Where do we go?
>Forest< Town
"Too many of us are hurt. We won't make it to the town." I say as the pain in my leg starts to catch up with me.
"You're right. However, we'll have to split up." Nagito said. "The forest is too dangerous for Alter and you three can't travel in your conditions." He added on motioning to Hajime, Kichi, and me. Hajime said something under his breath but ultimately sighed.
"Chiaki knows more about plants than any of us, so her and Nagito should go into the forest," Hajime said slowly slumping down onto the floor. "We'll stay here to monitor Kichi's condition and keep Alter safe." I let myself sit down to get off my leg, still keeping Kichi in my arms.
"I don't want to leave Chiaki!! I know a bunch of stuff too!" Alter said crying, I couldn't blame him. Nagito smiles sadly at him and crouches down to his level.
"Your sister will be safe with me. That I promise you." Nagito said holding his and Alter's hand near his heart. Alter was hesitant, but he nodded and hugged Nagito.
"I trust you, please stay safe too." Alter stays in the hug for a little but pushes away so they can get going. Chiaki pulls something out of her bag and hands it to Hajime.
"This is only for emergencies, don't you dare overwork yourself." Chiaki had a stern look on her face but I could tell it was out of concern. They shared a brief hug then the two left into the forest.
"It's okay Kichi, we're going to get help." I say pushing some of his hair out of his face his breathing was heavy and his expression seemed frightened. Tears start to fall from my eyes. "Please stay with me," I whisper, praying he can hear me. "I need you Kichi."
<[Kichi POV]>
The white stretches off far as I can see. I slipped up again, didn't I? I can't remember much from being awake before this, but I'll those when I get out of this hellhole.
"Alright asshole let's get this over with." I know it can hear me, it just doesn't like the void I guess. I have to find that damned door, it's always behind the door.
My body felt sore, I guess I really overdid it. But why? It hasn't been this bad since I got control. I know my limits, what dumb reason would I have to go past them? God, this is what I get huh. I'm walking slower than usual too, guess it's wanting to get on my nerves this time.
Finally that fucking door. I don't know how long it took to find it, I never know. Time is irrelevant in this place. I could be trapped here for years and I wouldn't be able to tell. I calm my heart as much as I can and open the door. It's the town, of course it's the town.
Everyone is frozen in place, but I can still hear them. Their faces are blank, sometimes I stare at them trying to figure out who they are but it never works. The only thing I know is that they hate me. Everyone was laughing, talking about useless everyday stuff. Time to play hide and seek. The colors are muted but I keep walking, I'll push a person here and there just to see their reaction but the head just stays in my direction. The heads are always in my direction, but I don't focus on it as much as I used to.
"Kichi!" There's the bitch. It came from the left, so that's where I go. Left again. Right. Forward. Right. Right. Left. Turn around. Right. I follow the calls a few more times and then talking changes, people being quietly judgmental or making sure I know everything wrong with me. Guess we're getting closer.
"Cmon out now, I know you're just dying to play." My heart starts feeling heavy but I keep going. Forward. Forward. Right. Turn around. Forward. Left. Left. They're screaming now, my breathing is out of my control. My stomach starts to churn and I get slower.
Geez, why can't it just hurry up? Left. Left. Right. No, forward. Right. Left? Backwards. Again. Other way. Keep going. My legs are aching and I feel my throat tighten.
"Kichi I'm here." It cried, mocking me. I don't fall for that stupid shit anymore. My hand was clutching my chest, it was getting harder to see. The screaming was getting louder.
"Boss what are you doing!" I pause. I hate this part. I turn around and give my best smile. Their faces are the only ones that look back at me, I can see their expressions and they all look horrified.
"Alright DICE never gives up! So let's get as many people out as we can, we'll be the hero's, then they'll have to like us!" Just saying that, having to say it over and over. It was all lies. They would never like us. I knew that even as a kid, but even just seeing how happy the thought made the others... I should see them again. They look happier as they cheer, wishing to be loved by this trashy town. They fade out, at least they got to be together.
"Kichi, where are you? I'm scared." That was a lie, he didn't need me. He never did, I didn't matter to him. I don't matter to him now. It of all things should know that.
"I need you." It was quiet but I heard it. That's not right, it never said that. It was definitely his voice though. I look in the direction it came from and seeing his shadow run behind a store. Without thinking I chase after it. My body feels disconnected from me but I'm still moving. That way. The other way. Forward. Right? Left. Backwards. Left. Right. Right.
I'm feeling lighter, it never does this. Am I getting further? Don't lose him, he's getting faster. He's laughing, god this is the last place I want to hear that laugh. Right. Right. Backwards. Forward. Left. Backwards. Backwards.
There was an inhuman shriek. It's mad. Is it really not the one doing this? Is there another way out? I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but it hasn't tried any new tricks in years so this has to be it.
Left. Forward. Right. I was feeling light, tears threaten to fall.
Left. Left. Backwards. Left. Right. I turn Right again and he's standing there, smiling at me. His arm is reaching out for me, I don't feel sick. This can't be right, something is wrong. My head is ringing but I walk towards him anyways. This is where it always is, why is he here? I get closer and closer till it hits me all at once. I collapse from the pain alone as my breathing stops. I'm clawing at my throat trying to get air out of it. But all that comes up is thick ink. Pouring out of my mouth, it won't stop, I can't breathe. It's screaming, everyone is screaming. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just stop.
"JUST STOP!" I managed to choke out. Tears are flooding my eyes now. My eyes start to close, I never thought this would be what kills me. They always told me it can't hurt me here. But I can't breathe, I feel week. My arms fall to the floor.
There's no use in trying. There never was, everyone left me because of it. It's my punishment. My punishment for having naive hopes. My punishment for ruining the others. My punishment for never knowing when to quit. I failed them, all of them. This is what I deserve.
The ink stopped.
I gasp for my breath, coughing some. Is it letting me live? I slowly turn my head to it but it looks pissed. I try to stand up. It takes a few tries but I manage. "God, you sure are persistent." I try to give my best smile. I know it won't fall for it but I do it anyway. It hisses at me. "Aw no more mimicking?"
"I hate you Kichi!" I shouldn't have given it ideas. "You're a monster! No one will save you! I hate you I hate you!" I cover my ears trying to fight back tears as my heart is pounding out of my chest. My throat is tight but I ignore it.
"Just shut up and get this shit over with." I say slowly walking towards it. It tries to scream more things at me, I know it's not him.
"Kichi can you hear me?" This I'm familiar with. I look behind me to see him standing there. He looks like he's about to cry. He's calling for me.
I always could hear him. But he never knew that. I couldn't tell him, yet he kept calling for me like an idiot. I knew what I had to do to get out. Sometimes I wish I could just stop here, maybe I'll wake up if I just wait long enough.
I don't get that choice because it starts changing into my size, it reaches for my hand and I give it to it. It envelopes me in a hug, then the needles start. It seeps into my skin and I have to feel all of it. I cry but no noise escapes my lips. Then I'm out of control and all I can do is watch as I hurt him. One of the few who gave me a chance, who listened.
"He's a liar like the rest of them." I tell myself as the hunters chase us off. We run and run until we found the shack.
"Kichi wake up!" That must be the real world. I feel it slowly burn off me as my head starts to pound.
<[Shuichi POV]>
Kichi's eyes flutter open and I feel a rush of relief wash over me. I hug him and began to sob harder. I can't get out any words so I just hold him as close as I can. His arms slowly reached around me and rested on my back. I didn't even care how light the hug was, he was alive.
"Move for a second, he might be a bit disoriented," Nagito said putting his hand on my shoulder. Reluctantly I move aside, Nagito probably knows more about this than I do. He hands him some strange liquid and Kichi stares at it for a bit. "Cmon drink it, you know it'll help." Nagito's voice was soft. How often does this kind of thing happen? Kichi grabs it and slowly starts to drink it. Chiaki pulled me aside and began to work on healing my leg.
"It's okay Nagito knows what he's doing." She's right I know she is but I can't help but worry. Whatever she was putting on my leg kinda stung a bit but that's probably supposed to happen. "Okay, just sit here for a bit and go easy on it okay?" She looked up at me with a smile when she was finished. I nod in response.
"Why is Shumai all teary?" My heart skips a beat. I quickly turn my head around to see Kichi smiling down at me. I can't help but cry even more. "Hey! That wasn't an invitation!" He whined. Even still he crouched down and wrapped his arms around me once again. "Jeez, now I look bad for making you cry." He joked. I could tell he did care though, he was stroking my arm in an attempt to calm me down.
"You had me worried sick!" I didn't mean to yell but I couldn't help it. "I thought you died Kichi! I was so scared that you weren't going to wake up, that I'd be alone. I-I don't know what I'd do without you Kichi!" Kichi was quiet as I sobbed. I spilled my heart out, a little more than I would have liked but it happened anyway.
"I'm sorry Shuichi," Kichi said in almost a whisper. His head was in the crook of my neck, it was comforting to have him so close. "I didn't mean to scare you, I'm here now though. I won't leave you again." We sat in silence for a bit, I managed to calm down my crying. The others were a bit away from us, I guess they wanted to give us some privacy.
Nagito walked over to the two of us after some time. He looked concerned. "I need to talk to the two of you." How serious his expression was scared me a little but I tried not to think about it. Kichi moves to sit next to me instead of behind me.
"What's up?" Kichi asked in his usual cheery tone.
"We need to come clean about where we are going. I don't want to force the two of you to come along, if you so desire we can split off at the Eriin camp." I was a little less worried, it doesn't seem like we upset the group but this was still odd.
"Out with it alright." Kichi demanded, though I could tell he wasn't actually upset.
"We're going to the Gemini's Lie, Shuichi I'm sure you know what that is." Nagito switched his attention to me.
"Hajime mentioned it to me yeah.. but why would you want to go there?" Before Nagito could respond Kichi did.
"Izuru." Nagito looked down at the floor, that seemed to be enough of a response for Kichi. "God damnit. You guys are real idiots sometimes." Kichi sighed and looked at me. "If you don't want to go we won't."
'Izuru.. that's Hajime's brother isn't it.. what happened to him that would cause this much distress?'
Go to Gemini's lie
Split off at Eriin
A/N: My Prince~ will now be cross-posted on AO3 under the account
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