Chapter 51
Jumping back into his car the dark hoodied figure slams the door closed and punches the steering wheel
"Does he think he can just leave me and move on playing happy families like I don't exist, oh no baekkie you think your boyfriend or friends are gonna keep me away from you, oh how wrong you are how very wrong"
Starting the engine he slowly drives away, reaching the end of the road he stops and looks back into the rear view mirror "Don't worry baekkie my baby I will be back for you soon"
Chanyeol pov
Sitting holding baek in my arms as we watch all of our friends celebrate Chen and Minseok baby news, I can't help but think how lucky I am to have such an amazing person and friends in my life
"Chanyeol we did good" baek says while snuggled into my chest
"Yes baby you did" I whisper back to him as I kiss the top of his head
Watching them all I can't help but look at Suho move to the kitchen and lean up against the island in the middle as he places both his hands on the counter and lowers his head
"Sorry baby I need to get up" I gently move baek as I stand up to head to the kitchen
"Is everything ok Chanyeol?" He asks with a worried tone
"Everything is ok my world I just wanna talk to Suho" I whisper back as I lean in giving him a kiss before I head to the kitchen
Stepping into the kitchen I close over the door
"Suho is everything ok?" I ask as I move closer to him
"Sorry yeah everything is ok I...I was just getting more glasses" he moves to look in the presses opening and closing the doors
"Suho something is wrong I can tell, please tell me" I sit on the high stool leaning my arms on the counter as I watch my friend sit down with his hands running through his hair
"Suho what is is?"
"It's lay" he whispers not looking at me
"What's wrong with him, is he sick?" I ask with a worried tone because I know if anything was to happen to Lay that would be the end of Suho he would end his life for Lay
"No Lay's not sick, he just wants a baby so bad Chanyeol and I don't think I can give him what he wants and it's breaking my heart that I may not be able to give the love of my life the one thing he has ever asked me for" Suho sniffs
Getting up from the stool I reach for my expensive bottle of whiskey and pour him a glass
"I shouldn't" he groans
"Just have it Suho you look like you need it" sitting down I pour myself a glass as the door to the kitchen opens
"Is everything ok in here?" Baek askes with a caring look
"Can you give us a few minutes sweetheart and I'll be right out" I give baek a caring smile trying not to be rude
"Yes sure of course, but I'd hurry up if you guys want cake because there is two pregnant people out here" baek laughs before closing the door but not before blowing me a kiss
"Suho ok start at the beginning"
"Lay wants a baby which we all know and baek gave him the books and stuff from the hospital that you guys got and we have been trying but nothing has happened" he sniff before taking a sip from his glass as he continues
"We are trying all the time and don't get me wrong I love my husband but sex feels like a chore now just so we can get pregnant" tears start to fall down his eyes as I feel my heart break for my best friend
"Well have you tried maybe swapping around" I question him
"What do you mean swapping, like a different partner being with my husband are you fucking crazy Chanyeol" Suho jumps from the stool and shouts at me.
"No no I mean swap as in swap positions, let lay be the top and you be the bottom"
"Lay really wants to carry the baby though Chanyeol" Suho calms down as he sits
"Maybe you should both talk about it then if it will give you a chance of still having a baby" I pour him another glass
"I guess I could say it to him" he looks towards me with red eyes
"I guess it's gonna be harder now that Chen is pregnant and we can't, lay will feel so bad"
"Can't you try adopting then"
"I don't mean to be bad but we would really like one of our own" he sniffs again
"Suho when you get home talk to your husband and try swap who tops and then tell me how it felt to be a bottom" I can't help but laugh
"Hey why don't you find out for yourself and let baek top you" Suho throws me a dirty look
"Hell No I am a top and will always be a top" I laugh while drinking the rest of my drink
"If I can do it so can you" Suho laughs a me
"No dick is going In my ass no way" I feel my body start to panic
"You ok there Chanyeol your blushing" Suho laughs at me
"I top end of" I say while standing up
"Maybe I should tell baek you wanna try bottom" he laughs more as we walk to the door
"My baby likes me in charge and don't tell him I told you that" we both laugh as I open the door to the kitchen to join the others
"Seriously Suho tell Lay how you feel ok" I pat him on the shoulder as we return to the others
Wrapping my arms around Baek from behind I kiss his neck making him giggle
"Is everything ok?" He whispers
"Yeah it will be fine baby" I reply while watching Lay hug Suho before they tuck into some cake
"Oh did you keep me some cake?" I whisper into baeks ear as he freezes
"Baek did you eat my piece" I turn him around as he just places the last peice into his mouth nodding his head
"Whatpeiceofcake" he mumbles
I can just make out what he said as he blushes giving me a cake grin
"Baek" I can't keep a straight face as I begin to laugh at his cuteness, leaning forward I lick his bottom lip licking the little bit of cream from it
"Mmmm that is as close as I can get to that cake" I laugh as he frowns with a sad face
"Imsorry" he mumbles again
"I know my world, come here" I playfully pull him closer as he starts to giggle
"I still can't believe you eat all the cake" I tickle him as he runs away to hide behind D.O
"I'll get you later" I whisper towards him as I join the others
"Sorry Chanyeol we have a bit of a problem" Sehun says while hanging up his phone making us all look towards him
"What's wrong?"
"We need to go to Japan there is a big fuck up with the new artists, the paper work is wrong and their album release date has to change the production team have fucked up the MV, look put it this way it's gonna cost us a shit load of money if we don't sort it" Sehun takes a breath looking at me
"Where's Minseok?" I ask looking towards the others
"He had to take a call" Chen says while looking worried
"Chanyeol we need to go" Minseok says while entering back into the room
"You can't go Minseok you just found out great news, and Suho your not going " I hush Suho up before he can even speak
"Baek baby" I turn towards baek
"It's ok Chanyeol you go I will be fine" he moves closer to me with a half hearted smile
"Can't baek go with you?" Kai asks while back hugging D.O
"It's ok Chanyeol I will stay here I need to go back to college anyway I've missed enough and you will be home soon enough, plus you are going to be pretty busy by the sounds of it" baek smiles while walking into my arms wrapping my arms around my waist as I gently kiss his head
"I'll come with you" Sehun smiles
"I don't want to leave you on your own baek" moving him so I can look into his eyes
"I can check in on baek while your gone" Luhan says while walking towards baek
"Yeah you can even stay if you want" baek smiles
"Yeah and I can come over too and me too" Lay and Chen join in
"Ok well if that's ok with you baek" I hug him tighter
"Yes my world it's fine, they need you" baek leans up to me and kisses me
"When do we need to go?" I question the others
"If you leave tonight you can be there and get this sorted soon" Minseok says as he looks pissed off at me
"You can take my jet it's still in the airport I'll ring ahead and make sure it is ready for flight" Suho smiles as he leaves the room to make a call
"I'll head home grab a few things and I'll meet you back here" Sehun says as him and luhan leave
"We better get going too" Lay winks at Suho as he gives his husband a weak smile back
"How about you stay here tonight lay with the others" I hope he will says yes and give Suho a break tonight
"Ehhh I don't have anything with me and me and Suho have plans tonight" he smiles while looking at Suho
I look towards baek and give him a nod to help me out baek has no idea what's going on but he catches on to my nod
"Yeah why don't you stay here with us" Baek says to lay making lay look towards Suho as suho just shrugged his shoulders
"Ok I will stay but I need to go get some clothes" lay smiles as he grabs his coat
Most of them leave as Minseok and Chen are last to go
"Chanyeol can we talk" he follows me into mine and baeks bedroom
"I know what your going to say Mins, and I'm sorry I stopped you from going but you just got some great news spend it with Chen" I place my case on the bed as I start putting clothes it
"I suppose" he says while sitting on the end of the bed watching me
"Will you keep me posted on everything" he questions me
"Of course I will, now get out of here I wanna spend some time with my babies before I have to leave" I laugh out as he quickly jumps up off the bed
"Ok chanyeol, Chen come on we are going" he shouts out as him and Chen leave
"I'm not gonna stay tonight so i will see you in college tomorrow Baek, and goodbye chanyeol" Chen smiles before leaving
"I better clean this mess up" Baek moves towards the table with all the empty plates
Grabbing him from behind I stop him
"Hey baby I will do that and plus I want to spend some time with you before I have to go"
"Chanyeol~ He giggles as I kiss his neck
Rubbing one of my hands up to hold his neck and the other hand down his body and down his trousers as I grab his member he groans out. Kissing his neck more he starts to go weak at the knees leaning into me more groaning
"Chanyeol take me to bed" he whispers grabbing onto my arms
Lifting him up bridal style as he giggles I carry him into our bedroom and lay him down gently on our bed
Stepping back I pull off my top and climb on top of him, leaning in I softly kiss his lips as he runs his fingers through my hair as he opens his legs for me to settle between, running his hands down my back and over my ass pushing down my bottoms
"Needy are we" I whisper into his neck
"Take me please chanyeol" he whispers back
Sitting up I pull off his trousers and boxers and throw them across the room
"I love you chanyeol"
"I love you too baby" I whisper back as I run my hands up his body kissing up his chest flicking my tongue over his nipple making him groan and push his lower body up to mine
Slipping my hand down his body I finger his entrance making him moan more and throw his head back
"Chanyeol don't tease me please"
Grabbing our lube I place some all over both of us as I gently lift his legs up and slide deep inside him waiting for him to be ready he nodds as I slowly start to move
Feeling his warmth around my cock I push in deep as I move to lean over him, watching his eyes as I move in and out slowly
"Am I hurting you baby?" I whisper
"I don't think I can do it this way any more" he starts to cry out making me stop
"Hey baby it's ok we can stop" I look at him as I kiss him softly
"No I want to make love to you but this way in uncomfortable" he sobbs a little
I slowly pull out and lay beside him on the bed
"What are you doing chanyeol" he sniffs
"Baby turn on your side and back into me" I watch as he moves on his side with his back to me
"See we can spoon baby" I pull him into me as I move his leg and slide deep into him making him groan louder
"How's this baby" I whisper into his neck as I place one hand on his waist and my other arm under him with his head leaning on it
" This is so much better" he groans out as he starts to move and enjoy it more
"Fuck chanyeol that's the spot" he screams out pushing back into me
"I know my baby" I turn his face a little so I can kiss his lips as I start to go faster slapping against his perky ass as he grabs my arm tighter
"Oh chanyeol fuck" he screams
"That's it baby come for me" I find myself pounding into him faster and harder as the bed starts to hit off the wall and the sound of skin slapping is filing the room
"Omg chanyeol I'm gonna cum " he screams more making me go faster and faster as he explodes screaming his lungs out as he cums all over the bed as I find myself screaming his name as I explode deep inside him
"Fucking hell baby you screamed the place down" I laugh out trying to catch my breath as baek starts to tremble
"I'm sorry I couldnt hold it back" he says through breaths
"We must do it like this more often then" I turn him around to kiss him as the phone rings
"Sorry baby I need to get that" climbing out of the bed I quickly take my phone from trouser pocket and answer it
'Hey yeol everything is ready you need to be in the airport in the next hour
"Ok Suho thank you'
"No problem and thanks for the chat earlier too yeol"
"No worries Suho I just hope you and lay talk it out"
"We are going to now"
"Let me know how you get on"
" will do have a safe flight"
"Bye "
Hanging up the phone I turn to look towards baek there laying all naked and flushed and beautiful
"What a beautiful sight that is " I quickly take my phone and take a picture
" Chanyeol don't do that" baek tries to hides himself
"Why not baby it's only for my eyes and you look so beautiful" I move closer and kiss him softly,looking down his body I can see he is changing more everyday
"I'm getting bigger ain't I" he pouts after he catches me looking him up and down
"Yes you are baby but that's because you are giving our special little one inside you a very comfortable and safe home"
"Am I " he whispers sitting up
"Yes you are beautiful" I pull him in closer kissing him again
"When do you need to leave"
"Within the next hour baby, will you come shower with me?" I stand up and reach out my hand as he takes it
After packing my case and quickly cleaning up so baek doesn't have to do it all the buzzer goes for the gate
Looking at the camera I see luhan waving so I press it to let him in
"Baby I have to go I'm sorry about all this" I pull him in closer and wrap my arms around him hugging him
"Chanyeol it's ok I will see you in few days and I will be fine, you need to sort this out " he stands on his tip toes and kisses me
"Hey let him go or you will be late" luhan says from the door
"Oh and baby before I forget don't forget to have a chat with lay about what I told you in the shower" grabbing my case I start to pull it behind me as I leave
"I won't and have a safe trip Chanyeol" he says I know he is upset I have to go but he is hiding it well, it breaks my heart I am going but I know I am the best one to sort this out
Turning to look back at him I watch him place his hand on his tummy, it's what he does for comfort now
I quickly drop my case and run back to him
"Come here" I pull him into me and I kiss him softly as he deepen the kiss more making me want him again, we both pull away from the kiss breathless
"Quickly you need to go" he pushes me as I walk away down the steps to the car but quickly I run back up the stairs and drop to my knees in front of him placing both my hands on his tummy
"Hey little one you be good for mommy ok don't give mommy any trouble while I'm away and I will be back soon" I gently kiss baeks tummy making him smile
"See you both soon my world" I lean in and kiss him again as the driver beeps the horn
"Ok I better go, I love you and I will see you baby
"I love you too" baek shouts down towards me as him and luhan wave at me and sehun as we pull off in the car
Looking towards Sehun as we head off to the airport
"Lets short this shit out ...
Yes as you can tell I have decided to continue this story after all the love and support you have all given me and I am very very greatful
Sorry about the very late update as I have been struggling of how to get the next few chapters across to you all
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