Chapter 16
Baeks pov
Slowly opening my eyes to see his chest moving up and down, looking up to see the sight of Chanyeol laying there still holding me as I slept on his chest all night. I try not to move too much as I watch him as he sleeps. His messy red hair, puffy swollen cheeks he looks so peaceful like an angel as he sleeps I can't help but smile.
"What you smiling at?" he whispers with a smile not opening his eyes.
"Sorry did I wake you?"
"No baby it's ok, I wouldn't mind waking up to you every morning like this" he says while wrapping both his arms around me hugging me tightly.
I try to move but he won't let me go.
"Hey where are you wiggling off to?" he giggles.
"I need to pee"
"Ok ok too much information baby" he laughs out while letting me go.
Jumping up from our makeshift bed in front of the fire, I head to the bathroom greatful that the shirt I'm still wearing just covers my ass.
"Hurry up I miss you already" I hear him shout from the living room.
"Hang on" I shout back after I finish my business and wash my hands. I can't help but look at myself in the mirror my hair is a mess, flushed cheeks but a big smile on my face. I can't believe I spent the night with him I jump a little inside like a child would.
"You look so cute you know that?"
I jump turning towards him as he stands in the door way as he looks me up and down. Walking closer he turns me around to face the mirror as he hugs me from behind leaning his chin on my shoulder.
"You're so beautiful baek you know that". I can't help but blush at his words.
Turning me around to face him he starts to kiss me slowly. I reach my arms up and wrap them around his shoulders as my shirt slides up. Feeling his hands slide up and over my naked ass as I let out a sigh.
"Are you ok baby?" he whispers between kisses.
"I'm just a bit sore from last night"
Pulling away and looking into my eyes. "Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he says with a pout.
"You didnt chanyeol, it's ok just not used to it that's all" I say with a wink earning a smile from him too.
"Let's shower then"
"What together?" I say with a swallow.
"Yeah baby if you want to of course" he questions.
"You go first I'll wait" I shyly answer.
"Baek since your a guest you go first, I'll make us some breakfast ok, oh and you can use some of my wash stuff"
Kissing me before he leaves. I strip off my shirt dropping it onto the floor as I step into the hot shower . The heat of the shower does wonders for the pain in my lower back from our night last night. Maybe because he is the biggest I've ever seen. I can't help but laugh out.
Soaping my hair and letting the suds fall down my body, letting out a sigh catching the scent of Chanyeol from the shampoo. As I finish up I step out and wrap the towel around my waist.
Checking myself out in the mirror looking at all the bruises I grab another towel and quickly wrap it around my shoulders covering my self as I walk out to the kitchen.
Watching Chanyeol sipping from a cup as he stands over the cooker making our breakfast.
Turning around to face me as he lets out a laugh "what you doing baby?"
"I have no clothes here" I say while holding on tight to my towels.
"Oh baby come on" he removes the pan from the hot cooker and walks towards me, taking my hand he leads me into his bedroom. Opening his wardrope looking at me "pick what you want to wear baby" he says while kissing my forehead and leaving me so he can head back to the kitchen.
Taking out a white tshirt, I drop my towel and pull it on as it hangs off my shoulder. Deciding on some shorts as chanyeols bottoms are way to big for me. I find a black pair and slip them on picking up the towels I head back to the kitchen to find Chanyeol sitting at the island eating his breakfast.
Placing my towels in the hamper, I head over and sit beside him as I tuck into the omelette he has made me with some fresh made orange juice and some strawberries in a bowl.
"Wow this tastes so good so you can cook to" I laugh out.
"I can do alot more Baek" he says with a smirk as he finishes up his omelette.
Picking up his plate and glass he heads to the sink and places them into it. "I'll go for my shower now baby" he says while he kisses my cheek and head towards the bathroom.
Turning back and looking around the door at me. "Don't you run off now" he says with a smile as he disappears from view.
Finishing up I decide to wash our dishes and let them dry on the side.
Heading towards the living room, I can hear the sound of some music coming from the bathroom. Sneaking into the bathroom I can kinda hear him singing a little, as I see his shadow through the glass of the shower. How I wish I did take up his offer and get into the shower with him.
Hearing the shower turn off I quickly run out of the bathroom trying not to laugh out loud or get caught. Heading into the living room I decide to tidy up our makeshift bed area. I can't help but laugh as I pick up the marshmallows that we had thrown at each other, placing them on the table as I put all the cusions back onto the sofa. Picking up the cups I turn to head back into then kitchen to be stopped by him standing in just his towel, hair soaking wet letting little drops of water drop onto his body. I feel myself blush.
"Hey did you enjoy your shower?" I blurt out.
"I would have enjoyed it more if you had of joined me" he says with a smirk as he dries his hair with a towel.
Giggling I walk past him heading into the kitchen washing the cups and placing them to dry on the side.
I decide to head into the bedroom to talk to Chanyeol. Reaching the door I see him standing with his back to me with just his boxers on turning towards me I can't help but start to drool at the sight of his body and that V that goes down to his magic place that I had deep inside me last night. I bite my lower lip trying not to let out a sound.
"Like what you see baby?" he smirks as he slips on a t-shirt.
"Can we talk Chanyeol?"
"Course baby come in" he says while pointing at the bed.
Sitting on the bed I can't help but be nervous.
"Baek the bandage on your arms is dripping water, I think you need to change it" he says with a concerned look. "Wait here I have some bandages in the kitchen" he says and he heads out of the bedroom. My stomach starts to do sumersaults as I'm neverous of how this is going to go.
Returning he sits on the bed beside me with a little green box. Opening it he hands me a fresh new bandage.
"Thank you" I say softly as I take it from his hand.
"I'll leave you to change that" he says while he gets up from the bed, reaching out I grab his arm.
"No Chanyeol please stay I can't do it by myself, can you help me?"
"Of course baby, but are you sure?" he questions me.
"Yes please stay"
As he Sits back down, I begin to remove the wet bandage but it gets stuck.
"Hey let me do that" he says while taking out a scissors, "maybe this will work" he says looking at me before he cuts it.
Removing the bandage I can't help but watch his reaction as he removed the last peice of bandage that was covering my sore.
"There we go" he says while drying the area with some cotton wool ever so gently as not to hurt me.
He doesn't flinch at all, he expression doesn't even change at all like Kyungsoo and Lay did when they helped me with it.
"I think we need some antiseptic cream on this, it's looks like its healing Baek" he says while looking into my eyes, all I can do is smile back as he is taking care of it for me.
Gently placing some cream on a cotton ball he gently places it on the sores making me flinch a little, as one of the sores is still quite bad.
"Shit Baek I'm sorry"
"It's ok, just this one hurts the most" I say while holding my arm.
"Ok baby there we go now let's wrap this up" Taking a new bandage, he wraps it around my sore and ties it off. "All done" he says as he lays a gentle little kiss on it making me smile "thank you"
Placing everything back in the box and throwing the wrappers in the bin, he heads to the bathroom to wash his hands. I follow him in and stand in the door way looking at him as I hold my arm that's stinging a little.
Turning to me as he dries his hands.
"Chanyeol can we talk?"
Just as I was about to try open up to him again.
"Have you seen the storm outside?" he smiles.
"What, there is a storm?"
"Yeah look" he says as he heads into the bedroom and pulls open the curtains.
"Omg that's bad look how high up the snow is, I can hardly see the jacuzzi" I can hardly see too feet in front of me the trees are blowing crazy outside they look like they are gonna snap in half with the wind.
"I know it's crazy it's never been this bad up here before" he says.
I start to panic "I really don't like storms I better head back to my cabin"
"You can stay here if you like today baek, we can have a movie day you don't have to be on your own"
"Are you sure, I really hate storms so I think I will stay if that's ok"
"Of course it is Baek, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it" he says while nudging me.
"We better get some more logs then for the fire" I say worriedly.
"Baek don't panic I'm right here with you, I'll get the logs for the fire ok?"
Heading to get his coat and pull on his trousers and boots, he heads out the back closing the door to where the logs are stored. Standing looking at him through the glass I see him struggle in the snow, I start to panic "oh hurry please" I see him head back and I open the door for him.
"Fuck me it's bad out there" he says while shaking the snow off, placing the logs on the floor. Turning back around he heads out again.
"Wait where are you going?"
"We need more baby"
"Please don't go out again, it's bad out there chanyeol"
Touching my face "it's ok baby I'll be fine" he says while heading back out again. Watching him again I see the wind pick up making him lose balance a bit.
"Oh shit Chanyeol come on hurry"
Heading back in I close the door behind him as he drops the logs to the floor.
"That was close" I say while brushing the snow off him, as he takes off his boots and coat.
"See baby I told you I would be ok"
I can't help but smile. Lifting up the logs we head to the living room and place some on the fire making it blaze and heat up the room and placing some beside it for later.
"I'm just gonna call Suho and make sure everyone is ok" he says while grabbing his phone.
Sitting on the sofa I grab my favourite jumper and place it over me like a blanket.
"Hey suho how are you?"
I watch him as he talks on the phone.
"What, are you sure? Ok do you need any help with anything? Well if u do just let me know ok?" He hangs up the phone.
"Is everything ok Chanyeol?"
"Yeah Suho just says it's gonna get alot worse and to make sure we stay inside and not head out...Do you wanna call anyone?"
"Yeah I'll ring Kyungsoo and tell him where I am"
Handing me his phone.
"I can use the cabin phone it's ok"
Heading over to the phone I ring his cabin number.
"Hey Kai"
"Hi Baek are you ok we were just about to call you"
"Yes I'm ok"
"Do you want me to come and get you so you can stay with us, we know you hate storms and we believe this one is gonna be a bad one"
"No I'm ok, I'm here with Chanyeol, he said I can stay here with him"
"Oh look at you Baek, so what's going on there with you and Chanyeol?"
"Kai that's none of your business" I laugh out.
"Give me that phone Kai! Byun Baekyun spill now?"
"Kyunsyoo can we talk about this another time please, I'm ok please stay safe ok I love you"
"Baek don't you dare hang up on me I want the gossip"
Hanging up the phone I can't help but smile.
"Is everything ok Baek?"
"Yeah just Kyungsoo being Kyungsoo" I laugh out.
"Ok well, I'll go get the goodies and you can pick a movie"
Looking through the movies, I see he has all the Iron man movies, so I decide we can watch them all since we cant go anywhere. Putting the first movie on, I sit back on the sofa snuggling into the cusions.
"Aww you picked Iron man" he says while sitting beside me dropping all the goodies onto the table.
"Yeah is that ok, I thought since we cant go anywhere we could watch them all"
"Sure it's my favourite movie" he smiles.
The wind blows so hard outside it makes the door rattle a bit making me jump.
"Hey baby it's ok your safe here with me" he says while sitting back into the sofa with him arm out for me to snuggle into him.
Snuggling in, I can't help but shake a bit.
"Ahhh baby it's ok, come on let's just turn the movie up and eat this junk food"
Finally I stop shaking as I get lost in the movie.
"Shit" he shouts out.
I jump up from his embrace "What's wrong? I'm sorry I nodded off"
"No baby it's ok just the power went out, sorry I scared you" he says while jumping up to look out the window at the storm.
"How bad is it?" I say with a shaky tone.
"It's bad, it's taken out the power and the snow is still falling very heavily"
"Oh no" I whimper as I curl up into a ball on the sofa hugging my jumper tight to me like a blanket.
"Hey baby, it's gonna be ok" he says as he sits beside me on the sofa pulling me into this embrace.
"What if one of those trees falls down on the cabin and we are trapped in here?" I cry out.
"Oh Baek baby stop thinking the worst the storm will pass ok and I'll hold you till it's gone" he says while looking me in the eyes as he brushes the hair out of my eyes.
"I'm so scared Chanyeol" I pull my knees up to my chest.
"Baby look at me" he grabs my cheeks leaning my face up to look at him, he kisses my lips softly.
I feel my body ease from shaking.
He pulls away "See baby I've got you your safe now" he whispers to me.
I lean in and kiss him more.
Breaking away from our kiss, I can't help with whisper.
"Take me to bed Chanyeol"......
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