Chapter 24.1
B pov
Opening my eyes as I slowly stretch out, shit where am I?. Sitting up I pull the covers closer to me covering myself, wait where are my jeans? Looking around the room with cloudy sleepy eyes my head hurts a little.
Wait this is chanyeol place, oh god what happened last night?, I went to Chens with the others, how did I end up here, where is he?
Climbing out of bed I grab my jeans off the end of the bed and pull them on.
Following the smell of food, I head out of the bedroom heading to the kitchen, there standing in just a pair of shorts is Chanyeol placing pancakes onto plates
"Hey baby, how did you sleep?" he says looking up at me with a smile that makes me melt every time I see it .
"I'm ok, head hurts a little though"
"Come over and sit down, I've made us breakfast" he says while sitting down in front of one of the plates.
Walking over with my head bowed as I'm embrassed I can't remember lastnight, I sit down and start to tuck into the breakfast of pancakes with strawberries and fresh orange juice.
"Ch... chanyeol what happened last night, how did I end up here?"
"Well sweetie you got so drunk that Kyungsoo and Lay dropped you here"
"Why didn't they just put me to bed?" I say while taking a sip of my orange juice.
"Well maybe because you kept asking for me and wanted to see me that much" he says with a smirk while placing some pancakes in his mouth.
"Oh" I say while blushing
"You came home drunk baby"
"I....I'm Sorry Chanyeol"
"Haha baek I'm kidding with you" he says while turning me and making me face him.
"I'm glad you did come over I was missing you, my bed wasn't the same with out you Baek" he says while leaning in for a kiss.
Pulling away I bow my head with sadness.
"Hey baby what's wrong?" he says while lifting up my chin so he can look into my eyes.
"I have to go home tomorrow" I say with a sad tone as my eyes start to fill up .
"I know baby but don't worry we can spend the day together if you like" he says while kissing me again.
"I don't want to go home Chanyeol, I can't face Tj, I can't live there anymore, I just can't please let me stay here with you"
"Hey, hey baby don't cry it's all going to be ok, but we all need to go home baby you have college and I have work we....... "
cutting him off mid sentence
I shout at him with pure anger dropping my cutlery, standing up I go to leave the kitchen running into the bedroom to get my shoes sitting on the bed I pull my shoes on.
"Baek baby what's wrong?" he asks softly from the doorway of the bedroom.
"Just leave me alone Chanyeol" I say while pushing past him and walking towards the door of the cabin.
As I reach the handle of the door to open it, I feel his arm come over my shoulder and stop the door from opening. Feeling his hands on my waist as he turns me around to face him I can't help but cry out.
"Baek tell me please baby"
"Chanyeol just leave me alone ok,I want to leave"
"I don't want you to leave baek, I want to talk about this, what have I said to upset you so much?"
"Chanyeol just let me go please"
"No not till you tell me what's going on"
I'm so so angry that he won't let me leave when I want to that I reach my hand up and slap him across the face.
I hit him so hard his face turns to the side with the slap as he quickly moves away from holding the door and just turns to look at me with such hurt in his eyes.
Placing my hands up to My face in shock of what I've just done to him that I turn quickly and open the door and run outside. I open the door to my cabin closing it behind me as I slump down the door to the floor sobbing. What have I done I've never hit anyone before. Jumping up I run quickly to the kitchen and I end up throwing up the contents of my stomach into the sink. Reaching for a cloth I wipe my mouth and rise out the sink. Oh fuck baek what have you done I scold myself as I pour myself a drink of water.
Heading to the door of the cabin I lock it then turn and head to the cabin phone and take it off its holder, I don't want to be disturbed right now, I just want to be left alone.
Throwing some logs on the fires to heat up the rooms, I decide to head to have a shower stripping off my clothes I step into the hot shower letting the water run down my body, I can feel myself start to get emotional again that I burst out crying.
Chanyeol pov
"BUT IM YOUR BOYFRIEND" I shout out after him as he leaves slamming my door shut.
Heading to the bathroom, I can't help but look at the perfect mark of his hand print across my cheek in the mirror. Running the tap I take a cloth placing it under the water, I then place it on my face to cool it down.
Knock on the cabin door
Heading to open the door I answer it to see Sehun standing there.
Hey yeol what you up to?
"Not much, come in cuz" I say while opening the door to let him in.
"Fuck chanyeol what's up with your face?" he questions me
"Awww nothing, I walked into a door" I answer
"Aww you liar that's a clear hand print yeol" he says while trying to see it better
"Baek hit me if you must know" I tell him while heading to My bedroom to get dressed
"Wait, what, why did he do that for?" he says while jumping onto my bed .
"He is heading back tomorrow and we where suppose to spend the day together"
"Yeah I know we are all going together" Sehun says while hugging my pillow.
"Well he said he doesn't want to go home that he wants to stay here, he was crying"
"So what did you say?" he says with a sarcastic tone
"I told him he needed to go back to college and I needed to go back to work, then he just lost it and cut me off, then screamed at me that I don't have a abusive boyfriend and he tried to leave, I tried to stop him but he slapped me and ran out"
"Oh shit chanyeol, why did he react like that?" he questions me
Pulling on my jeans, I can't help but go over what baek said in my head before he left, that least I don't have an abusive boyfriend
"Chanyeol are you ok?"
"I will be" I answer him while pulling on a jumper and running fingers through my hair.
"Spill yeol what are you thinking?"
"I just can't get out of my head what he said about an abusive boyfriend"
"But your his boyfriend aren't you?" he asks
"I thought so" I said while closing the clasp on my favourite watch
"Ahhh shit yeol, maybe he is just upset, he still has to go back and face it all"
I shout out with pure anger.
"Ok ok yeol, I'm sorry" he says while holding up his hands in defence
Pulling on my boots then grabbing my coat and keys I head towards the door.
"Hey yeol where are you going?"
"Getting the hell out of here" I shout back while closing the door behind me.
Sehun pov
"Shit" I shout out
Taking out my phone I dial Minseoks number
Hello Minseoks phone
"Hey Chen is that you?"
Yeah Sehun my hubby is in the shower is everything ok?
"Eh we have a bit of a problem Chen"
"What's wrong Sehun are you ok? is luhan ok?"
"We are ok Chen but it's baek"
"What, what's wrong with him is he ok has something happened?" he says with a panicked tone
"He hit chanyeol"
"What the hell, baek wouldn't hit anyone are you sure?"
"Yes Chen im sure, I saw the mark he left on yeol face"
"Oh shit what the hell happened"
"Look Chen something was said and baek just shouted at yeol about not going home and that he was lucky he wasn't going home to an abusive boyfriend"
"Omg he said that to yeol, but they are together now"
"Yes I know that Chen, so what do we do, baek is gone to his place and yeol just walked out I don't know where he is gone"
"Ok sehun, I'll ring kyungsoo and I'll let mins know and we will ring you back"
"Ok Chen talk soon" I say while hanging up the phone
I better go tell suho and lay there will be two less for lunch.
Baeks pov
Stepping out of the shower wrapping the towel around my waist, I turn on the radio and turn it up really loud as I grab all my creams and stuff and throw them onto my bed so I can start to pack my stuff.
Pulling on my boxers, I grab a t-shirt and pull it over my head and throw the rest of my clothes into my case not caring to fold them at all.
Looking at the suit I wore the day of the wedding I can't help but cry a little at the memory that me and Chanyeol had that day, especially it being our first night together and my first time sleeping with someone. How could I hurt chanyeol like that none of this is his fault. Turning off the radio, I head over to the cabin phone and dial my brothers phone
Hey bro it's baek
"Hey baek what's up bro how was the wedding"?
"Yeah it was good I need a favour"
"Yeah sure baek what's up?"
"I need somewhere to stay for a few days, can I stay with you?"
"Sure bro is everything ok?"
"I will fill you in when I get there"
"When can I expect you baek?"
"Well my flight is at 4 in the morning, so if you just leave a key out I can let myself in"
"Ok baek I will leave it in the normal secret spot, you sure you don't need me to pick you up from the airport?"
"No no you sleep, I will see you soon"
"Ok baek"
Hanging up I then remove the receiver and place it on the table not to be disturbed.
Laying on my bed I can't get out of my head what I shouted to chanyeol and how I hit him, I'm not any better then TJ with that, I just start to sob into my pillow, way to go baek you have ruined probably the best thing in your life.
Minseoks pov
"Ok everyone is here now, let's try sort this out, I say while looking at the others except Baek and Chanyeol.
"I was talking to Chanyeol early this morning and he has got all of baeks stuff moved from his and Tjs dorm and moved them into one of his apartments near the college baek can stay there for awhile"
"Wait what? ok that's a good idea but baek should of had a say in what happens, he is gonna think we are telling him what to do just like TJ has been doing" kyunsoo shouts
"Chanyeol only wanted to help protect baek so he wouldn't have to go through facing him"
"I get that mins but baek has to face Tj at some stage and properly end everything with him"
"Let me go and talk to baek and find out what's wrong and you go find chanyeol" kyungsoo says while kissing Kai and heading out the cabin door to baeks.
Baeks pov
Waking up to feeling my pillow soaking from me falling asleep from crying. I drag myself up from the bed and head to the bathroom. I can't help but notice how dark it has become I must have slept a long time.
Looking at the clock on the wall I notice its 4 in the after noon. I've missed lunch I should eat but I don't feel like eating after what I've done to Chanyeol. Making a cup of coco I head back into my bedroom and notice something outside, putting the cup down on the bedside table I slide open the door to the private area and there on top of the boards that cover the juccuzi is a single rose and a bag of marshmallows sitting on what looks like a note. Lifting up the rose as I bring it closer so I can smell it I start to read the note.
Baekhyun I'm so sorry that I upset you with what I said, I didn't mean to hurt you, I will give you some space
x C x
Looking at the marshmallows I can't help but cry, he is saying sorry for something he didnt even do. It was all my fault not his.
Knocking on the cabin door
Taking my gifts inside I head to the door
"Baek it's Kyungsoo and Chen can we come in pretty please?"
Taking a deep breath I unlock the door to my two best friends.
"Baek can we come in?" Chen asks with a worried look.
Opening the door wider I then head over to the rug in front of the fire which turns out to be my favourite spot but in chanyeol cabin not mine.
As they come in and close the door they sit beside me one on each side.
"I think you need a kyungsoo hug" kyunsoo says while opening his arms towards me. I can't help myself that I snuggle into him crying.
Chen hugs me from behind as we all hug each other in a group hug.
"Baek, Sehun told us what happened" Chen says while wiping my tears
"I hit chanyeol so hard" I cried out
"Why did you hit him?" Kyungsoo asks pushing me up so he can look at me.
"I just got so angry at him telling me I needed to go home to college and that I couldn't stay here" I said through sobbs
"But baek he is right, we all do need to go back as much as we want to stay here we can't . We know you lashed out at chanyeol cause you felt he was telling you what to do like Tj use to but baek you can't judge chanyeol like that he isn't like Tj" Chen says with concern.
"I don't want to go home guys, I want to stay here with Chanyeol, I love it here don't make me go back please" I cry out.
"Baek sweetie you need to tell Tj that it's over properly and move out"
"Oh no I cant go back to the dorm, please can't you guys take my stuff out for me, I rang my bro he said I can stay with him for awhile"
"Baek we need to tell you something" Kyungsoo says with a worried tone grabbing my hand and holding it in his as Chen takes my other one in his.
"Chanyeol already got your things moved out of the dorm and into an apartment he has close to the college" kyungsoo says worriedly.
"What he did that for me?" I say as tears start to fall again.
"He didn't want you to have to go back there baek" chen says rubbing my cheek again to remove my tears
"Are you mad?" kyungsoo questions me
"No I'm not mad I'm just upset at myself of what I did and said to him, I need to go say sorry to him" I say while jumping up and running into my bedroom to pull on a pair of my jeans.
"Baek, chanyeol went out and wants to be left alone he won't talk to anyone" Kyungsoo says while coming to hug me.
"Look let's head up to the main building, we are all suppose to be meeting up for our last dinner here, so go change your top and wash your face and we can head up together now go" Chen says while smacking my ass making me smile out.
Reaching the restaurant I take a deep breath
"How do I look I say to Chen as I've put on some eyeliner that chanyeol likes cause I know I have some serious groveling to do"
"You look good baek now come on, I'm starving" Chen says while taking me by the arm and guiding me in.
As we head in, I see chanyeol is sitting beside Minseok and sehun on the other side of him. My heart kinda sinks a little so I take a seat between kyungsoo and Kai at the request of kyungsoo.
Looking up and over to where he is, seeing him sitting right in front of me across the table as he is in a deep conversation with Sehun and Minseok he hasn't even acknowledge I'm here.
Feeling the tears about to fall I feel a hand on my thigh, I look down to see Kai's hand, as I look up at him as he leans towards me and whispers "your doing great, don't cry, he has been asking about you all day"
"We always sit together" I say holding back my tears.
"I know you do but he is just giving you some space, that's all don't worry so much ok" he says while giving my thigh another squeeze.
All through dinner I can't help watch him as he chats with sehun,suho and lay every now and again looking up and me and giving me a slight smile.
As the main course is cleared away, I decide to head back to my cabin, I don't know how to approach chanyeol and tell him I'm sorry. I stand up to the shock of Kai and Kyungsoo.
"Where are you going?" Luhan says looking at me making the rest turn to look at me.
"I'm just heading back, I'm feeling tired" I saw softly while looking towards chanyeol as he looks at me so lovingly making my heart flutter.
"Sit down baek you can go after dessert, come on sit" kyungsoo says as he pulls my arm down making me sit down.
As soon as I sit down one of the waiters places a plate in front of kyungsoo with a large peice of chocolate cake, making him squeal and start to tuck in. I've been waiting for this all day" he shouts out while tucking in as if he has never been fed before making me laugh out
As everyone gets theirs, I remembered I didn't order anything cause I was going to leave.
So I just pour out a glass of wine and sip it .
"Excuse me sir" the waiter says bringing my attention to him as he places a medium size black box in front of me with a big white bow.
Looking around I then decide to open it under the watchful eyes of the others. Pulling back the ribbon, I lift the lid off the box and pull the bottom off to reveal another wooden box with the word memories across it slowly I start to open it ...
As the tears start to fall from my eyes as I see what's inside
"Come on shows us" Chen shouts from across the table "what is it?"
Pulling back the paper to reveal a note.
I'm sorry baby, hope you can forgive me here is a few things to remember our time here
Looking over to chanyeol as he leans his elbows on the table as he looks at me smiling.
"Open it more" he says
Lifting out a tiny bag of baby marshmallows I can't help but laugh out at the little note attached to it
Remembering our first time we spent time together.
Next I pull out a little bambi figure
For the day I saved you my little bambi
I can feel the tears starting to form more. Next I take out a mini bottle of whiskey
From the first night you showed up at my door not wanting to be alone
I can't keep my tears back
Looking in the box I see a packet of coco
For having to show me how to do everything
Next folded in the box looks like some material tied with a bow.
"Well what is it?" everyone questions me
Looking up at chanyeol with tears in my eyes.
"You need to read the note first" he says softly.
For the night you trusted me
As I undo the ribbon I look quickly at it then I start to sob as I pull it in closer to me hugging it .
"Is that a t- shirt?" Lay asks
"Yes but it's not just any t-shirt is it baek" chanyeol says as he gets on his knees beside me making kyunsoo move away.
"Oh don't tell me you wore that when you guys slept together" Kai says while getting a punch from Kyungsoo to shut up .
"You want to tell them baby?" chanyeol asks
"You can tell them chanyeol" I say through sobs
"This is the t-shirt baek was wearing the day he put trust in me and opened up to me and told me everything about what's been going on even stuff he never told anyone else and showed me all his scars"
"Awwww" everyone said together
"Oh now you have made me cry" Chen says grabbing some napkins to wipe his tears .
"Me too and me" Luhan and Lay say while wiping their tears.
Turning to Chanyeol, I can't find anymore words
"Hey keep looking in the box there is more things inside"
Placing the t-shirt on my lap, I put my hand in and pull out the note I left for chanyeol the night he came to me drunk, I can't help but laugh out
"You kept it?" I turn to him asking him
Of course I did baby no one has ever looked after me like you did that night" he says looking up and me from bended knees.
"Ok keep going" he says
"Oh god I can't cope anymore, this is sooo sweet" kyungsoo says while snuggling into Kai's chest crying making us all laugh with tears.
Reaching in I pull out a picture frame with a picture of us
"Hey turn it around let's see" Minseok says
"This is the picture we took up on the mountain to send you to prove he was ok" chanyeol tells them all
"Oh yeah I remember that" Minseok says
"Ok there is 2 more things"
"Omg I dont think I can take anymore" I cry out
Wiping my tears he whispers softly to me "please just take a look baby"
Next is another picture frame turning it around I see a collection of the pics that where taking of us at the wedding making me burst out sobbing .
Leaning in closer to me he hugs me sitting up onto the chair beside me he lifts me up onto his lap and I can't help but snuggle into him holding the t-shirt and pic frame.
Hey look there is one last box inside Kai says reaching in and pulling out and handing it to me .
As chanyeol takes the t-shirt and frame from my hands and places them on the table I take the box
"What is it?" I ask him
"Open it baby and you will see"
Slowly opening it I see a watch
"Wait is that what I think It is?" Sehun shouts out
"Its sure is" Minseok answers
"What is it?" kyungsoo says
It's the time you slept together" Kai laughs out making us all laugh out
"No no" chanyeol says laughing as he puts it on my wrist
"When I was growning up and walking to school Sehun, Minseok and I would walk past this shop every day and I would see this watch in the window, so when my parents asked me what I would like for Christmas I showed it to them and they told me they wouldn't be able to afford it but come Christmas morning there under the tree was a little box and inside was the watch . My dad used the last of the money he had just to get me this watch, they went without food just to make me happy that Christmas because they said i never had a good one in previous years so they wanted to make that one special".
"I can't take this chanyeol it's yours"
"Please baek take it, Its special to me and your special to me too, let me keep the both of my special things together please" he says looking deep into my eyes as I lean in kissing him sobbing that I'm so so sorry .....
This is the longest chapter I've written so sorry about it being so long and so many points of views but I couldnt figure out how else to get it across.
Hope your all still enjoying it I'm excited for what's coming
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