Go with them?
>Yes< No
"Oh, are you sure?" I ask, not wanting to be a bother to them.
"No." Hajime mutttered only to be inturupted by Nagito.
"Of course we're sure! It wouldn't hurt to have you guys tag along." He said with smile, covering Hajime's mouth with his hand. To which the other responded with a glare.
"Well if your sure," I said looking over at Kichi who just responded with a shrug as he put his hands behind his head.
"Yay!! I get to go on an adventure with big sis!!" Alter said throwing his hands up in the air in celebration as he ran around the five of us.
"The kid is tagging along too?" Hajime asked watching Alter as they ran. Chiaki nodded reciving a sigh from Hajime, as a small smile made it's way across his face. "Well, we should start heading off now. Does everyone have everything they need?" He asked getting a collective nod from the others. "Alright, then let's go." He said as he started to walk, everyone following.
I didn't exactly know where we were going, but we were walking for awhile, nothing too remarkable it was just small talk. Apparently Hajime and Chiaki were really good friends of Nagito since before he worked for Kichi. And Alter, who was currently asleep on Chiaki's back, was a creation made by Chihiro (the shop owner) when he wanted to give Chiaki someone to care for whenever she couldn't be with her friends. Apparently these types of trips were normal for the group but Alter would usually stay home.
"Oh hey did Usami ever come back?" Hajime asked turning to Chiaki.
"No, I haven't seen her in awhile," Chiaki said with a small sigh "but she should be back anytime." she added with a slightly saddened smile.
"Usami?" I repeated, more to myself but I guess they heard me.
"Just a friend of ours." Hajime replied bitterly.
"Hajime you dont have to be rude," Nagito said with a small laugh before slowing down his walking pace to be next to us. "Sorry about him, hes usually friendlier but he doesn't like bringing new people on our adventures. It took him forever to warm up to me and Usami." Nagito looked up to the sky, most likely remembering a good memory. "But don't worry he'll slowly get used to you." He said redirecting his attention to us.
I smiled and gave a small nod "Yeah, alright." I said although it sounded more unsure than I was meaning it too.
"So is there anywhere we need to stop before heading to the camp in Eriin?" Chiaki asked turning to us.
"Oh actually a friend of mine wanted me to get something for her from the magic shop by the waterfalls." Nagito pipped up putting his fist on his open-palmed hand as he remembered.
Chiaki nodded and adjusted Alter on her back. "Then that's where we'll head off too!" She announced throwing one hand in the air causing Alter to wake up slightly. Alter didn't quite realize what was happening but he put his arm up like Chiaki before adjusting back to sleep.
"So princy," Kichi said once the rest of the group was more ahead of us. "Why were you in the dungeon?" I stopped to think about it. I honestly didn't know why myself. The last thing I remember was being in the castle.
"I'm not sure. I remember being home and then I was at the dungeon." I said which Kichi just stared blankly back.
"Y'know, you can't lie to a liar." he said without his expression changing.
"What??" I voiced my utter confusion. I wasn't lying, did it seem like I was?
"You heard me princy," he said his expression more cold "You were clearly lying, but to end up in a dungeon so far from your home? Wow princy you must have been an extremely terrible criminal if they wanted you so far." He said taking a few steps away from me.
"W-wait no!" I say waving my hands in front of me, I may not know why I was in the dungeon but I definitely wasn't a criminal. "I can promise you I'm not a criminal.
"Mhm, that's what a criminal would say." he replied crossing his arms "I barely know you, how can I trust you? How can they trust you?" he didnt specify who he meant but I looked over at Chiaki and the others and assumed that's what he meant.
"No really, I'm not a criminal!" How was I supposed to get him to believe me? Wait... "Well, why were you in the dungeon Kichi?" I asked realizing he never told me, to which he gave a hum of either amusement or curiosity.
"Oh how the tables turn! Are you accusing me of being a criminal???" Kichi said with an expression of betrayal. Wait no, this isn't what I meant! But before I can even start my apology he continues talking. "Well then you'd be right." I go completely silent. "Man you should see your face" he laughed, clearly amused.
"Wait, your a criminal?!" I asked, I wasn't sure why I was so surprised, we met in a dungeon of all places.
"What? Does that surprise you? I wouldnt say I'm the embodiment of all good and lawfulness." He said, mock praying.
"Ah yeah, I guess your right." I said embarrassed for being surprised. Before Kichi could add on we heard Hajime and Komaeda arguing so we walked closer to see what was happening.
<[??? POV]>
"We have some... unfortunate news," the first lowlife spoke as they entered the room.
"That's putting it lightly." I muttered as I faced them, for I already knew what they were to tell me. They were to tell me about how they failed, for one has already told me so not long after the failure itself.
"He, he got away sire." The lowlife spoke again bowing showing respect, and possibly surrender.
"I am aware of your failure." I concluded, getting tired of the conversation.
"Yes, but the other in the cell had escaped with him." the second added. I raised an eyebrow slightly curious on what peasant was causing such a problem. "It was the boy by the name of Kichi." My eyes widened.
"You let him escape?" I say shock dominating my usually calm expression.
"Of course not we tried to stop them!" The first said standing up.
"But you failed, and the two are still travelling, possibly together?" I ask changing my expression to one of more of a calm attitude.
"Um, yes sire," the second responded "they had help from a third." he added.
"Is that so?" I say thinking to myself. This very well could become quite a pain later. "I want you to find the two and you will..."
>"Kill them on sight"<
>"Bring them back to me"<
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