9. Concert
I finish my shower and put on a crop top with a skirt. I can already see all the good things that will happen today.
Today is THE day. It's Exo's concert day AND I'm going with my beloved Minhyun. That time when he said we should go to the concert together in the nurse office, he wasn't joking.
He isn't even here yet but my heart is already beating so fast. I sprayed on some perfume and dance my way down the stairs.
"Some one looks like they're in a good mood" My dad said.
"Yup, that's right" I replied proudly.
"You dress nicely today. Are you going on a date?" Mom asked.
"Yes! An Exo's concert date" I almost sings that line due to happiness.
"With Jimin?" My mom ask again.
"Mom! I'm happy right now, don't ruin my mood!"
"Aigoo, I feel bad for you. You're missing out on such a nice boy"
"That's because you don't know him mom" I replied.
At that moment my phone rings and I quickly picks it up as if my life was depending on it.
"Hello!" I said.
"Hi Minseo. Come out. I'm outside right now." I heard Minhyun said on the other line.
"Okay! I'm coming out right now!" I off the phone and quickly wear my shoes. I say my goodbyes my parents before heading out the door.
"Good afternoon!" I told Minhyun as I open the passenger seat. I was so surprise when he wears an EXO shirt. How adorable can he be??
"Are you ready??" Minhyun asked excitedly.
"YESS LET'S GO!" I replied with the same amount of enthusiasm.
"Park Jimin, stop looking at yourself or your phone screen will crack any second."
"Mom, this screen will crash because of my handsomeness right?" I winked to my mom who sit beside me.
"Jimin-ah, you're not Jin."
"Good one, yeobo" Appa from the driver seat chuckles
"Mom! I'm your son, not Jin hyung!" I argue.
"Okay, my so is very handsome" She said in a playful tone.
"And....... we're here" My dad stated after he park the car in front of Minseo's house.
I wonder what Ms. Second Place is doing right now
"Good morning Mrs. And Mr. Park" Her parents open the door for us. Where is she?
"Hello!"I bowed 45 degrees.
"Hello Jimin-ah" Her parents greeted, "Please come inside."
The moment I entered the house, it was quiet as if no one was there. Is she not home?
My parents and I sit on the sofa and I couldn't help myself but look at her room upstairs. The door was wide open, she's definitely not here.
"Mrs. Kim, where's Minseo?" I asked.
"She's going to a concert with her friend." She replied. Friend? But Minhee is on a date with Jhope today. My mood went down suddenly, the whole purpose of coming here to tease her is ruined.
"THAT WAS THE BEST CONCERT I EVER BEEN TO" I yelled excitedly when we exited the stadium. I was totally blessed by Baekhyun's abs today.
"Did you see Sehun's break dance?? He is just perfect" Minhyun said and we waves our lightsticks together excitedly. Some fans was looking at us weirdly but we didn't care at all. I can already imagine what will happen if me and Minhyun dated. We'll went to all the concert of the groups we like. We could be broke after but that will be worth it.
Not only did we attend the concert, we also bought a tons of Kpop merchandise. R.I.P my wallet.
"It's getting late. Hurry, I'll drive you home" He open the passenger door for me. Gentleman~
"You know, I wish I know you like Exo earlier. We would've been in so many concerts by now. You're the only friend that shares the same interests as me. Whenever I invite Kyungmin, he would whine and complains like there's no tomorrow." Minhyun start driving.
"Same here. Whenever I bring Minhee along, she would just be on her phone anyway." I replied. "It seems like we have a lot of things in common" So we should totally date
"You know.... at first.... I only talk to you because I think your face have a resemblance to Luhan" Minhyun confess and that caught me off guard.
"Thank you..." Damn, that's the best compliment I ever heard.
But.....really? I look like Luhan? That's the first time I ever heard someone told me that. Poor Minhyun, he must have poor eyesight. I mean... I know I'm somewhat pretty, I've been told that a lot of times but Luhan? He's on another level.
"It's our company's anniversary on Tuesday, don't forget to come Mr.Kim" They talked for almost an hour and all I could do was just listen or daydream. Tch, if I knew it would be like this I wouldn't come in the first place.
"And bring along Minseo, it's been a long time I haven't seen her" Mom said.
I suddenly feel a vibration in my pocket. I took out the phone and the caller ID was Rapmon. I excuse myself from the table and go outside of the house to pick up the phone.
"What? Do you need something, hyung?" I asked
"Tomorrow..... should I wear red converse or black converse?" is he serious right now.
"You're kidding with me right?"
"Do I sound like I'm kidding? Just tell me what do you think is better." He replies.
"Okay thank you" He off the phone before I could even say something. So I just walk all the way out here just to hear this? I shake my head and go back inside.
But before I closes the front door, I heard a car parked in ront of the house. She's home!
I walked outside to where I was before and spotted Minseo waving to someone. Although it was dark, I could tell it was that Minhyun guy. Tch, were they on a date?
Minseo roll her eyes the moment she saw me.
"Yah! Are you guys official a thing now or something?" I tease, "I feel bad for that poor guy to have a mean girlfriend like you."
"Jimin, shut up. Nobody asks for your opinion."
"A concert date huh? Now you can't deny that you don't like him." I smirked.
"Okay, if you want to know that bad then yeah, I like him." She walked pass me.
"Umh, I wonder what will happen if I told him what happened between us that night" I joked.
"What?" She halt her steps and turn around to face me. I can totally see the fire in her eyes.
"I was just wondering how he will look at you after that, if he knows that we sleep together. I think it will be an interesting reaction right? Maybe I should tell him tomor-"
I didn't finish my sentence and I realize
She slaps me.... hard
I can feel the stinging sensation on the left side of my face. It wasn't the first time I was slapped by the girl, but this was the hardest slap I ever felt in my life.
"You're going too fucking far Park Jimin" she growls. In the dark I could see her eyes sparkles under the moonlight. That was when I realize, her eyes was getting teary.
She didn't even give me a second glance but run straight into her room.
What just happened?
Once I was by myself, I slowly realize what I said before.
Did I go too far?
And once again..... she makes me feel like a bad person.
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