Jordy time
"Hello it's Jordy time and I want to tell everyone a bit more about me."
Well, it's been about two weeks since Kieran left to go back home and I'm starting to miss him a lot. You may not know this but I like Kieran. I have liked him for a long time but never had the guts to tell him how I feel.
Well, it all started when I was five years old and Kieran saved my life when I nearly got beaten up by a bunch of bullies. I was being bullied due to me being a tomboy, I didn't care what people thought but back then I did. Kieran has been my mentor for everything even when I used to like Kieran's ex-best friend, but that's another story for another day.
1 week before:
So my gym battle is tomorrow and I went on a search for a Pokemon because I only have two, I just wanted a new friend.
So I spent about 25 minutes searching for a Pokemon, suddenly I heard a rushing in a brush and it was a Weedle, a Pokemon that I tired catching back in route 6.
I sent out Fearow and instructed him to use wing attack, knocking the Weedle out with one move. I threw a Pokeball, catching the Pokemon within minutes of engaging in the battle.
It was the next day and it was my battle.
I was about to have my fourth gym battle without Kieran being here, first time ever. It's against Celadon Gym leader, Erika. She is specialized in grass types, which I think Kieran could win very easily because of the number of fire types Kieran has.
So the team I have to face Erika is Squirtle, Fearow, and Weedle.
The first battle was between Squirtle and Weepinbel.
Squirtle used water gun while Weepinbel used razor leaf.
I kept using water gun as both attack and defense. I substituted Squirtle for Weedle.
I got Weedle to use string shot to slow the Pokemon down then used bug bite.
Weedle started to evolve into Kakuna.
"Oh My Gosh, my Weedle has evolved into a Kakuna," I said out loud.
I kept using bug bite and I finally knocked out the Weepinbel.
Before I knew it the battle was over, defeating all of Erika's Pokémon and winning another gym battle but it wasn't much of a victory to me without Kieran.
After collecting my badge I left the gym, I was confronted by Scotty, a guy we had previously met before.
"What an amazing battle, so where is Kieran?" He asked.
"He went back home.." Before I could finish my sentence, he kissed me. I kept blushing, I push Scotty away before I pulled him back for another kiss.
"Wow, I can't believe what she just did. Can you?" Asked Jack.
"Kieran will be heartbroken." Said Lois.
They walked away from the scene by heading to the Pokémon centre.
"The plan is going ahead, Kieran isn't around so Team Rix can finish their job now." Said Scotty.
"Good, Dr. Francisco get Phil and Winnie ready for tomorrow." Said the boss.
"Yes, ma'am." Said Francisco.
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