Go through?
>Yes< No
I start to move forward a bit, Kichi took that as an okay and started to lead me through it. It was dark for a long period of time. Then there was a sudden pull and lights started to flash. I tightened my grip on Kichi's hand, not wanting to be separated.
It all slowed and we were in a different place than before, it seemed to be some kind of cave with glowing crystals and some other strange rocks, some plants seemed to be growing on or just attached to the cave walls.
I turn to Kichi and he responds with a grin as I realize I'm clinging on to him. I back off a bit looking away, about to freak out and apologize, but decided against it remembering that I'm underwater.
I hear a weird noise and I turn to see sharp teeth coming straight for me. Kichi grabbed my arm and started to swim but everything went dark.
I jolt up breathing heavily. I look around to see... a village, no it was the same one as before, the one Tsumugi's was at. How did we get here? I thought I'd be dead for sure.
"Oh hey Princey, your up." I hear Kichi say. I turn to see him sitting on a well, ringing out his scarf. "I thought you got knocked out cold or something." He said putting his scarf back on. "Oh, did you like the lake?" He said with a giggle.
"What happened? How did we get here?" I look down to see I was still soaking wet.
"Well that thing was just the end of the transportation, Celeste just wanted to give it a threatening vibe or something." he shrugged, hopping off the well and reaching and hand out to help me up. I take his hand and he pulls me up.
"Good thing we're near Tsumugi's, you soaked!" He said walking to where Tsumugi's place is. Once we get there Tsumugi rushes over.
"Ok, so I finished the outfit, here." she handed me a folded outfit. "Try it on!" She exclaimed pointing to a changing room.
I nod and go change. When I finish there was a mirror for me to see the full thing. I was wearing a blue-ish black over jacket that had tan strings going down the middle, stopping at another string around the waist. The sleeves went past the back of my hand creating a trumpet sleeve. A little above the elbow the sleeve had tan strings crossing to hold it together. The pants were pure black and they were quite comfortable. On top of all that I had a grey-ish blue and light grey horizontal striped scarf, and a checkered one of the same colors hanging from a belt on my waist. I keep looking in the mirror before hearing a bored Kichi call for me to hurry up. I walk out looking down a bit.
"Ooh! Get it Shumai! Your rocking that!" Kichi cheered, which made me blush.
"W-why is there so much black?" I ask trying to distract myself from my red face.
"Well, I thought you would like the color, plus we have to tone down your pure beauty. Wouldn't want you to be taken again now would I-we" Kichi smiled then thanked Tsumugi "But you look good so I guess it didn't work" he joked- or at least I think it was a joke. We began to walk to the door but Tsumugi spoke.
"Hey, sorry to bother you guys, but I have some things to pick up from Chihiro's. Could you pick it up for me? It's just across the street and a bit to the left." She played with the ends of her hair and was looking to the side as she asked.
"Yeah sure," Kichi replied.
I look back at Kichi who's waving goodbye to Tsumugi and opening the door. He looks up at me with a smile. Him answering like that felt weird for some reason, maybe I'm overthinking.
"Let's go!" He grabs my arm and we walk out of the shop.
"Are you su-" I try to ask but Kichi interrupts me.
"Yeah! We have some spare time anyways" he shrugs walking to another shop called 'Hiro's Potions and Armory'.
"Welcome to Hiro's how may we help you?" A witch spoke from inside once we walked in.
The witch, who was dusting shelves at the moment, had short light brown hair. A dark forest green witch hat topped their head. The hat seemed to be quite old yet had a lighter green ribbon tied around it making it look new. There was a white symbol on the hat. The symbol looked like a teardrop, surrounding it was four dots accompanied by one inside of it. The tip of the hat was bent in a zig-zag pattern curling in.
The witch was wearing a long-sleeved dress, the bottom of the sleeves being longer and torn. Their neck was covered by a buttoned turtleneck piece, separate from the rest of the dress. The bottom was spiked with three lines following the edges.
The rest of the piece was the same color as the hat. A purple amulet hung around their neck.
The dress itself was a dark grey. A corset belt of the same color as the hat ribbon separated the two parts of the dress. The skirt had a flower-like shape, cutting off shortly below the corset. Under that was a piece similar to the neckpiece in shape and color. That was over a puffed black skirt. They had gloves that were the same shade as the undermost skirt. The gloves only covered their middle finger. The boots were the same green as the corset, they curled in with purple bells at the end. The witch turned to us and smiled.
"Hey, we're here to pick something up for Tsumugi," Kichi said looking around the small shop.
"Tsumugi...Tsumugi" the witch muttered to themself. "Oh, Tsumugi! The one that runs the shop not too far down?" They asked looking proud of themself for remembering.
"Yup!!" Kichi smiles.
"Oh, I'll get that!" The witch goes behind the counter and starts moving stuff around. "So, are you guys just traveling? I haven't seen you before." they say as they search.
"Yeah, we're going to Kenta." Kichi responded trying to look over the counter.
"Kenta?! That's pretty far," they said looking up at us, lifting a box up and setting it on the counter. "Actually, my daughter is traveling pretty close to Kenta with her friends." They smiled "I'm sure she won't mind you guys joining! Oh but here's Tsumugi's stuff." they said passing me the box.
"Thank you." I said with a nod.
Then a being only a few inches shorter than Kichi entered the room. Their body was mechanical, not like how Kiibo was I seemed more wooden. Their left eye had a crosshair in the forest green iris. The hair was similar to the witch, only cut slightly shorter.
They had a white ruffled t-shirt under a hood that didn't go past the waist in length. The inside of the hood was the same green as their eyes, the outside was leather with dull gold designs like gears on it. They also had leather-wrapped gloves around their hands and a leather belt that had all kinds of tools, for things from traveling to repair. They had a dark leather bag with gear design on it, slung over their shoulder to their side. They also had dark shorts and leather boots.
"I wanna go too!" They said putting their hands in a fist in front of them with small stars in their eyes.
"I'm not sure about that Alter," the witch said with a soft smile.
"But why not!! You let Chiaki go with her friends, I wanna explore too!" The robotic one, or Alter, said stomping their foot and throwing their hands down in the process as they complained.
"Well yes, but she already left to meet up with the others, she can't take you. I can see if Taka or Mondo could take you." The witch reasoned.
"I could go with them!" Alter said pointing at us with a hopeful smile.
"I'm not sure..." the witch said looking at us.
>It's completely fine, we'll take them<
>I don't think we're going either.<
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