entering the house Yibo smiled and looked around "it's been so long, since i was here, i can clearly remember waking up in your bed. it was such a bless" Yibo giggled "the pillow, it had your scent and i wasn't willing to let go of it. how could i imagine having you as my boyfriend then, being able to really touch and feel you"
"many things changed and same gonna happen again" feeling coldness in his voice Yibo moved closer to Zhan and held his arm, the latter one looked at him with tired, deadpan eyes. Yibo shook lowering his head "you changed too"
"Yibo" Zhan slowly removed his hand from Yibo's grasp and moved back "let's end it here"
"end what?"
"our relationship, let's break up"
Yibo's stare froze on his face, tapping on the table a few times his lips curved into strange, painful smile "you think this is funny? no, not at all"
"i'm not kidding Yibo"
"see you're on the weird mood, it's better for me to go. call you later Zhan ge" Yibo walked towards the door but tight grasp around the wrist stopped him. Zhan hardly stopped himself not to take this trembling, warm, soft body into bone crushing embrace, make his full lips swollen with hot, nonstop kisses. but...not anymore "yes you have to go but we won't see each-other later. Maybe we'll never see each-other again. for yours, for my sake we can't"
Yibo turned to him, he wasn't crying but every part of his face was shaking nervously "is this really what you want?"
"you knew it very well too, that this was going to happen, during last days we both... it isn't the same as before, the date today you knew it was last, for creating sweet memories before farewell. it was short but still beautiful journey, let's stop here"
"we can try, to make it work again. everyone has hard moments in their relationships, i'll manage Zhan, for me for you. our love, is it this easy to give up?"
"You have to prioritize yourself and your family, i'm doing the same now. you're still very young, you gonna meet someone who..."
"will you handle it? can you see me with someone else? wasn't you the one taking promises from me? ok, ok i'll surely make you watch how other man touches me, do you want that?"
"stop it" loudly shouted Zhan, strongly hitting his fist to the wall, seeing blood on it Yibo ran to him with worrying face, but Zhan shook his head moving back "why don't you understand? why can't you get it? i'm tired, it's too annoying and not funny anymore"
"funny what?"
"those silly fights, flirting, cute moments i loved it, i enjoyed it but enough"
"i'm person not some object you use for having fun"
"everything about you became too complicated, i'm tired of following you everywhere, listening your sad stories and crying, wiping your tears. Being your lover i got enough from it, do you hear? I had enough fun already. Just let me go won't you?"
"Did i became..."
"Burden, you're this for me now"
"I see" expressions on Yibo's face slowly turned from pain to hateful one, he glared at Zhan deeply looking in his eyes "are you done? Or maybe you didn't hurt me enough? But why... Why can't i believe? Didn't i told you? Until there is love in your eyes you can't deny it. Don't try this hard, you aren't good actor Zhan. I know you loved and still love me but..."
"No let me, there is something you hide from me, you want to make me leave with this evil words no? Congrats Zhan you succeed, i never asked from this stupid sacrifices from you did i? The fact you can't trust me, can't let me make decisions myself upsets me the most. this stupid reasons it can't fool me but still my heart... It's slowly getting away from you"
Zhan didn't say anything, just walked towards the door and opened it, stopping there. Yibo grimaced and took something from his pocket, raising his hand up, Zhan shook seeing couple necklaces, with key and lock pendants on it "i was going to give you this today, i felt too lucky that is was you who unlock my heart but sadly it's you breaking it too.by the way i never confessed my love to you no?"
"Yibo please don't"
"why? I want to give one new promise as i'm maybe going to break previous one. When we meet again... And i'm sure we'll someday. Remember very well, i'm going to hate you more than i love you now. And believe me, my love for you, it's even hard to be fitted in one's heart" slowly walking towards him, Yibo stopped next to Zhan, as close their shoulders were touching each-other. Yibo closed his eyes and stayed quiet for a while listening sound of Zhan's breath, he gonna miss to death. willing to say million words he just faintly whispered
"farewell bunny" The slight caress of their fingers before separating remained as last and the most painful one.
As soon as Cheng entered the house, he rushed into Zhan's room hearing loud crying sounds. Zhan was pitifully sobbing on the bed, caressing and kissing necklaces tightly hold in his palms
"Brother" Cheng sat down next to him and hold his shoulders trying to calm him down. feeling his closeness Zhan instantly wrapped arms around his waist and rested head on his chest
"you're finally here, i was too scared left lonely forever"
"gosh, you're burning with fever Zhan, i'll take you to the hospital"
"No i don't want, just... Just pet me as jiejie was doing when we're still kids. i just need someone's warmth and care now" murmured Zhan, closing his eyes. Cheng sighed and softly moved hand on his hair "you still did something silly no? how long were you crying, your eyes is bloody red and swollen"
"Yibo, my baby Yibo. You know i just want to protect him from pain and danger but, it's me who hurt him the most. He will never forgive me no? Even i can't forgive myself. The expression on his face brother, it teared my heart up. he is going to hate me and i totally deserved it"
"i can't say what you did, was right or wrong cause it's your life and your decision brother, but It will be ok, trust me he will understand one day. Just... Be patient and wait, if you two are fated to be together no matter what, it will happen"
"Playboy being wise and romantic" tease Zhan, laughing between sobs. Cheng gently slapped his back "you know how soft my heart is, look i'm crying too already"
"you're best bro" Zhan pulled him down on the bed, making himself comfier, Cheng frowned and mumbled "don't cling on me"
"Stay here ok? like before. I don't want to be alone today"
"i'll, but stop crying please"
"I'll, at least i'll try"
"Yibo my silly friend, i'm going to miss you too much" Yuan hugged Yibo again, pouting like baby
"Same bro but please don't be this dramatic. time flies i'll be back very soon" Yibo smiled lovely, petting his back
"But still, three years is too much. Wish you can stay"
"He is right" nodded Wen Qing who just joined them "thought we all were going to study in the same college but you're leaving"
"Sadly I have no other choice"
"What about uncle Qiren?"
"I saw dad before coming here, he is very sad but on optimistic mood cause i gonna be safe there" Yibo secretly looked around, searching for someone with sad eyes, Wen Qing sighed and hesitated to started talking.
"I messaged teacher about your flight time, sorry Yibo i know you asked me to not but"
"It doesn't matter, he won't come anyway" Yibo hugged them and walked towards entrance. feeling something suddenly his steps slowed, turning back one last time familiar figure caught his attention, tall slim boy standing afar was looking at him. Noticing Yibo's stare he quickly moved back, the latter one couldn't stop himself and ran to him "gege, Zhan gege" called him with loud desperate voice, trying to make his way between many people "please don't go, gege don't go" finally reaching him, Yibo held his arm from behind, turning him back but...
"Do i know you?"
"You aren't him" Yibo whispered with broken voice and let go off him "i'm sorry, thought you're someone else"
"Yibo are you ok?" Yuan ran to him, catching fallen Yibo in his opened arms, "you look too pale, what happened?"
"It's been only few days and i already miss him like crazy" hold hot tears dropped from his closed eyes, hiding his face between palms, Yibo's whole body started shaking from wail "i didn't shed even one tear when he was leaving me, pride? Who cares about it now when my heart was bleeding yuan? they all said i need to be strong, to grow up. ok i'll, i'll make him to regret, regret hurting me like this" Yibo got up and wiped his tears, getting in the plane he didn't know someone he was searching for was really there, watching him leave with tearing eyes.
Hearing door sound, Qiren opened his eyes and sat up on the bed. The visitor bowed to him politely and took place on the sofa next to him. Qiren was surprised noticing his exhausted face and red eyes
"Zhan dear, did something happen to you? It's good you're here, i wasn't able to contact you about job. It happened like this, Yibo had to leave but didn't you go at the airport to see him off?"
"I couldn't" Zhan lied, remembering Yibo's begging voice and cry he hardly managed to hold his tears
"Did you two fight?"
"Uncle" Zhan stopped him "will you let me to stay next to you, until he is back?"
"What? Why?"
"You're the most precious person for him and now... I think maybe the only one. I want to take good care of you for him. by that... I can feel Yibo's closeness too"
"Zhan by any chance..."
"I love your son" Zhan raised his head, waiting for the reaction. Qiren just nodded a little, without saying anything "i'm sorry for hiding this from you, it was very shameful act from me cause at that time you offered work, i already had feelings. But still i want to thank you too for giving chance to spend more time with Yibo. it was happiest period of my life"
"What about my son? Does he"
"Mn, he loved me. But i'm not sure about this anymore. i hurt him uncle that is why the time he comes back i'll leave quietly. But until then"
"Alright" Qiren smiled and tapped on his hand "as i said before, sincerity is best trait of yours and i really like you for that. Good loyal people is never too much, so stay with me as my second son dear"
"please save this as secret from him"
"But uncle it doesn't disgust you? I mean we both..."
"My son, he was the happiest next to you Zhan, i had never seen this shining stars in his eyes until he met you. we still gonna need to talk about some serious things but for now let's just wait"
"alright, Let's wait together for these stars, to be back with Yibo... My naughty kid"
So here is the End of the past😓 I just want to say something, at first this story was going to be all fluff but... I want it to be close to reality more, love usually starts this cutely but not always keeps the same. Cause some sudden events in our life causes us to make painful decisions. Maybe many of you lost interest cause of this, that is why I wanna thank the readers who still supporting this story 🥰
And this gonna be first time for me writing office romance, I'm excited for next part 🤩
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