Leave Hajime?
Yes >No<
As much as I hated seeing Hajime so distressed, we couldn't just leave him behind. He's the only one who knows what's in there, plus he needs to be able to confront his guilt head on to get over it.
"He's going to hate me! What if he's already dead? God this is all my fault." Hajime was shaking violently as tears leaked from his eyes. I approach Hajime and put a hand on his shoulder.
"We're going to get him out of there. You will be reunited again, that's a promise. But we need you to be able to do that." I told him. Hajime stared up at me, I couldn't imagine what could be going through his head. It was quiet as he moved his gaze to the floor.
"It's a promise?" His voice was soft, slowly his eyes drifted back to me. I gave him a nod, that seemed to be enough. After a few deep breaths he managed to stop crying. "Off we go then."
There was a cave opening that had a bunch of signs pointing to it. All of them were cheap advertising tactics or bright magic spells to draw more attention to it. Hajime started to freak out again but Chiaki and Nagito were doing their best to calm him down.
"My my~ what is it we have here?" A voice echoed.
"Some more brave souls it seems." A second voice replied with noticeably less enthusiasm.
Then two beings appeared in front of us. The one on my left had big blonde hair put up into twin tails. Her deep red iris stood out against black scleras. She wore a white grilled button-up, a black corset vest covering it. Resting on the left side of the vest was a strange red symbol, looked like a sharp squiggly line. She also wore a multilayered red skirt, since it was parted in the middle the back was much longer than the front. Underneath this there was black, slightly teared, leggings. The leggings were tucked into dark boots with red accents.
Next to her was another girl. Short black hair rested on her head, making her white iris' stand out all the more. Her scleras were dark like the other's. Unlike the other, her button up was black and didn't have any frills. This girls vest was white, with that symbol resting on the right. Sleek dark pants were tucked into bright boots. This girls gaze was much calmer than the blonde, it created such a huge contrast between them.
"Welcome brave travelers!" The blonde spoke.
"The test of bonds lies ahead." The other one said nonchalantly.
"We- oh my! Mukuro, would you look at this?" The blonde seemed to be caught off guard, her persona switching entirely. "It seems someone's back for another round of despair..." she sounded uninterested now.
"Oh, seems like you're right Junko." Mukuro spoke locking eyes with Hajime "Or maybe he's come back for the bond he couldn't hold." Mukuro had managed to keep up her part of the act.
I look over to Hajime and he's shaking. He doesn't say anything but the look on his face says enough. He's staring in absolute horror, memories are forcing their way into his head. These two showmen are only making his fears worse, I feel like they know that they're doing it.
"Alrighty stop your yapping, you know why we're here don't you? So how bout cutting the small talk and tell us how to get him back." Kichi cut in, thank god.
"You won't even let us finish our pitch... how unfortunate." Junko held her pigtails, seeming sad? Any emotion she was presenting was gone before I could even analyze it. "Aw~ You miss who you lost? How swad, frowny." She said switching to a cutesy type of attitude and voice.
"This happens far too often. Everyone always blames us for their bond not being strong enough to withstand the trial. But if you truly desire a chance to free him, there is a way." Mukuro said with a sigh.
"Mukuro! I can't bewieve you are giving away all our secwets." Junko waved her arms up and down in distress.
"Apologies dear sister." Mukuro put a hand to her forehead trying to be dramatic but her voice contradicts her. After a few seconds Mukuro walked towards us. Hajime's shaking worsened as he began to walk backwards. Mukuro didn't stop walking towards us, more accurately, she didn't stop walking towards Hajime.
Nagito stepped in front of Mukuro glaring down at her "I'm going to have to ask you to stop." His tone was so foreignly bitter. Mukuro locked eyes with him and they stood in silence for awhile before Mukuro smiled and took a step back.
"Very well then. If you wish to have a second chance at the bond you let break, then you must put two more through the trial and let them seal your fate." Mukuro said as Junko walks next to her.
"BWAHAHAHA!! That's right!! Since you didn't care enough for your brother and took the selfish way out, two of these shitheads will have to enter Gemini's Lie and not make ur same pathetic mistake." Junko chuckled staring sinisterly at Hajime.
Hajime opened his mouth and began to puff up his chest, but Chiaki put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from saying whatever he was going to say.
"If the new pair manages to win they get to leave along with your brother." Mukuro had a small smile on her face, her eyes still calm. If anything it scared me senseless. This place has to be a nightmare if it can get Hajime to react like he is. If that's the case how can her expression be so calm? Did they find joy from all of this? It created knots in my stomach.
"So what do you say Hajime," Junko asked as both her and Mukuro extended their hands. "do we have a deal?" They both said in perfect sync. Something about the air turned heavy and cold. Hajime stared at the extended hands, you could hear his breath quiver as he made his choice. I could do nothing but watch Hajime's shaking hand slowly rise up to the two devils standing infront of him.
As soon as Hajime's skin touched their hands the contract had been made. The wind picked up as some strange magic began rising from the pair's finger tips. It started faint, black smoke enveloped Junko's hand as a gold shimmer wrapped itself around Mukuro's.
With closed eyes the pair raised their opposing hands, placing the pointer and middle fingers gently against their own foreheads. Drawing their fingers down to the tips of their noses the magic grew more intense, increasing in volume and power. There was a moment of stillness in the air before the two pairs of eyes shot open with a new glow to them.
The magic the two were controlling left their hands and moved towards us. Both spells dashed between the six of us, once it stopped I felt something warm on my wrist. I look down to see the gold magic slowly circling my wrist. Slowly my eyes met Hajime's. With shaking lips he mouthed 'I'm sorry'.
There was a pull as the magic reunited with the smoke, someone else being held captive by it. A chill shoots up at my spine as I raise my gaze to see Kichi. He wasn't looking at me, he was staring straight forward, his expression completely unreadable.
"Ooh~ how intriguing!" Junko squealed as she come over to us. "So many secrets between you two, I wonder if you'll ever find the truth again, your highness." What was she talking about?
"You going to actually tell us what we're doing or are we supposed to be scared by your rambling?" Kichi spoke up, his voice sounded.. cold? Was he really hiding something from me?
"Hmph! You're so boring!" Junko groaned. "Okay whatever, go in there and the only goal is to find eachother at the end. If you fail we keep you and if you somehow win, you guys and Zuzu get to leave." Junko explains before turning around "Walk in whenever your ready." And with that the two deal makers were gone.
This can't be happening. Why me? I was willing to help Hajime, but I didn't think that would mean I would actually go in. What could I even do? I've never even heard of this place, how am I supposed to do anything?
"Hey, calm down." I hear Kichi's voice, it's still distant but there is something about how soft he's speaking that's putting my mind at ease. "We're doing this together, I won't let you get hurt." I look down to see my hands shaking. Kichi holds my hand in his, drawing circles on my skin. I take a deep breathe as I hear hushed mummers from the group behind us.
I'll count to three and I'll be ready.
A/N: Hey guys! So sorry about the wait, I was going to have a drawing of Junko and Mukuro included in the story. I suck at making backgrounds so I asked a friend to help, which was what a lot of the wait was. I never got the background but I realized the outfits I gave the twins in that drawing were wayyyyy too modern so I just scrapped it and decided to just give y'all the chapter.
The reason there's no choice is I legit just couldn't think of anything and I was stuck on it for awhile until giving up, hopefully you guys don't mind.
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