to post them back just comment and let me know. But anyway I hope you like this new story I've put out, lemme know in the comments and if any of you want to be in my story, just message me and let me know. Bye!!!
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