Kichi pulled me over in front of a door, opening it as we got there.
"Did you not want me to know your name?" I ask, unsure why the smaller boy would be acting like this.
There was a small giggle from the other as he stopped and faced me. "Eh? Why would I care? You can't just call me 'the boy' or 'gremlin' the whole time, that would get confusing." he says smirking slightly. "That space idiot just always messes up all my plans!" he looked pouted lifting his hands in front of him. "Anyways let's find how far your kingdom is." he said walking fully into the room.
I looked around the room. It was quite spacious, it had ebony floors that blended with the cream walls. A wide table was on top of a royal purple carpet, only covering slightly behind where the chairs were set up. A map was laid across- no look more like it was embedded into the table. There were small markers on parts of it, which I couldn't tell where on the map each was from where I was standing. Dark curtains hung from the two small windows on the far side of the room, but they were opened letting the light in.
"Alright then princey," Kichi muttered walking over to the map scanning it. I follow him looking down on the map. "Hey, where's your kingdom again?" Kichi asked looking up at me slightly.
"O-Oh, it's near Kenta," I say, not expecting to be asked a question.
"Am I just that gorgeous that you can't help but be nervous around me?" Kichi teases with a wink.
I felt my face heat up slightly "W-What no!" I say waving my hands in front of me frantically "I just wasn't expecting, I just, you can't-"
"Calm down princey I was joking," He interrupted with a laugh as he looked back down at the map. I look away feeling embarrassed for overreacting like that, but what was I meant to do? He caught me off guard.
"A-ha!" Kichi said after about a minute, tapping a part on the map "Found it." he said looking up at me.
I look at where he was pointing to see he was right. "Ok so how far are we?" I ask looking around where he was pointing.
"Well we are alllllll the way over," he said as he moved his finger across the map "here!" He said tapping a part of the map titled 'Shiri'. It was a good distance away.
"How did I even get that far?" I ask, more to myself but Kichi seemed to hear me as he shrugged in response.
"How do you expect me to know? I didn't kidnap ya." he said putting his hands behind his head.
I look down at the map noticing all the different markers on certain places of the map. "Hey Kichi?" I ask.
He snickers a bit "yeah?"
I look up at him confused "What's funny?"
"Was that your question? Cause that's would meal you could see the future, and if you can I might have to exploit that." Kichi snickered
"Well no, but it just seemed relevant." I respond.
"Well, Kichi isn't my actual name, bu-" before he could even finish I panicked.
"I-oh, I'm sorry. That's just the name that Kaito told me and I-I didn't realize it was just a nickname." I closed my eyes as I talked feeling bad for using a nickname given to him by his friends, or at least companions.
"Geez, chill princey! I was going to say I don't mind you using it since it does appear you're going to be stuck with me for a while." He says to which I open my eyes.
"Stuck with you?" I ask.
"Well yeah, unless you don't want to go home and just be thrown out into the forest where you could get re-kidnapped. Y'know since your a prince and all." He says moving his hand as he talks "But that's your choice." he shrugged.
"No! I-I" before I could finish Kichi put his finger to his chin and looked out the window.
"You know, since you are a prince, we should probably find you a new outfit, not that you look terrible or anything, just wouldn't want someone to kidnap you again when the whole point is to get you home." he said tapping his fingers on the table in a pattern.
"Oh," I decided to ignore part of his comment "do you have something for that?"
He shook his head before snapping and turning his head to me "But, I know someone who can help." He said grabbing my wrist and leading me back out to the main room.
"Where are you going?" Celeste asked raising her eyebrow.
"Hm?" Kichi stopped and looked over "Oh, just to get princey here a new outfit so he doesn't stand out as much." He said grabbing a hood from the coat rack "Mind if I use this sis?" He asked looking over at Celeste.
"Uh, sure?" She says confused.
"Ok thankkkks~" Kichi drags me outside before she can ask any more questions. "Ok, put this on," he says, handing me the hood he had previously grabbed. "You lucky your royal outfit got a bit messed up so you should be fine."
I take the hood and put it on like I was told to. "So where are we going?" I ask after fixing the hood a bit.
"To see a friend that lives in the town," Kichi says as he waits for me to finish, grabbing my arm directing me to the town once I did.
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