Part 1
Hop dragged me out to get Leon and we brought him back to Hop's place. I chose Sobble as my starter Pokemon and named him Crybaby. I beat up Hop's Wooloo and Scorbunny without fail. Then me and Hop went to save a Wooloo from the Slumbering Weald. I met this Pokemon that I couldn't hit with my attacks. We lost and passed out. We got back to town. I got some Pokeballs from my mother and then got my Pokedex from Sonia while catching Chubby Cheek the Skwovet,Lancelot the Rookidee,and Mary the Wooloo on the way. I healed up Crybaby at the Pokemon center. I then went over to Professor Magnolia's place while catching Robber the Zigzagoon and Carapace the Chewtle on the way. I then beat Hop again and we got 2 Wishing Stars which the next morning Magnolia turned into Dynamax Bands.
I ran over to Wedgeherst Station while catching Swiper the Nickit and Gigawatt the Yamper. I found a Revive on the road on the while heading to the station. I got to the station and got to the Wild Area. Ran from a LEVEL 26 ONIX!!! I met this Roselia that k.o.'d my Pokemon and I took it out with Lancelot's Peck. Spamming wins the day. After that I decided I really needed to get to my Pokemon healed up in town. Ran into a guy selling food by a tree before heading to Motostoke. I met up with Sonia and then healed up my Pokemon. I messed with my League Card a bit and got my number (456) put in for the Gym Challenge. I beat up Team Yell,met Marnie,and had a nice sleep.
The next day I got to the opening ceremony of the Gym Challenge. Only 7 Gym Leaders arrived. Not foreshadowing at all. After the ceremony I talked with Leon and Rose-who was a bit suspicious-only then to save game and end for the day.
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