Chapter 17
Chanyeol's pov
Picking him up bridal style as he wraps his arms around my neck carrying him to the bedroom.
Laying him softly on the bed as our eyes haven't lost contact he smiles.
"Chanyeol" he whispers sitting up in the bed pulling his knees up to his chest.
"What is it baby?" I question him with a worried tone.
Sitting up on his knees now, he takes the band of his t-shirt and starts to lift it up to take it off.
"Baek baby" I reach out and stop his hands from removing it "you don't have to show me it's ok"
Looking into his eyes, I can see they are starting to fill up. I've been stopping him so much from trying to show me, it's going to break my heart seeing them bruises that Minseok told me about, the rage that I've held inside me knowing what that bastard did to Baek. I can't stop him anymore, I need to let him do this .
Letting go of his hand I just give him a nod.
As I sit on the bed my heart in my chest starts to pound so fast, watching as he gets off the bed and stands up in front of me, taking a deep breath he starts to remove the t shirt, not breaking eye contact with me, pulling it over his head he pulls it close to his body covering himself till he turns his head from me and drops it to the floor.
I can't help but look at his beautiful body, all battered and bruised every inch of his torso is covered in bruises. Tj made sure if Baek wore a top no one would see them. I slide to the edge of the bed and reached out to him.
"Baek" I whisper reaching out for his hand.
"Look at me baby" I gently place my hand on his chin, as I move it to turn and look at me, he turns I can see the stream of tears rolling over his checks, finally he make eye contact with me.
Taking both his hands in mine as he stands there looking so lost with a bowed head.
"Baek can I touch you?"
Lifting his head up looking at me in shock he gives me a nod "Yes"
Slowly I reach out placing both my hands on his chest, rubbing down along his body, looking at all the marks on him. I can feel the anger build more as he flinches at my touch. I have to put this right for him, I can't let him flinch at my touch I would never hurt him this way. Pulling him in closer.
"Baek can I kiss you here?" as I point to his chest he answers with a nod, as his tears keep falling. Gently I place a kiss just over his heart and slowly lay more kisses softly across his chest. He hasn't said a word since taking off his t shirt, he just answers me with nods
"Baek lay on the bed for me"
Watching as he lays on his back arms laying down either side of his body as he tenses his whole body, still with his head turned to the side. I decide to sit across him my legs on either side of his leaning over I whisper.
"I'm gonna kiss you now baby" he nods as he wipes away some tears.
I softly kiss his exposed neck, just under is earlobe where I noticed he likes last night. Trailing down his neck to his collor bone, I take a deep breath and start to kiss all over his chest making my way down, smothering him with kisses all over his torso. Reaching his belly button I gently kiss as he giggles out.
"Oh your ticklish there are you" I say with a smile as he turn to look at me with a smile.
Trailing kisses back up his torso, I reach his lips, "can I kiss here?" I ask while running my finger across his lower lip, he nods.
Leaning down I softly kiss his lips which have come fuller with him crying. Feeling his hands in my hair as he deepens the kiss I feel his tears wet my face.
Pulling away from the kiss, I look at him.
"Baby it's ok" I say softly as I wipe away his tears "say something to me please baby"
"I was so scared Chanyeol" he cries out.
"Scared of what baby?" I wipe his tears again.
Placing both his arms over his face so I can't see him, he begins to tell me.
"I was so scared Chanyeol"
"Of what baby tell me, tell me everything, I'm right here"
Sitting up in the bed he starts again as I sit facing him.
"When I started in college I met Tj, he used to follow me around, I thought he actually hated me cause he used to give me weird looks, then things changed he asked me to be his boyfriend and since I never had one I thought I'd say yes, then after a few months or so things changed again, he started telling me what to wear and not to colour my hair, so I did it as not to loose him, then one day I put eyeliner on and he saw it and slapped me full force across the face, telling me I needed to ask him first and he grabbed me by my hair leaned me over the sink and forced me to wash it off"
"Oh baby" I reach out to hold his hand, holding back the raging fire inside me to find this bastard and kill him.
"That was the first time he hurt me, so I just let it go because he said he was sorry and would never do it again"
"Did you tell anyone Baek?"
"I told Kyungsoo that he just hit me, I didn't tell him what really happened, I told him it would never happen again and Kyungsoo said if he laid another hand on me he would kill him. So I didn't tell him it happened again and again"
"Why did you stay then?" I couldnt help but question him.
"Cause I thought I loved him, but I knew I was in too deep and couldn't get out, I tried to leave but he would always stop me by saying it was the last time and never again and that he would change. It stopped for awhile then Kai joined our school, he knew Kyungsoo since junior school so we all hung out together, then one day Kai was helping me with my project for science in Kyunysoo and I's dorm, he came in and demanded I leave with him, that he needed to talk to me that something bad happened to his sister, when we got to his dorm he slammed the door behind me and pushed me into the wardrobe sending me flying to the ground, he leaned over me and punched me he grabbed me by the hair forcing me to look in the mirror and started screaming that I belonged to him and only him, that Kai would never be able to have me, I tried to tell him that Kai was with Kyungsoo and that Kyungsoo was in the bathroom when he came in but he didn't believe me, he hit me more telling me that no man would want a bruised little bitch like me, he said if I leave him he would hurt me more and my friends"
"I need a drink" he sobbs out
"What do you want baby? Coco, tea?"
"Your whiskey" he says while playing with the string of my shorts he is wearing.
"I'll go get it for you baby" I answer while heading to the kitchen.
Reaching the kitchen I can't help but feel a stabbing pain to my chest and a lump in my throat, 'don't cry Chanyeol he can't see you upset, not now as he is finally opening up to someone'. I scolded myself opening the bottle, I take a quick sip taking a deep breath I grab the bottle and two glasses and head back to my bedroom, seeing him sitting up in the bed red face and swollen eyes and lips from crying. Handing him the glass I pour out the drink he sips it slowly. Pouring myself one I sit back on my spot on the bed and listen more.
"He hurt me many times after that, for silly things after I'd go out with Chen and Kyungsoo, he used to check me for love bites and make sure I didn't smell of another man. He had to be with me all the time then, so I lost who I really was, I used to love going the movies and parties with my friends but he hated it, said I was childish and made a show of him when I went out. He made me move into his dorm with him so he could keep his eye on me, it was so much I started loosing myself more, Chen and Kyungsoo would ask me, but I couldn't tell them. Justin his bestfriend saw him hit me once, that he jumped in and tried to help, but Tj was too strong for him, so Justin ended up with a black eye and broken nose"
"I know of Justin" I say while taking a sip of my drink.
"Do you? How?"
"Justin works for me as a trainee Baek, in my dads company"
"No he works for Minseok" he says confused.
"No baby Suho, Minseok and I, are the next in line to take over from our dad's in the company they run together, Suho already took over from his dad, mine is stepping down soon that's why I've been away alot so they hired a trainee assistant for me that turns out to be Justin"
"How do you know it's Tj's Justin ?"
"Justin was in the break room and Daniel that works with us over heard him mention Chen and Minseoks names and called Suho, then Suho asked him to find out more, turns out he was asking the other trainees how to tell you what was going on behind your back"
"So everyone knows now about me" he says while swallowing the dark liquid from his glass.
"We made sure they won't tell anyone Baek"
"What sort of company do you work for?" he says with a smile.
"I'll tell you that another day baby" I answer with a wink.
"There's more Chanyeol"
"Ok baby you can tell me"
"Before I came up here, I was thinking of trying to leave him, I was gonna run away and I was so close, but I chickened out, I knew he would try find me and hurt me again" he sobs again while pouring himself another drink.
"Baek give me the bottle baby" I reach out and he snaps it back and holds it closer.
"No" he says.
Fuck why did I bring in the half full bottle.
"Ok Baek" I say as I pull my hand away
"He fell off his bike and hurt himself I ran to the hospital and even though he was in pain he still managed to hurt me" he says while touching his arm.
"That's healing now baby it will be gone soon"
"I want them all gone Chanyeol" he shouts while getting up from the bed and pacing the floor. "I want every mark on my body gone" he shouts through tears. "I want this one gone" he says while ripping the new bandage off his arm. "I don't want to hurt anymore, I don't want to be a punch bag anymore, I just wanna feel loved and made love to" as he throws the bottle smashing it against the wall sending glass every where.
"Baek don't move" I shout as I head toward him stepping on the glass as he moves away walking on the glass shouting.
"I wanna be me again" he screams and drops to the floor. Dropping to my knees I grab him in close to me and hug him tight as he sobs.
"Shhhh baby" I rock him back and forth.
"Chanyeol your bleeding"
"I know Baek it's ok, I'll be ok" as I hold him tight.
"No Chanyeol look at your leg quick" he shouts while jumping up.
"Baek stop moving there is glass everywhere you will cut yourself"
"I'm already cut" he shouts looking down at his knees, I see the blood drip down his legs.
"Shit baek" I shout, as I move closer to him picking him up as I walk through the glass into the bathroom sitting him on the counter beside the sink.
"Let's have a look shall we" I grab his leg looking at the damage.
"I just need to get the first aid kit, stay there and don't move" I head back into the bedroom avoiding the glass to get the box from the bed and return to the bathroom.
"Now let's clean you up" I say with a smile looking at him, he look so lost and tired now from all his crying.
"Baek this might hurt a little, you have a tiny bit of glass in your knee baby"
"Ok" he whispers as he holds onto his leg.
Slowly taking out the tiny peice of glass, I begin to clean it off then washing off the blood.
"There you go, it wasn't so bad" I place a plaster on it. Checking around his legs all he has are cuts so I place some more plasters on him "now baby there we go"
"Are you trying to stick me back together" he says with a smile.
"Something like that" I say looking up at him."Shit" I shout.
"What is it?" he grabs me
"I think I have glass in my foot"
Jumping down off the counter, he guides me to the toilet and putting the lid down he makes me sit on it and starts to examine my foot.
"There it is" he says while grabbing some cotton wool, he takes the glass out making me flinch.
"Fuck that hurt"
"I'm sorry Chanyeol this is my fault"
Reaching out I take his hand in mine "baby it's not your fault ok, it will all be alright"
Pulling his hand away he cleans the wound and places a plaster on it moving to my leg he wipes the blood that was on my leg and adds more plasters.
"What are we like?" I laugh out.
"Plaster buddies" he giggles looking up at me."Chanyeol thank you" he says while standing up.
"For what baby?"
"For listening to me"
"Baby you can always come to me and talk to me, I will always listen" I say as I lift him back up onto the counter, taking a small cloth I run it under the warm tap and start to wipe his face with it.
"You call me baby alot" he says as he smiles moving his face as I wipe it.
"I do yep" I giggle.
Grabbing my wrist with his hand, stopping me from rubbing his face.
"Why do you call me it?"
"Do you not want me to?" I question him with a smirk.
"I just want to know why you do knowing everything you do about me"
"I call you baby cause I see you as maybe being mine one day"
"I'd like that" he answers letting go of my wrist and closing his eyes as I continue to wipe it and dry it off.
I can't help but smile to his reply.
Placing a bandage back on his arm, "Ok you're all done now plaster buddie" I laugh out.
"Let's head into the bedroom" I quickly lift him down from the counter.
"But wait the glass" he says stopping me from heading into the bedroom.
"It's ok there is a clear path to the bed, you walk that way and I'll get the Hoover from the press in the hallway"
"But your foot Chanyeol"
"It's ok just stings a little"
"Let me help you please" he whimpers.
"Baby stay there ok"
Returning to the bedroom with the Hoover, I begin to clean up all the glass from the floor.
"Wait there is a bit" he shouts from the bed like a child looking at the floor thinking it's lava.
I can't help but think how cute he looks right now sitting on the bed, with his legs crossed in front of him still sitting without a top on, I guess he feels more comfortable now around me.
Returning to the bedroom after putting back the Hoover, I head over to the bed and sit in front of him.
"How are you feeling now baby?"
"I'm ok baby" he giggles out making me laugh too. "I'm just really tired now, I feel like I could sleep for hours"
"Why don't you sleep then baby?" I ask while leaning over and moving the hair from his eyes.
"But I wanna spend more time with you"
"I'll be right here baby, I'll stay with u while you sleep"
"Promise plaster buddy?"
"I promise" I laugh out.
Moving over and laying down, I let him lay into me his head on my chest, pulling the blanket over him as I run my fingers through his hair.
"I wanna be your baby Chanyeol" he mumbles sleepily.
"What do you mean baby?"
"I wanna be yours, I wanna be your boyfriend, I want you to be mine" he mumbles as he drifts off to sleep.
"You can be my baby, I will protect you and give you the world" I whisper knowing he hasn't heard me....
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