Go Back?
>Yes< No
I look up at the rain "Yeah, let's head back." I say looking back down at Kichi.
"Nah, I just want to stand out in the rain," he says as he grabs my arm and walks in, which I can only guess, the right way back.
"You do know where we're going, right?" I ask not wanting to be chased again.
"Generally." he responds looking to the sides a bit as we walk.
"Your not going to fall asleep again?"
"Hey, it's not my fault your comfy and chose to carry me!" He says puffing out his cheeks slightly.
"I'm not that comfy, " I mutter.
"Phase one: Denial." he responded with a grin.
I roll my eyes "Whatever." I say with a laugh, he smiles and laughs with me.
"Princeyyyyy" Kichi wined "carry meeeee!"
I shook me head "No, your going to fall asleep again."
"What?! But that was only once!" He said offended.
"Yeah, and I don't want it happening again." I state "I don't want to have to try and find my way alone again." I say remembering where that got me last time.
"Awe, you need me~" Kichi teased.
My face heated up "T-that's not...I just-" I couldn't form words properly, why does he keep on doing this?!
"Nishishi, But you keep making it seem like you do, I mean you were just desperate for me to help you." he said with his hands behind his head.
"I-I wouldn't say I was desperate," I say looking down at the ground.
"Whatever makes you feel better~" Kichi said tapping my nose. I open my mouth to say something but close it after I can't think of anything. Kichi giggles, muttering something that I couldn't understand.
"W-what?" I ask.
"I said I'm bored!" Kichi said looking around, supposedly trying to find something to cure his boredom.
"Well we should be there soon," I say looking around.
"How do you know? Do you know how to get back?" Kichi asked crossing his arms.
"No, bu-" I started before Kichi interrupted me.
"No I don't." he said with a completely serious expression. How did he guess what I was going to say?
"T-that's got to be a lie," I say more of a wish rather than a fact.
"WHAAAA PRINCEY DOESN'T BEL-" Kichi yells before I cover his mouth.
"Hey! You're going to wake something up or e-" I cut myself off once I feel something wet other than rain on my hand.
"DID YOU LICK ME?!??" I exclaimed moving my hand away.
"Now look who's being loud~" Kichi said with a giggle.
"Well yEaH, But you LICKED ME!!" I say moving my hands to exaggerate my point.
"Nishishi" is all Kichi said before looking behind me eyes winding slightly.
I look behind me to see...nothing. While I'm not facing him Kichi tackles me.
I yelp a bit as we fall to the ground "K-Kichi, we have to go back to Tsumigi's!"
"But maybe I wanna stay here with you~" he giggled.
"Either way you'll be with me," I say feeling a slight blush across my face.
"Hm, yeah I guess that's true," He said not getting off of me "but that's not as funnnn" He whined hugging me.
"Being in the rain isn't that fun either..." I respond.
"Yes it is!! Plus I have my princey to protect me!" He snuggles closer, causing me to blush.
I push him slightly "It's still not safe for us to stay here," I say trying to sit up. Kichi puffs out his cheeks in anger once I push him but he still doesn't get off of me.
"Oh hey, what are you guys doing here?" I hear a familiar voice ask. We both look over to see Nagito.
"Oh, I'm just making out with princey." Kichi said with a grin.
"Oh ok." Nagito said with a smile as if it was normal.
"W-but..thats-" I tried to say, my face burning up.
"Hey why are you here?" Kichi questioned Nagito.
"Oh I was just going on a walk," Nagito said, "but clearly I'm interrupting something important with trash like myself." He said holding himself out of pity. "So I'll just leave now." He said as he continued walking.
"Okiiii bye then~" Kichi waves giggling.
"K-K-Kichi" I managed to stutter.
"Yeeeeees princey?~" he responded dragging out the 'yes'.
"W-why did you say that!" I asked blushing madly.
"Hm? Say what?" He asked with an 'innocent' smile.
"Y-you know," I say trailing off.
"Nope! No idea what your talking about" he giggled.
"Y-yes you do!" I ask looking away.
"Well whatever I supposedly said, it really seemed to get to you," He said laying back down on me.
" Y-you know what you said!" I say not wanting to look at Kichi for the time being.
"Nope! I guess I'm having memory loss, can you tell me what I said?" He asked tilting his head more in my view.
"You said we were....m-making out," I said getting quieter with each word.
"Didn't quite catch that." he said with a grin, when I know for a fact he did.
"You said we were m-making out when we weren't!" I say a little bit louder.
"Are you sure I said that?" Kichi asked putting his finger to his chin trying to 'recall' the events.
"I don't remember saying that, but hey, if you just wanted to..." He said moving closer to me.
I quickly pushed him off, shaking my head while covering my face. "W-why do yo keep doing t-things like that" I ask, still covering my face.
"Because you reactions are so worth it!" He giggled.
See it's nothing, just him messing with you-
"Or maybe it's something else, maybe there's other reasons" he sounded more serious. I froze, no that's the lie...right?
"Who knows, you sure don't!" He giggled. I'm pretty sure he stood up, but I refused to move my hands from my face.
He walked over to me "Aw c'mon princey, I never got to show you what I wanted." I move my hand slightly to see Kichi extending his hand out towards me with a friendly smile. I sigh and take his hand and he helps me up.
"Ok, where are we going?" I ask trying to distract myself from what just happened.
"It's a surprise!" He giggles as he starts to walk east. I followed close behind, but not too close that he would tease me.
We have been walking for a while. It's just been us talking and Kichi teasing me. I stopped noticing the rain after a while, maybe I just didn't care too much.
"Oh look we're here!!" Kichi exclaims, stopping mid conversation.
I look over to see two trees that appeared to be weeping willows. Even though they had the basic appearance of a weeping willow the bark had a baby pink glow coming from the swirl carvings in the bark. The leaves had a faint yellow-almost white glow, and flowers looked to have while petals in a star formation incasing the pink petals that almost formed a full bud, the yellow stamen still shown.
"Trees?" I ask, don't get me wrong the trees are beautiful, just we came all this way for just trees?
"No princey, keep walking." He says moving some of the leaves out of the way and motioning me to walk through.
>Walk through<
A/N: (also the below art was made by the amazing forever_multi )
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