Chapter (41)
Chanyeol Pov
Laying with baek in my arms is such a blessing I am the luckiest man in the world, but I can't help but feel bad over how I lost it last night and kissed him when he tried to push me away even though the night was amazing and we cried in each others arms, I still feel bad for how I did it.
Kissing the cheek of my beautiful sexy man as he softly wakes up pulling my arms closer around his body.
"Hey you" he speaks softly as he turns around and snuggles into my chest.
"Baek baby, about last night I'm sorry.......
"Shhh Chanyeol it's ok, I know what you're going to say and please don't feel like that"
"How did you know what I was going to say?"
"You where mumbling it in your sleep and Chanyeol I know you love me and would never hurt me so please don't ever think you are like TJ just because of last night, you are nothing like him" leaning up he kisses me so softly the way he knows turns me on
"Mmmm baby" I groan out as he knows full well what he is doing to me
"I want to take you away baek for a few nights away from here" sitting across my lap naked as he looks down at me with those big eyes of his he runs his hands up and down my torso
"Where too?" He smiles still running his fingers up and down my chest
"You pick somewhere baek, anywhere" laying down so he is laying on my chest I can see him thinking
"There is one place I would really like to go back to" he says with a smile
"Ok baby spill tell me and I will make it happen, anything for you what ever makes you happy and that will make you fall in love with me" I can't help but blush at him
"What do you mean fall in love with you Chanyeol, I am in love with you so much I just hate when everyone tries to tell me what to do I can't take it anymore" he starts to cry as he hides his face in my chest
"Baek baby I'm so sorry look at me please" sitting up I try move his hand from his face
"I don't want you to see me weak and crying anymore " he sobs out
"Oh baby don't be silly, I am going to see you in every emotion because I am your man, I am here to comfort you and keep you safe as best I can, and you are not weak please don't ever say that again" he finally sits up and moves away from my chest, reaching my hand up I wipe his tears from his face
"Where is it you want to go?"
"I...I... w..would ..g...go back to...t..the ...cabin" he sobs
"Can I ask why you want to go there baby?" running my hand down his cheek as I pull him by his waist in closer to me
"I want to go back there Chanyeol because it's where I started to feel me again and stronger and also because it's........."
"It's what baby, you can tell me"
"It's where I fell in love with you Chanyeol" he whispers making my heart flutter
"Then I will take you there baby, when would you like to go?" Wrapping my arms around him I kiss his neck making him giggle
"I was going to say now, but your distracting me by kissing my neck" he bursts out laughing trying to push me off from tickling him
"Now?, ok I will need to make a few calls and we can go"
"Really" he moves back looking at me shocked
"Yes really, how about instead we head off in the morning, that will give us enough time to sort things out and I can sort work out" baek pushes me back onto the bed smothering me in kisses all over my chest and lower down making me catch my breath, what has gotten into him
"I wish the others could come with us" he says in between kisses
"We can ask them if you want I'm sure they would say yes" he suddenly stops kissing me right at my waist and jumps off the bed all exciting shouting
"Omg really you don't mind if they all come with us, this will be so much fun" he runs out of the room
"Baek baby is there something you need to finish first" turning back into the room I point at my hardened member
"Maybe later" he winks at me as I throw my head back and cover it with a pillow ' What a little cock tease' Oh baekhyun two can play that game just you wait i shout after him
Sitting down to eat breakfast baek is still running around the place packing his bags, with the amount of clothes that he has all over our bed you swear he was going to move out. I find it safer not to ask why he is try to pack now and if I should help.
"Baby please eat our little one is probably hungry too" I pout at him and he walks over with a bowed head and sits on the stool beside me
"Sorry I got carried away" he starts to tuck into his pancakes
His phone buzzes
Looking at his phone his smile turns into a frown
" What is it baby?" I hold his hand
"D.O and Kai can't come with us, and neither can sehun and luhan" he puts his phone down and sighs
Hey dont worry baby you still got me" I wink at him making him smile.
"I know I do I just had this idea of us all sitting in front of the fire again like before" he climbs off the stool
"I'll go have a shower and finish packing, maybe D.O is still angry at me after what TJ did to him" he walks away like a sad little puppy
Shit should I tell him that they are all going and this is a big set up to surprise him, should I tell him I already called them earlier while he was running around.
"Baek baby" I shout after him
Walking to the bathroom he has sad music playing as he showers. Opening the glass door I watch him soap his hair with his back to me
"Baek baby D.O wouldn't do that to you, he loves you so much, it's just short notice that's all "
Turning to face me
"He said that too, I guess I just got over excited, but at least I can get to spend more time with just you and me"
"Hey you are forgetting someone" I say with a raised eyebrow as I place my hands on his tummy
"And yes of course our little one too" he places his small hands on mine and leans in giving me a kiss
"Chanyeol do you wanna save water" he smirks at me
"Oh baby I thought you would never ask" smiling back I step in the shower as I grab him close to me making him giggle and kiss me
After our fun in the shower and all his running around he is finally having a nap on our bed, this give me a chance to ring everyone again after the quick call I gave them earlier.
I dial Minseoks phone to do a group call as he texted me earlier telling me he would arrange for them all to be at his and chens when I called
(A/n who ever is talking there initials will be at the start )
(C) "Hey mins is everyone there?"
(M)"Yes we are all here"
(C)"What's going on yeol"
(C) "I wanted to take baek away for a few days and asked him to choose and he said he wanted to go back to the cabin where he feels stronger and where we fell in love"
(L) "Omg this is so cute I just can't cope"
(S) "Oh luhan stop shhh let him speak"
(K) "So how come you asked us are you scared or something"
(C) "No Kai I'm not scared he said he would like you guys to be there and sit around the fire like before"
(L) "Well he did really like it there, he told me the day I found him when he went missing"
(C) "I think he needs a mini break from here especially with what has happened"
(D.O)"Ok so how do we do this without him finding out?"
(C)"Well he just thinks you're all busy with work now, oh and D.O he thinks you won't go because of what that person who shall not be named did to you"
(D.O) "That wasn't his fault I will talk to him when we get there"
(L) "Chanyeol can I be rude and ask you something"
(C) "Sure lay what is it?"
(L) "Are you going to propose to baek there?"
(Suho) "Hey you can't ask that baby"
(C)"Hey guys it's ok and yes I am going to ask baek to marry me there, if he feels safe and stronger there and likes it so much well then not other place will come as close as to being the perfect place to ask him
(C)"Omg I'm gonna cry"
(M)"Oh don't start you will set the others off "
(K)"Too late they are sobbing together"
(Suho) "Yeol we can head out late tonight on my jet"
(L) "Your jet won't fit us all Suho"
(S) "Oh I have a bigger jet then what you have seen"
(K) "Oh why did that sound dirty?"
(D.O)"Its just your dirty mind Kai"
(K) "Well you never complained about my dirty mind before baby"
(C) "Ok guys getting back to the plan before baek wakes"
(Suho) "As I was saying we can head late tonight and you can take the other jet out in the morning"
(C) "Thanks guys for doing this and helping me out"
(L) "Don't worry yeol we will sort everything out for you just text us what you want doing"
(C) "Ok guys I got to go, I think he is awake"
(M) "Ok text us as soon as you can"
(C) "Ok will do bye"
"Who where you talking to? He pats across the floor in just a t-shirt rubbing his eyes, hair all messy, how damn cute he looks right now
"Come here baby" I pat my lap for him to sit on, as he climbs on to it and snuggles into my chest
"I was just talking to Minseok telling him our plans and how I wouldn't be in work for a few days, but he needs me to go to the office for a bit and sign some paper work, will you be ok while I go for a bit baby, you can come with me if you like?"
"No its ok Chanyeol, I think I will ring D.O and ask him to meet me, I need to make sure we are ok and plus he is so good at helping me pack" he both laugh and decide to get dressed
Dropping off Baek to the coffee shop I head off to work.
Baeks pov
Waiting for D.O I order a decaf tea and the biggest muffin in the shop, taking a seat next to the window I wait nervously for him to arrive
Tucking into my muffin I look up to see him climbing out of his car and walking towards the coffee shop, as he spots me in the window he waves all happy with a big smile on his face. Walking in he takes the seat in front of me
"Hey baek how's you and baby this morning?"
"We are good, how is your lip?" My heart breaks seeing the hurt I caused him
"Baek I am fine and I want to tell you something" he reaches over holding my hand making me look up at him
"You didn't cause this ok, he did, not you and I'm sorry I can't go with you and Chanyeol to the cabin, it's just with what happened, Kai and I just want to spend time together plus he just started at the company, I hope you can understand"
"Thank you D.O" I smile at him
"Ok I'm starving let me order something and we can talk about this plan you and Chanyeol are up to" getting up he heads to the counter to order his food, looking out the window I see Tj standing beside a motorbike in the car park, parked close to the entrance, he smiles towards a cute long haired blonde as she gets closer to him, he grabs her roughly and kisses her, letting her go he turns looking towards the window at me he winks climbs on the bike with the girl and heads off revving his engine making everyone in the coffee shop to turn see who is making so much noise.
"Who was that asshole, doesn't he know he is in a car park" D.O says while sitting down in front of me
I can't even answer him I just place my hand on my stomach trying not to throw up
"Baek are you ok? you look like you saw a ghost"
"That asshole was TJ" I stutter out
"Oh baek did he see you?" Getting up from his chair he sits beside me
"He had a girl on the bike and he kissed her then turned and winked at me" I feel my hands shake
"Hey baek, it's ok look at me" turning me around to face him
"You have the most amazing guy in this world, well next to Kai, who has loved you since the day you fell in that snow" he smiles hugging me
"You don't need that asshole baek look how far you have come along, plus it was just the other day he was calling you his and yet he is kissing some girl in front of you" holding my cheeks in his hands as my tears fall
"Why are you crying baek" he wipes my tears
"I just hate how I go weak in front of him, I hit him before but my chest hurts to much when I see him"
"Baek I need to ask you something and I don't want to fall out with you and I would like you to answer me truthfully"
"Ok I will" I sniff
"Do you still have feelings for TJ?"
Moving away from him I run out the door to the park area I love and sit down on the bench crying holding my tummy
"Baek why did you run off ?" D.O phants trying to catch his breath as he sits beside me
I can't answer him I just look straight ahead
" You do, don't you?" He runs his fingers through my hair
"D.O he was the person I thought I loved no actually I did love, he was my first kiss and yes he was mine he did make me happy at the start but I was so blind and all I ever wanted in life was to be loved and feel love D.O you know how I always craved it" I sobb more
"What about now though baek?"
" I hate him so much D.O, he hurt me and it was all a lie and was so hard to deal with, but I do feel like I have a chain on my ankle that he pulls me back by"
"Oh baek come here" he pulls me in and hugs me tight
"How do you feel about chanyeol, like really feel?"
" I love him with every single cell and breath in my body, he makes me feel so much love and affection since day one he cares so much for me, even the simple little things he does for me make me love him more, and now we are having this little one, I feel so safe with him D.O, he makes me smile so much that my cheeks hurt, he kisses my tummy everynight even though our little one isnt here yet he still makes sure he/she gets included, he is everything I truly ever wanted, he is the man I dreamed of and prayed for at night.
After me and Tj would fight and he would hit me I would go to our room and sob into my pillow, after he went out I would pray and scream for some sort of god to take him away from me and send someone to rescue me and just lift me up and take me into his arms and carry me off into the distance " I take a deep breath and let it out
"Well it looks like your prayers where answered baek"
"They really where and I will be strong again I promise" hugging D.O I kiss his cheek
"Hey what was that for" he laughs out in shock
"I am so glad I have a friend like you D.O who stuck by me"
"Well it's not only me you need to thank" he makes me turn my head as I see Luhan, Lay and Chen running over towards us with a football
"I told them I was coming to meet you so they wanted to come" he wipes my tears away and tosses my hair
"Hey fancy a game of football?" Luhan shouts while doing some tricks with the ball
" I can't play it properly but we can still have a kick about" I smile as I chase after luhan
D.O pov
"Are you ok D.O?" Chen sits beside me as we watch luhan try show off with baek, little does luhan know baek knows all the football skills and basketball skills known to man, we can't help but laugh at the shock on luhans face as baek takes the ball and shows off
"He saw Tj kissing another girl, and the bastard winked at him after" I clench my fist so tight they turn white
"What did baek do?"
"He cried and I had to ask him if he still loves him" feeling a slap to my arm from Chen
"Why did you ask him that for?"
"Someone had to ask him Chen, he loves Chanyeol but he did say he feels like he has a chain around his ankle that Tj keeps pulling him by"
"Well we need to break this chain once and for all D.O are you in" he looks at me with a serious look
"I'm in"
Please bare with me if there are any spelling mistakes
Love you all
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